My [f]riend and I got the substitute teacher to cross the line… [Mff]

Fiona spun in the seat, the one attached to the little wooden desk. “Did you do the homework?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Leigh stashed her backpack under the chair and glanced at her friend. “Mrs Burke is out, there’s a substitute.”

“A sub? It’s not that mean old grandma woman, is it?” Fiona was cute, dressed as usual in a coordinated workout outfit, today’s being blue-green lycra, tightly wrapped to her athletic frame.

Leigh smirked knowingly. “Not her.” She was just as cute, and Fiona’s best friend since they’d met years ago in junior high. “Chrissie said it’s some new guy. Some hot guy.”

Fiona rolled her eyes. “Chrissie is such a horny bitch.”

“Yeah, well, guess we’ll see.” Leigh tilted her head. Her brunette hair draped against the gray hoodie with white piping that the school sold through the spirit catalog, blocky blue letters spelling ‘JEFFERSON HIGH’ emblazoned across the chest.

The class murmured and chatted, chairs squeaking as they settled in, papers shuffling. And then right as the bell rang, the door swung open. In walked a tall, broad-shouldered man with a bushy mustache and trim hair. He wore neat gray slacks and a white button-down shirt with a gray tie. Moving with a deliberate stride, he headed to the front of the room.

“I’m Mr Cox,” he said, surveying the class. His voice boomed. “And I’m your substitute while your teacher is out. She left me her lesson plan, and we will be completing it on schedule.” Each syllable was enunciated, there was no room for misunderstanding.

“I will start by taking attendance,” he said, “When you hear your name, you will stand up and say, ‘present.’ Then you will sit back down. If you have understood me, say, ‘Yes, Mr Cox.’”

The classroom was stunned silent. This old-fashioned style was unheard of at Jefferson.

He glared. “Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mr Cox.” It was weak.

His gaze narrowed. “We’ll work on that.” And he began going down the roster. “Aaron!”

“Holy shit,” Fiona leaned towards her friend, whispering, “What is this?”

“I don’t know…” Leigh said back, voice soft, grinning, “But I like it. Look how solid he is…”

Fiona rolled her eyes. “He’s gotta be fifty years old.”

“No way,” Leigh said, “And a build like that… he’s, like, all muscle. And at least six-four.”

“Ladies!” Mr Cox shouted, glaring at Fiona and Leigh, “I have not called on you to speak. Until I do so, you will not talk again.”

Fiona frowned. Leigh’s grin spread, “Yes, sir.”

Mr Cox grunted, then called the next name on his role sheet.

After attendance, Mr Cox said, “You will now hand in your homework. Pass your assignments forward and I will collect from each row.”

Fiona shot Leigh a meaningful glance, “Now what?”

Leigh shrugged.

Mr Cox flipped through the collected papers. “I see that several of you have not completed the task. Those of you who did not turn in the assignment will stay after class today and finish your work at that time.”

A chorus of surprised indignation rose from the room. Someone shouted, “That’s not fair!”

Mr Cox raised his voice, barking, “’Fair?’ You’re seniors, you should know better by now. The homework was not a surprise. Maybe your regular teacher is more lenient, but her instructions to me clearly state that I should collect homework from the entire class, and I intend to do so.”

Fiona whined, “You can’t make me stay late, I’ve got practice.”

Mr Cox turned to her. “I’ll write a note to your coach explaining exactly what decisions you made that made you late.”

Fiona withered in her seat.

Leigh sat up straight, flattening her skirt over her knees. She was thrilled by all this. “He’s so sexy…” she muttered.

Fiona glared at her friend, voice barely audible, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“I love a man in charge.”

Mr Cox glared at them. “Ladies! This is the second time I am warning you against speaking out of turn. There will not be a third.”

Leigh couldn’t help herself. “Oh, I feel all tingly.”

Mr Cox walked up to her desk, speaking loud enough for the whole class to hear. “Leigh, right?”

“Yes, Mr Cox.”

His cologne smelled of damp wood and spice. “Well, Leigh, last year, you wouldn’t have called me ‘Mr Cox.’”

“I wouldn’t have?”

“No,” he said, “You would have called me Sergeant Cox.”

Leigh looked up at him with doe eyes, saying nothing.

He continued, “For twenty years, I served in this great nation’s army. It made me the man I am today. Now, I know I’m just the substitute teacher. I was in school once too, and I remember what that was like. I am new at teaching, they are still teaching me how to teach you.” He paused a beat. “But do you know, Leigh, what they don’t have to teach me?”

“No, Mr Cox,” she said.

“Class, anyone?” he said, looking around the room.

Nobody spoke. The quiet was absolute. All eyes were fixed on Mr Cox.

“The answer is ‘discipline.’ I may or may not have your respect, but I will have your discipline.” He was looking her in the eye, direct, intense, unblinking. “Do you understand me, Leigh?”

She folded her hands on her desk. “Yes, sir, I do.”

“And what does ‘discipline’ look like, right now?” he said.

His stare was fierce, but Leigh held it, not looking away even once. She wasn’t afraid of him. If anything she was… she pinched her legs together. “That I will pay attention, and only speak when called on to do so?”

He smiled. “Glad we could have this chat, Leigh.” He turned and walked back to the front of the room.

Fiona made a face at Leigh, mouthing, “Oh my god!”

Leigh grinned at her, mouthing back, “I know, right?” She pantomimed smelling his scent, then rolled her eyes back and struck an exaggerated dazed pose.

Her friend watched this, then sighed and shook her head, turning her attention back to the teacher.

Mr Cox led the class through the math lesson, and while his lecture style was a touch dry, he at least presented the material in a clear manner, and had the whole class paying attention.

When he instructed the class to split into groups for a practice worksheet, Fiona and Leigh of course gathered together, joining with the boys sitting in front of them.

“Santosh,” Fiona coaxed, “Do you think you could, like, help us with this? You–”

“Jesus, Fiona,” Santosh cut her off, “Yes, I’ll do the work. Stop batting your eyes, it’s embarrassing.”

“That’s why we like you, Santosh,” Leigh smiled at him, “No bullshit.”

“Fuckin’ hell, Santosh, why do you always help them?” Matteo whined, “Neither of them’s ever gonna go out with you.” Matteo had turned around in his desk — the seat in front of Leigh.

Santosh rolled his eyes at the other boy. “Just shut it, would you?”

Leigh frowned. “Yes. Really. Just because you’re a loser, Matteo, doesn’t mean Santosh has to be. Fiona would totally make out with him, if he asked. You…? Not so much.”

Santosh perked up, looked at Fiona. “Really?”

Fiona blushed.

Leigh giggled. “Well not right now, obviously.”

Santosh sighed and went back to the assignment.

Glaring at Leigh, Fiona hissed, “You’re such a shit.”

“Oh, don’t give me that,” Leigh said, “Santosh is cute. In a nerdy kinda way.” She said this, quite intentionally, loud enough that he could hear. “You totally should make out with him.”

Fiona grimaced. “If you think he’s so cute, kiss him yourself.”

Now Santosh was blushing.

Leigh giggled again. “Maybe I–”

“Ladies!” Mr Cox’s voice boomed, “Gentlemen.” He was standing over them, the girls hadn’t heard him approach. “I hope that’s the worksheet you’re discussing.”

Leigh turned her smiled towards him and spoke loudly, “Yes, sir, Mr Cox.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” he said, smiling back. He turned to Fiona. “What’s your sport?”


“You said you had practice, but you didn’t say for which sport. So what is it? I’m an ice hockey man myself.”

Fiona sat back in her seat. “It’s for the soccer team, but I’m–”

“I play field hockey,” Leigh cut in, knowing her dimples looked cute.

Mr Cox turned to her. “Well good for you! Not quite the same as on ice, but still a heckuva sport. What position?”

Fiona frowned, finding herself strangely annoyed at having lost Mr Cox’s attention. “Soccer’s a tough sport, too.”

He hesitated, his attention wavering between the girls. Then he shook his head and stood up tall, deliberately looking away, surveying the room. “Certainly is! Didn’t mean to say otherwise. Nice chatting. Now please, back to your groupwork.”

Leigh stared at his ass as he walked away. “Look at that,” she whispered.

“You were flirting with him!” Fiona seethed.

“Yeah, he likes me,” Leigh smiled, “And you got jealous.”


“Whatever. I saw you.”

Santosh worked away at the paper. Matteo buried his head in his hands. “You two are meant for each other.”

After class, true to his word, Mr Cox kept back the students who didn’t turn in the homework. Leigh, Fiona, and seven others hunched over their desks, the only sound the scratching of pen on paper.

“Go slow,” Leigh mouthed.

“I’ve got soccer practice,” Fiona mouthed back.

Leigh made a show of rolling her eyes. “Fuck that.”

The others hurried through their work, anxious to leave. One after another, their classmates stood up and handed their paper in to Mr Cox, then left.

Soon, Fiona and Leigh were the only students remaining. Leigh unzipped a few inches at the top of her hoodie, showing some skin.

Fiona mouthed, “What are you doing?”

But Leigh ignored her.

“How’s it going ladies?” Mr Cox called, walking over, “Almost done?”

“I could use a little help,” Leigh said. She looked up and grinned. “Actually, I have a personal question, if that’s ok.”

“Sure, I’m an open book.” Mr Cox sat down on Matteo’s desktop, resting his foot up on the seat. He was big, the desk squeaked as he settled his weight. “What do you want to know?” He glanced away from Leigh’s breasts.

Leigh smiled, sitting up straight, pushing her chest out. “So, like, what did you do to keep discipline? In the military, I mean?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Well, the Army has regulations, protocols, chains of command. And everyone has to follow them.”

“Or else what?”

“Or else…” he drifted off, “It depends on the situation.”

“Did you ever, like,” she said, holding his eye contact, “Have to get physical?”


“Yeah, like, if Fiona and me were your privates, and we were being naughty,” Leigh said, watching Mr Cox react. At first, his eyes narrowed. “Would you, like, give us spankings?” Then they went wide.

“Spankings,” he repeated dryly.

Leigh grinned at him.

He glanced over at Fiona. She shrugged, decided to play along. “Yeah. On our butts.”

“Spankings,” he repeated again, “On your butts.”

“Mmhmm, cuz, like,” Leigh said, “I think it’d be really hard for me, if I was spanking my privates all the time.” She parted her lips, swinging her pen against cheek. Then she added, “Was it hard for you?”

“Girls,” he started, “Ladies, I…”

“The thing is, Mr Cox,” Fiona said, “We’re inquisitive girls.”

Leigh’s grin spread. “Yeah, I just, like, like getting to know my teachers.”

The girls could see his mind racing. He shook his head, started to get up. “Look, I don’t think we should–”

“No,” Leigh said, cutting him off and rising to block his way. “I can’t believe that we’re too much for you. You must’ve handled way worse than two cute, curious schoolgirls.” She slid open her hoodie’s zipper. Her dress underneath was simple enough, a patterned summer fit, but its neckline plunged. Cinched tight beneath her chest, she wore no bra. Her mom wouldn’t have let her out of the house like this, not without the hoodie over, the hoodie that she was now tossing onto the desk behind her.

Mr Cox towered over her, his chin level with the top of her head. He was looking down, past her grinning face, brazenly staring at the valley of cleavage she presented him with.

Leigh was flush with success. If she paused to think she’d never do it, the chance would be lost forever. She pulled the shoulder straps down, letting her breasts bounce free.

“What are you doing?!” Fiona hissed, eyes wide with shock.

Leigh’s grin grew. “I’m breaking school rules, Mr Cox. What are you going to do about it?”

Mr Cox licked his lips, then seemed to reconsider. He pinched his eyes closed and shook his head. “Girls,” he started, “You’re very lovely–err, friendly, but this, it’s not– we can’t–”

He froze. Leigh had taken his hand and placed it on her chest.

“You don’t know what you’re asking for,” he said. But he didn’t move away. He could have stepped back, retreated to the front of the room, exited the space entirely. But he didn’t.

“Yes. I do,” Leigh said, holding his eye contact.

He pinched her nipple. She gasped. “No,” he said, “You don’t.” He lifted then dropped her breasts, feeling their weight, watching them rebound. They were full and round and perky, perfectly sized for her slender frame.

“Try me.” She pushed her hand into his slacks, sliding her fingers up his leg, gripping his cock. She gave it a stroke, grinned as he sucked in a sharp breath and stiffened.

“Leigh!” Fiona’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god!”

“You’ve giving me the wrong idea, Leigh,” Mr Cox said, squeezing her chest with two fists.

“I’m giving you more than that,” she giggled. And then she dropped to her knees, unzipping his fly as she went. She reached her hand into his shorts, fingertips caressing the warmth of his cock, his shaft swelling with each heartbeat.

She winked up at him. His eye twitched.

Fiona squeaked, “What’re you…”

And then she yanked him free, large cock and massive balls standing proud, bouncing erect in Leigh’s face, bumping her cheek. “Do you like being a teacher, Mr Cox?”

Fiona was aghast. This was breaking every rule she’d ever learned. And yet… it was so fucking hot. She whimpered, “Holy fuck,” and grinded her thighs against each other.

Holding his gaze, holding his cock, Leigh uncurled her tongue from her mouth, letting her saliva roll forward, drip from the tip. Slowly, deliberately, she brought her head closer and closer.

He reached down, stroked her chin, slid a finger in her mouth. “You think this will make me go easy on you?”

“Who said I wanted you to go easy?” Leigh said. And then she licked his cock, sliding her tongue up his balls and shaft, flicking the tip.

He groaned. She grinned.

She wrapped her lips around his girth, sliding her mouth down and sucking. She cupped his balls as she began bobbing her head up and down, slurping and smacking the only sound. She’d given a lot of blowjobs and knew how to please a dick. Maybe not a teacher’s, and maybe not with Fiona watching, but as she swallowed his taste and made him pant, those things only made this hotter, Leigh considered.

Fiona stared, a flush washing through her, a warmth between her legs. Leigh always talked a big sex game, and Fiona knew her well enough to guess that half of it was exaggeration, but this, blowing a teacher — with a huge cock, nonetheless — that was happening right in front of her. Her hand slid down on its own, discovered the crotch of her pants damp. Her fingers slipped beneath the hem, her pussy hot and wet and ready to go.

Mr Cox had wrapped his hand around Leigh’s chin, his other gripping her pony tail, and he was fucking her face, working at his own rhythm, using Leigh for pleasure. And it was so fucking hot. Fiona moaned and rubbed her clit.

Mr Cox saw this and his eyes glistened, his fucking grew faster. “Is your pussy as desperate as your friend’s, Leigh?”

Leigh twisted her head, saw what Fiona was doing, and her eyes went wide. The girls made eye contact, and Leigh pulled away from Mr Cox’s grip, from his cock. She gasped sucked down air. “Even more,” she sputtered.

Mr Cox grunted, then grabbed her. He spun her around and picked her up, pulling her to his chest, wrapping his arm through her legs. “You two do this to all your teachers?” he said through clenched teeth.

Leigh gasped and flailed in the air, unable to reach the ground, losing her balance. But Mr Cox’s grip was firm, his arm muscles bulging under his shirt as he yanked her panties to the side and slid a rough hand over her pussy lips. Then it was his dick, fat and hot, and Leigh whimpered, her pussy surging with wetness.

He continued, “Or do you just fuck any hard cock you can find?” And then his dick was inside her, vulgar, deep.

She groaned loud as his shaft penetrated to the hilt, her eyes rolling back in her head. “Just you,” she managed before the orgasm wrenched control. She bucked and jerked and wailed.

Pulling her into a full hold, suspended on his cock, Mr Cox fucked her hard and fast with his full shaft, sliding her nearly off, then slamming her back down. Leigh’s limbs were jelly, loose and delirious in his grip, conquered by a tsunami of ecstasy. She’d never felt so much in a man’s control, never so much a plaything for a man’s pleasure, and she loved it. She wanted it to never end. His cock was dominating her pussy and she was in an impossible state of constant climax. Her hands scrambled, gripping his arms for no reason other than to feel his muscles flex and work. This was everything she ever wanted, more than she ever dreamed of, a fantasy fulfilled she had never dared admit.

Fiona had a front row seat, watching Mr Cox’s swollen balls bounce against her friend’s ass. She was masturbating, really getting into it, as turned on by her teacher’s incredible sexual power as by Leigh’s blissful surrender to it. She’d seen Leigh undressed before, but never this way, never while fucking. The sight of her friend — helpless, tits bouncing, pussy stretched wide around a thick cock — was getting her wetter than she’d ever imagined.

She watched them fuck and she let instinct take over, needing their climax to fuel her own. One hand between her legs, she leaned forward and with the other squeezed Mr Cox’s balls.

He grunted loud and froze.

“Too much?” she asked.

“No!” He regained his rhythm, skewering Leigh on his hard cock, with with a more feral bent, more savage thrusting. She massaged his balls harder, and he grew more wild. She grinned, feeling her orgasm that much closer. She kept rubbing and tugging and teasing his balls, seeing him become more and more frantic, keeping pace with the thumb on her clit.

He built and built and built– and then his groan became a roar, loud and raw, “Fuuuuuaaaauugh!”

Fiona quivered and shook, her orgasm tearing loose at the same time. Her hand on his balls squeezed tight, feeling his sac tense, his thighs flex. His dick was pulsing, and she felt him shoot sperm into Leigh, fill her pussy. Fiona collapsed onto her hand, her thumb on her clit, another wave of ecstasy taking hold.

Leigh had been moaning continuously, delirious, in pure bliss. As Mr Cox’s dick surged and his thrusts became erratic and he pumped her full of cum, she felt a sense of triumph, she’d done it! She’d won. She’d taken all he could give.

He set Leigh down at her desk, and it was all she could do to not fall to the floor. Panting, dazed, head swimming, spunk dripped from her and got onto her seat. She didn’t care. She looked at Fiona, saw her friend pull her fingers from her pants, the wet spot there, the warmth of orgasm on her face, and smiled. How nice that they could both share this experience.

Mr Cox had already pulled himself back together. “That was fun, girls,” he said, packing his briefcase, “But I’ve got to run.” He paused at the door, looked back at them. He started to say something, then stopped himself, and instead said, “Stay out of trouble, you two.”

That evening, in Fiona’s bedroom, Leigh was in a chatty mood. “I can’t believe I actually fucked a teacher,” she said, “Or is it technically that he fucked me? I dunno. But either way, it’s, like, so fucked up, right? Do you think we’ll ever see him again? Oh man, that would be awkward, wouldn’t it? But I think substitutes are, like, for the whole district or whatever, but, like, he probably will avoid our school for the rest of the year, right? It’s a pity, it was so fucking hot, and I cannot believe how hard he fucked. I’m going to be sore for like a week. That was, like, the best sex I’ve ever had. No offense.”

“None taken,” Fiona mumbled, voice slurred.

“Do you think I should, like, find him online? I bet he’s on Facebook with all his old army buddies.” Leigh sighed, grinding her hips against her hand. “I bet they’re all buff like him, would be happy to have some cute teen girls hanging around.” She moaned and writhed. “I bet I could get, like, three of them to fuck me at the same time, do you think? Dick in my ass and pussy and mouth, all at once? Do you think that feels as fun as it sounds?”

“Does she ever shut up?” Santosh groaned, gripping Fiona’s waist, pounding his dick into her.

He’d called Fiona that afternoon.

“Why are you calling me?” she’d said.

He was already nervous, and her question almost made him give up, but he’d steeled himself. “I want to hang out with you.”

“No,” she’d said, “I mean, like, why are you actually making a phone call and not texting?”

He’d been thrown. “Oh, I don’t know, I…”

“Whatever,” Fiona had said, “Do you know where I live?”

Then the three of them had been hanging out, Santosh’s eyes going wider and wider as they told him what they’d been up to after school. Even just retelling the story, Fiona could see them all getting horny. The warmth had returned to her pussy, Leigh was fidgeting, and a tent had grown in Santosh’s pants, one which he had been trying to hide.

So she’d kissed him and taken off her shirt and then here they were, Santosh fucking her from behind while Leigh watched, masturbating. Fiona appreciated the role reversal.

“Here,” Fiona said, turning around and pushing her tits in Santosh’s face, “Lay down. I want a turn on top.” Santosh was no Mr Cox, he wasn’t even a jock, but he had that endless stamina that wiry guys get, having already cum twice and still fucking away. “If I cum before you do,” Fiona said, sliding her pussy down his shaft, “I’ll let you finish in my ass.” He goggled with eagerness. “Now smack my tits.”

“Oh my god,” Leigh moaned, “This is so hot. Why have we never done this before?”

“Dunno,” Fiona said, smashing herself on Santosh.

The girls giggled.


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