The note that got me laid

I was cleaning out my attic the other day when I found a box of old magazines I didn’t know what to do with. I started going through and found an erotica magazine. I laughed to myself, remembering when I purchased it. As I flipped through the pages I was turned on by the girl in the images. I had remembered some of them but there was a girl in the comics who looked completely new. I had no idea who she was but she was drop dead gorgeous. I had to know who she was. At the bottom of the page was her name so I went to the computer and looked her up. There I found pages of results with her having the craziest sex I had ever seen. She was gorgeous and very sexy. Had sizable boobs with great hips and a thin waste, not to mention a perfect jaw and nose. She was good at her scenes too.

I looked back in the magazine to see what else I had missed, and as I looked down and turned to the next page a note fell out of the magazine. It had a picture of her on it. Saying that she was looking for a guy to use to make audioporn, and video porn to accompany that.

Here is a general overview of the note:

Looking for a fit thick cock to have sex with.

I <insert pornstar’s name> am interested in creating content with you to share with the world.
Acts will include:
-Me sucking your cock
-You fucking my pussy
-You fucking my ass
-You coming in my ass, mouth, or pussy
If this is something you would be interested in, type the number (640)206-7502

I was completely unsure. I went back to my desk and sat down then pulled out my phone and typed the number in. Message not delivered, hmm. I then realized she has her own official page so I went there to see if there was any contact information and there was. It was behind a paywall. So I opened the texting app, but it was behind a $5 paywall. Not good. After making sure it was her official website I pulled out my wallet and paid. There was her private snap, and it looked as if only 200 people or so were really interested in the subscription. This was not the numbers I was expecting going into this, I figured she would be more popular. I decided to send a message. She responded quickly.

Here was our message exchange:

Me:Hey, just got your account subscription, what are you doing?

Her: Hey there sweetie. Glad you were able to join, what are you looking for?

Me: Oh I just found your magazine, flipping through here and it shows you were trying to make an audioset. I was interested in if you ever got that completed.

Her: The audioset? Oh no we never got that completed. There were some calls but no shows. Why do you ask?

Me: Your pictures drive me insane, I was interested in making a scene with you if thats alright. Audio shouldn’t be a problem.

Her: Oh really? Send me a picture of you dick right now.

I pulled out and took a picture of my dick, then sent it to her.

Her: That is a great looking dick. Hold on.

Me: Alright

Her: Yes, we can make the audiorecordings this week. Is Thursday good for you?

Me: Of course Thursday it is. Are you in my town?

Her: Looking at the maps it appears I am nearby so we could see about putting this together

Me: Okay sounds good

We meet up and she brings me into her place. Its nice, in a good neighborhood too. She then invites me upstairs and I am surprised at what I find. She has a table set up with a towel on it rolled up with a bar overhead and a chin strap. Next to this is a microphone and on the other side is a camera.

She turns to me and looks at me deep with her big eyes “Are you ready?” she asked?

“Do you need anything?” I responded for now I was good, I just had to get hard.

She had taken her top and underwear off so she was completely nude. I looked her over and she looked better in real life than in the videos. I reached up and grabbed her chin to give her a head turn, looking her over again. Then reached down and felt a boob. She smiled.

I said I was ready and she went and turned the microphone on her laptop. Then turned the camera on and pressed record from the laptop. She then placed her head in the harness and locked it.

I pulled out my hard cock and placed it in her mouth, then proceeded to throat fuck her for 10 to 15 minutes. Taking my time using the bar to pull her head forward and back. I fingered her asshole too. The ass jiggle while I fingered her was perfect, especially considering she was having trouble breathing during this while I had sex with her mouth.

I came, letting it run deep into her then pulled out.

She gagged for a minute, still attached to the bar and unable to move. After that I detached her and let her head free. She slumpt then slowly got back up and turned the recordings off.

“Do you want to see?”


There in 4k resolution was me fucking her mouth. Everything was captured, the lighting was just perfect. Me fingering her ass and her gagging was caught on camera too. I watched the entire thing with her, slowly getting more turned on watching it.

“So do I need to pay you or?”

“No don’t worry about it, if anything I should pay you. Remember, its completely anonymous for you but my face is going on this.”

“Oh yea, alright.”

As we kept watching I was fully turned on again, so we had sex after that. I made sure to grab a camera and record while she went down on me again and then while fucking her.

As I dumped my load in her she gave me a smile again. I told her to look at the camera!

She smiled at the camera, then I turned it off and pulled out.

She was great, the video was great too.

I cleaned up and drove home. We still have each other’s contacts and she said if there are enough reviews then she will call me back. That was last week, and now I have a message from her on my phone. Looks like she wants to meet up. . .
