My girlfriend at a university department XMAS party Part 1 [Str8] [MF] [fingering] [oral] [PDA]

[This a repost of a story I put up several months ago. It was removed as Reddit thought is was spam.]

This is a true story told to me by the girlfriend I had in the mid-80s. I have changed the names of those involved and have changed the exact place and time. My girlfriend, Kate, was 21 and married at that time of this incident. I was told this story about 35 years ago. It is accurate to the best of my memory.

Kate was 5’8 and weighed about 130 lbs. She was generally slender except for her luscious round ass that she knew men liked. She had shoulder length red, wavy hair, green eyes, an upturned nose and pale freckled skin. She had almost nothing in the boob area. She was very classy looking and dressed very nicely. She was very smart and quick witted.

Kate and I had been living together for several years after she separated from her husband. She knew I had multiple affairs with married women. And I knew she had several affairs while she was with her husband. I had told her many details about my affairs and she found those stories very arousing.

One Saturday evening we were watching a porn video and I could tell she was getting very aroused. I asked her what was it that was getting her so hot. She told me the story in the video reminded her of how she began her first affair.

She had graduated from high school at 16 and had already taken multiple college classes. She graduated from college at age 18 (no summer breaks for that girl) and got married just weeks later. She was a virgin when she got married. She had never had a date or kissed another man. Her husband, Al, was 12 years older and was going to go to graduate school in the fall. Late in the summer they moved 1500 miles away to his new school.

She was away from her home for the first time in her life. She had become pregnant on their honeymoon. The next year she had a second child. So, at age 21, she had two young children. Her husband was taking graduate courses and working part-time. She was miserable. Her husband was rarely home and he had become a full blown drunk. She was very lonely. She also suspected Al was cheating on her.

When they attended that year’s department XMAS party one of the other graduate students spent a lot of time flirting with her. They had previously done a little private necking at a pool party the previous summer but that was all. This night her husband was drunk by 9PM and was passed out in the corner of the living room. The graduate student, Mark, took her hand and walked her up the stairs. She knew others were watching them but she didn’t care.

He ushered her into a bedroom and locked the door. They got on the bed and started to kiss and touch. She asked him to turn off the lights. He did so making the room very dark. He then proceeded to pull off her panties.

He took his time as he went down on her telling her how good she tasted. He fingered her as licked and sucked. She told me Mark teased her clit and the would stop and focus on fingering her. He would move up and kiss her so she could taste herself. Then he would move back down between her legs and repeat. She had a mind blowing orgasm. It was better than anything she had ever had with her husband.

He moved up to put his cock inside her and she just couldn’t do it.

She told Mark she couldn’t cheat on Al. He said nothing but moved up the bed and put his cock at her mouth. She had sucked Al many times and she liked it doing it. She started sucking Mark and got very excited. It was only the second cock she had touched. And it was quite different as it was much thicker than her husbands. She started touching herself with one hand while the other touching Mark’s cock or his balls.

He spoke to her in a low voice telling her how sexy she was, that the professors in the department often talked about her. She stopped sucking and asked what they said about her. He told her they all thought she was pretty and wanted to have her. They didn’t think Al deserved her. He began to push his dick in her mouth more quickly. He said he was the lucky guy to get her, he was in bed with her and he was the one getting his cock sucked by her. She liked hearing that men wanted her as Al did not seem to care any more. She also liked Mark talking to her as she sucked him; Al never said anything while Kate and he had sex.

He asked if she wanted him to cum in her mouth. She pulled away and said yes. He said good he was ready to give it to her. He told her to suck it, show him how much she wanted his cum. She started stroking his cock with her left hand while playing with her clit with her right hand. She was very excited and wanted to please Mark and spite her husband.

They both picked up their rhythms and when she felt the wave coming she screamed with his cock in her mouth. He grabbed her head, shooting multiple squirts in her mouth. She swallowed as fast as she could but she could not keep up. Some ran down her cheek. When he finished he pulled his cock out of her mouth sat down beside her stoking her hair.

Kate said they both fell asleep for a while. Mark got up and turned on a table lamp. He moved over Kate and used his handkerchief to wipe cum off her cheek. They kissed and he helped her sit up. She picked up her panties and put them on.

They kissed again and went down stairs.The party was almost over. The wife of the department chair made a catty remark about her and Mark disappearing while Al was left alone in a corner. Kate ignored her and headed to the back room where the coats were.

The department chair, Ken, followed her into the room and closed the door. He told Kate to ignore his wife. He helped Kate find all three coats and helped her put on her coat. As he did he put his hands on her little boobs and told he hoped she and Mark had a good time. She said they did. He massaged her boobs and said Mark was a lucky man to have spent time alone with her. As he was playing with her tits he rubbed against her ass. She could feel his erect cock. He abruptly stopped and pulled away. He turned her around and kissed her cheek. He whispered in her ear that he hoped to get to know her better in the coming semester. Ken opened the door and they walked back to the living room.

Ken gave Mark his coat and then Mark and Ken got Al up off of the floor. Mark and Ken got Al out of the house and to and into the car. Ken said goodnight and left them. Kate started the car and put Al’s coat over him. Mark and Kate the walked down the street to an unlit area and began kissing again. Mark played with her pussy as they kissed. They strolled back toward the car holding hands. Kate told him she would need help getting Al into their house. Mark said he would help.

Mark started to play with one of her nipples. There were others from the party outside in the street talking in groups and they clearly saw what Mark and Kate were doing. Kate was embarrassed but turned on. She told him to wait until they got Al home. She headed home. Mark drove himself. As she drove she thought about Ken groping her and hoping to get to know her better. Two men were interested in her! She started touching her herself, she was very wet.

She and Mark wrestled Al into the house, down the hallway and into the bedroom. Kate took off his shoes and threw a blanket over him. They closed the door and walked back to the living room with their arms around each other’s waist. It was almost 2AM. Her children were at another faculty members house for the night. It was just Kate, Mark and Al in the house.

Kate and Mark sat down on the sofa in the living room and began kissing.

Part 2 will describe how Kate got her second dick while her husband was sleeping in the bedroom.
