Best Friends (ff)

Susan and Heather had been best friends since the first day of high school. Four years later at the age of 18, they crammed for finals as they had always done, late-night study sessions that found one or the other sharing the same bed as it became too late to head home. A water main break at the school had given them an unexpected day off and both were more than happy to sleep in as everyone else in Heather’s family left for their respective schools and jobs.

Heather woke up first. She lightly rubbed her eyes as she watched her friend sleep. Susan’s nightshirt had crept above her waist and as she lay still, Heather fixed her eyes on the cotton print panties that Susan was wearing. They seemed to be a little tight and she could clearly make out the outline of her friend’s crotch. She wasn’t sure why she was getting a strange feeling looking at another girl. It was the same feeling she got just before she played with herself.

As she looked at Susan, she placed a hand in her own panties and started to massage her little bud. This had always brought her pleasure but this would be the first time she had done it when she wasn’t alone. As she circled her clit with her finger, she admired her friend’s body. Susan was very cute, short red hair, bright green eyes. Heather wondered if Susan ever played with herself like she was doing now. They had talked about lots of intimate things, but never that.

Soon an overwhelming urge came upon Heather to touch her friend on that special spot. Even though she didn’t know how Susan would react, she felt compelled to take the chance. Pretending to be asleep so she could claim it wasn’t intentional, Heather allowed her hand to come to rest on the mattress next to Susan’s crotch. After it had been there a minute without any adverse consequences, she allowed it to brush against her cotton panties. Little by little she became braver, sure that Susan wouldn’t wake up screaming or worse.

Susan had lay awake, one eye barely opened, concealed by her hair. She watched as Heather with her hand in her panties had played with herself. She was relieved to know that she wasn’t the only girl that did that, maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. She found herself wishing Heather had actually lowered her pajamas before doing it so that she could’ve had a better view of what she was doing.

When Heather had suddenly stopped masturbating, Susan was afraid that maybe she had sensed that she was awake and Susan had closed her eyes tightly. But when she felt Heather’s hand make contact between her legs, she knew that hadn’t been the case. A little shiver of excitement trickled through Susan’s body as that first touch was felt. That was the first time anyone had ever touched her there. She wasn’t expecting it from another girl, but right now that really didn’t matter. She was excited from watching Heather and that overcame any sense of wrongdoing. Besides, she could just lay there and pretend to be asleep and see what happened.

Heather’s touch was very light and casual in the beginning. But as time went on and Susan didn’t awaken and protest, her touch got more aggressive and deliberate. She had already caused a wet spot to appear on Susan’s panties and now she was so excited that she didn’t care if Susan now woke up. Bravely, with one hand she lifted up the waistband of Susan’s panties and held them up while she slid the other hand beneath them. She brushed her hand over the soft, tiny patch of sprouting pubic hair and found her friend’s moist hole with one finger. After slightly inserting it, she commenced a circular motion around the girl’s clit with her thumb.

Susan was sure she couldn’t pretend to be asleep much longer. The tingles of electricity that she had felt now turned to bolts of electricity as Heather’s finger toyed at the entrance to her cunt. Slowly, instinctively, she began to rotate her hips in a circular motion in response to Heather’s continuing massage of her clit. Sensing that her pretending to be asleep now served no purpose except to diminish her enjoyment of this new experience, Susan opened her eyes, smiled at Heather and said softly, “Mmmmm…that really feels good.”

“I’m glad you like it. I wasn’t sure you would. I don’t know why I started doing it, but I just wanted to.”

Susan responded by pulling her panties off and spreading her legs apart to give Heather more freedom between her legs and a sort of unspoken permission to proceed. Heather happily took the implied invitation and buried a finger in Susan’s cunt-lips and started pumping in and out.

Susan, discarding her charade of being a passive participant, reached inside Heather’s pajama bottoms. Heather wasn’t wearing panties. She found the moist slit with her finger and commenced giving Heather the same type of pleasure that she’d been receiving.

“The only thing that would make this better is if we had a boy here with us,” said Susan.

“Like really,” Heather replied. “Except the boys I know would blab all over school. Or you could wind up like Mary Johnson…pregnant!”

“Yeah…you ever done it with a boy?” Susan asked.

“No. Almost did but my mom came home early and messed everything up. Have you?”

“No, but there are times when I really want to. I just want to know what it feels like…I mean you’re making me feel better than anything I’ve ever done so far,” replied Susan.

Suddenly Heather stopped. “You wait right here. Don’t move,” She ordered as she jumped up from the bed, went to the dresser and reached way behind a drawer. Carrying something white and folded into the bathroom, she told Susan she’d be right back.

Five minutes seemed like an eternity for Susan until the bathroom door opened and Susan received the second biggest surprise of the morning.

Heather had slicked back her already short brown hair, parted it on the side and had it combed in a boy’s style. She was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of boy’s jockey shorts. Her big brown eyes gave her the look of a young boy that could’ve been her twin. Sensing the question on her friend’s face, Heather explained.

“These used to be my brothers. I rescued them before Mom threw them out. Sometimes I sleep in them, it turns me on.”

“Wow!” Susan exclaimed as she looked at her friend in amazement. If she hadn’t known better, she would swear she was looking at a young boy in his underwear. She felt her cunt really start to itch as she admired her friend’s ingenuity.

“And that’s not all,” Heather said as she pulled her jockey shorts down in the front and revealed about seven inches of a double-headed dildo protruding from her cunt lips, the other half-buried deep in her hole. “I never thought I’d get to use both sides of this at once, but if you’re as hot as I am, we both need to do it now!”

As she walked over to the bed, holding the thing to keep it from shooting out between her legs, Susan reached out to touch it and examine the device. It was made of soft, and slightly rigid vinyl. The head was just like the drawings she had seen in her sex-ed book, and she could imagine that it was probably pretty close to the real thing in size and shape.

“Where did you ever get that?” Susan asked.

“That you’ll never believe?” Heather said. “Do you remember when my Aunt Amanda passed away last summer and I had to go clean out her apartment? Well, I found this in her stuff, buried in the back of her closet.”

A mental image of Heather’s Aunt passed through Susan’s mind. Amanda had been 52 with the body of a much younger woman. To Susan’s surprise, the image she formed was Aunt Amanda totally naked with the dildo hanging as it now hung from Heather.

“I guess if we can’t have a boy, this is the next best thing,” Heather said, bringing Susan’s attention fully back to her.

Susan was a little apprehensive about allowing the thing up her cunt. She had put things up there before, but she had always been in control. But her fear subsided as her friend reassured her, “It’s okay. You’ll feel great when it’s inside you.”

With that, Heather removed the dildo from inside her and turned it around, placing the head that had been in her cunt, now slippery wet, over the opening to her friend’s hole. The lubricant on the head of the plastic dick caused it to pop in with a minimum of resistance. Susan lay on her back with her legs spread wide, her knees resting against the budding little mounds on her chest as Heather worked the cock in and out of her to get her adjusted to it. When she felt that it was properly in and not going to be painful for Susan, she positioned herself between Susan’s spread legs. Once again she pulled down the front of the jockey shorts she was wearing and expertly inserted the other half of the dildo in her own cunt.

Slightly she pumped her hips, allowing the dick to sink first into her hole and then Susan’s. Susan was still spread with her hands behind her knees, holding herself open, afraid to resist in the least. Soon both girls were pumping their hips in opposite rhythms until the cock was completely swallowed between their two cunts. Their pussies were rubbing together as Heather humped Susan, continuing the role of the boy. Susan, now engulfed in lustful abandon, wrapped her legs tightly around Heather, digging her heels into her friend’s pumping ass.

“Fuck me!” Susan cried to her ‘boy/girl’ lover, “Bury that cock of yours in me all the way!”

As Heather pumped and her cunt tightened, Susan moaned. Heather pushed the slippery dildo all the way into Susan’s cunt. As Susan pumped back, Heather could feel the thing thrust against the back of her own hole. The girls had the dick so deeply buried into themselves that their clits were rubbing together and it didn’t take long until both girls shuddered into orgasmic ecstasy, juices flowing from their cunts and down the crack of Susan’s ass.

The girls collapsed in exhaustion, the slippery toy now glistening as it lay cast aside on the bed. They kissed each other passionately, feeling the kind of devotion that only one young girl can feel for another, having traded their youthful innocence for passion.


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