Knowing you will go too far with her out of pure desire…never thinking you would go this far and love it!![FM][fantasy]

The phone rings, I slowly walk over to see who it is. My heart leaps as I fumble to pick up the phone. My mind battles between thought of this unexpected call. Do I answer it if let it go to voice mail? I tell myself to stay calm because she hasn’t called in over a month. Thoughts race through my head of the last time she did. It took me two days to physically recover and almost a week before my mind cleared. I brace myself, “Hello?”
“Hello…not the kind of greeting I was expecting. So how is my guy doing today?”
“I’m good, really good. How are you?” Even I hear the trembling of my voice.
“You sure you good? You sound exhausted. How would you like a nice relaxing night out with me?”
“Define relaxing? The last night out we had was anything but relaxing. I’m still trying to figure out fantasy from reality.”
“Brian I remember that night well and as I recall you embraced everything we did. Do you trust me.”
Their was the question that always drew me in and left me weak and vulnerable to her. She knew exactly when to play that card each and every time. My interest and desire took over. “What time should I be ready.”
I literally could hear her smile.

She texted me the club where she would be and said be there at 10:00. When I arrived the line was around the block. So many people wanting to be in the club. All of them dressed to impress without a clue of how to get in. I walked straight to the front door like I owned the place. Someone shouted for me to get in the back of the line like everyone else. I spoke loudly as I approached the bouncer, “I’m not everyone else!” I opened my phone and showed him the code you has texted me. He moved aside as I strode past him up the stares, then I half smiled at the guy who had shouted and winked.

As I enter I gaze upon what looks like a writhing mass of human flesh. The dance floor seems to almost ripple as the people move to the rhythm of the music. It’s loud but not deafening. I see you half way down the bar looking breathtaking. My mind swirls as my heart leaps. I ask myself, how do you have this pull on me? It’s a futile question that has an obvious answer…desire.

Two guys are doing their best to impress you. I pause to watch the display of masculinity as these two pose and strut to vie for your attention. I’m chuckling to myself as I push my way to the bar and order two shots of tequila. I throw one back as I turn towards you. One of the guys looks my way and asks, “What do you want old man?” I offer you the other shot which you take, down and smile that evil smile. I look at the two of them and state, “Her!” Your grin gets even more sinister and it sends a shiver down my spine. You bound off the chair as I take you elbow and guide you to the dance floor.

You look at me those piercing brown eyes that cut my soul each time. We join the mass of other bodies moving to the music. Our bodies sway together and then press hard against each other. Your arm wraps around my neck as you pull me in closer. Our lips touch and I feel the electric shock that is your essence. We press even closer together as the kiss turns into raw passion. Our tongues exploring each other as the kiss lingers on. Your head slides to the side of mine and you say, “By the feel of it that seems to have excited you.”

We stay on the dance floor for what seems hours. Our bodies are drenched in sweat and you are positively glowing. We drift back to the bar to hydrate and partake of another shot of tequila. I lean in and ask, “So when does the relaxing part of the night start.”
You raise an eyebrow and state, “You knew this was not going to be a relaxing evening.” I did indeed know that and I came to see her anyway. Why am I so week around her? What keeps drawing me back like a moth to a flame?
Midnight is upon us and you look deep into my eye and say, “I’m going to the bathroom…come join me.” I didn’t even hesitate to follow you. You do so enjoy risky public sexual adventures that I would never want to miss out on sharing one with you. It’s like a magnetic pull that won’t let go. We never actually make it to the bathroom. We stop at an alcove near a set of stares. You shove me against the wall and kiss me so hard and passionately that it shocked me. My cock is throbbing as your young tight body pressed harder and harder against me. One of your hands drifts down and massages my crotch as you firmly grasp my cock. My entire body shakes. You unzip my pants and pull it out. I feel your grip tighten as you start to slowly stroke my cock. Our kissing grows even more intense as you stroke faster. You drop to a squat so fast I almost fell over as you devour my cock into your warm and inventing mouth. My entire body goes ridged and I feel as if I am about to explode into your mouth. You feel it also and stop, just cold stone stop. You put my cock back into my pants and zip me up. Your sinister grin appears, “Not yet my dear, not yet.”

The abrupt stop has my mind frozen and my body disheveled. I’m gasping for breath and shaking. You take my hand and are guiding me towards the exit. The next thing I know we are in my car driving to your place. What just happened? Why do I feel so week?

I’m sitting on your couch still reeling from what took place at the club. You pour us a drink and glide in next to me and snuggle up close. It is at this point I know I’m in for one hell of a night. I feel like I have just become your prey. I’m now caught in your trap with no way of escape.
“Alice, what do you have planned for tonight?”
“Let’s just say some role reversal is on the agenda.”
I am excited and frightened in the same instance. We have dabbled with some kinky play in the past. Handcuffs, light whipping to arouse, orifice stimulation, mental frustration, edging… so what does she have in mind for tonight.
She looks up with those eyes of dark liquid pools and asks, “Do you trust me?” My erection sprung back to life and before I knew it I said…”Completely!”
You scream “Great” and bound towards your bedroom. “I’ll be right back.”

I’m sipping on my drink as you reenter the room. I almost choke on my drink and start coughing uncontrollably. You are wearing black stiletto heels, sexy black thigh highs, a strap on with what appears to be about a 5” dildo and the most devilish grin I have ever seen you have. “And what are we going to do with that.” I gasped.
“Like I said…role reversal!!!”

I sit there with my eyes wide and mouth agape. “You are planning on pegging me, aren’t you?” I finally utter.
“Yessss.” You purr.
I’m running this scenario through my head trying to grasp some understanding. I didn’t even notice you have crossed the room like a cat approaching its kill. It happened in an instance and now you are sitting next to me. You place one hand on my leg and the other over my heart and whisper, “ Trust me, this will be so enjoyable.”
I slowly nod in agreement. “Alice, I want to be able look into your eyes the entire time.” You nod in agreement as well.

You slowly and methodically undress me. Caressing my body as you do. My cock is rock hard and it almost makes me laugh knowing I won’t be using it. I was so wrong on that thought. You take me by the hand and lead me to your bedroom. The grin has not left your face since we started down this path. My mind is swimming with anticipation and horrific fear. I trust you so much but this is new to me and I think you can sense that. You sit me on the edge of your bed and squirt lube on my cock which completely surprises me. I start to say something but you place a finger over my lips and start stroking my cock. You stroke with a steady and confident hand like you have been waiting to do this to me for sometime. You then squirt lube on the strap on dildo and also my asshole. You gently slide one finger in all the way and my cock feels like it is going to explode. You look into my eyes and say, “Take a deep breath and relax. I’m going to walk you through this. If at any point we need to stop just say stop.” I anxiously nod.

I feel the pressure of the dildo on my asshole and my breath catches. “Breath.” Is what I hear you whisper. I do just that. You gently press harder and I feel it start to enter. You slowly take 10-15 gentle short strokes into my ass and then you press it all the way in. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!, is what I scream in my mind as my thoughts exploded with abundance. My vision gets fuzzy on the peripheral and I start too see stars. What is happening to me? The feeling of light headedness sweeps over my entire body as this continues.

I’m on my back, legs partially in the air as you stand next to the bed gently thrusting a strap on into my ass…this has to be a dream. You ask if you can thrust harder and I nod in agreement. Why am I such a willing participant? The euphoria that I’m feeling with you is like nothing I have ever experienced before. You have not once stopped intensely gazing at me. I don’t know what you are trying to gauge or experience with this but I want to feel more. My words come out more like a primal grunt than actually speech, “Deeper, Harder…Please fuck me senseless!!!”

The sinister grin reappears on you beautiful face as you start to laugh and state, “That was always my plan!” It feels as if you are throwing your entire petite frame at me with every stroke. You are fucking my like I’m your own personal whore! Each thrust seems to be coming at me with more anger and force. It is like you are actually trying to split me in half. You seem to be getting off on fucking the shit out of me. The intense look you have is thrilling as well as frightening. My mind is racing. Do I yell stop? Do I actually want her to stop? No, no I don’t. “Fuck me, fuck now, oh god yes fuck me!!” I scream.

A feeling of release begins to fill my being like I have never felt before. You squirt more lube and thrust even harder. You start shouting at me, “Who is your Master? Who owns you? Tell me who owns you! Your sweet ass belongs to me doesn’t it?” You say this repeatedly until I finally answer you, “You own me Alice, you own my ass!!” Suddenly you grab my cock and with only three tight tugs I cum more that I have ever cum before. The explosion makes my entire body go ridged then instantly limp. It’s as if I literally pass out because the room goes momentarily dark. I shake my head to clear the fog that has developed. I see you licking cum off of my stomach and chest. When you finish you look up at me and say, “Good boy. I knew you would enjoy that.” I never thought I would have enjoyed having my ass pounded like that. I know it was not merely the act but who was performing the act that made it enjoyable. To have Alice take my anal virginity was as experience I will always remember.

I lay back on the bed and wonder if this has all been a fantastic dream. It could not have really taken place like this. It’s was all a fantasy in my head with Alice that will never come to fruition. I’m a soul searching for an encounter that is only a fleeting desire. Destined to only dream and not experience…