Why is is so hard to find erotica ebooks for men?

With so much adult content being targetted towards men. It’s baffling to see how little erotica there seems to be for the male demographic.

I specifically need ebooks that way, I can listen as a work. I’ve been trying to listen to some normal erotica for the time being. And while there can be okay parts. Much of the material is so tailored towards a female audience that it’s nearly impossible to truly get into.

If anyone has any recommendations, feel free to let me know.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rnvpmq/why_is_is_so_hard_to_find_erotica_ebooks_for_men


  1. Men require visual stimuli for sexual arousal. You said yourself, the erotic material you listen to is “okay in parts”

    Women require the relationship for sexual arousal. And the relationship can be with the words read/listened to, the physical relationship, the connection of a relationship, etc.

    A lot of truth is said in jest. The age old joke:

    All men need is a women to show up naked to get horny, a man needs to follow a 100 page manual, to get a woman horny.

  2. Erotica in general is just targeted more towards women, since most men just look for straight forward porn. Not quite sure what the psychology on it is, but overall that’s generally the case.
    I myself enjoy reading it, though I rarely listen to it, so you’re not alone on that front.

    I suppose maybe the market for it is just so small that no one bothers to provide for it?

  3. If you are into SF/Fantasy there are a few that I think you would like that are not as relationship focused as mainstream erotica. You should check out the Good Intentions series by Elliot Kay. You can also check out books by Jan Stryvant and Randi Darren. All of these are available as audiobooks.

    Then, of course, I have to pitch our own books as well as they are clearly targeted more towards men than women (although we have quite a few female fans as well). You can check them out here: [https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/lisalewd](https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/lisalewd)

    But as some others have mentioned here the market for male tailored erotica is quite small and e.g. few books like ours are ever made into audiobooks as the return on investment for that is simply not there.

  4. The big majority of erotica buyers are female. Certain niches exist with a predominantly male reader base, but they’re not as popular and don’t create the same kind of income. If the author is writing for the purpose of making money, it doesn’t make sense to cater primarily to the smaller audience.

    What kind of material are you reading right now? Can you give us examples of what you feel is aimed at women?

    And you mention ‘listening’. Are you talking about audiobooks?

  5. I think just as a generalization women tend to enjoy it moreso than men because men tend to be very visual when they’re trying to please themselves. For many women it’s about the emotional connection, the intimate bond, the feeling behind the lust that drives them. Which is why a lot of porn, unless it’s well scripted, just doesn’t do much for some women. It can be hard to put yourself in the mindspace of a porn actress when the writing is flat, lackluster.

    I personally love it when men are into erotica. I try to write my works with both the male and female reader in mind. But just like the r/menwritingwomen sub shows, it can be hard to put yourself accurately in the headspace of a gender you don’t identify with. To write what you think they would want in an erotic scene, because it can be extremely different from what you might expect. And I think a lot of erotica authors are women, for many of the reasons I previously discussed. So that’s why it’s usually more catered to female audiences.

  6. I recently discovered audiodesires.com
    It wasn’t exactly what I’m looking for but it’s the best I could find at the time.[audio desires ](www.audiodesires.com)

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