california dreaming

The ceiling fan overhead is whirring softly, an indistinct shape in the dark room. It’s early yet, the world outside still sleeping, but I’ve been roused from my slumber by persistent hands and lips. So attuned to me, you sense the exact moment I wake fully, and without words cease loving me with your mouth. I feel you rise over me, one hand cupping my face. I turn into your touch, brushing your fingers with my lips, before you wind your hand sinuously in my hair, applying gentle pressure as you tug, yes Daddy.

I haven’t yet opened my eyes, sleepily enjoying this. You notch yourself at my entrance, which is damp and aching from your ministrations, and hold, just there. As moments pass, I whimper, arching my hips up, pleading for movement. You resist and I arch more, bending my knees to gain traction, heels pushing against the mattress, begging, incoherent little whines. You chuckle under your breath, then both hands are on my hips, forcefully pinning my impatient body, until I still.

I’m waiting, silently obeying, and still you don’t move. My eyes pop open finally. I’m surly, needy, you woke me up and teased and now won’t do anything . I go to open my mouth to taunt and argue, how, I hadn’t yet decided.. and freeze at the expression on your face. I stare, entranced, eyes meeting yours. They are kind, rich chocolate filled with affection, amusement, and burning need. “ Good morning baby” you croon, before sliding home, filling me.





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