Ginny makes Hermione her fuckdoll [forced]

“What is it?”

Hermione said as Ginny led her trough into the room of requirement

“Have you found something new?”

“Just shut up and you will see okay”

Hermione followed Ginny as they went deeper inside the big room, everything from piles of furniture to different plants where scattered across all surfaces.

“Almost there just around this corner”

They turned the corner and in front of them a table laid alone on the floor, it looked as if it had been cleared form the garbage that otherwise filled the room.
“Is it a magic table?”

Hermione tried to see if anything was different about it

“Look closer”

Ginny pointed to one of the corners. Hermion walked closer and saw rings attatched to each of the corners.

“I don’t unde……”


Rope grabbed Hermiones wrists and ankels, she flew stomach down onto the table

“Ouch…why did you do that?”

Ginny didn’t say anything, the ropes thightened and Hermione let out a loud scream of pain as the ropes dug into her skin

“STOP! This isn’t funny please can we just go now”

“You don’t get to say anything you whore”

“Ginny? What has gotten into you… can’t talk like that”

Ginny crouched down in front of Hermione

“Stay away from Harry he is mine”

“What?…we are just friends I know you like him I wouldn’t do a…..”

Ginny slapped her across the face

“Don’t lie to me, I see the way you look at him and I know you don’t wear that short skirt for fashion”

“Someone shrunk it, it was a 1st year student I can’t turn it back”

Ginny placed a rag inside Hermiones mouth.

“You can’t have Harry, and before I make a move you can’t even look at him”

Hermione nodded with panic trying to be as friendly as possible in order for Ginny to let her go.

“Now since I can’t have Harry yet I need something eles to pleasure me with, and what is better than a already tied up slut who needs to be taught a lesson”

Hermione tried to struggle herself free, reaching for the wand in her skirt pocket. Ginny quickly grabbed it and put it in her own pocket, she walked behind Hermione and pulled up her skirt revealing a pair of white underwear.

“I almost have the same type, except mine are cleaner and more stylish, these are just slutty. But then again you like showing off don’t you?”

Ginny grabbing her wand and with a swift flick Hermiones panties tore form her body and floated away. Hermiones private parts where now uncovered and the cold air hit her pussy making her shiver hard. Ginny took out Hermiones wand started stroaking it against Hermiones ass. She placed the tip on Hermiones asshole.


Hermione screamed behind the cloth as her asshole bent open a few inches, Ginny took the wand and started pushing it inside Hermione

“You learned me that spell, remember?”

Hermione remembered she taught Ginny how to masturbate with it, if you used it right you could make it feel like someone was fingering you.

The wand was almost completely inside Hermione when her asshole shut again leaving it sour and hurting from the wand moving inside her. Ginny flicked the end which was sticking out of her making Hermione clench her body.

Ginny undressed and walked in front of Hermione

“Now I’m going to teach you a few tricks

She grabbed her wand and inserted it a few inches in her own pussy


She said as she pulled out her wand and her pussy started to grow. Hermione watched in horror as a penis formed where Ginnys pussy had once been, it didn’t look like a normal dick it didn’t have vains it was just skin colour and a big knot in the front

“I haven’t yet tried it on someone but I think it will work”

She stroaked it a bit making it even more erect, Hermione could see it throbbing. It looked like it was breathing, what looked like foreskin rolled back and revealed the big tip. Ginny walked behind Hermione and a flick with her wand the ropes thightened and pulled Hermiones legs apart spreading her pussy wide.

“Relax you body and this might even be painless for you”

Hermione prepared herself for what was about to happen, she closed her eyes and tried to loosen her body so it would slip in easily.

Ginny placed the tip in front of Hermiones opening and teased it a bit, she walked forward inserting only the tip inside. Hermione moaned as the big tip opened her tight hole

“Oh…..oohh…I can see why guys enjoy sex so much thi….this feels amazing”

Ginny started going faster, grabbing Hermiones ass as a handle and began going at it full speed, she felt such amazing arousal she started to tear up. Hermione cried from the pain of the big dick inside her. She was sobbing with every dunk, in and out in and out. Ginny dug her nails in Hermiones ass as she came closer to ejaculation, she thrusted as deep as she could and after 10 minutes ginny fell on Hermiones back

“Aaaaaaaaaahhaha!” As she laid there a massive load shot inside Hermiones torn up pussy hole. The warm semen felt disgusting inside, like someond had poured slime inside her. Ginny laid ontop panting as Hermione got filled up


Ginny could barely breath, she leaned on Hermiones back and slowly pulled out her cock. Cum ran from Hermiones pussy  Ginny stood up and look at her dick, it had shrunk a bit and the arousal was gone.

“All used up are we, that is an easy fix”


Her dick began to rise again and soon the throbbing feeling came back

“Amazing what magic can do”

She grabbed the wand in Hermiones ass and pulled it out. Hermione tensed up as it painfully slid out. Ginny walked away for a bit and came back with a bucket

“She placed her wand at the opening


Shooting inside Hermione was water and it was filling her ass fast, she felt the pressure on her stomach. She squirmed and started to cry as the built up pressure felt like a ball of led in her stomach

“Just a bit more”

Hermiones stomach was twice it’s size and  when Ginny pressed on it Hermione started moaning and that turned Ginny on even more.

Ginny flicked her wand and all the water shot out of Hermione and into a bucket a few feet away.

“Clean and ready for usage”

Ginny said as she flicked her wand again and all of Hermiones clothed tore off her. Ginny positioned herself behind Hermione and bent over touching her perky tits. She pinched them and squeezed them hard as her cock was throbbing harder and harder. She put the tip at Hermiones asshole and with a slow and painfull motion she inserted it inside her. Hermiones tears ran down her face and she shivered from the cold table surface, the cock raping her was painful and felt like it didn’t belong in her ass.

Ginny moaned hard as she fucked Hermiones unlubed asshole. But after a while she pulled out with a annoyed face.

“It isn’t thight enough, my alohomora must have loosened it too much”

Ginny got a crule idea, she was hesitant at first but since nobody would know and the dammage was already done she might as well do it.

“I once read in the restricted section about a wizard who used pain in order to tighten his wifes pussy, he used a lot of different spells but the one that gave him the most pleasure was crucio”

Hermione paniced, Ginny wouldn’t do that right? It was forbidden. People said being a victim of that spell could drive you mad Hermione felt Ginnys wand move alongside her thigh and over her ass cheeks.


Hermione screamed behind the gag, her body cramped up and loosened and cramped again, the pain was umbearable her legs twiched and her eyes rolled back in her head. The rag in her mouth was dripping saliva and her tears tasted salty on her lips. Ginny moaned hard as with every flow of pain going trough Hermione the grip around her cock became amazingly thight. Hermiones ass twitched as it tried making the pain stop but Ginny kept on going.


Ginny stopped moving her gips and just inserted her cock as far as she could into Hermiones asshole, she held it there and let the painful cramps of Hermiones asshole sort of jerk her cock. She moaned hard as it felt like someone was sucking it


Hermione was sweating and her eyes where red form crying, her tits where soar from rubbing against the table surface. The ropes wouldn’t bugde all she could do was eat upp the pain coming from not only the spell but also her ass and tits.

“Oh fuck this feels good”

Ginny came, Hermione got filled with semen  and her stomach hurt as it filled. The pain stopped and Hermione could breath normally again. Ginny pulled out and looked at Hermiones massive red and gaping asshole. Ginny pushed down on Hermiones stomach hard and all cum ran down he legs. Ginny played around with Hermiones holes alternating with fingering her pussy and asshole. Ginny looked at her cum covered fingers and licked them upp.

“Have you learned your lesson yet?”

She removed the gag from Hermiones mouth. A pool of saliva ran out of her mouth


Hermione was panting hard and the saliva made it hard to understand what she said.

“Good girl, are you going to tell anyone about this?”



Ginny grabbed Hermiones hair and pulled it back as she pinched her clit at the same time. Hermione screamed out in pain, she wouldn’t stop sobbing.



Ginny looked at the mess in front of her, Hermiones holes where red as blood, her hair was so sweaty it stuck to her entire body, her face lied sideways in a pool of tears and saliva, her eyes looked empty almost as if they couldn’t comprehend what had happened.

Ginny moved her wand and Hermiones clothes came flying from across the floor. She flicked her wand again and all semen, saliva and tears pulled out of Hermione. Hermione once again gurgeled and let out a few sound as it leaved her body. Her clothes flew back onto her, she look like nothing had happend. Ginny pointed her wand at Hermione again


“This isn’t the first time this has happened and certainly not the last time either”

Hermione understood this wasn’t about Harry this was about Ginny wanting her and only her to fulfill her sick dreams.

The rope loosened and Hermione looked up.

“What happened where am I?”

Oh sorry I guess I couldn’t find the thing I was gonns show you, did you fall asleep waiting for me?”

“I guess so….what time is it class might start soon”

“We better get going we should look for it again tomorrow”

“Okay sure…I still don’t get how I fell asleep but I guess it makes sense I must be tired form studying, this is almost the eight time I’ve woken upp feling confused this week alone”

“Strange, anyway let’s go if we hurry I might find time to look for it again today. You wanna help then also?”

“Sure, hopefully I don’t fall alseep again”

“Oh you never know”

Ginny said smiling, Hermione smiled back and they both walked away to class
