
After Sasuke cut off his penis to escape his universe as several clones of Naruto pursued him in the timeless void, Sasuke found himself unconscious on the laps of Professor X as he was about to ejaculate to a porn scene involving a fat woman being used as a trampoline by a small Japanese man. After feeling deep guilt for ejaculating inside the mouth of an unconscious and penisless man, he inserted demonic runes inside the trunk of what remained of his penis thus making his dick grow back and turn him into the monstriosity that is Doomguy. Using demonic sex magic, Doomguy can fill his testicles with cum by fucking women in the pussy. He can also grab them in the pussy and generate ammo for his dick allowing him to reload faster. Additionally, there are mounds of pussies scattered in the god-forbidden dimension in which Doomguy currently reside as Sasuke’s demonic penis generates a time-space fissure that serves free avocado toast to any young and attractive women within a 10 km radius every now and then strangely enough. Lastly, the Doomguy can fuck a woman and use her as a weapon attachment.

“Space demons, they’re everywhere!” complained Sasuke. “When will it ever end?”

“I don’t know man.” replied Shikamaru. “Hey, there’s a mound over there. You need to load up on ammo before you run low again. Otherwise, you will have to dick slap your way to the demon lord and I sure as hell don’t want to have cum splattered onto my face again.”

“Dude, you were begging to have it splattered all over your face, you fucking moron! Don’t just stand next to me, you stupid closeted faggot!”

“Fuck you!”

“No, you get fucked, faggot!”

As the two approached the mound of pussies, Shikamaru pulled out his handheld transceiver and spoke into it.

“HQ, this is Alpha Bravo, we’ve located a mound. Do we have permission to use it?” asked Shikamaru. “Roger that.”

“Can I fuck it or not?” asked Sasuke.

“Yeah, they gave you permission.”

After Sasuke gave the mound a good fucking in every hole, his balls became monstrously large. It was then the duo heard some knocks from a door. It seemed that someone was locked into one of the rooms of the derelict building in which they currently stood. Upon opening the door, Sasuke was greeted by a fine big-breasted woman with blond hair.

“Pigmen, I am in need of assistance.” the woman said. “You need to escort me back to the kingdom of Aeynith!”

“And to whom do we have the honor of speaking?” asked Sasuke.

“I am princess Eldia, soon to be the ruler of the kingdom of Aeynith.”

“HQ, this is Alpha Bravo.” spoke Shikamaru into his transceiver. “Do you copy? We have a 10-45, I repeat we have a 10-45. Do we have permission to proceed?”

“Do I have permission?” asked Sasuke.

“Yes, but they said you need her consent.”

“What are you talking about, pigmen? Were you listening? I need to be safely escorted back to my kingdom!”

“Do you have a red strand of pubic hair to spare?” asked an annoyed Sasuke?

“Why a red one?” asked Shikamaru.

“It’s worth more.”

“Here’s one, you douchebag.” said Shikamaru after pulling a strand of red hair out of his left testicle.

“Thanks, you disgusting pig.”

“You pigs! How dare you ignore me!”

“Here’s a gift.” said Sasuke after putting the strand of pubic hair into her hand.

“You disgusting pig!” she said after throwing the strand onto the floor. “How dare you?!?”

Ignoring her, Sasuke repeated the same action 1,000,000 times until his charisma reached level 100. His charisma being high enough, Sasuke slid his throbbing penis inside princess Eldia with her full consent and made his way into the demonic realm below.

“Do you really have to do this?” asked Shikamaru. “I kinda feel bad for her.”

“Hey, dude, I have no choice. I need to use her as a silencer. Otherwise, my .41 Pulse rounds will fucking aggro all of the demons within a 10 km range.”

“Yeah, sure…”

“Hey, at least, I am not glorifying rape like a certain creepy bodybuilding Tiktoker with beer for brains who keeps making cringy rape videos.”

“It’s ok!” said princess Eldia. “I am quite enjoying this! Lord Sasuke, let’s synchronize our ejaculations for the 1,000,000th time!”

Eventually, the trio reached the throne room of the demon lord on the 666th level of hell. There they found the demon lord sitting on his throne with his face veiled by some sort of shadow magic. Before the demon lord spoke, 10 pussy mounds appeared out of the floor around the throne room.

“Petty humans, you think you can defeat me?” asked the demon lord.

“This voice… It sounds familiar.” commented Sasuke.

“Prepare to face my wrath!”

The demon lord shot plasma orbs out of his hands, which Sasuke promptly dodged. He adeptly used the mounds as cover and gave them a good fucking as he ran circles around the demon lord while spewing projectiles out of his enormous dick.

“Haha, petty human! Here’s my final attack!” announced the demon lord.

“Sure, you can dish it out anytime you want.” replied Sasuke.

To Sasuke’s surprise, the demon lord launched miniature Narutos and teleguided them towards his asshole, but to the demon lord’s surprise, Sasuke clinched his ass so hard that the Narutos just dropped to the floor and got stomped to death.

“Haha, you thought I didn’t see it coming, but I knew you would do that since the very beginning, you asshole!”

“But how?”

“I injected so much steroids into my body that I don’t have any fat in my ass, only muscles. Prepare to die!”

“Wait, it’s me, your friend, Naruto.” said the Naruto as he took his mask off.

“That’s even worse!”

“I don’t think that’s gonna help your case.” said Shikamaru.

“Wait, I thought—”

Sasuke shot Naruto’s brain off, which splattered all over the walls. The end.
