Meeting my owner part 2

This is a work of fiction. All persons depicted as of legal age and consent.

I shivered in the dark alone listening to my weary breathing. I final nestled into the straw and double the blanket over as many times as I could to decrease the aching cold. The staw, to my surprise, helped it kept me off the cold floor and I was warm enough to pass into an uneasy stress induced sleep.

I awoke somtime later to the sound of the lock on my stall being opened. I don’t know how long it was that I slept, I don’t even know what time or what day it is. I curled I to a ball and cowered looking at the door as it opened. I had hoped this was all a terrible nightmare but as I woke still int he cold dim stall naked my hopes crashed and I was renewed in my terror.

“Morning cunt”
The tall man from the night before said as the heavy door slammed into the concrete wall. The impact was load and shicking causing a small yip to escape me.

This made him smile.
“Skittish, already….good, might Dave us some time.”
He looked around and into both bowls.
“Didn’t have much water lastnight? Well cunt?”

“Please don’t call me that…” I protested

And in response the back of his hand struck my cheek spinning me around and making me see double for a second. When I righted myself I started to weep.

“There, there…you are going to have a tough time if you back talk me again.
Your name is cunt untill we get you a real name. Do you understand me?” His booming voice echoed in my head as the throbbing in my fave subsided.

I said meekly

“You will call me sir or master. If I deside to keep you you may warn the privilege of calling me Daddy” this he said with a laugh

After a stern look I got the hint and repeated
“Yes sir”

Then he pointed to the water bowl.
“Drink cunt”

My face still in pain I had no choice but to listen. I crawled on all fours to the bowl of icy water and went to pick it up.

“No cunt…an animals can’t use its hands”

It was said with such smugness but also as a threat. I felt the blood rushing back to my face but this time in shame. Still, I lowered my face to the bowl and started to slurp. It was delicious, god I needed water, I had avoided it out of fear and not wanting to leave my blanket lastnight but it soothed my throat and filled me with a little energy.

“That’s better. If you try to damage my property again I will be punishing you.”

Gasping after another long slurp I look at him confused.

“Failing to take care of your body is failing to take care of my property.”

I looked down at the water and sniffle. At that moment her came closer and I hear a zipper being pulled down. I see I the reflection of the cool water he is reaching in to his pants and has removed himself.

“Face me cunt….dont keep me waiting”

I looked up , his member was thick, cut and had a few riblike veins running down the shaft all culminating in a thigh nest of nearly black public hair. I swallowed hard.

“Open you mouth cunt”

His cock was growing harder as he spoke. Mesmerized and afraid I opened my lips slowly buy as soon at then were parted just enough he grabbed my head and thrust his prick into my mouth. He worked it back and forth quickly and violently moving his hips as well as my head.

“If I feel teeth then I’ll remove some”  he said between thrusts.

After that he pushed himself deeper in while holding my head still. The mass if him now gliding down my throat painfully stretching it and making my gag around his bulbous head. Instinctively I reached up and grabbed his hips to push him back. He froze.

“Hands on the ground or behind your back this second…”

I could feel the cold rage in his word and moved my hands slowly away and behind my back. Without a word he started my throat fucking again. I tryed desperately not to wretch and to breath through my nose as he assaulted my mouth and throat. After rehab felt like an eternity he slowed for a moment then his dick pulsed and a could feel the hot slimy shot down my throat. He staying inside me for a moment makeing sure he was all finished before he pulled is cock out of my thoat.

“Lick it all clean cunt”

My thoat ached my mind swam in pain and humiliation. And my stomach churned but I did as he asked sucking and licking him clean I could taiste the salt and bleech of his cum a bit here and there.He then pulled out all the way and looked at his spit covered dick to see if I had left anything on it. Seaming satisfied as he put it away.

Then he grabbed a lead and snapped it to the collar around my neck and led me out of the stall back to the room with the drain. I was trembling as we approached and he must have felt it.

“No cunt I’m not cleaning you again today. Not yet anyway”
He then pointed to a wooden table with a few steps next to it.
“Get up there, the  turn on your back”

I trotted over staying on all fours. I could feel him watching, maybe hoping I would try to stand. I would not give him another reason to beat me. Once on the table I lay on my back and almost as soon as I didn’t my hands were pulled tight above my head and tightly bound then this was repeated with my ankles.

“Pleae….please sir….what are you doing?”
I said in a nervous tone my voice stuttering.

“I told you you will be pierced, shaved and branded today”

I bit my lip.
“Please just…”
But I was cut off by another hard slap.

I gasped and let out a small yelp.

“Stop trying to get out of this cunt. You have been bought and sold. And if I can’t find a use for you then I’ll sell you myself”
He was matter of fact in his words and tone.

He splashed some cold liquid over both my nipples. The stood even more erect than they had been all morning in the chilled barn.  I winced and twisted in my binding as he produced two clamps and brandished them to me. He snapped the painful slotted metal onto both my hard nipples pinching them terribly and pulling tiny yelps from me with each ratchet.

“It…it hurt…it hurt so much…master”
I plead, I felt he was drawing it out to see what I would do.

At this he seamed satisfied and showed me the needle and the barbell nested inside. With one motion he pressed the needle through my flattened, clamped nipple. I barly felt it, the clamp was so painful I could almost ignore the needle, almost.  He then quickly removed the clamp and repeated thw process on the otherside. This time he made sure to pull on the the needle and tug before he screwed on the ball. I winced and made tiny small gasps as he cleaned the blood from my breasts and admired his work. Then he laughed and untied me.

“Turn over ass up. Tits down”

I moved into position on the table my body growing stiff from the stress. I jumped as my newly tender nipple piercing brushed the table, this too made him laugh.

He then took a razor and shaving cream setting them on the table next to me.

“Dont move…or I might cut more than hair”

I wept a little at that feeling completely at his mercy, but I stayed still. 
He worked the lather on my mons, around my labia and even into my butt crack. Then over the course of a few moments he gently and throughly shaved away all my public hair. Making sure to inspect both my pussy and my puckered hole carefully for any stray hair.

“I will use chemicals next time, in about a week. Got to keep the animals groomed afterall.” He said with another laugh. Meanwhile my face has been blood red for thw last ten minutes as my rapist as stated at my open butt cheeks and shaved my privates, I am shaking and sputtering I’m so embarrassed. This obviously pleases him too.

He pats my ass.
“Your shaping up to be a good cunt”

Before he steps away for a moment. As he is away I drop my hea down on the table and sob. I cry bitter hate filled tears into the wood my nipples ache and burn to my heaving breaths. I am crying so loadly I don’t here that he has come back, infact I don’t notice untill the searing hot brand is slammed and held into my right butt cheek. The white hot scorching ripples through my body causing me to collapse on the table onto my fresh pierced nippels but I dont even feel the impact. I can only process the tearing burning mind bending pain from the brand held tightly to my ass. Then as quickly as it was placed it is removed and a splash of cold water is dumped on to it. My mind reels I shutter and sob snot and tears cover my face and I curl into a ball on the table the pain now more dull but constant.

I hear laughing as my vision fades to black.



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