Dad caught cheating by daughter

All characters are 18+


“You like that, slut? My cock deep in your pussy?”

My assistant was bent over my desk, her skirt around her waist, her panties looped around one ankle. My right hand kept her head pinned to the glass surface causing each of her panted breaths to fog up the area at her mouth. My other hand gripped her hip tight enough to bruise, steadying her while I pounded myself against her round ass, sending my cock deep.

“Yes! Fuck me, Jer. Harder!”

I hunched over her back to give her exactly what she wanted and nearly came face to face with the framed family photograph in pride of place on my desk. In the picture, a man who worked 70 hours a week stood with is arm draped around the shoulders of a petite woman with graying hair, whose thighs might as well be glued together. On his other side was a teen with his eyes, the woman’s full lips, and a pair of legs that went on for days. If you looked closely enough, there was a slight shadow on her t-shirt, right at the crest of one round breast, where her tight nipple poked out far enough to block the sunlight. Hers was the only smile in the photograph that seemed genuine.

In my desk drawer was another photo of the girl. In that one, she wore a bikini as she laid, sleeping on her back, in the bright rays of the sun. Her face was barely visible from the perspective of the camera which had been low to the ground, near her feet.

Her legs were spread apart enough to reveal the strip of black between them, covering what any man would actually want to see. Her hip bones were pronounced, and her breasts stood up from the flat plane of her stomach. The fabric covering them gaped a little and didn’t reach all the way to her ribs so the underside of the swells of her tits were visible. Beyond them, the underside of her chin lay at an angle while she relaxed in sleep.

I took that picture out of my desk often so I could look at her the same way I did the day I captured it, waist deep in the pool, rubbing my cock with the hand that wasn’t holding my phone. My cock would grow every time I looked at it and if my assistant was gone, I’d jerk off until my, cum shot out and landed on the nearly naked body in the frame. God, I’d come for her so many times.

If my assistant was available, I’d hide the picture away before calling her into my office and turning my chair to the side while undoing my belt and slacks. Sometimes, she serviced me with her mouth. Sometimes, she ended up bent over the desk full of my cock and still begging for more. She called me Jerry, or boss, or baby. I didn’t call her anything other than ‘slut’ for fear I’d slip up and call out the name of the girl in the pictures.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum!” she yelled, squeezing her eyes closed and slapping her palms against the glass.


Both of our heads jerked up, looking towards the doorway of my office, seeing my daughter, Rebecca standing there. The girl from the pictures.

I jerked back, pulling my cock out of my assistant with enough urgency to cause her to yelp.

“Rebecca.” I struggled to tuck my erection into my pants. Most fathers would go limp in an instant. Not me. I grew harder.

The woman over the desk stood up, letting her skirt fall over her bare ass. She bent and picked up her panties but kept her head down even when she stood up again.

“Take the rest of the day off,” I said.

Rebecca marched into the room as the other woman made a hasty retreat. Her eyes were filled with fury. Her lips parted to spew, “What the fuck, Dad?”

“Watch your mouth.”

“No! You will not turn this around by finding some reason to scold me. You’re banging your secretary?”


“Whatever. You’re cheating on mom!”

I sighed. “No, Rebecca. I am not.”

“What do you mean, no you’re not? I’m pretty sure being balls deep in a woman who is not your wife is cheating.”

“Please stop talking like that.” I couldn’t control my hard on and I was desperately trying to will it away. “Your mother knows I have sex with other women.”

She jerked back. “Oh, so there’s more than one?”

“Not currently. In the past, yes.”


“That’s none of your business, Bec. I’m sorry you found out this way, but…”

“No!” She pointed her finger in my direction. “That isn’t the end of the discussion. Don’t blow me off. Why not just get a divorce?”

“Your mother hasn’t worked in over 20 years. We built this life together.” I motioned around the room, indicating my private law practice. “She was nothing but supportive. I can’t use her to get where I am and then walk away with all of it.”

She stepped closer. I wanted to back away. I wanted to run to her. I stayed rooted to the floor with the desk between us.

“I don’t understand.” She suddenly looked sad instead of angry and I hated it.

“Your mother hasn’t had sex with me in over four years.”


I shoved a hand through my hair. “I’m not getting into it, Rebecca. She just isn’t attracted to me anymore.”

“You don’t just wake up one day and decide something like that.”

“You’re only 22, you can’t understand how decades long relationships work.”

“So, help me understand.”

“No, Rebecca. Drop it. I’m serious.”

“So that’s it? Sorry, nothing about your life is what you thought, but have a nice day?”

“Stop it.” My voice was loud enough to startle her. “You’re an adult. I’m sorry your parents aren’t perfect. I’m sorry your life isn’t a goddamn fairy tale. Your mother and I have an arrangement and it’s none of your business. Now, did you come here unannounced for a reason?”

She glared at me like she wished I was dead. “You’re disgusting,” she hissed.

She may as well have punched me, but I covered the pain with a laugh. “Yeah? Then you and your mother agree on something. Now get the fuck out.”

She didn’t leave. Instead, she stood there staring at me. Why wouldn’t she just go? I suddenly regretted paying for her to learn the law at one of the best universities in the country. I was sweating more from her interrogation and my own anger than I had been while fucking my assistant. It was panic too. I felt like I was getting buried under heavy boxes filled with all the truths that should never be said and all the promises I’d made to my wife in exchange for her own silence.

“Before you said she wasn’t attracted to you. That’s a lot different than being disgusted by you. What the fuck did you do?”

“Goddamn it, Rebecca!” I came out from around my desk and advanced on her. She either wasn’t smart enough to run or she truly didn’t fear my outrage.

I grabbed her by the throat and backed her up several paces until her back hit the wall. Her eyes were wide. Her lips were parted to take in heavy breaths as if she needed to prove to one of us that I wasn’t choking the life out her.

“Are you done?” I asked, menacingly.

“No. Tell me why she’s disgusted by you.”

Several beats of silence stretched between us until I moved my face close to her ear and pushed my hard cock into her hip.

“Because she found out how I feel about you,” I whispered.

Rebecca gasped and her hands came up to pull at the one I held around her neck. I rocked my hips against her.

“She found me in your room one night, shortly before you left for college.” I moved my face around to hers, our noses brushing lightly. I looked down at her mouth thinking about what it would feel like to press my lips to hers. To lick my tongue between them.

“I was watching you sleep. I always loved watching you sleep. Ever since you were little. But then everything changed.”

Rebecca’s neck pushed against my palm as she swallowed then licked her dry lips. “Changed how?”

I smirked and let out a huff of laughter disturbing a few strands of her silky, brown hair. “One night, I went to your room, but you weren’t sleeping yet. It was late, but my naughty girl was awake using a loud, buzzing toy on her pussy.” Her body went rigid against me. “I listened to you come.”

Red rushed to her cheeks. Her eyes welled up with tears, hovering, waiting to be shed.

“Fuck, you sounded so good. You made the most beautiful noises. Do you remember what you said when you started coming?”

She shook her head back and forth quickly. I suspected she wasn’t answering my question, but rather wishing herself out of the situation. Begging, without a word, for me to stop the conversation she had refused to let go.

“My naughty girl said ‘Daddy.’ Ohhh, Daddy!” I imitated her hushed cries from that night. I’d always assumed her face was covered with a pillow, nearly muting her needy words.

“I kept trying to catch you doing it again, but I never did. I convinced myself I dreamed the whole thing. So. I would just show up and watch you sleep.”

I rocked against her some more and didn’t stop, loving the feeling of rubbing my hard cock against her hip. My balls were so heavy with the cum I never got to shoot into my assistant.

“That entire summer, I had to fight not to wake you up and see if you’d take my cock for real.”

My brave girl asked, “What happened when Mom found you in my room?”

“Mmmm. Every night, Daddy would stroke his cock for a long time. Edging. Hoping you’d wake up and on your own and want to play with me.”

I let go of her throat and wrapped my arm around her waist instead, pulling her to me as my cock tried pushing her away. Unwilling to give her too much freedom, my other hand fisted her hair and pulled her head back exposing the column of her neck. My cock jerked and fresh pre-cum leaked from the tip.

“When Mom showed up, I was about to cum. I was too far gone to stop when I noticed her at the door. I shot cum all over my stomach moaning your name.”

I closed my eyes and rested my forehead on her shoulder hoping it wasn’t the last time I would ever see my daughter. Grinding against her skinny frame in case it was.

“Daddy has wanted to fuck you for so long, baby. I miss watching you sleep.”

I slid my head up until my lips found bare skin. I lightly kissed her there. She remained silent and still. Crying, but letting me use her body.

I licked her collarbone. “You taste so fucking good.”

She turned her face toward me, so I lifted my head. Her lips were right there, still parted. Never taking my eyes off them, I leaned in and touched our mouths together. Her breath swept into me, and I couldn’t fucking take it. I pushed my tongue inside and found hers. Moaning into her, I licked, tasting her youth and the sweet juice of my forbidden fruit.

The more she allowed, the more I took. My kiss grew rougher, and my hand pulled her hair harder. I used my right hand to unfasten the pants where I’d hidden my erection from her. They fell easily to my knees and the cock I’d never tucked back inside my boxers, scraped along the denim shorts she wore.

I sucked her tongue into my mouth and grabbed her wrist, forcing her hand to my cock, but her fingers went around it willingly. I groaned, fucking her fist when she didn’t try to stroke me herself.

“Squeeze me, baby. Squeeze Daddy’s cock.”

She did and I thrust faster. I laid my forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. She didn’t meet my gaze, but I didn’t care. I already had more than I’d ever expected from her. Tears started forming in my own eyes.

“Fuck, Rebecca. Just looking at you made Daddy feel so good. This…” I clenched my jaw, my own thoughts threatening to bring on an orgasm. “This feels incredible. Daddy always wanted to fuck your hand or your mouth while you slept.”

Suddenly, her other hand crossed over her body and cradled my balls.

“Ahhh shit!”

“I want you to come, Daddy.”

Her words seeped into my chest, heating my body, and burning through my tense muscles.


I searched her eyes when they finally came to mine.

“Do it, Daddy.”

“Oh fuck!” I grabbed her cheeks with both hands, holding her face to mine even as I nodded. “I’m so close. Let me fuck you. Daddy needs to fuck you, baby.”

She shook her head. “You’re still covered in her.”

“I’m sorry, Rebecca. I’m so sorry. I wanted it to be you.”

She pulled against my hold, and I thought she was running away. “No, baby. No!” But when I let her go, she sank to her knees instead.

I froze.

Her hand finally started stroking me and she rubbed my balls again.

“That’s enough, Daddy. Just come for me. We’ll work the rest out later.”

No fantasy could have compared to seeing my daughter on her knees, working to make me come. My balls retreated from her hold and the head of my cock swelled as she pulled and pushed it through her fist.

“Here it comes, baby.”

She opened her mouth as the first rope of cum splashed against her face. The second went straight through her lips.

“Fuck! Taste it, baby. Drink your Daddy’s cum.”

More poured into her mouth. Long white ropes, one after the other, began to fill up the cavern of her mouth. I held her head to steady my shaking body and to aim my seed right where I wanted it.

“Don’t stop, baby. Milk it all out.”

Her hand was a blur on my cock, prolonging my orgasm and giving her more seed that I thought I possessed. Tremors shook my legs as the last thin string of cum oozed from my cock and dripped into her mouth.

I dropped to my knees immediately and held her face to mine again. “Swallow me, Bec,” I whispered as I licked that first errant shot of seed off her cheek and chin. Her lips closed and I listened for the sound of liquid being consumed before I slammed my mouth to hers and shared with her the cum, I’d collected.

We kissed for several minutes, holding each other like long lost lovers. Two people who’d only just learned they could have everything they wanted.



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