The Organization Chapter 6 (m/f)

Chapter 6.

I practically ran outside. As promised Justine was walking out of whatever had kept her late. She saw me and broke into a big smile and ran over.

“Hey Niko, can I get a ride?” She asked in an innocent tone. She pulled the schoolgirl look and ground her toe into the ground while looking up at me.

“Ha, you know you can.”

She smiled and took my arm as we walked over to my jeep where there was a note under the wiper. I recognized Allie’s handwriting and stuck it in my pocket before. We hopped in and sped off towards Justine’s place, both eager to leave school behind.

“You know,” She said, drawing out the words playfully. “My mom’s gonna be gone with Nicki for a few more hours if you want to come in.” A smile played across her face only heightening my increased need. I’d been teased all afternoon and I needed a release.

“I’d love to hang out.”

“Good” she said excitedly and reached over to put her hand on my thigh while looking at me. We pulled up to a stop sign and she asked, “Anyone around?” As I shook my head no she practically dived at my crotch pulling out my dick with her experienced hands at this point.

“Fuck someone will see us, there’s no doors”

“Lmf uh lifle” she intoned back up at me. My dick was hard as a rock as her soft lips wrapped around my circumference. This wasn’t the sweet kisses like yesterday, It was hard, wet and sloppy. Her right hand reached under to stimulate my balls as she pulled her head up to kiss the tip and tease it with her lips. She repeated that a few times, going down deep then pulling out to lick back and forth on the top. She heard me moan then pulled off my cock with a loud pop. “You better get driving or we’ll never get home.” She said laughing.

I finally went through the stop sign and kept driving, careful to avoid potholes while she alternated between deep throating my dick and licking around the top.

“Fuck, we’re coming up on a light. Its only one lane but they’ll be able to see in as they pass going the other way.” She laughed but didn’t stop. Fucking Crazy

I laughed too and we pulled up behind a grey sedan. Justine must have taken it as a challenge but she was sucking harder and I was doing all I could to keep my face stoic for their rear view mirror. Finally, we were able to move and I pulled into their drive. “You’re fucking crazy Justine. But that feels amazing.”

She popped off my cock as we started down the gravel road. In between kisses up and down my cock, she answered “You. Liked. It.”

“Fuck yeah I did.”

I entered the gate code and we pulled up to the house. “Fuck Justine, I think your mom is home”

“Oh Fuck” she yelled and stuck my dick back in my pants.

“Gently” I practically shrieked.

“She just added cameras and they show when someone opens the gate. You know when your dick was halfway down my throat. I’ll run in and maybe she won’t check it.”

The panic had wilted my dick a little though it still strained against my pants. I quickly adjusted before we pulled up. We finally pulled all the way up and Justine jumped out of the car yelling “Hey Mom”. Ms Bets stood up from the garden looking like the Sod Queen indeed. She had just enough sweat that she shined and her hands were a little dirty. She was wearing overalls and I don’t think there was a bra underneath. My horny brain was so addled I just stared at her for a second.

“Hi Baby, Hi Niko.” Justine ran in and Ms. Bets walked over. “Wow, yesterday and today, you must really be trying to woo my daughter.” She said with a smile as she reached my Jeep.

“Just trying to be friendly to an old friend.”

She reached me and leaned into my Jeep, resting her hands over the top of the doorframe. She clearly glanced down at the damp spot over my still hard erection. “Happy to see me”

This time I sputtered a little. “Of course ma’am”. She leaned in a little closer.

“Next time finish up before you enter the gate.” My eyes were wide at this point but she just laughed and followed up with, “Cindy told me you’re going to be working with her to wrap up your hours.”


“Cindy Moore”

“Oooh, I guess I didn’t know Mrs. Moore’s first name.”

“Well I’m certain I’ll have the two of you over sometime soon.” She stated with a little wink. I think my mouth might have fell open as she turned to head back to her garden. I started to head out, passed the gate but stopped before the road to read Allie’s note.

Thanks for the ride today. It was nice to hang out like old times. I miss you at times and I hope that maybe we’ll be able to spend a little time together if I can get some breathing room. That is, if you’d give me another chance.

“Well shit,” I said to myself. I don’t know if I could go through that again. It was great but watching the struggle their family goes through hurts. She used to be so carefree, now it’s like a dark cloud follows her.

By the time I had gone to the store and picked up my mom’s stuff It was nearly dark. When I pulled up there were about six cars in the yard and I guess it was the standard Tuesday party at the Martins place. I trudged in and about twenty voices yelled “NIKO!!”

I smiled and waved to everyone then went to find my mother. The house was thick with a mix of cigarette and marijuana smoke and there were people everywhere. It was too early for them to start passing out but at least there was pizza that looked pretty recent. I went and knocked on the door to her room and heard giggling and a yell of come in. I entered and found my mom in a surprisingly clothed state with two guys sitting on the bed looking uncomfortable. Neither had pants on and they were trying to cover somewhat pitiful erections with their hands.

“Thanks baby” She walked over and took the bag of stuff then kissed me on the corner of my mouth. I could practically taste the gin and worried for a second where those lips had been.

“No problem, who’s all here”

“Oh the usual gang from the bar. Go say hey, some of them want to see you.”

“Ok, I’ll make the rounds. Love you.” I retreated out of the room as a large man I recognized from last night entered.

“Now he’ll show you what a good dick can do,” she said as I escaped from the room. I’d like to act shocked but I’d been dealing with this since I was kid. I picked my way back through the mess of people, grabbing a pizza and soda as I went along. I snuck out back where there was only one person sitting out and smoking a cigarette.

“Hey Ari”

“Hey Niko!” Arielle was one of the sweetest people on the planet. “Sorry we’re wrecking your house. Your mom invited everyone, just this time we said yes.” Ari was around 30 and had been working at the bar since she was 19. Somehow she was able to stop a fight before it even began and just about every man that went there was deeply in love. Or at least they were. She had an accident about 2 years ago and had been back and forth to surgery. She was mostly looking patched back up though she’ll always have some gnarly scars. Now she also moved a bit slower, the way you’d expect someone to move when they’ve got 5 lbs. of pins, screws, and plates in them. She was always sweet to me though.

“It’s fine, just another day.” She smiled at me as I dug into my food and she lit another cigarette. Jessie was a mixed race girl though she couldn’t honestly tell you the mix herself. She was around 5’7” and really slim. Since her accident, she had covered a lot of scars with tattoos though they weren’t of any particular theme. Her face was pretty with full lips and dark eyes which were accentuated by a pink scar down her face. She was pretty though she’d been through the ringer. “You planning on partying with us?”

“Maybe but I have to do some homework,” I lied. I was mostly done but drinking with them wasn’t too fun.

Of course she saw right through me. Sticking her tongue out, “Liar”.

I laughed, “Well maybe in an hour or two once the first wave passes out” They were always the heaviest drinkers and least fun. The younger crowd usually stayed up longer.

“Ok Sugar” she said as I got up to head to my room. By this time I had mostly forgotten about the day though my body reminded me of just how horny I was. I didn’t masturbate though since the doors were unlocked to avoid drunks knocking one in. It’s not like we had much to steal anyways. I took a brief nap, falling asleep as I fell into bed.

Two hours later I woke up with the most intense case of morning wood you’ve ever seen at 9 pm. I took a minute then went out to see what was going on. I saw Justine had sent me a snapchat which I opened immediately. It was a picture of her sucking on a banana with the caption guess what I’m thinking about. I sent a response and closed my phone before heading outside.

Joe and Jim were setting up a fire and a few others were bringing out chairs to sit around in. Luckily it was a nice night so I wasn’t too worried we’d leave a couch out. Speaking of, there was the couch being carried out too. I went in and found my mom chatting with Arielle and two other women I didn’t know.

“Is this your son?” One of them practically screamed. She might have been around 30 though it was hard to tell. She was in that ambiguous young adult range. She had curly blond hair and a lovely smile. She wasn’t super pretty but definitely cute. Her ass was something else at the end of long legs. She might have been around 5’ 10”. The other woman looked a little younger. She was shorter and pretty thin with nice curves in the right place. She had one of those cute faces with slightly chubby cheeks and a few freckles on her nose. She was very pretty, maybe 5’4’’, with shoulder length brown hair. She looked over at me and gave me a not so subtle up down and gave me a smile that reminded me of a cat spotting their prey.

My mom laughed and and said, “Yep, this is my Niko”

Jessie interrupted, “This is Beth,” pointing to the tall one with curly hair.

She smiled enthusiastically and wrapped me up in a big hug, “Nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you too” I said, a little flushed.

Jessie followed up, “And this is Tatum.” They’re visiting us from Colorado. Tatum smiled and stuck out her hand. I took in and gave her the standard two pump shake.

“So formal.” She teased.

“Well I can give you a hug like Beth, but I didn’t want to impose.”

“Well, maybe I would have liked it.” She teased some more.

I laughed, “Well maybe we’ll find out later” and all four of them laughed a little.

“We’ll see you outside Sugar” Arielle said and swept out her two friends.

“You gonna hang out by the fire baby” Mom asked me.

“Yeah I think so.” I said and fished a beer out of the fridge.

“Ok, remember it’s a school night”

“Ooookkkaaay, mooom” I said in a mocking tone and dodged her flick.

We walked out to survey how things were set up. Surprisingly the fire was lit and the seats were arranged in a somewhat reasonable circle. There were a few couples sitting together and 3 or four of the older guys sharing a bottle of whiskey. Arielle was sitting with Joe and Jim and the three were chatting like old friends. The two guys were actually pretty cool and worked for the university. I don’t know why they slummed it with us but they were reliable even if they drank often. Next to them, Beth was sitting on the love seat, and Tatum was laying with her head in Beth’s lap and her legs over the sidearm.

“Niko! Come sit with us.” She yelled and gestured with her leg. Then she propped herself up and made room. As soon as I was seated she sprawled back out. I looked around but everyone else seemed pretty occupied. Her butt was pressed into my groin area but I didn’t think it was sexual.

“Ugh Tatum, you always have to be so awkward.” BEth said as she also repositioned a cushion under Tatum. I also was weirdly navigating where to put my arms.

“Ha, I’m sure Niko doesn’t mind,” Tatum responded and wiggled her butt a little.

“Relaxing a bit, I laughed and responded, “No, not at all”

We were all a little squished and Beth looked at me awkwardly sitting with bent arms. “You can put an arm around me, you know. I think Tater here already made things as weird as they’ll get for now.” She winked and Tatum stuck her tongue out. I wrapped my arm around Beth and she leaned in smelling of some flower.

“I want to cuddle with Niko too!” Tatum exclaimed, causing us to laugh. We did look awfully cuddly here.

Time went by and I continued to flirt with the girls. Some of the guys started their drunk drive home and a few other passed out. The three of us had reorganized ourselves and were all slumped over. Tatum was mostly sitting on my lap, still talking with me. I had my left arm around her waist, stabilizing her and she had her right arm placed around my neck. It was really quite intimate.

Beth was also wedged in though she had traded my arm for a blanket and was only occasionally part of the conversation.

Tatum eventually took stock of what people were doing. Jim, Joe, and Arielle were still chatting by the fire but they were the only ones still awake or tending to anything. “When Arielle clears out, why don’t you show us a good place to sleep?” she asked with a salacious smile.

We had started flirting a while ago with Beth urging us on. “Mmm, I want some dick too.” She mumbled sleepily and placed her hand over my soft penis.

Tatum removed it and told her “soon”

Someone turned off the light inside and it motivated Arielle to action. She walked over and smirked when she saw Beth’s hand moving back towards my crotch. “Hey girls, I’m going to head out with the boys. Want to come back with me or Niko can give you a ride late.”

Tatum smiled, “Think he offered to give a ride tonight”

Arielle laughed, “Well don’t keep him up too late, it’s a school night”

“Its barely 10:30.” I responded. “You all just gave up early.” Ari laughed and blew a kiss over her shoulder.

We all stood up anyways and I gave Tatum and Beth directions to my room and bathrooms. Joe and Jim helped me get some furniture inside and put out the fire then they took off with Arielle. I smiled thinking they were all pretty cool, especially compared to whoever was probably railing my mom right now. Anyways I turned to head into my part of the house looking forward to what was to happen.

I walked into the entryway and went to the bathroom, figuring that brushing my teeth couldn’t hurt. A minute later I went to the door of my room and opened it. I was met with an amazing sight. Beth was draped over my bed with no pants on, staring at the entryway and moaning while Tatum had her face buried in her snatch. Beth’s hands were wrapped in her hair and it wasn’t clear if she was using her face as a toy or if Tatum actually had some freedom. Most of their clothes were scattered on the floor.

As I entered, Beth orgasmed and her thighs clenched around Tatum’s head. After she came down and released Tatum’s head from her hands she looked at me and smiled. “We just couldn’t wait big boy.”

My heart leapt into my throat as Tatum finally lifted her drenched face and her smile froze me in my tracks. I honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if my mouth was hanging open. Beth started blushing and taking her shirt off. Tatum still had her pants on and I swung around behind her where she pressed her tight ass against my hardening cock. Undid her belt and peeled off her skintight jeans leaving only a pair of plain black panties. Her ass looked fantastic and she started waving it back and forth.

I buried my face between her cheeks and started to tease her pussy lips, separated by only that thin fabric. She moaned and her hands came back to push her panties down and allow me unfettered access. She was unshaven and a bit wild but her pussy was wet and buried my face, reaching with my lips and tongue to bring her towards orgasm.

I started hearing her gentle moans when Beth started bucking against the bed as another orgasm tore through her. This time though she pulled Tatum up for a kiss and took away her moist snatch. “You better get naked boy” one of them said and I started to oblige but Beth stood up and stopped me.

I looked at her, confused. “I want you to strip for us.” Then she took a seat in my computer chair and Tatum went to the love seat across from her. Eager to please the two women I took off my shoes and socks before starting to gyrate my hips. The two women gave cheers and Tatum started chanting “Take it off! Take it off!” I started swinging my shirt over my head and rubbing my exposed skin as I approached Beth to sit on her lap and rub my ass against her.

As I got close, I turned around and sat on her thighs then arched my back into her. Hands reached around to tweak my nipples then undid my belt. They slipped in and felt my sizable cock “Go ask Tatum to take these off of you.” She pushed me up and I sauntered over. Then gyrated my hips in front of the naked woman.

“For me?” she asked sweetly and then enthusiastically ripped off my pants and underwear. Once off, I continued but she pushed me back towards the bed. Beth had made her way behind me though and stopped my momentum. Her arms wrapped around my torso and her hands ran up and down from my nipples to just above my rock hard cock.

Tatum walked up and her lips connected with mine as her left hand gently caressed my balls. Beth was nibbling on my neck until Tatum broke her kiss with me and started kissing Beth. “Should we tease him?”

“Until he begs us to stop” Beth responded and pulled me back onto the bed so I was sitting between her legs and could feel her wetness behind me. We shuffled around and her hands went back to my nipples. Alternating between teasing them and caressing my skin. She wrapped her legs around me too and squeezed me with her thick thighs.

Tatum came in from the front and started kissing me again. She worked her way down my neck and along my collarbone while Beth pulled my face the other way to kiss me as well. Tatum continued down my chest and over my stomach. I felt one of them pull my penis a little to the side even as it jerked with contact. But Beth held me tight as Tatum teased up and down. She kissed my abdomen along where my penis stood at attention then started to blow on it. I was so honestly beyond lust at that point I would have done anything for these girls.

In an inspired cruel move, her lips finally made contact with my balls for a brief second before she moved up my legs, She was moving faster and I was occasionally spasming with anticipation.

“Tatum, you’re about to give the poor boy a heart attack.” Beth said as she nibbled my ear. “Why don’t you lay back and help take care of me?” She asked and pulled me so I was laying on my back. She swung one of her impressive legs over my head and lowered her glistening gash towards my mouth.

I grabbed her ass and pulled towards my face, burying my nose and mouth with her thighs and ass. I worked my tongue and quickly felt her tighten around my face. She must have been excited watching Tatum. They were both studiously ignoring my straining penis. I would occasionally feel their hair brush against it, hoping it would become a hand or a mouth.

Finally, I felt Tatum’s hand grab the base of my cock and engulf my tip with her mouth. I nearly came from the fulfillment of my anticipation. My face was till buried by Beth’s sizable ass but I could feel their mouths kissing my penis, sucking on the balls, and occasionally taking most of it. I moaned and bucked my hips forward occasionally but they kept up their ministrations for a few minutes. I continued to explore Beth’s body and work her engorging clit until I felt her orgasm and her juices ran into my mouth.

She finally released me and got off my face. “Well Niko, who do you want first?” Tatum asked with her face nuzzled against my balls and a hand around my erection slowly working it up and down. Beth was lying face down on the bed arching her back so her ass and pussy were accessible. Tatum saw me looking and laughed, “You go tap that ass but you better leave some in the tank for me.

I lined up my tumescent cock with Beth’s tight slit while Tatum presented her pussy to Beth who quickly went to town eating her out. I finally entered that tight hole and started sliding in and out. Between Tatum and I, we had made her a wet mess and there was little resistance. She immediately started moaning and I doubted she was managing much with her tongue.

I pushed down hard into her so that her hips were once again against the bed and her legs were straight. I started to thrust faster and her moaning intensified. I looked at Tatum who was playing with herself as Beth grabbed her hips for stability. I felt her orgasm approaching as her movements became more spasmodic and she started chanting “Yes Niko, Yes, Niko…”. Finally, her pussy clamped down on my dick and her moaning became incoherent. She was too tight to move in and out of for a few seconds before she relaxed and I bent over her, kissing her tanned, golden shoulder, slowly starting my withdrawal from her abused hole.

I looked at Tatum and smiled, “Now it’s your turn.”

She rolled off the bed, pointed to the love seat and said, “Sit.” Beth weakly looked over, gave Tatum a thumbs up and found a more comfortable position to watch, lazily circling her clitoris.

I sat and Tatum crawled onto my lap. She didn’t say anything but started grinding her lips over my slick penis. “I can feel Beth’s juices on your cock. It makes me so hot.” She said into my neck.

“Tatum, I want to feel yours too.” She growled and started kissing my lips and raised her body over my hard penis before lining up my tip with her hot, wet hole. She lowered slowly onto my penis. She was tighter than Beth had been, no surprise since she was significantly smaller, and had to stop and retreat up a few times before the whole thing was in. She kept kissing me and half moaning and whimpering into my mouth.

“Fuck, you feel good.” We both said to each other and she started moving up and down in a more consistent manner. It was still somewhat gentle lovemaking but I could feel her lust building.

“I’m going to make you cum deep into this tight little pussy.” She said and straightened up. Her hips moved faster as I pulled her chest towards me. Her B cup breasts were perfect on her petite frame, tight and pert. They moved slightly with each thrust and I caught one nipple in my mouth. She moaned and clamped down hard as an orgasm ripped through. She stopped for a second as her sodden pussy continued its assault on my will.

I felt that familiar stirring and told her, “I’m going to cum.”

“Cum for me baby” she said as I started to lose control. I felt the first pulse hit and my hand tightened on her hips. She slowed her grinding but I kept shooting loads deep into her hole until my balls were drained.

She stopped and kissed a few times before slowly pulling herself off my lap. She stood up but fell back towards me a little. Fortunately, I was also standing and able to catch her. “Oh my, I can’t walk.” I scooped her up, kissed her and deposited her next to Beth.

“I’ll get some water” I said and left for a second, returning shortly, juggling a few bottles of water.

“Thanks,” Tatum said sleepily. “Turn out the light and get in bed.”

I looked at the two beauties sprawled out on my queen bed making room between them for me. “Come on, stop staring,” Tatum said through a smile. I smiled, flicked off the switch, and crawled into bed.

Beth came out of her apparent coma long enough to push me over and wrap her arms around me, throwing a long leg over mine. Honestly it felt nice. Tatum snuggled in facing me, putting her face into my neck. Thank god it was a cool night.

Sleep was fleeting and the two girls were constantly moving a little bit. But the real distraction was when the moaning and sounds started from the other side of the wall. It was loud but manageable until blood started filling my member which was already pressed against Tatum. My mom started at her usual volume which woke Tatum.

“She do this every night?” she asked. I nodded as my penis hardened more. “Must suck when you’re here alone.” As her hand snuck down to stroke my hardening member. “Kinda hot though.”

I was rock hard at this point as she gently caressed my shaft and kissed my chest and neck.

“Are you two trying to fuck?” Beth asked as she woke up from my mostly involuntary movements. “The fuck are they doing over there?” She asked before connecting the dots.

Tatum started kissing her way down my chest and Beth wrapped her arms back around. “Have fun you two,” And fell right back asleep. By now Tatum had started gently licking and sucking the tip of my penis getting it harder and wetter.

She turned around and pressed her soaked lips against the head of my raging erection. I penetrated into her slick hole where my first load was still acting as lubrication. I heard her moan and she gently rocked her hips back and forth why my mom’s wailing dominated the sounds in the space. It was slow and gentle but undeniably erotic.

Our neighbors were a rising cacophony of grunts and moans while we were near silent heavy breathing and gently moaning as Tatum writhed around my member. As the two lovers reached their crescendo, tatum was growing wetter and more desperate for stimulation. I reached around and pinched her nipples. I felt a rush of her fluids and she tightened around me. It was too much and I released into her.

She cried out lightly as I pulsed into her, painting her inner walls white for the second time that night. The lovemaking next store also had ceased. Beth, awake again, yelled out, “Now everyone get some dadgum sleep.” Which led to our giggles and a playful swat on the butt. We repositioned a bit and sleep was much more restful.


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