the heorine of gluttony Pt 3

In the next many days, the King spoiled the heroine and her entourage with indulgence of all kinds.
Jasmin didn’t want to see her men doing nasty things in these parties—there were heavy drinking and orgies, so the king assigned them designated area for such purposes, and her bodyguards, the iron maidens, stationed nearby, while Jasmin tried to meet the king one on one, to communicate her vision with the King.
“King Louis, the gods have revealed many mysteries to me. I shall tell you everything I know”, Jasmin was a focused, disciplined warrioress. Years of battles and training had shaped her character. She was on a mission. Partying only made her feel like wasting time.
“Of course, my beloved Jasmin, the slayer of demons. Come! My scholars are ready. They can use magic to get all the revelation from your memory if you don’t mind”, said king Louis with a tentative tone, as if he was asking for permission.
“At your disposal my king”, Jasmin was elated. She couldn’t wait for the kingdom to transform into the wonderful, technological, advanced, and educated nations she saw in her revelations.
They led Jasmin to a secret chamber. It was dark, underground, and heavily fortified.
On the floor was magic symbols and circles. Jasmin sat on the center, and the scholars and monks from the Temple of Light sat on their respective positions encircling Jasmin, and started chanting the magic spell for memory.
Soon telepathy links were formed, and the scholars magically translated Jasmin’s visions into scrolls of knowledges.
The amount of knowledges were vast and it covered many secrets that this world had not seen—iron birds that could fly, iron snakes that could carry heavy resources back and forth across continent, medical knowledges that could extend humans’ life by a century, machines that could communicate to each other from one end of the world to the other, and many more.
The king was shocked by the implications of this, but quickly maintained his composure, and for the last time, in his good and gentle character, he said, “Well done, Jasmin. This knowledge you brought us will change the world, more than you can imagine”
“I shall entrust a lot of this knowledge to you and the heroes, to lead a drastic reform, something so big this kingdom had never seen. Who else could I trust but for you and your men? This can rapidly transform our kingdom, or destroy it. This nuclear bomb, for example. So we must tread cautiously, heroine. “, the king said meekly.
“I understand my king. With this knowledge, let us start reforming. I think my men could do without so much partying. We must make haste”, Jasmin was eager to see parliament, democracy, human rights, in this kingdom.
She learned from history of the other worlds that getting there was full of pains and struggles.
She understood that this was not a time to relax. She had to do what she could while she had the king’s ear and people’s memory of her heroic deed was still fresh.
King Louis knew if Jasmin learned he had no intention of freeing the minds of the people, but to use this new found knowledge to strengthen his rule, she would overflow him.
He had his army quietly surrounded Jasmin’s entourage. The men were all drunk and sleeping with trained prostitutes who were actually trained assassins and mages. The Iron maiden, was heavily surrounded by the King’s guards.
Their legendary weapons and armor had been stored away, because it was impolite to carry weapons in the King’s feast.
The king sent his men to steal their powerful weaponry, and reforged them into cuff and chains. Soon, the king would put them all under these chains for treasons.
