Harry Potter and the Post Voldemort Life

I am looking to start a new Harry Potter Universe set of stories. While I am planning on writing both I am trying to decide if to start down the darker or lighter path first. Below is a universe setup description and some details about where each path would go. If you want vote in the comments for which path to work on first.

The Universe:
After the fall of Voldemort life for Harry, Hermione, and Ron changed overnight. Celebrities overnight, they were given credit for their final year of classes and acceptance into the Ministries intern program. Hermione, of course, went back to take her tests in person and attend the last month of school, while the boys did not. With Ron and Harry set to join the Auror’s program and Hermione joining the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, the all headed to the Burrow for a summer off.

Without the weight of school and the constant worry of Voldemort everyone was finally able to cut loose in ways they had never been able to. Try as Mrs. Weasely might that summer was a summer of sexual exploration for both Ron and Hermione as well as Harry and Ginny. Much to Ron’s delight, Hermione was as kinky as she was intelligent. Meanwhile, as much as he loved Ginny’s submissive side, Harry slowly opened her up more and more until they we experiment just as much as the Ron and Hermione.

At the end of the Summer, Harry spent a sizeable amount of his remaining gold on a massive two-story flat in London. The place had stacked bedrooms on bathrooms on each side, with a small spiral staircase up to each second floor bedroom. Between the two sets of bedrooms were the entrance (foyer) next to the kitchen, then the living and dining rooms side by side, followed by massive windows and a large balcony, all in on giant open space. There was space for all of them, even Ginny eventually, though everyone probably knew Ginny and Hermione’s rooms were really just for show. They moved in a few weeks before Ginny had to leave for Hogwarts and spend the time “breaking in the place” before Ginny had to go and it was time to start their new jobs.

The Two Paths:

The Lighter Path: A unexpected visit from Ginny leads to Ron and Hermione, seeing and enjoying an unexpected show. The starts the group down a path of free love and swapping where everyone ends up satisfied. Tentative Title: Harry Potter and Flat of Fornication

[Chapter 1 – Part 1] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/s1gtza/harry_potter_and_the_flat_of_fornication_chapter/?)

The Darker Path: With Ginny back to school and Ron and Hermione still fucking like rabbits, Harry’s urges quickly start to rise. He is just starting to settle into that reality when his training turns to Polyjuice potions and more specifically, their use, without permissions, at brothels. When Harry returns home that day to the sounds of sex coming from Ron’s room again, he retreats to his bathroom, only to spy a hairbrush Ginny had left. It’s not cheating if it looks like her, he wonders. Tentative title: Harry Potter and the Polyjuice Prostitutes

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/s0sbkp/harry_potter_and_the_post_voldemort_life

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