[FF] Husbands Christmas Gift (part 1)

About 2 years ago I got a big promotion at my job. It meant a lot more work and long nights and weekend but the pay was definitely worth it. My husband (Mark) and I had been wanting to explore the world since we got married years ago and this new job would finally let us do just that. The problem is by the time I actually take time off, I’m usually such a stress case that I spend the first half of the vacation decompressing, then the second half anticipating the work I will have when I get back to the office. My husband clearly noticed. Even outside of our vacations, I haven’t had time to spend with him like we used to. We used to go for walks in the evenings, cook dinner together, and enjoy our hot tub in the evenings. Now I usually come home to cold dinners and need a couple glasses of wine to take the stress off for the evening and have been falling asleep earlier and earlier giving me less and less time with Mark. Little did I know my husband had a plan to help this.

We have been planning a big trip this year where we are going to spend two weeks in Fiji. We are leaving Christmas Eve and not coming back until January. I have been waiting for this trip for months. Mark has also and thought up a plan to help me enjoy it a bit more. He gave me an early Christmas present last week. Three passes for a massage for the three nights leading up to our trip. His hope would this would begin to relax me before we even left and I could enjoy the trip that much more. I was skeptical, I’m not a massage person, but it was a nice gesture so I figured I would give it a try.

On Tuesday after I got off work around 7pm I went into the spa expecting a similar massage to the ones I’ve gotten at our athletic club before. I walked into the spa, not as nice looking as our club but not seedy looking like you see in strip malls. There was a young (mid 20’s) woman behind the desk and she asked me what brought me in. I told her about my husband giving me an early Christmas present with the three spa certificates and handed the woman the first one. She looked at it and told me this entitled me to a 90 minute massage of my choosing from any masseuse of my choosing they had available. I told her that I did not know of specific kinds of massages and told her that whatever the simplest kind is would be fine. I didn’t want something crazy like hot stones or someone walking on my back! She told me a classic Swedish massage would be exactly what I needed before my trip. She then pulled out a binder of laminated pages with pictures of people and pulled out 4 pictures. She told me that I could choose my masseuse. They only had female masseuses available tonight but she let me look through the entire binder and she said if I wanted someone specific for my next appointment I could make a reservation.

I had never had a woman massage me before (I always figured a handsome guy rubbing his hands all over me was half the point of a massage). But nevertheless I looked at the photos of the available masseuses. There was an Asian woman who appeared to be in her late 50’s, a blonde woman who looked like she graduated high school last week, another blonde who couldn’t have been more than 30, and a brunette who appeared to be in her early 40’s. I chose the brunette. Her name, Mary, was below her photo and a list of specialty kinds of massages were under her name. It seemed normal as I was reading through them: Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, Reiki, aromatherapy, and Shiatsu all sounded familiar to me. But one, nuru, I had never heard of. I looked up to ask the front desk woman what nuru was but she had already left to get my masseuse.

A minute later, Mary, a gorgeous brunette (much more attractive than her photo suggested) walked into the lobby. Mary was about 5’3”, brunette, maybe 125 pounds, with large D cup breasts that were on display with her unbuttoned polo shirt, and a smile that went from ear to ear. She introduced herself to me and directed me to a private room to get undressed and set up on her table. The room was much larger than I expected. It had the massage table, a few small tables with oils and towels, a large open space, and it even had its own bathroom with a shower in it.

Once I was undressed and under a towel on the table Mary came back inside. We made simple small talk while she got her oils ready and the sound machine on. She asked me what brought me in, if I had massage experience, and if there were any specific areas to focus on or stay away from. I let her know I had no specific areas and just to go a little everywhere. I asked her about the bathroom with the shower and she laughed it off and said sometimes her clients come straight from work and prefer a shower before the massage. It seemed odd to me but I didn’t think much about it.

Mary began to massage me started on my shoulders and neck, then working her way down my back. We kept chatting a bit, I’m someone who can’t stay quiet for long. I had remembered the laminated page with the kinds of massages and asked Mary was the nuru massage was like. She asked me if I had ever heard of it before and I said that I had not. She held her breath for a few seconds as if she was thinking of how to properly word her response.

She explained that she has certain clients who she sees on a regular basis who need a specific kind of relaxation. That the nuru massage was more sensual than rubbing down muscles by hand and that it was a more of a full body release to trigger mental, physical, and sexual relaxation.

Once she said that, my head shot up. Sexual? I must have said it instead of just thought it because Mary had stopped massaging me and walked in front of where I was looking. She said it was not what I was thinking. That she was trained in this specific type of massage and has seen the benefits for her clients first hand. The sexual component to the massage provides an important added benefit, but that it was so much more than a local “rub and tug” that movies and tv shows portray massage parlors as.

She asked me if I would be interested in learning more about it. I was still in shock that my husband got me a gift card to a massage parlor that offered sexual acts and was almost enjoying thinking about the laugh we would have tonight when I got home and told him. I declined Mary’s offer of learning more and we got back to my normal massage. We continued chatting and about an hour into the massage I realized that my mind kept going back to this woman in her 40’s who looked like me and seemed like a normal woman was essentially a prostitute. I kept up pleasant conversation but my mind kept wondering back to this.

We had about 30 minutes left in the massage and I finally had to ask. I asked her how she felt about doing these massages for guys and if she felt dirty about it. She said not at all, she loved providing that real sense for her clients. Then she said, to my utter shock, that over 70% of her clients were actually women. Not men. She explained to me how women are not quite the horn dogs men are, but are almost always more sexually frustrated than men. She explained how her female clients experience sexual relief from her that they cannot get anywhere else.

I couldn’t believe it. I had never thought of women going into these kinds of places for something like that. Why couldn’t they just use a vibrator like me? I’ve been sexually frustrated for some time. After 10+ years of marriage our sex life isn’t great but when I need relief I have a vibrator. I must have been out of my mind because I told Mary just that. She chuckled. I became red as soon as I blurted out the fact that I masturbate with a vibrator to a woman I had only met an hour ago but Mary didn’t seem to mind. She said that most women use toys at home to get themselves off and that it is usually more effective than their husband but she said that my absolute best time with my husband, or best orgasm with my vibrator, would pale in comparison to what she provided.

I don’t know what it was about this statement. Or if it was Mary’s voice, or her persona, or those perfect tits of hers that seemed to be getting more and more exposed by her shirt but something came over me where all I could do was blurt out, “prove it”.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rni0gy/ff_husbands_christmas_gift_part_1


  1. Good story. Note that the masseuse name was changed from Mary to Mark several times.

    Looking forward to part 2

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