Dad brings a date to diner where daughter works.

All characters are 18+


“The food here is great, you’ll love it. Plus, you’ll get to meet Ness.”

A genuine smile crossed Linda’s face. I’d been seeing her for two months and I really liked her. For the first time, after seven years of mourning my late wife, I finally felt ready to move on.

I’d convinced her to have dinner with me at a nearby diner instead of the more upscale restaurants we usually frequented. My daughter, Vanessa was a server, and I was a regular on Tuesday nights. Now that she’d started working evenings, I sometimes felt we got more father daughter bonding time in while I ate dinner in her section, than we did at home.

It was a seat yourself kind of place, so I led Linda to my usual booth, sliding across the cheap vinyl seat opposite her after she was settled.

“So, what’s good here?” Linda asked, grabbing a menu from the end of table where they were always available.

“What are you hungry for?” I let my voice rumble lower than normal and winked when her eyes looked up at me.

She smiled but shook her head. “You’re a goof.”

About that time, Vanessa poked her head out from behind the counter. When she found me seated at the table, she smiled. I gave her a subtle chin lift when she held one finger up to let me know she’d be over soon.

“What would you like to drink?” I asked to be prepared.

“Hmmm, that’s a tough one. I haven’t seen the wine list yet.” The corners of her mouth twitched, fighting a grin. “I’ll have a Coke for now.”

I nodded, watching Ness walk down the row of booths towards me. She stopped to drop off the check to a lone diner and then continued coming closer. Her eyes left mine for a moment, her steps seemed to falter, and her bright smile dimmed. She recovered almost instantly, pasting a look of synthetic happiness on her face as she reached our booth.

“Hey, Dad. I was starting to wonder if we’d see you tonight.”

“Sorry I’m a little later than usual. Vanessa, this is Linda, Linda this is my daughter, Vanessa.”

The women nodded at each other and exchanged pleasantries, but right away, Vanessa said, “What would you like to drink?”

I was surprised. Normally, my daughter was chatty and borderline nosy. She treated everyone she met like they’d been friends for years. It was something she inherited from her mother. Together, they used to tease me for being dark and broody.

“Uh, we’ll have two Cokes, Hun. Thanks.”

“No problem.”

She spun around so quickly, her blonde ponytail must have whipped around and hit her in the face, but she was briskly walking away, so I couldn’t tell.

“Maybe this was a bad idea,” Linda whispered.

“No, no, it was an excellent idea. She’s probably just had an unusually busy night. Plus, she’s been here for almost five hours already.”

The excuses fell from my lips even as I looked around the nearly deserted dining room. The single diner was up and paying his check, leaving us and three other occupied tables.

Thankfully, Linda interrupted my thoughts. “I could never be a server. I admire those who have the personality for it.”

I laughed. “Me too.”

“Did you decide what you want?” Vanessa asked, appearing out of nowhere and setting two full, plastic cups down on the table. She jerked two straws from the half apron at her waist and tossed them down between the cups.

I was too stunned to do anything but stare at the stranger standing in front of me.

“I think I’ll try the fish,” Linda said a little too cheerfully for the mediocre fish and chips.

“Excellent choice. Dad?”

I shook the fog out of my head and croaked, “Same.”

“Great, I’ll get that right in for you guys.” And then she disappeared again, quickly darting through the swinging doors of the kitchen.

I felt the bite of hot anger start flowing through me. I could understand her acting a little different, maybe nervous or uncertain. Like an idiot, I hadn’t warned her I’d be bringing a date in with me. Still, being caught off guard wasn’t something that should result in being a downright bitch.

“Hey,” Linda said, reaching out to give my hand a squeeze. “Like you said, maybe she’s had a tough night. She seemed surprised. Has she seen you with anyone since Rhonda?”

I shook my head. “No, but she’s been after me for three years to quit moping around the house and let myself have fun.” I huffed out a small laugh. “She even got frustrated with me one day and told me I needed to get laid.”

Linda laughed. “Ohhh. So that’s what this is.” She motioned between the two of us before putting her hand back down on top of mine.

I flipped my palm over and held on to her. “No, that’s not what this is.”

I couldn’t help but smile again, forgetting about my anger, and grateful she was being a good sport about everything.

Inside, my gut was sinking at the memory of what had actually happened after Vanessa yelled at me to ‘just fucking get laid already!’ And what happened after that.

A small kernel of truth began to form in my brain. It said my daughter would never accept anyone else in my bed. It said that regardless of her insistence that I hadn’t, I actually did make a terrible mistake that night. It said that without even realizing it, I’d likely destroyed my relationship with Vanessa months ago.

“Hey, Mr. B.” I was startled when a different young woman stopped at our table and carefully set our plates down in front of us.

“Hi, Simone. Where is Vanessa?”

“Oh, she went out back for a sec to take a break, but your food was up so I wanted you to get it before it cooled. Is there anything else you two need? I love that purse by the way!”

“Thanks! It was actually a gift from John.”

“Damn, Mr. B. My birthday is in October if you’re feeling generous. I like to celebrate it the whole month, so any day will do.”

I managed a laugh even though the anger was back, souring in my chest. “I’ll see what I can do. I think we’re OK for now.”

“Great! Just gimme a shout if you need something.” She bounced away, obviously not affected by anything I’d tried convincing myself could the culprit for Ness’s shitty mood.

“I hate to do this, but will you excuse me for a minute?”

Linda stopped chewing and looked up at me with concern.

“I just want to go talk to her real quick.”

She swallowed the food in her mouth before saying, “Sure. Whatever you need to do.”

I slid out of the booth and walked through the front doors before circling the building to my daughter’s last known location. She was sitting on the concrete steps at the backdoor of the building with her head in her hand and a cigarette between her fingers.

“It’s like I don’t even know you.”

She jerked in surprise and hopped down from her perch, tossing the lit smoke to the ground and obliterating it with her shoe.

“What are you doing back here?”

“Since when do you smoke?”

“I don’t.” She shrugged. “I just snatch one from Simone sometimes.”

“And the attitude tonight? Who’d you borrow that from?”

She pushed air out of her lungs in a huff but didn’t give me an answer.

“Seriously. What is your problem?”

“There’s no problem at all.” She said it like there absolutely was, most definitely a problem.

“I like Linda. I was excited for you to meet her. She’s nice. I thought this is what you wanted.”

“No, Dad. Not quite.”

My frustration manifested in the volume of my voice. “Then why encourage me to date? Is it Linda in particular you have a problem with?”

Her feet didn’t move, but her upper body leaned closer like less distance could somehow make me understand. “I didn’t encourage you to date. I said I wanted you to move on, wake up, stop staying faithful to a dead woman.”

I pointed at her like I used to do when she was in big trouble for going through my things or riding her bike around the block without letting me know. The eight, nine, ten-year-old kind of trouble. “Watch your mouth, you’re talking about your mother.”

She waved her hand at me dismissively and turned to go. “Forget it. Simone can help you guys and collect the tip.”

I rushed to her, grabbing her arm and spinning her around. “We’re not done.”

“We can’t finish something we never started.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

She tried to jerk her arm out of my hold, but I couldn’t let go. That kernel of truth had sprouted roots, leaving me panicked.

“Us! I’m talking about us, Dad.” She was yelling back at me for the first time in her life. “I’m talking about waiting for you to wake the fuck up and see me. I’m talking about that night. You came so close to finally letting go of whatever keeps stopping you, only to what? Grab on to Linda instead?”

I found her other arm and used both hands to pull her up almost eye to eye with me. “That night was a mistake.”

The muscle in her jaw jumped and she hissed, “Yeah, if only your dick would get the memo.”

I used my grip to shake her a little. “Shut up, Vanessa.”

“Why,” she whispered. “So, it’s easier to pretend you didn’t kiss me like you were starving for me?” She dropped her voice even lower. “That you didn’t come in your pants while you rubbed against me. That you don’t say my name when you jerk off in the shower?”

I moved forward, pushing her back and into the brick wall of the diner. “None of that means it’s OK. It isn’t. It can’t happen.”

“Then I hope you and Linda are very happy together.”

“Goddamn it, Ness.” I slammed my mouth down on hers, swallowing her gasp of surprise. The last time we’d kissed, she’d been goading me, I knew that now. This time, the thought of her pulling away, leaving me behind, made my chest hurt with something familiar. Something like grief.

I moved a hand up and cupped her chin harder than I intended. “Is this what you want?” My hips rocked into her. I was hard for her again and now she knew it.

She closed her eyes. “Yes.”

I loved her answer. At the same time, it all felt so doomed. I shook my head mumbling, “I can’t marry you; I can’t give you babies…”

“Jesus, I’m 21 years old, I just want you to fuck me.”

“So, you get to use me until you grow out of me and then I’ll finally have your permission to date? Find companionship?” It sounded fucked. Because it was.

She sobered then; a flash of embarrassment crossed her features. Her arms dropped to her sides, and I missed them where they’d been clutching my waist.

“Just take whatever you want, Dad. If that’s Linda, it’s fine. I promise, I’ll be happy for you.”

I wanted to shake her again. “Vanessa. I. Want. You.” I pressed a light kiss to her lips. “For years, I’ve wanted you.” I gave her another lip touch. “But I won’t take it if it’s temporary. If it’s guaranteed, I’ll lose the most important woman in my life all over again.” Against her mouth, I whispered, “All or nothing, Vanessa. This isn’t about getting something out of my system.”

Her hands flew up to my head and forced a different kind of kiss that stole the air out of my lungs. She tasted divine on my tongue as hers swept through my mouth.

“I want you so fucking much, Ness.”

She lifted her leg for me, and I hooked my arm under her knee. My cock fit perfectly against her core, feeling her heat through our clothes.

I thrust my hips against her, dry fucking her, even as her hands worked my pants open. She reached in and wrapped her hand around my hard length and finally feeling her soft skin on my most sensitive flesh made my whole-body tense.

She kissed her way around my throat as she stroked my cock. I used my hand to rub at her pussy through her denim shorts, feeling her wetness start to soak through.

“I need to be inside you, but not here, Ness. Not like this.”

“I don’t care where we are, Daddy.”

I looked right and left, wondering how exposed we were. That’s when I saw Vanessa’s car parked behind the building in an employee space.

“Is your car unlocked?”

She nodded and I grabbed her hand, striding to the Dodge crossover and pulled open the backdoor. I picked her up and set her on the edge of the seat going back for more of her mouth as I flipped her apron up and unfastened her shorts. I yanked them down her legs with her panties and threw the clothing to the floorboards in front of the seat.

Vanessa leaned back on her elbows watching me closely and breathing hard. Her slightly parted legs revealed the prettiest pussy I’d ever seen. I touched it, testing her wetness with my left hand and fishing my cock out with my right.

“You’re soaked, baby.”

“I want you as bad as you want me.”

I stepped forward and she moved her knees apart far enough to accommodate me.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I whispered. I ran the head of my cock up and down her folds, biting my own lip to stay in control.

“It’s about time, Daddy.”

I sank inside, groaning as inch after inch of my cock disappeared inside my daughter’s body.

She cried out, her mouth opens wide, and threw her head back. “Oh God, please!”

I tucked the top half of my body inside the car and put my mouth over the shadow of one of her had nipples. I sucked her through her shirt and pushed the last of my cock into her heat.

Her fingers gripped my hair and her hips moved against me impatiently.

“Daddy, please move. I need you to fuck me.”

I pulled almost all the way out and slammed back in, never taking my mouth off her. The car began to rock from the clashing of our bodies as I gave her what she wanted, fucking my shaft in and out of her.

“Oh God, Ness. Your fucking pussy, baby.”

I rested my forehead between her breasts and reveled in the feeling of her heat. She was snug and wet and felt better than I ever imagined she could.

She’d been right. I’d kissed her desperately those few months ago. My cock already hard from just watching her throughout dinner, listening to her commute my sentence of mourning, and making me consider taking what I wanted. I wish I’d have known we were both thinking the same thing. While sucking on her tongue, I’d groaned into her mouth as I shot off in my baggy sweats, trapping some of my release where I was pressed against her, but feeling the rest run down my leg. That ended things pretty quickly and I’d tried so hard to forget it. Forget how much I wanted her. I never knew she knew the extent of my desire for her.

“I’m going to come, Dad.” How she could speak without screaming was beyond me. I was incapable so I kept my mouth shut and drove into her harder, trying to set her off.

“Oh God,” she moaned. Her hands found the sides of my face and she lifted me until our eyes met. “Come with me.” She nodded her head. “Come inside me.”

I answered her nod with one of my own as she peaked. She did scream then. She was squeezing me everywhere with her arms, her legs, her cunt.

I exploded. My thrusts turned to jerky movements, bucking my hips, shoving into deposit more cum in my daughter’s pussy.

It felt incredible to be inside a woman again. Doubly so to be inside Vanessa, filling her pussy with the same seed that gave her to me. I’d had two sexual partners in my life, my wife, and the daughter we’d made.

When I finally returned to the booth, it was empty. Simone and Vanessa watched from behind the counter as I discovered a note on the back of the receipt.

“Ordered an Uber. I don’t think this is going to work out.” – Linda



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