
The place was dark and smelled like cheese, it was unbearable so the clones of Sasuke developed a language based on the binary code, and thus people would click their tongues instead of speaking normally. This dark and horrible place had basically no space between the roof and the floor, so the clones of Sasuke would wiggle around like a worm, and would build these makeshift buildings consisting of the corpses of previous Sasukes who bit the dust. The corpses kissed at one end and the doors were formed by two corpses joined by their feet. This was done so that you wouldn’t mistake the corpses for real people, because there’s no way people would kiss each other in a place that stinks of cheese and tastes like cheese, or eat someone’s ass, especially not the nobleman that was Sasuke Uchiha.

“Hey, did you find out the mystery of this terrible place?” asked a clone of Sasuke.

“No, but one of us saw that the ceiling had an edge, but he didn’t come back.” replied another clone of Sasuke.

“Hmm, this is promising. Where exactly is this edge?”

“It’s further up north past human igloo 56.”

“Then let us head there.”

The two went to the edge of the ceiling where they could see a bright light shine. When they looked up, they saw a giant Naruto peering down at them with a smirk. This is when they realized they had been wiggling their small bodies inside Naruto’s foreskin. This is when the two of them bit off their tongues and killed themselves to become smegma. The end.
