Secrets in the Room of Requirement Par 3: Two is Company

Looking back at all her years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hermione remembered that the end of each year was bitter-sweet. On one hand, she was going home to see her family again. On the other hand, she was leaving the most magical and amazing place she had ever been to. These memories ran through her head as she watched Hogwarts Castle fade away in the distance as the Hogwarts Express raced away back to Platform 9 ¾. This time, however, there was no sadness. She was only leaving on a day trip to Diagon Alley so she could purchase the books and equipment she needed for her summer courses.

As she stared out the window, Harry and Ron were going on about what they might expect on their first day as interns at the Ministry of Magic. The door to the train car slid open and Ginny stepped in. Harry and Ron immediately stopped and focused their attention on her.

“Mum is going to drive you insane this summer. Bill has been gone, Fred and George moved out last month and I’ll be at the Ministry most of the time.” Ron said.

“She can’t if I’m not home.” Ginny said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

“What do you mean?” Ron asked.

“Well, I’ve got a decent shot at playing for the Holyhead Harpies if I practice hard. The Quidditch field at Hogwarts is the best place to practice without anyone getting to worried, so I’ll be staying at Hogwarts this summer.” She said.

“Mcgonagall is going to let you stay at Hogwarts just to practice Quidditch?” Harry asked.

“Well, no. It’s not allowed. So, I’ll be taking journalism over the summer and practice during my free time.” Ginny replied with a slight hint of a smile on her face. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll have a decent shot at commentating if I don’t make the team.”

Ginny sat in the train car with the rest of them. Harry and Ron quickly resumed their conversation while Ginny and Hermione started their own. They discovered they would be in Advanced Herbology together. Ginny took it as an elective, while Hermione lied and told her she felt it would help her in Magical Law Enforcement. In reality, after her encounter with Luna, Hermione applied for the class hoping she could convince Luna that she really was just testing different stimuli on the flitterbloom. She and Ginny decided they would study together three nights a week and eat lunch together as often as they were able. Soon after their conversation ended, Ginny excused herself so she could go spend time with the other girls on the Quidditch team. Hermione stared out the window and after a couple of minutes, Harry and Ron’s voices faded away as she drifted off into her own thoughts.

Her mind wondered in every direction. What would summer classes be like? Would she have new dormitory mates? Did houses even matter during the summer? Would Luna forget about their encounter? It seemed her mind kept coming back to that moment. Luna making up Hermione’s mind up for her then turning and leaving like nothing happened. Hermione was terrified. She had no idea what to expect during the summer. She didn’t want to go anywhere near the Room of Requirement, no matter how amazing her second time there was. Even with all the negative thoughts, she couldn’t help but notice her temperature seem to rise a little each time an image of the two of them flicked through her mind. After a while, she was jarred from her thoughts as the train jerked to a halt at Platform 9 ¾. She left her car and turned to go to the nearest exit only to freeze. Near the front of the train, she could see, very clearly, wavy, dirty-blonde hair. Hermione turned as fast as she could and made her way to the next nearest exit. She quickly told Harry and Ron goodbye and left, saying she needed to get her things and make it back before the train left.

It seemed to take forever to get her supplies from Diagon Alley. It seemed even more crowded during the summer than it did before school. Magical Law Vol. 1 was nowhere to be found. Luckily, she found someone selling their used books just outside of the book store and they had a copy. She had no choice but to pay more than the book was worth. Greedy graduates, she thought as she walked away. Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts was also difficult to find as bookstores were just starting to slowly restock it after the Ministry of Magic admitted to Voldemort’s existence. It took a near war for the Ministry to reinstate Hogwarts’ right to choose its own curriculum again. After purchasing the last copy of Advanced Herbology Vol. I, she had everything she needed for the summer.

Hermione was happy to finally make it back to the train and board. She no longer needed to worry about missing it and could now rest. Even though she was only gone for a few hours, she felt as though she had been awake for days. It didn’t help that she was still sore from her last visit to the Room of Requirement a couple of nights ago. She heard the latch to the car door and looked to see Ginny walking in and, to her dismay, Luna was right on her heels. They sat and talked for a while about Ginny’s plans for the summer.

“So, I only have classes in the morning. The girls are wanting to practice in the evenings. That gives me a couple of hours each day to practice by myself and then with the rest of the team.” Ginny said enthusiastically.

“Don’t you think you’ll be exhausted if all you do every day is practice? Don’t you have to study for exams? I know you have a good shot at getting a position on the Holyhead Harpies but you need to plan for your future after that as well.” Hermione said, knowing this might hurt the young woman’s feelings but also knowing she needed to hear it. She was often times like her older brother, doing and not thinking. “And besides, you already made plans with me to study three nights a week, so don’t forget about that.” Hermione made sure to openly speak about their plans to spend time together, hoping it would deter Luna from her plans.

A horn blew and the train lurched forward, they were now on their way back to the magical and amazing home away from home, Hogwarts. Only minutes had went by before everyone in the car fell silent. Hermione screamed in her head for Ginny to keep talking but instead, the young woman stood up and excused herself so she could spend time with the other girls on the Quidditch team. Hermione stared at the car door in shock as it closed, her only lifeline now gone. I shouldn’t have been so harsh… maybe she would have stayed in here with us. Stupid! Hermione scolded herself for her mistake.

With a swish of her wand, Luna locked the car door and flung the curtains shut tight.

“Uh… What are you doing, Luna?” Hermione asked, trying to bite back the fear in her voice.

The girl scooted over so she was sitting directly in front of Hermione.

“Do you want to play a game?” She asked.

“W-what kind of game?” Hermione asked.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It’s called ‘Nervous’. Have you ever played it?” Luna asked.

“Uh… No. I think that game is a little childish. Don’t you?” She asked.

“Well, I wouldn’t say childish. Immature? A little. Fun? Absolutely. Let’s give it a try. Do you know the rules?”

“I-I don’t really want to play, Luna. I’m really tired. I’d prefer to just be alone so I can take a nap.”

“Oh, come on, it won’t take more than five minutes!” Luna said. “Here, I’ll go first. I’ll start at your knees and move upward. If you get nervous, just say ‘nervous’ and I’ll pull away.”

Why did I have to wear a skirt today? Hermione thought. She knew Luna wasn’t going to give up and she really was tired. The only way she would be able to take a nap was to do this first. A very simple idea struck her. As soon as she touches me, I’ll say ‘nervous’ then that’ll be the end of the game.

“Alright, fine. But just one game, and as soon as I say ‘nervous’ you pull away. Okay?” Hermione said as sternly as she could manage, which to her, seemed to have as much authority as a terrified mouse telling a hungry cat not to eat it.

“Just one more rule,” Luna said, “You have to let me move my hand at least one foot before you can say it.” Luna said with a smile.

“…Fine.” Hermione said. I’ll be counting the inches. She thought as Luna placed her hands high on her knees.

Her hands were warm and soft as they slowly slid up Hermione’s thighs. Luna never broke eye contact. Hermione felt her ears turn red and was happy her hair was covering them. If she saw that, she definitely wouldn’t stop when I told her to, she thought as one of Luna’s hands slid down to her inner thigh and up to her entrance. Hermione felt her face begin to glow red as Luna’s fingers brushed against her lower lips. She involuntarily gasped and tried to disguise it as a breath to say “Nervous”.

Luna frowned. “Are you sure you’re nervous? It seemed to me that you were beginning to enjoy it.”

Hermione couldn’t deny what Luna had just said but she couldn’t let Luna continue. The girl is erratic. If I hadn’t said the word, what would she have done next? She thought.

“Okay, that’s fine,” Luna said. “I’ll leave you be so you can take a nap.” She turned and walked out of the car. Hermione couldn’t help but notice Luna was smiling as she was speaking. She knew she wasn’t finished yet and she had something else planned. She just can’t take a hint, can she? Hermione thought as she tried to steady her breathing so she could take a nap. When she had finally calmed down, she grabbed a pillow and blanket from the rack above her, laid across the seat and began to drift.

Smack! Hermione felt a sharp pain on her bottom. She turned to see what it was but was pushed down to the floor by a dark shadow. She looked down at herself and saw that she was completely nude. The shadow slithered across the floor toward her. She tried to scoot back away from it but it was to fast. The shadow covered her ankles and she could feel it wrap around them, holding her in place. The shadow slid under her; she could feel it fill her lower crevasse as it slid to her upper back. It wrapped around her chest, covering her breasts, then she felt it begin to squeeze her nipples. Her fear was overcome by a burst of pleasure as the shadow pushed itself against her lower entrance. Hermione threw her head back and felt the shadow wrap around her neck and slide into her mouth. It took shape in her mouth, long, cylindrical and tasting of chocolate. She involuntarily sucked in surprise. Not soon after, she began to savor the taste as the shadow drizzled more into her mouth. It kept pushing itself against her lower entrance but for some reason, it wouldn’t go in. She desperately wanted it to. She wanted to see it push itself against her. She looked down and was shocked to see the shadow had taken on a figure and color. Between Hermione’s legs was Luna. Her tongue was sliding from the bottom of her entrance up to her jewel then going back down again to probe her entrance.

Hermione jolted upright. Breathing hard, she looked around the car. No one. She felt hot, and between her legs was an unmistakable wetness. She rested her face in her hands as she tried to steady her breathing. After a couple of seconds, she began to breathe through her nose and was able to smell her fingers. Was I… fingering myself in my sleep? She thought as she smelled her other hand. With both hands? She looked down at her skirt and was relieved to see that she must have put her hands under her skirt, as it wasn’t wet. She looked out the window and could see Hogwarts Castle. The train came to a stop and Hermione waited several minutes, hoping Luna would be off the train and well on her way to the castle.

It was dinner time when everyone arrived at the castle. Hermione walked into the Great Hall and saw one large table in the center of the room, set with plates, bowls and silverware. She noticed the only banner hanging from the ceiling was the Hogwarts insignia, proudly bearing the houses of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw upon its shield. Hermione walked down the length of the table until she saw Ginny. There was an open seat next to her, so she sat. Looking around, she relaxed when she saw Luna was sitting halfway down the table.

“Good evening, everyone.” The magically amplified voice of Professor McGonagall boomed. “We would like to welcome you all to Hogwarts’ first summer of advanced courses. As you can tell, we have made some changes. With so few students attending the summer courses, there is no need for the usual four tables. Furthermore, there is no need for you all to be separated into your houses. To your left and right are your fellow Hogwarts peers. This summer, we want you to grow together as friends. And so, instead of sleeping in your respective house dormitories, females will be sleeping in a consolidated dormitory and males will be sleeping in a consolidated dormitory. This is to protect your houses during the regular school year as well as to help facilitate renovations in each house. Because of the reduced number of students, there is no need for four of you to sleep in the same room. Instead, it will be two. After dinner, you will be given a slip of parchment with a room number. That is your room for the summer. With that being said, enjoy your summer together and enjoy tonight’s special meal!”

McGonagall clapped her hands and a magnificent buffet appeared in the center of the table. The Great Hall went from silent to bustling conversations and laughter in an instant. Everyone reached and grabbed their favorite foods. Ginny took a chicken leg while Hermione favored a slice of turkey.

“This is the best meal yet!” Ginny said, nearly yelling so Hermione could hear her over the different conversations.

“I know!” Hermione said. “I can’t wait to see what breakfast will be like.”

The students talked and ate for an hour and a half before McGonagall clapped her hands again and the food disappeared. A small piece of parchment took the place of each plate. Hermione picked hers up and read Room: 069.

“What room did you get?” She asked Ginny.

“Room 072.”

Hermione walked down the corridor to her room. She pushed the door open and stood there, mouth agape.

“Hello, roommate.” Luna said.

“No, no, no,” Hermione whispered under her breath. She pulled the parchment out again and looked, hoping she had mistakenly read 069 instead of 096 but she was correct. She was absolutely sure she was correct when she looked to the empty bed and saw her luggage.

“Is everything alright?” Luna asked.

“Uh-yeah. Luna, about the other night, I-”

“It’s alright, Hermione, we don’t have to go tonight. I’m kind of tired anyway.” Luna said.

“It’s not that, I don’t think I want to go. Like I said, I was just testing to see what the flitterbloom would react to.”

“Testing it with your body?” Luna asked.

“No!” Hermione nearly shouted. “I was throwing sticks and rocks into it and casting different spells to see how it would react.”

“Your hair was wet. Your face was red, and you could barely walk out of the room. That wasn’t the first time I’ve seen you come out of the Room of Requirement, Hermione.” Luna said

Hermione was at a loss for words. She had been caught red handed and when Luna asked to join her, she agreed. There was no way out of it. Luna knew, or at least had an idea of what she was doing in the Room of Requirement. That thought gave Hermione a sudden realization.

“Did you give me a dream on the train?”

“What?” Luna asked. She seemed bewildered, but that was normal for her.

“I had a dream.” She looked behind her to be sure the door was shut. “It was… me… in a room of some sort… a shadow knocked me down and started… doing things to me. And when I looked down at it… it was you… down there… licking. Did you give me that dream?”

“It may have been a mare. They don’t always cause nightmares you know. I’ve had several nice dreams that I believe were brought on by a mare.” Luna said.

“Never mind, forget it.” Hermione said as she turned around and started unpacking her bags.

“Maybe… maybe it was you.”

Hermione whipped back around so fast her hair slapped her in the face. “What?” She said.

“Well, sometimes our subconscious tells us what we want through our dreams.”

Hermione stood there, mouth agape again with no words. She knew part of her enjoyed playing the game with Luna on the train. As she was about to say ‘nervous’ a part deep down inside her was screaming for her not to say it, to let Luna continue.

“I don’t… I don’t know.” Hermione finally said, partially accepting that the dream may have just been brought on by her own desires. That was, after all, what caused her to go to the Room of Requirement in the first place. She wanted to believe that it was just curiosity, something she just had to experience to put her head straight. But deep down, from the moment she stepped into the Room of Requirement, she knew it was a desire. That’s why she went back. It’s why, instead of grabbing the tentacles and taking control on her second visit, she walked right into the wall and let them take control. It was her desire. And now, her desires were starting to lean toward Luna, and the Room of Requirement.

“Are you okay?” Luna asked.

“Y-yeah.” Hermione said, confused.

“Do… you want to play ‘Nervous’ again?” Luna asked.

Hermione looked at her for a moment. Just as there was no avoiding going to the Room of Requirement the first time, there was no avoiding this, at least not for long. Her desire would soon overtake her, so why put it off?

“O-okay.” She said, then she locked the door.

“Sit down on your bed.” Luna said as she started to smile.

Hermione sat on the bed and Luna pulled up a chair. She looked at Hermione’s knees and her eyes traced her body up until their eyes met.

“Remember, if you get nervous, all you have to do is say ‘nervous’ and I’ll stop.” Luna said.

“Okay… I remember.” Hermione said.

Luna placed her hands on Hermione’s knees just as she did on the train and began to slide them upward. She could feel Hermione shake. She was nervous, but wasn’t saying anything. Luna followed the same path as she had on the train without any protest. Her finger grazed against her lower lips and Hermione let out a small, almost inaudible sigh. With one hand, she pulled Hermione’s panties aside and with the other, she let her fingers slide up and down against the lips of her entrance. This time, Hermione’s sigh was more noticeable. So, Luna continued. She slowly pushed her middle finger into Hermione and curled it upward in a beckoning motion. This produced a moan. Luna stood up and leaned into Hermione’s ear and whispered.

“Have you ever had your clit licked?”

For her entire life, she had always thought of it as her jewel. Her mother told her never to show that area to others, that it was her jewel. She knew it was called a clit but she never thought of it that way.

“No,” she said.

With that, Luna sat back down on the chair and removed her finger from Hermione. She slid her hands around the outside of Hermione’s legs, grabbed her panties, and pulled them off. She put her hand on Hermione’s chest, between her breasts and pushed her back to lay down. Hermione practically fell. She knelt and began kissing Hermione’s inner thighs. As her head moved up to her waist, she pushed Hermione’s skirt up. She made it to the lips of her entrance and began kissing around them, letting her tongue linger for a brief moment after each one. On her last kiss, her tongue stayed and she slid it over Hermione’s lip and onto her entrance. Hermione’s hips bucked gently as Luna’s tongue moved upward to her clit. When Luna’s tongue landed on her clit, she heard Hermione gasp and felt her hand grab her hair. Gripping Hermione’s waist, Luna began to suck, roll, bite and lick her clit. She could feel Hermione tighten her grip as her hips bucked more violently. After a moment, she began to feel Hermione shake. Knowing she was close to orgasm, she pulled away and looked at her again.

“Do you want to take this somewhere else?” Luna asked.

“Yes.” Hermione responded almost without hesitation.

With the new layout, each dormitory had its own common room. Hermione and Luna walked through the girls’ common room and into the corridor. Mr. Filch was on holiday, so they didn’t need to worry about anyone catching them out of bed. Not that he could do anything. They were adults, after all. They had to walk completely across the castle before they came across the painting of Barnabas Barmy. As it had been on each of her other visits, the door to the Room of Requirement was visible. What was depicted on the door made Hermione blush.

The door had taken the form of an arched double door as it did during Harry and Ron’s game of Giant Wizard’s Chess. This time, however, instead of two pawns and a king, the door portrayed two beautiful women. They were both nude and kneeling with arms wrapped around each other and they looked as if they were leaning in for a kiss. Beneath them, near the bottom of the door was what looked like a mat of some sort. Wrapped around both of their legs and extending halfway up their backs was a tentacle. Each woman had a pair of two tentacles that extended from the door hinges to their lower backs and disappearing inside them.

Luna stepped forward, pulled the door open and walked inside. Hermione, beginning to have second thoughts, slowly walked in behind her. The door shut behind them and merged with the wall, sealing them in. Torches ignited, lighting the room. Hermione was surprised as she saw that instead of a pool in the middle of the room, there was a king size four poster bed. Potted flitterbloom sat at the headboard and footboard of the bed.

Luna began walking towards the bed but stopped when she noticed that Hermione wasn’t following her.

“You alright, Hermione?” Luna asked.

“Just a little nervous is all.”

“You weren’t nervous earlier.” Luna said as she pulled a small vile from her jacket pocket. She held her wand over the vile and muttered something under her breath. A blue liquid poured from her wand into the vile. She walked back over to Hermione and handed her the vile.

“What is this?” Hermione asked.

“Calming draught. Take it and you won’t be so nervous.”

Hermione put the vile to her lips, threw her head back and drank the liquid. A couple of seconds later, the nervousness left her. She looked at Luna and nodded her head. Luna held out her hand, which Hermione took, and they walked to the bed together.

“Want some help?” Luna asked as she pulled her jacket off.

Hermione half-smiled and Luna pulled her shirt off. Hermione returned the favor and removed Luna’s shirt. Luna grabbed Hermione by the waist and began to slide her hands up towards her breasts. They slid behind Hermione’s back and unhooked her bra. Hermione pulled her arms from the straps and let it fall to the floor as Luna slid her hands to her chest, letting her thumbs brush over Hermione’s nipples. Luna then knelt down and pulled Hermione’s skirt down. Hermione took the opportunity to unhook Luna’s bra. Luna pulled her bra off and then pulled Hermione’s panties down. She kissed her entrance as she stood up. Hermione sighed. Luna pulled her own pants down and Hermione noticed she wasn’t wearing any underwear to begin with.

Hermione climbed onto the bed first and felt Luna’s hand slide down her lower back onto her bottom. She rolled over onto her back and Luna climbed on top of her. She slid her tongue from Hermione’s clit, up her stomach, over her breast and stopped at her neck near her chin. That was when Hermione tilted her head down to meet her. Hermione’s entire body began to tingle when their lips met. Luna slid her tongue into Hermione’s mouth and she welcomed it with hers. Their tongues danced together in Hermione’s mouth and she pushed her tongue into Luna’s. Hermione slid her hand down Luna’s body and found her entrance. She quickly found her clit and began to rub.

“Not fair,” Luna gasped as she found Hermione’s clit and began rubbing.

Hermione went a step further by sliding her middle finger into Luna’s entrance and rubbing her clit with her thumb. Luna moaned as she lowered her head to suck Hermione’s nipple. Hermione pushed Luna’s head back, causing her to release her breast, then she pushed Luna’s head to the side. Luna must have had the same idea. She flipped around on top of Hermione.

She stared at Luna’s entrance; her mouth was watering. She pushed two fingers into her and Luna did the same. After a moment, she felt Luna’s lips on her entrance and she began licking. Hermione, now gasping and moaning, trying to control her body wrapped her arms around Luna’s waist and pulled her in. Her mouth planted itself on Luna’s entrance. Luna pushed herself into Hermione so hard that she wondered if this was the first time she had ever done such a thing. Now that she had the upper hand, she didn’t intend on losing it. Knowing what it felt like to have tentacles enter her rear entrance, she placed her finger that was already wet on Luna’s rear entrance. She circled it for a moment before slowly pushing it in. She made sure so suck hard on Luna’s clit as she did this. Luna started to shake.

They each rubbed, licked and sucked harder until Hermione felt something touch her hair. She pulled away from Luna to see what it was.

“It looks like they’ve come to play.” She said.

Now with her thumb in Luna’s rear, she grabbed the tentacle with her free hand and slowly push it into Luna’s entrance. Luna pulled her head away from Hermione and then let it rest on her waist as she moaned while Hermione continued to finger her bottom and lick her clit as the tentacle pushed deeper and harder into her. Then Hermione felt something begin to probe her bottom. She didn’t need to look to know what it was. She lifted her bottom from the bed to present her entrance to the welcomed invader. The tendril circled around her bottom entrance until it was well lubricated then pushed itself in. She heard a slurp from Luna and tilted her head to see what was happening. She was holding a tentacle and bobbing her head back and forth. Seeing this made Hermione feel even hotter.

Hermione reached with her free hand and began rubbing her jewel. Luna pulled the tentacle from her mouth and aimed it toward Hermione.

“Say ‘cheese’!” Luna said.

As soon as Hermione looked to see what was happening, the tentacle sprayed its juice on Hermione’s face. She jumped back in shock.

“So that’s how you want to play? You should know that I made every tentacle in the pool cum last time I was in here. I’ll have no problem making them spray you.” She said as she grabbed a tentacle and started stroking it.

Luna climbed off from Hermione and laid next to her. “I’ll welcome every drop as long as you help me lick it off.” She whispered in Hermione’s ear.

With that, Hermione climbed on top of Luna, grabbed two tentacles to push into Luna’s entrances and two more to push into her own. Luna pulled Hermione in. The pleasure was to much for Hermione to fight and she fell into her. As she fell, she pushed her tongue into Luna’s mouth once more and their tongues began their intricate dance. She felt a tentacle slither between them and push itself between their mouths, causing them to break their kiss. They began simultaneously licking the tentacle, their tongues touching every now and then. After a few moments, the tentacle burst and sprayed both of them with its thick white substance. Luna pulled Hermione in and licked it off her cheek. Hermione returned the favor and licked the juice from her neck and chin. She felt something warm coat her insides and realized the tentacles had sprayed inside her and it was leaking out. She pulled herself up higher onto Luna and allowed it to leak onto her stomach and chest. Seeing Luna’s breasts coated with the juice gave Hermione a rush.

When the tentacles pulled themselves from her, she slid down Luna’s body and sucked the juice from her breasts, being sure to catch her nipples with her teeth. This caused Luna to moan all the louder. Hermione looked down to see the tentacles were still thrusting themselves deep into Luna. They’re going to bring her to orgasm, she thought, so she flipped herself around on top of Luna and began to lick her clit. Luna’s moans gradually grew louder as her hips bucked more violently. With one final buck of the hips and a scream, Luna was brought to orgasm. The tentacles must have ejaculated at the same time. A clear, salty liquid mixed with the all to familiar white juice sprayed from Luna’s entrance and onto Hermione’s face.

The tentacles removed themselves from Luna and Hermione licked the last bit of juice from Luna’s entrance. She flipped back around on top of her and held her face near Luna’s. Luna lifted her head to kiss Hermione.

“D-did you…?” She tried to ask but apparently didn’t have the strength.

“I came close, but no. You certainly did, though.” Hermione replied.

Luna grabbed Hermione’s waist and pulled her up.

“Then I owe you one.” She said as she pulled Hermione higher until her entrance was level to her face.

As Luna licked, she slid one hand around to Hermione’s rear and pushed a thumb into her. Hermione tried not to put all her weight on the girl’s face but found that her strength had left her and she couldn’t support herself. Her hips started to buck. Her legs began to shake. She covered her mouth to try to stifle a loud moan as she was brought to orgasm. She fell forward, pushing herself harder into Luna, hoping she would continue licking until her orgasm had passed. Luna obliged.

When Hermione rolled off of her, Luna pulled herself to eye level, stroked her hair and kissed her. Then they laid there holding each other for what seemed like hours until Luna said “So, you mentioned a pool.”

“The last two times I came here, there was a pool filled with flitterbloom. I don’t know why it was a bed this time.” Hermione said.

“Do you think it manifested what we both wanted? Maybe it manifested a bed because… Honestly, all I could think about the entire walk here was you laying on the bed with your legs open.” Luna replied.

Hermione blushed, “Then maybe that’s why the bed was here.”

She looked to the wall, “Look, there’s a shower, care to join me?”

“No sense in wasting water,” Hermione said.

After showering, they dressed themselves and made their way to the wall where the door was before it sealed itself. They stood near the wall, waiting but the door didn’t appear.

“Uhh…” Hermione said.

“Has this ever happened before?” Luna asked.

“No, usually the door is here after I get out of the shower.”

They stared at the wall. A dim, pinprick of light emerged and started moving along the wall. It completed a pattern, then restarted, moving faster and faster. The light grew in brightness so much that they had to look away. When the light finally dimmed, they looked at the wall to find words engraved.


The message began to fade away as if it were drawn on the wall and not etched, then the door emerged. The door depicted three women, each suspended in the air by tentacles. One of the women raised higher than the others, her face displayed unimaginable pleasure as her legs were held open by tentacles while another woman was bent over between her legs, spreading her lower lips. The other woman was behind her, spreading her lower cheeks.

“Wait…” Hermione said, “The girl in front, she kind of looks like you.”

“And the girl in the back looks like you.” Luna said.

They both looked up at the woman the other two were pleasuring.

“Then who is…” Hermione said pointing at the girl.

Realization struck them simultaneously.

