Dark Secrets – Ch 7 (Star Wars, SWTOR, Milf, Erotic Dancing)

Previous Chapter – [https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qm5h6b/dark_secrets_ch_6_star_wars_swtor_milf_domination/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qm5h6b/dark_secrets_ch_6_star_wars_swtor_milf_domination/)

Chapter 7 – A Hutt’s Pleasure and Schemes

The two returned to the party and found it much the same as they had left it. Creeku was laughing about something and all of his hanger ons were laughing as well, or drinking, or smoking or contributing in their own debaucheries and other illicit activities. Xau told Sinde to return to her own task as he returned back to meet with Kelsa.

“Is everything alright Master? I felt a disturbance in the force…” Kelsa told him as she moved her body slightly closer to him. Xau gave her a quick nod before squeezing her bust in the tight black suit her body was barely contained in. He was feeling more than a bit rowdy after having started the corruption of the girl’s mother. Kelsa gave a little whimper before smiling almost shyly to her master.

“Everything is fine Kelsa. I actually went to talk with your mother and let her know the situation. She was quite eager to help. Soon she said it will be time for Creeku to hear her proposal. You should make sure to be ready to protect her in case Creeku decides to unleash the Mandalorian on her.” Xau said as he watched the hutt communicating with his armored enforcer. Hs blonde apprentice nodded towards her Master and moved about a step closer. Xau could feel her anxiety through the force and found that it had changed from the feelings of his apprentice being detected by her mother and rather to the worries of her mother facing the same foe as the unlucky Devaronian that the Mandalorian had so easily put down mere minutes ago.

The party went on around them as various agents and people of power were announced by the hutt’s personal translator droid. Most of the people just brought words of good will from various other crime lords, a few were direct servents that were under Creeku’s patronage while others made a dazzling display of gifts including two young Nexu cubs and a troop of slave warriors that hailed from a planet that Xau could barely understand the name of. Soon enough the congregation of gifts and publig showings of fealty started to wean out and the people who were given time with the hutt were offering up new business deals or potential alliances that the hutt invariably weighed in on.

Finally the red and gold protocol droid turned its photoreceptors back to the crowd. It only took a moment before its head stopped panning and focused on Sinde.

“His glorious and most powerful and humblest Creeku the Hutt asks that the representative of the Galactic Republic step forward and make her presence known.” The droid said and then waved the senator forward with a beckoning motion. Xau watched carefully, curious to see how Sinde would react. She started moving forward as a corridor of sorts was made b the guests as she moved forward. Through the force and the connection he had already made with the senator he could tell that she was nervous but she did not stop as she moved free of the crowd and towards the skeletal structured throne of the massive hutt.

Creeku’s gigantic eyes blinked slowly as the hutt took in the sight of the well formed black haired woman standing in front of him. Xau chuckled quietly as he wondered if the hutt or any of his patrons could pick of the scent of cum and sex on the esteemed representative of such a prestigious political entity. He could almost see Sinde shiver in revulsion as the hutt let out a sort of drooling sigh as his tongue waggled over his massive maw. Besides the hutt his red and gold protocol unit and his armored Mandalorian stood at the wings of the ornate throne chair as they too watched the woman who had just arrived.

“Greetings mighty Creeku! I come to you with great need in this urgent time of the galaxy. In this region we have seen the great Hutt businesses too many times come under the attack by the barbaric and traitorous Sith.” Xau had to resist a smile forming on his lips at her words. “While I admit that at times the Republic has been stubborn towards the needs and concerns of your organization as well as your other brethren I believe that as clearly as I can see it that you the most mightiest and gracious of Hutts in this sector can see that the Republic is a far greater partner in trade and potential profits then a foul enemy like the Sith Empire can be.” Sinde said before watching the hutt and waiting for his reaction. Xau had to admit he found the statement quite riveting and was curious to find if his own actions towards Sinde had helped to contribute to this issue. Fortunately for him as he had told her he wanted the Hutts to work out an agreement far more than with the Sith. The Sith in this sector or at least a few of them who knew about his alternate identity were seeing fit to test his patience. He would see that they paid for their arrogance.

Before the Hutt replied however another woman emerged from the throng of people that formed a ring around the hutt’s dais. “My Senator that was truly some stirring oratory. Had I not known what bold faced lies they were and if I had the intelligence of a womp rat I might have been fooled.” The dark magenta haired woman boldly declared as she made her presence known. Her tone was quite vocal and Xau picked up the immediate sense that she was used to having attention immediately upon her because of her voice, and how she looked.

Her clothing was a purple laced and black folded material number that flowed over her body quite well before being separated into various parts along her legs. Her arms were bare save for two black silver bracelets. Her eyes had the same purple hue as her hair saturated above and below her pupils and her lips were coated in an even darker shade. Xau’s mind quickly tried to review the Sith lords and their apprentices in the sector as he searched for a name but he didn’t come up with any and she didn’t appear to have any more a connection with the force than the senator. But that air of authority and arrogance only came with belonging to a powerful group like the Sith Empire, of that he had no doubt.

The Sith agent took a few more steps closer towards Sinde, seemingly ignoring the hutt for the moment even as Creeku made a gesture towards the Mandalorian Thamar and to his guards to hold them off. Xau had to admit that he himself was curious by her appearance here but he knew that he could not allow her to get in the way of his plans. But how to remove the woman subtly.

“Greetings Creeku. I am Lady Cynthia Erito. I am here representing the interest of the Sith Empire in these business dealings. I had hoped that my presence would not be required but given the false accusations that have already been heaped at the feet of the great Empire I represent I can tell that I made the right choice to come here. “ Xau watched from his new vantage point close to the edge of the crowd line. To his left he could see Kelsa looking out towards her mother. He sent his apprentice a nudge through the force, urging her to restrain herself. They could not afford a fight right now.

“Ho ho ho ho… hargh har hargh hargh..” The mighty hutt rattled off something in his slimey tongue and Xau and the two women brought their attention to the protocol unit.

“The illustrious Creeku welcomes you lady Erito to his domain. He also offers you this one time mercy for your life. Interrupt his proceedings again without permission and he will see you taken to the creature pits for his amusement. “ Xau watched as many of the people around laughed and chortled and a new idea came to his mind. The massive crowd of people might be used to sway the hutt towards a solution for his problem. Opening himself to the dark side of the force Xau started to concentrate on stirring the inner demons of the people around him. When there were so many nefarious and dastardly individuals it was almost like tossing a ewok with one hand. Xau’s mastery of the force and the ability of corrupting and dominating the wills of others allowed him to get the crowd into a more alert and excited state. They started to get a bit more boisterous and noisy, especially in the sight of such beautiful woman on display.

Creeku’s eyes blinked as he looked towards his crowd and he let out another low rumbling chuckle. “Continue Lady Erito.. Please continue and inform me what benefits I should receive from the Sith over the Republic.” The protocol droid translated Creeku’s newest admission into the conversation while Xau continued to get the crowd’s blood pumping. He noticed that some of the people around Kelsa and the other females seemed to be moving themselves closer to the females in the room. Kelsa looked around almost shyly and just smiled to some of the individuals who were forming a tighter grouping around her. It’s working, Xau thought but he knew that the biggest part of the issue would come from how Creeku handled the situation. Meanwhile Lady Erito made her reply.

“The Sith Empire allows for the most stable and fortuitous business partners. Our leaders are cut from the strongest agents with the most guile for profits and enterprise. We understand how risks reap rewards and each Sith in the area doesn’t require the oversight of an entire senate and rather only their immediate supervisor. True perhaps at times we haven’t had the best relationship but the cartels stand to make much more in profits and military aide then with the Republic.” Lady Erito said though given the slight nervousness creeping into her voice Xau could tell she had picked up on the changing mood of the crowd around her.

Creeku broke out in a fit of laughter once more. “Ho ho ho… All this talk of trade is so tedious to me and my friends here. They have gone too long without entertainment. We require music and diversion!” The hutt’s voice boomed through the area and then he made a motion to one of his other close attendants. Soon enough the man returned with two articles of clothing as part of the crowd moved back as a large part of the floor pulled back and a platform started to rise up with all manner of musical instruments.

The current band in the employ of Creeku was called the Black Rancors and the hutt immediately commanded them to play a nice dance number as the man with the two outfits handed one to each of the women. Xau was positively amused as he watched both Sinde and Lady Erito unfold their offered garments. Each as a combination of something more suitable to erotic sleepwear. Both was made out of metal rings and ornate small plates that formed breast cups and a pelvic covering. added along the edges was a mesh frilling material and attached to the crotch plates was a single front facing loincloth that had a shredded edge on the bottom. The one offered to the senator was gold while the one offered to Lady Erito was Silver.

“And just what does the mighty Creeku suggest we should do with these?” Lady Erito asked in a very sharp voice.

“You shall dance for my enjoyment and that of my guests. Whoever pleases us more will have my full cooperation and partnership in the region. Too much talking can turn into wasted energy. Those who can dance should, especially for the pleasure of others. I urge you to begin before my associates help you… Ho ho ho….” Creeku’s droid told them even as Sinde continued to just look at the highly revealing outfit. She held the breast cups in her hand and noticed that the entire outfit seemed at least two or more sizes too small for her full frame. Suddenly however she watched as the Sith agent was already stripping out of her black dress and Sinde immediately went to work on her own clothes. Xau had to smile figuring that she was just more interested in not being outdone by the Sith agent over any sense of shame for what they were being forced to do.

Soon enough both women were already stripped down to their underwear. Lady Erito at first tried to put on the metallic garments over her lacey black bra and panties but the excited crowd immediately booed her down and one squirly little alien rushed forward and ripped off her panties before she could even pull them off. She screamed and her face reddened in embarrassment before she removed her bra and revealed a pair of perfect breasts that were only second to Sinde’s because they were perhaps a size smaller. Her athletic figure and the little shaved black hexagon over her pussy made her an immediate crowd favorite but after Sinde quickly removed her own undergarments and tossed them aside other parts of the crowd immediately perked up their attention towards the Senator’s presentation.

As the music began to play both of the women had almost adorned themselves in their new outfits. Sinde found hers especially difficult given how tight it was. Her cup plates looked like oversized nipple covers but Xau had to admit it really seemed to work out in her favor. Lady Erito he found looked no less sultry but the senator was the first to actually find a place to start dancing with the music while the Sith agent looked completely uncomfortable trying to get in tune with the beat. Sinde however was seemingly not lost on how to captivate an audience. Slowly she started to bob her body almost lazily along with the beat. Her eyes invariably closed as she seemed to try to focus on remembering something even as her hands tugged and rubbed over her clothes and body as she spun and weaved her pelvis around in slow circular motions.

She turned away from Creeku and towards the crowd as she bent down and shook her ass up and down slowly before running her hands down to her feet. The crowd watched in awe before the senator’s hands rose back up to her legs before slowly groping her massive breasts before her body snapped back up to send her black hair flying around before she licked her lips. Despite himself Xau started to feel a very warm thrill growing from his body and coming to a focus at his loins. Sure he had become quite excited when he held and restrained Sinde in the refresher but something about watching her put on such a display was very intoxicating. He found he had stopped using his power to urge on the crowd’s excitement for quite some time but as the dark haired Sith looked around he found that there didn’t appear to be any issue. He could feel Kelsa was slightly suffering from the issue as the men around her had started to rub and nudge the blonde beauty; stirred on as they were by her mother and the Sith agent’s dancing.

Lady Erito to her credit was finally starting to catch on. While she at first tried to do similar moves and steps to Sinde eventually she had started doing faster and more acrobatic movements. One in particular ended up landing her in front of the Hutt’s dais. There she slowly crawled towards him like a sly minx before she rolled over onto her back and then lifted both of her legs up together before splitting them down the middle to spread her legs wide. Her nudity between her legs was only covered up to the audience members by the material attached to the crotch plate. Looking up at the hutt her expression was blocked to Xau and the other members of the now cheering and roaring crowd but the hidden Sith knew that the girl would likely be giving him quite the inviting look if she was smart.

Creeku chortled here and there and it was clear that the Hutt was enjoying the show His arms moved occasionally with the beat and to clap along with the beat as both women used every trick they knew or could think of as they danced. Near the high point of the song the audience grew even louder as their dances took them close together and suddenly Sinde placed her hands onto Lady Erito and slowly started to move behind her and press her body right up against her opponent even as her hands wondered all over the Sith agent’s body. If she minded it Lady Erito’s face and body never seemed to show an issue as he own hands moved back to caress along Sinde’s face and neck as each bobbed and rubbed their bodies in tandem with the beat.

As the music wound down the two women had seemingly touched and rubbed along each part of each other’s skin and at various points had placed their lips within mere inches of each other. They continued dancing all the way to the ending cords of the songs, rubbing over each other and their own breasts, neck, hips and ass while they remained as intimately close as two lovers even when they had been moments before be presenting the opposing points of their respective factions. The crowd loved it and they were only egged on further by Xau’s reinforcing nudges and he noticed that besides him more than a few of the male audience members were showing an major increase in lustiness.

Finally as the song winded down Creeku pounded his meaty hand on his arm rest as he roared out in amusement. “Each of you have done incredibly well! Senator Sinde you look like your body was crafted to dance for my pleasure. Lady Erito you appear as adaptable as you are beautiful. I shall think on what both of you have said but it appears that your dance has gotten my audience in a mood for more than just dancing. I trust that you will serve them well. Treat each being’s pleasure as if it was my own.” Creeku laughed and then waved towards his patrons. “Friends! Enjoy the feast as you will but know that these two women are now here to serve your every need and desire. Consider them my property for the night, use them and have them please you but make sure they are not broken by day’s end. Ho ho ho… We have seen how well the Republic and Sith representatives can dance. Now let us see just how well they can fuck.”

Xau didn’t hold back a smile at the development. He had simply hoped for them to have to end the back and forth bickering about politics and the hutt had provided that. But now the Hutt seemed intent to continue the deliberations with his inner circle. It wasn’t exactly the end result that Xau wanted but he was no less pleased that would mean the total embarrassment of both Sith and Republic representatives. However as he savored the victory he couldn’t help but notice Kelsa making her way past her string of admirers and moving towards her mother while the Senator and Lady Erito were being slowly surrounded by dozens of the scum and villainy that called Creeku’s pleasure barge their home. Giving out an irritated sight that he had let himself forget about his apprentice Xau moved forward to figure out how to adapt to the newest issue. He couldn’t let Kelsa spoil his plans or the hutt’s pleasure. He just had to think of a way where everyone would win, especially him.

Additional Content – [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_FfOZZyjuXwOR0K87la7-kGqeM1vdSIbZEsxZVRBRro/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_FfOZZyjuXwOR0K87la7-kGqeM1vdSIbZEsxZVRBRro/edit?usp=sharing)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/s411uj/dark_secrets_ch_7_star_wars_swtor_milf_erotic