The Best Night Swim in the New Pool [MF][MF]

My wife, Meredith (29), and I (28) got very lucky and timed our house purchase perfectly. Just before everything started going insane, we secured a really nice house that included a pool. This pool is also obscured from view except to people in the pool area. So overall, it is a great set up. Initially, we were reluctant to believe that the pool was as private as it actually was. Therefore, it was a few months before we had our first skinny dip experience. After the seal was broken though, we started enjoying these swims much more regularly. There is no feeling quite like walking out of the house into the open air totally nude.

My wife is short and cute, and I am tall and average. She has dark black, wavy hair and pale skin. We both have very pale skin actually, but I have brown hair. I don’t know her exact measurements, but I believe D Cups and can say that she has a nice ass. She just barely cracks 5 feet tall and keeps in pretty good shape. I am 6 ft 3 and used to be in shape but haven’t gone to the gym in quite a while. If it matters to you, I am just under 6 inches long.

This story also includes my friend Claude (29) and his wife Briauna (26). Claude is a couple inches shorter than me in height and a little less in shape than me but not considerably. He’s got tan skin and my wife told me after this that she thought he was a little longer than me below the belt. His wife Briauna has light brown hair, and compared to my wife is similarly short, with slightly smaller boobs but a really nice ass and legs still. She works out a lot.

The story begins a few months before the ultimate culminating event, towards the beginning of the summer. We invited Claude and Briauna over to the house to check out the new place and try out the pool since it was a hot day. We break out the beers, mix a few cocktails and have a great day, everyone is buzzing a bit and having a good time when we jump in. The wives are talking on one end and my friend and I on the other. Obviously, my friend and I have talked about everything at one time or another so eventually he asks if we have been enjoying the pool, and if we took “advantage” of the privacy. For some context, we both know that the other has a bit of exhibitionism kink and we have joked about swapping wives in the past. I never knew if he was serious, but I knew I was interested in swapping, so I laugh and say,

“We have. In fact, at this point it’s more abnormal for us to have bathing suits on.” Then, knowing they have to get going soon but wanting to plant the seed I say, “You and Briauna should come join us sometime.” Claude laughs and says he’ll see.

This is not something I had discussed with my wife and for like a month and a half didn’t even mention that I threw it out there to Claude. Eventually, he brought it up and said that Briauna was on the fence about it but that she’d be willing to come over at some point and might be up for it in the moment. At that point I kind of had to mention it to Meredith. To make a long story short after some convincing she got to the same point as Briauna, that she wasn’t sure but since we had all known each other for so long she might be ok with it. I let Claude know and we find a day that works to meet up again.

The day comes and Claude and Briauna come over for dinner. We all have a few drinks and then we’re sitting in the living room. It is really hot (temperature wise), and the tension could be cut with a knife. To help things along, I propose that we all do a shot. Everyone agrees so I go grab the tequila, quickly cut up a lime and grab a bit of salt. Claude comes with me to the kitchen, and I give him a heads up.

“Look, someone just has to go for it. So, after this shot one of us should.” He chuckles and says,

“It’s your house and your idea so you should.”

“Fuck you, fine.” I laugh, “Let’s go”

So, we go back to the other room, I hand shots to Briauna and Meredith. We all throw them back and put our glasses down. Meredith isn’t much of a drinker, so she is immediately feeling it. I look around, stand up, then looking at my wife I say,

“Well, if there are no objections, I am going to go for a swim.” I take off my shirt then start walking towards the sliding door to the backyard. At the door, I unzip my pants and pull them off. Then with my ass facing everyone (in hindsight probably the worst view possible) I drop my boxers, step out of them, and head out the door saying,

“If anyone wants to join, bring beer.” Then I make my way down the little hill to the pool, with a calm but slightly faster than normal pace. Once I reach the bottom, I just jump right in. At this point I am probably half-mast with all the excitement, but the cool water pretty quickly calms things down. I float around then look back to the door. After a couple minutes, the other three come walking down, with beer, but fully clothed. When they reach the pool, Claude tosses me a beer and says,

“Fuck it, I’ll get in too.” Claude says, and then strips and jumps in. So now it’s just the two of us chilling in the pool drinking, and naked. Briauna and Meredith keep talking by the edge and drink their beers. After a while, Briauna says,

“Fine we’ll get in if you two look the other way until we’re in.” Claude and I oblige them and turn around. Once we hear them splash in, we turn back around, and they are swimming towards us. Meredith comes over to me and Briauna goes to Claude, keeping the two of us between them with a sizable gap between us. We all continue to make small talk and drink, asking Claude and Briauna if they enjoy skinny dipping as much as we do. They say it is pretty great and laugh. Meredith is hanging off of me at this point, clearly feeling good from the alcohol. The rest of us are also buzzing hard.

After a bit she and I kiss deeply, and I get hard. During the kiss, my dick grinds into her stomach and I can feel her smile. We break the kiss laughing and look over to Briauna and Claude,

“Sorry about that.” Meredith giggles and says to them “I haven’t had a drink in a while, so I am feeling it. Almost forgot you two were here.”

“No problem” Claude replies, “I am pretty sure this was his plan all along.” Then he and Briauna kiss deeply too. Claude grabs her tit, she hits his hand, breaks the kiss and giggles as well. At this point, I can see that Claude is getting excited under the water. We all nurse our drinks with our women continuing to hang off us giggling. Suddenly, I feel Meredith’s hand on my upper thigh, and move to my dick. She slowly starts rubbing back and forth and we keep up a conversation about something. I look over to Claude and Briauna and see that they are doing the same thing.

“Having fun, I see.” I say to them. They laugh and agree.

“We weren’t exactly planning on this.” Briauna says “But I guess the guys are enjoying it.”

“For sure.” I responded. “But, how about another shot?” Everyone kind of laughs and agrees. I swim to the other end and realize the bottle of tequila made it down but not shot glasses. Not wanting to leave the area, I just grab the bottle and swim back. Briauna’s hand is still moving under the water, and now Claude has put his hand on her, and Meredith has moved a bit closer.

“No glasses” I tell them, then take a swig. I swim over to Meredith “open up” I tell her and pour some tequila in. Then I swim over to Briauna, “No need to stop, open up.” She laughs and opens her mouth and leans back, so I pour in a shot. Her breasts bounce as she does it. Then I look at Claude and say, “Help yourself ha-ha.” And hand him the bottle. He takes a swig and I take the bottle back and cap it.

I swim back over to Meredith.

“Feels like we are closer to them than when I left.” She kind of absently gives a “huh” in response, grabs my dick, and guides my hand to her pussy. After a little more of this, I lean over and whisper in her ear, “Why don’t you go join them?”

“What?” She responds with quiet surprise.

“Claude and I have talked about it before, he’d love to fool around with you. But of course, if you’re not comfortable, you don’t have to. Also, to be fair I don’t know what Briauna thinks of anything”

“I really don’t know, we’ve never talked about anything like this before.” then she pauses before continuing, “and what about Briauna? We have no idea what she wants”

“That’s true. I just figured this was the only chance to throw it out there. Of course, I don’t want to push anyone into anything. I want you to know though that I am ok with you doing anything with Claude. Or Briauna if you so choose but you’ve never been interested in that before.”

“Ok, well thank you for your trust.” She says and kisses me. “But I am definitely not doing anything with another girl.”

“Why don’t you go get drinks and then just linger around over there after? Maybe you can get a sense of what they are thinking and see how you feel about things.”

“Fine.” She responds and looks at Claude and Briauna, “Do either of you need another drink? I’ll go grab them.”

“Yea, we’ll take a couple more.” Claude responds.

As Meredith swims away, Briauna whispers to Claude something that I can’t hear. Claude then says loudly enough for me to hear,

“Just piss on the grass, he won’t care.”

“No fucking way!” she laughs

“I really don’t care if you do, it’s just grass.” After I say this, she hesitates. I can clearly see the mental calculus going across her face. In my mind, I am thinking that this will be the tipping point for the night. If she decides to go all the way back inside, it will probably stop everything in its tracks. If she pees out in the open, then things could potentially go in a very exciting direction. She leans over and whispers to Claude again.

“Sure, I will go with you.” He responds. Next thing I know, the two are climbing out of the pool. I internally sigh, assuming they are heading up to the house to use the actual bathroom up there. I don’t let the chance slip me by though, to appreciate Briauna’s great body. It is an amazing sight. As she pushes herself up out of the pool, the dark night behind her and the light of the pool reflecting off the water makes her glisten. Her breasts hang down only a little bit. It was basically a magazine photo or something for a split second. Then they are both up out of the water, I assume they will start walking to the house, but they don’t. Instead, they just take a few steps away from the pool.

Claude is facing away from me and Briauna turns to face him and, by extension, me to some degree. I am trying to play it cool and not appear to be looking but I really can’t help myself. As she squats down a bit and starts peeing, I can see that she has a perfect, light landing strip. She starts laughing and almost loses her balance, leaning against her husband for support. Claude starts pissing away from me and I continue enjoying the view of his wife.

They finish up and jump back in. As they settle back to the side of the pool, now 90 degrees from me, I turn to see where Meredith is and jump because she has swum up next to me without me noticing.

“Enjoy the show?” She asks while smirking, “Here’s your beer, I’ll go bring them their drinks.” As she swims away, her nice chest just barely peaks above the water. She doesn’t need to go far and gives them their drinks. Rather than swimming back to me, she stays by Claude’s side, with Briauna on the other. The three of them all take a swig of their beer and we all go back to idly chatting. We chat for so long, that I go from rock hard to just semi-erect. Slowly, but surely, Briauna’s hand starts moving under the water, working on her husband. Upon seeing this, Meredith’s eyes drift downward. Claude and I make eye contact and share an almost imperceptible nod. As my erection builds, I realize that I also need to pee and decide I should take care of it before my physiology makes that significantly more difficult.

I climb out of the pool and walk maybe ten feet away. The cool night air feels great on the skin. I try to focus on the task at hand and take care of business with some degree of challenge but not needing to aim certainly made it easier. I drift my vision to the side to see what is going on with the other three. Claude and Briauna are making out passionately, her arm still steadily moving under the water. Meredith is taking a drink with her breast once again coming above the water line. She still has her hands to herself. I return to looking ahead of me and finish up.

I walk back and slide into the pool, still off to the side of the three, on Meredith’s side. I look over at them and they haven’t really changed positions. Claude and Briauna are still making out and Meredith off to the other side. The only difference now is that Briauna’s hand is on his chest, and Meredith’s is under the water sliding back and forth. Her left hand is behind his back, resting on the poolside.

In this moment, seeing my wife doing something with another man for the first time, I feel a twinge of weirdness but mostly a rush of excitement. Some of it from seeing the action, some of it from hoping that Briauna will soon be coming over to me. My wife’s eyes fixate downward to her hand, seemingly in shock of what she is doing. She stops for a moment, switching to her left hand. Her right reaches out to my hand and grasps it. I give her hand a squeeze as she keeps going.

Claude and Briauna break their kiss, she looks down, gives him one last kiss, and moves to my side of the pool. Claude turns his attention to Meredith and grabs her breast in his hand. Meredith releases my hand and goes back to doing work with her dominant hand. Briauna slides into the crook of my arm, places a hand on my stomach, and looks up at me.

“May I?” She asks.

“I was hoping you would.”

With that, her hand slides down the last few inches and grasps my dick in her hand. The initial rush of her touching me was almost unmatched the rest of the night. She starts gingerly going up and down the length. If it weren’t for the alcohol I likely could have cum right then. I look to one side, take a second to appreciate seeing my wife jerk off my best friend then back to the other and appreciate the sight of his wife jerking me off. A long silence hangs in the air. I move my hand to her hip.

“May I?” I ask Briauna.

“Sure.” She responds.

With that, I slowly but surely move my hand around the front, passing over her landing strip, and with my middle finger, part her lips. I make gentle circles, finding her clit as I can. The pool water is making everything not as slick as it could be, but we are both making do. I bring my other hand over to cup her breast and pinch her nipple a bit. This elicits a moan from her. We both give each other a grin. I lose track of Claude and Meredith while I am lost in the moment. The next thing I know, I hear water splashing like someone is getting out of the water. I turn to see what they are doing now.

Meredith has just barely gotten out of the water and is sitting on the ledge with her legs spread. Claude makes his way to her pussy and dive in. Meredith loves being eaten out, so she immediately gasps as his tongue hits her. My hand and Briauna’s both stop for a moment as we watch. His tongue keeps moving, Meredith’s chest heaves and she tweaks a nipple, Claude grabs the other. I slowly start rubbing Briauna again and turn back to her,

“Why don’t you go sit next to her?”

“Sounds good.” She says, somewhat breathlessly.

She slides along the wall to the corner of the pool, puts her hands on the ledge and lifts herself up. She sets her great ass on the stone, maybe two feet away from Meredith. She doesn’t immediately spread her legs though. I swim over, and put my hands on her hips, my body against her legs in the water.

“Is everyone good? Everyone comfortable?” I ask the group. “I don’t want to push anyone to do anything they’re uncomfortable with. Meredith has my unconditional permission to do what she wants with whomever she wants tonight, and I am also down to do whatever.”

Claude runs his tongue the length of Meredith’s slit one last time and then picks his head up to say,

“Yea I am good. Babe, you can do whatever you want too. Is there anything you do not want me to do?”

“I don’t think so. If I have any problems, I will let you know.”

“Is there anything you don’t want to do with me?” I ask from in front of Briauna

“I am good right now, just keep checking in. I am taking birth control and we are both clean if that ends up happening” She responds.

“Of course, I will ask before trying anything. As you know we’ve only been with each other so no problems there. Meredith, do you have any lines you don’t want me to cross with Briauna or Claude to cross with you?”

She takes a breath,

“None right now. I am also on the pill. Please continue checking in”

“Ok then” I turn back to Briauna, “Can I kiss you?”

She nods and somewhat hesitantly leans forward. Our lips meet, our tongues begin exploring each other’s mouths. For some reason, this feels weirder and more intimate than anything else we had done that night. We close our eyes, her hands rest on my shoulders, my hands reach toward her inner thighs and I gently guide her legs apart. I break the kiss, kiss her collarbone, her sternum, just above her pussy, her right inner leg, her left, and then finally run my tongue from her opening to her clit.

The taste was great. At first, it was mostly like pool chlorine but after working for a few seconds, all I tasted was her excitement. As I zero in on her clit, her back arches and she leans back, softly moaning. I give several thorough licks on her clit then go back down, tasting as much of her as I can. I do several long, full runs of the whole length. Then I go back to her clit, attacking it with my tongue. Her breathing quickens, I don’t relent. Her hand pushes on my head. I feel her legs start to tense up.

“Don’t stop,” she gasps out. Her whole-body shudders as she cums. I slow down, savoring the moment. I kiss her lips and her inner legs a few more times. I turn to the side of the pool where Claude and Meredith were and see that they have gotten out and are laying on the grass, Claude on top and they are making out. I can see his dick resting on her stomach. They break their kiss and Claude says,

“You sure?” He asks Meredith before turning to me and Briauna “Is everyone ok with this?”

We all collectively affirm that it is at basically the same time. With that, he turns back to my wife, lines himself up and slides in. He grunts and she sighs loudly. He pulls out most of the way then slides back in.

“Go hard.” Meredith says just loud enough for me to hear.

Claude does just that, and starts thrusting aggressively. Her moans start getting louder and louder as their skin slaps together.

“Shall we join them?” Briauna asks me.

“Uh, yea. Definitely.” I stammer out, “Do you want to be on top?”


She grabs my hand and helps me up out of the pool. She leads me over next to my wife getting fucked by my best friend and I lie down, facing the same way as Meredith. She grabs my hand again. Briauna jokingly smacks Claude’s ass as he keeps pounding then comes over to me and straddles me. She stands my cock up straight with her hand and slowly squats down. She lines herself up and impales herself on me. She is drenched so it slides right in. She goes as deep as she can and pauses for a moment, biting her lip. Then she lifts back off and starts riding.

I immediately know this is not going to last long. We started skinny dipping probably an hour and a half ago, so I am really sensitive by now.

“Fuck, I don’t think I am going to last long. Where should I cum?”

“In me.” she says

“Cum in me too.” Meredith says off to the side. I assume they are getting close too.

Briauna keeps bouncing on my dick. She starts rubbing her clit.

“Fuck I am close too.” I guess the night has been really exciting for her too since there was no way this would have normally been enough for her to get off. She bounces harder and faster, her clit rubbing increases pace, she tweaks her nipple with her hand. I feel myself swelling more, I was ready to burst. Just as I am about to cum, I feel warm liquid flowing around my dick. She slams herself down one last time as she squirts and I cum in her as deep as I can. Her legs shake and she gets off me as we both become very sensitive.

Claude and Meredith keep pounding away. They are still in missionary, kissing passionately. Evidently, he wasn’t as close as I thought.

“Take me from behind.” Meredith says. Briauna has collapsed on top of me at this point and we are just watching them from the side. They seem to be in their own world. We are just enjoying the view. Meredith gets up and gets on all four. Claude gets behind her and thrusts in without hesitation.

“Fuck!” Meredith yells in pleasure.

“She likes being spanked and having her hair pulled.” I say over to them.

“It’s true.” Meredith responds through moans. Claude doesn’t hesitate after that; he grabs a handful of hair with one hand and spanks her ass with the other.

“Fuck I’m cumming again, don’t stop.” She calls out. He doesn’t stop as her moans come to a crescendo. They slow down a bit and settle into a slower rhythm. Briauna starts to get up off from me.

“I have to pee again.” When she says this a drunken idea pops in my head,

“Rather than going anywhere, just piss on my dick. I’ve always been interested in trying that. And if you want after that, you can sit on my face. Maybe I’ll be ready for round two then.”

“Ok, sure. I especially like the face sitting idea.”

She gets into a low squat over my dick, as if she was going to put it in, then starts going. The surprisingly warm liquid hits my dick, and it starts coming back to life. Having never had this done to me before it was an odd feeling but definitely exciting. Her stream continues for a few more seconds then once she is done, she asks

“Ok, are you ready?”

I nod and she crawls up, so her pussy moves from over my dick to my face. It was at this point that I realized, fuck there is still some of my cum in there. Eating out after I finish inside has never been something I wanted to try and to this day it’s not something I do. For now, I was going to have to go for it. So I did. The taste was definitely different from before but with the time that passed and her peeing, most of it was out.

We continued in this position for a while. She seemed to quite enjoy grinding herself on my tongue. Occasionally I would smack her ass or reach up and pinch her nipple. At one point, she reaches back and grabs my dick to jerk me off for a few strokes. After just a few strokes though she starts tensing up, shaking, and cumming again. She somewhat loses focus on me which is fine.

As she comes down from her orgasm, she gets off my face and sits in the grass next to me. We once again take a second to check what our spouses are up to. Meredith is riding Claude, going the full length of his shaft, and slamming back down. His dick is covered in a mess of what I assume comes from both of their excitement, but it is hard to tell. I turn to Briauna,

“Do you want to keep going? I’m back up and ready to go.” She mhms in response. “Ok let me just jump in the pool to clean the piss off.”

“I can just do it for you.” She says and bends over to put my dick in her mouth. I was fully not ready for this. I jump a bit at the sudden contact. She swirls her tongue the length of my dick, taking me all the way in her mouth. It’s a great blowjob. She continues bobbing on me as I watch Claude and Meredith keep going. She is still on top but now Claude is thrusting away from underneath her and she seems to be struggling to catch her breath on the edge of an orgasm. With one last run of the length of my shaft, she takes her mouth off.

I sit up, ready to get in whatever position she wants. She turns herself so she is on all fours with her pussy towards me. Clearly, she wants doggy style and it’s about time I do some work. I get on my knees behind her and take a second to rub her clit with my middle finger, she is still soaking wet. She shudders a bit, presumably not expecting that. Then once I know she is wet and ready, I line up the tip of my dick with her opening and slowly thrust in.

We both sigh at the same time. It’s great being back inside her. We settle into a rhythm; she arches her back and moans. I keep thrusting and reach a hand around to play with her nipples, something she has seemed to enjoy all night and now is no exception. I don’t see him come over but suddenly Claude is in front of me, at Briauna’s head.

“Meredith needed a break from all the orgasms.” I turn to look over and sure enough, Meredith is sprawled on the ground looking exhausted and watching us. Her chest is heaving, her legs are spread out, and cum is leaking from her. At this point Briauna and I have slowed down a bit but not stopped. She says to Claude

“Oh yea? How many times have you cum then?”

“Twice. I’m still kind of hard but don’t think I can cum again. But I’ll take a blow job if you want while he fucks you.”

“Sure.” She turns around to look at me, “Is that ok with you?”

“Yea, go nuts.” I respond. With that, she turns back to Claude and immediately puts his cock in her mouth. I wonder if she is enjoying the taste of Meredith on him or if that thought even crosses her mind.

“Our first Eiffel tower.” I say to Claude, chuckling a bit. We both laugh and high five. Though I can’t see it, I am fairly certain Briauna rolled her eyes. I return my hands to her hips and pick up speed. I hear her moaning on Claude’s dick. It takes a few thrusts before we get into a rhythm, Claude holds her hair gently to help time things. I move one hand from her waist to the front to start rubbing her clit while continuing in and out. Her moans increase in pitch, she takes one hand off the ground and grabs Claude to jerk him while blowing.

I turn my head to Meredith. She has now sat up and, with her curly black hair looking frazzled but hot, is lightly touching herself and facing us. I have an idea.

“Claude lay down so Meredith can sit on your face.”

With that, he slides under Briauna. She resumes blowing him, and Meredith walks over. She slowly gets down to his face, I can again see his tongue parting her lips and getting to work. I make eye contact with Meredith and give Briauna’s ass a smack. Briauna’s gives a yelp that turns into a satisfied moan and Meredith smiles a bit and moans too. This chain continues as we all moan and enjoy ourselves. After not too much longer, I feel myself getting close. Before I can finish though, Briauna pulls off of me.

“I need to lay down, keep going though.”

Then she lays on the grass on her back with her legs spread. I move between her legs and start going missionary style. Meanwhile, Meredith has moved back from Claude’s face to his dick and impales herself on it. She starts bouncing pretty aggressively. I start thrusting hard into Briauna. Both women are moaning appreciatively.

“I’m going to cum.” I grunt

“Ugh, me too.” Claude says off to the side.

Briauna grabs my waist, wraps her legs around me and pulls me into her as deep as she can. I start filling her up for the second time that night. I collapse on top of her and watch as Meredith bounces a few more times before stopping at the bottom. She starts grinding her pussy back and forth. Claude’s hands are grabbing handfuls of her ass and they tense up more as I assume he cums.

We all kind of collapse on the ground. Breathing heavily.

“That was great.” Meredith says, “You’re a lucky woman Briauna.”

Briauna smiles and agrees. We all agree that it was great. We take a few seconds to catch our breath and my drunken brain has one more idea.

“Well, I am going to push my luck one last time. You two should taste our cum out of the other.”

After a long pause, Briauna speaks up,

“It’s not really my thing but I will if you are ok with it Meredith.”

“Sure, I never thought I would do any of this. So what’s one more thing?” Another beat passes with no one really moving. “Why don’t we just 69 to get this over with? I’m not trying to cum again or get you to cum, just a quick thing.”

“Works for me” Briauna says.

She then gets up, walks over to where Meredith is laying with her legs spread and lines herself up with her face. She gets down on all fours, her pussy hovering over Meredith’s face and Meredith’s pussy just inches from Briauna’s face.

“You ready?” Briauna asks quietly.

“Mhm.” Meredith responds.

With that, they both move their heads and stick out their tongues. From my angle, I can see Briauna getting licked by Meredith. She does one slow, tentative lick. Then two slightly faster licks the length of her slit.

“Ok, that’s good.” Meredith says.

“Yup I agree.” Briauna responds.

They both kind of laugh as they separate. With that, the night’s festivities conclude. We go back up to the house, Meredith and I go to our room and Briauna and Claude crash on the bed in the guest room across the hall.

In the morning, Meredith and I wake up to the sounds of pleasure. We both realize that in our drunken state, neither us nor Claude and Briauna closed our bedroom doors. As a result, we wake up to the sight of them fucking. Naturally, this gets us pretty excited as well and we eventually join in from our bed. It made for a satisfying coda on the night. Making love to our own partners while being able to still watch the other couple.

In talking about the events of the night. My wife and I both agree that it is something we would be ok doing again. Claude and Briauna also wouldn’t mind doing it. So hopefully it will be possible to have a sequel sometime.
