Freedom from Slavery [M/M, man x dragon, oral, anal, size difference play, light dom/sub, light cum inflation, loving, caring, sweet, passionate, erotica] (AmethystMare)

After escaping slavery, two lovers, a man and a dragon, come together to support one another in passion, trusting that they will be safe together…

As always, I am open for commissions starting at 30 GBP per 1,000 words – please e-mail arianmabe[at] for more information or see my profile!

Christóforos stretched out on his back, his hair cropped around his ears, though it was not as neat nor as tidy as he would have liked. It was not as if, however, a runaway slave could just go down into a town or city (perhaps a village at the foothills of the mountains would have worked?) for a barber, if it was even customary where they were for men to trim their hair and beards. His beard was one part of him that Chris was able to keep neater, however, having brought an old mirror with him and a shaving blade that had been in the servant’s quarters back at his old master’s house, once upon a time. That time, however, was long gone, his bare face olive-toned, though his skin was darker and richer still with the good health and vitality that flowed through him in freedom.

Yet not all was well as he rested beside the crackling, spitting fire, dug down into a pit in the centre of the front part of their cave, with a chimney opening in the cave roof above them. He must have left a damp log in there, at some point, though Chris was not about to go out in the dark and replenish their store, not when he was so comfortable there. It was one of the best parts about being free: not having to do anything more than the minimum, if that was what pleased him.


The dragon half-glanced back to him, though the pensive edge to his gaze could not so easily be turned to pondering, not when the two of them had been together as long as they had. Hellfire – they had escaped slavery together. If there was ever a bond to be had between mates, that was it, one that could never be turned back, not that either of them would have ever sought to do so.

Re sighed.


Chris sat up, the dragon’s quietness troubling, stirring up a knot of unease in his belly, twisting and curling as if it was a living, breathing entity itself.

“You’re quiet… That’s not like you. Not this kind of quiet.”

“Sometimes quiet is good, Christóforos. It’s when no one is talking.”

Chris could have been affronted at that, yet his worry for Re only grew. There was something wrong, something that he had not paid due note to before. Who would he have been to disregard the worries of his mate, after all, if he did not do anything once they had come to light?

Not rising, he crawled the short distance between them, keeping to the edge of the ring around the fire, where they spent most of their time on colder nights. The green dragon watched him with one, large eye, his scales reflecting the light of the fire, though the lighter green markings twisting across his body could not be so easily seen in the dimmer light of the night.

“What do you want, Christóforos?”

“You only call me that when something’s wrong,” Chris said gently, seating himself before Re and taking his large muzzle, softly, between his hands. “Come now, love… Tell me what troubles you.”

For a moment, Chris thought that Re was going to hold back, to shrug him off, but the dragon exhaled, seeming to diminish in size from the mere act of releasing the breath that he had been holding too tightly in his lungs.

“I…” He hesitated, unsettled in the feeling of not being in a comfortable place of mind. “I didn’t think that you would know…but…”

Chris waited patiently. It was not his place to rush Re through it, whatever it was that the dragon was going through. All he could do was to listen, stroking the dragon’s muzzle lightly, fingers tracing up and around his horns. There were spots on a body that could release tension, though the research behind that lay in physicians and greater: those were not courses of study for an escaped slave. Yet if something helped, that was more than good enough for Chris as Re shivered under his hands.

“It’s only that I feel, sometimes, that we’re not away from the palace,” he said slowly, tongue flickering in and out of his mouth as he spoke, dragging out his words. “There’s always a sense…that this is temporary. I don’t think it is. They wouldn’t come this far after us…surely not…but there is always that chance. I’m too distinctive. It would be easier, sometimes, if you were on your own, Chris. You could blend in with the big cities better, no one would even know that you had been a slave. There, you could start a new life.”

Chris shook his head, holding up a hand to quiet the dragon, as much as he wanted to hear him speak all his worries too. They were better aired, where they could not harm anyone, than held inside.

“No, Re… Look, that could never happen without you. We would never have escaped without you; it took two of us to escape. And that makes you think I’m going to leave you now?”

He shook his head, lifting the dragon’s head to his face, forehead bowed towards Re as he kissed the dragon softly on the nose. If only one kiss could honestly convey the true depth of emotion that he felt for the dragon…and yet he could only give his whole heart and soul to the creature he loved more than life itself.

“I know, Chris,” Re breathed, acting as if he wanted to pull away, though Chris would not allow him. “It’s only…it preys on me. I can see the past in my dreams, haunting me, reminding me of the time there. I was nothing more than a beast of burden, a slave to be paraded around… I fear that life coming to get me again, to chase me back into chains.”

“I’ll slit their throats before that will ever happen to you.”

That was enough to startle Re into an ill-timed chuckle.

“You? Slit anyone’s throat? Chris, I have seen you fight before and I cannot see you defending me against a hoard of guards.”

Chris grinned in a flash of white teeth, the atmosphere in the cave noticeably lighter, easier between them.

“So what? You think that I would not defend you in the name of love?”

Re growled, a little more himself again, rising and pushing over the smaller man, a rumbling groan trembling through his flanks as he pinned Christóforos easily, the man squirming and yelping. He was not in any danger, of course, though his heart leapt, pounding against his ribcage as Re dropped his nose to his.

“I think I should show you what you mean to me too, Chris,” Re rumbled, his gaze intense, “since you are already so eloquent with your words…”

They kissed, tongues tangling, lusts rising, both knowing exactly where all was going. With the little range of movement that Chris had at his disposal under the dragon’s foot, he squirmed and twisted out of his trousers, undergarments coming down with them, leaving him bare in the glow of his natural skin. There was a curl of hair on his chest, muscles well-defined from his life in the wilds with Re, yet the throbbing rise of his shaft could not match up to the thickness slipping from between Re’s hind legs.

That member had done some wonderful, wonderful things to Chris, and he yearned to have that all over again. No matter how many times their bodies came together, they always found something new to enjoy, the dragon’s shaft slick at the tip with his own pre-cum, a little lubrication usually remaining inside his belly-slit, even though, at the beginning, Chris had needed a lot more than “only a little” lube.

Times had changed. They’d learned the ways of each other’s bodies, coming together in sweet passion, Chris rolling onto all fours with the fire warming one side of his face, sweating a little, yet not enough to care to move. His body prickled with tell-tale desire, yet the rhythm of their bodies was perfectly in time, the ebb and flow of life energy teasing between them.

“Do you think you could defend me when you bend so easily to my might?”

Re teased him lightly, standing a little, warmth in his words, tail curling all the way around so that he could cradle Christóforos with it, even as his shaft probed at his anal ring. There was only one place for it to go, as his partner gasped and moaned, and the subtlest shift of his body bore him back onto Re’s shaft, the dragon teasing inside. He didn’t need to put any force behind his thrust to penetrate the man, only the slow slide of his shaft probing deep up into Chris to bring them together.

It was as magical as it had ever been between them, yet each moment came with a different shade to it. Each time could be rough or coarse or gentle or sweet, warming or thrilling… There were too many shades of their love to be encapsulated solely in one mating session alone, but they could take that for themselves again and again. There was no rush, as Chris had told Re, for they were not going anywhere and there was no sense in them separating, not when they worked so well together. Each thrust of Re’s hind end pushed deep, sliding inch after delicious inch into his tight backside, yet he had learned after so long together how to loosen up softly around that driving length, enjoying it as much as he had the first time.

But it was better then, relieving withheld stresses and tensions with every thrust of Re’s hips, his tail pressing against Chris, as if Chris needed that support. He was safe and comfortable where he was, the stretch immense, the heat of the dragon’s pre-cum drooling into him slickening the path of his cock further – not that it was needed.

“Oh, heavens… Re…” Chris breathed. “Yes… Please… Deeper…”

The dragon rumbled a growl, obliging him with a little more pressure, the long rolls of his hind end sweet and loving, lovemaking rather than crude fucking, though that was more than fine too. The moment was right as their moans and groans rose, Re twisting his head from side to side, though he did not have to withhold anything in a moment of lust. Everything was to be spent there as desire curled within them, Chris’ cock not as hard as it could have been with the pressure of penetration, but lost in lustful delirium.

He was close, so close, losing track of time and his reality as Re thrust and thrust, overwhelmed with gratitude for the dragon. His orgasm took him by surprise as his cock ached and suddenly erupted, drooling thick spurts of cum to the floor of the cave, skin prickling with heat from more than the fire. The dragon groaned, his maw hanging open, revealing the rows of sharp teeth within, yet there was no threat there for Chris, not as Re pounded him, taking him harder and faster, deeper than ever, lifting them to a height of pleasure that they yearned for repeatedly.

It had to come, yet the dragon was still gripped by the sense that he was flying, wings trembling and spread, as orgasm hit him, his internally held testis aching deeply, guts churning, bursting into ecstasy. His orgasm came swiftly and furtively, though was not the main event, for that would forever remain the closeness between them, the kind of relationship they had that could never be made any less than it was.

Chris groaned, his nose tipped towards the ground, Re nuzzling him, tail tucked around him. Never again would Chris be left without support, never to float and not know where he belonged. Where Re belonged was at his side, in freedom, and neither dragon nor man would ever allow that to be taken away from the other.

They’d fought too hard for it. Even as Chris’ abdomen bloated a little with a sense of fullness and tightness, Re’s shaft throbbing inside him, remaining there as the dragon softened, slowly but surely. No words were needed, the only sound being their panting breaths, bodies recuperating after shared passion.

All that had been said lay in their hearts already. Together, forever and always, they came as a pair.

No one would take that away from them.
