[MFF] Drunken Dare Gone Risky Wild.

I had these two female friends Michelle and Christine from my college days, that although they said they were just best friends, I think they were lovers on the down low. We worked at the same crap call center, and often times would hang out at Michelle’s place and drink, while they smoked a lot of pot (I never got into it). I had had sex with Michelle many times, but never had done anything with Christine, not for lack of wanting to.

Anyways, we got pretty wasted one night, and I learned that aside from casual sex, Michelle and Christine had a very kinky side. We were playing a drunken game of truth or dare, with cards, just the three of us. Rules were, whoever draws to lowest card wins, and gets to pick something sexual that the other one has to do, no take backs, and it was all a secret until the draw. I didn’t see a loser in this game, so I was all in, and of course I draw a two the lowest card. Michelle draws like a Jack, and Christine draws a King. So I’m the lucky loser.

So Christine says, talking to Michelle, “I want you to watch you make him cum in the bathroom at work tomorrow.”

I was in complete shock! I asked her if she was serious, and not just tipsy and high, but she was dead serious. I thought oh well, it’s usually slow at night when we get off, so why not. I was all in.

Fast forward to the next night. I can see Michelle and Christine across the floor, furiously typing. It was dead that night, so I knew by the giggling and looking over at me that they must be IM’ing something dirty.

9:00pm rolls around and we all get off work. The center didn’t actually close until 10pm so there were still a few people in the building. My messenger pops up, and it’s Michelle.

“Showtime. I’m gonna go to the women’s bathroom in the back. Christine is gonna text you when the coast is clear. Meet me in there.”

Part of me couldn’t believe I was going through with this, but part of me was not surprised. I would do anything for a thrill.

A few minutes passed, my phone buzzes, so I make my way back there. Not too many people around, and the men’s bathroom is right across the hall, so a quick look around and I slip in. Christine and Michelle are in the handicapped stall.

“Take your clothes off,” Michelle whispers, “All of them”

“What?!?! What if somebody comes in here?”

“That’s part of the fun,” Christine says, “Can’t chicken out then.”

“Guess not,” I said, as I started to strip. I thought maybe I could leave my socks on, but no, they meant everything. When I was completely nude, and semi hard in the cool air, Michelle put my clothes on this seat that was in there, so if somebody did look, they would see my bare legs and two other sets of shoes. It was a crap low paying job, by this point, I was really turned on, and I didn’t care about getting caught.

Christine says to Michelle, “You think we can make him cum in five minutes?” She takes the head of my dick, which is really hard in her hand, and nods. Christine gets behind me and starts reaching for my balls from between my legs. I’m squirming like crazy because Christine is like tickling while Michelle is stroking me from the tip of my head to the base. I had to put my hands on the wall to steady myself, and I’m trying really hard to not make any noise. And of course as fate would have it, the bathroom door opens.

They both stop what they are doing and I almost ejaculated from surprise, but Michelle puts her hand over my mouth, and whispers, “shhh”, gripping me hard on the base of my dick which is throbbing like crazy so I don’t cum. I know my feet were shaking, and my stomach was heaving as I tried to be silent.

I know it must not have been more than 2 minutes before we heard running water and the door open and close, but it felt like forever on the edge. Finally they resumed, and in about 45 seconds, I threw my head back, my ass clenching. Luckily Christine, who still had a tight hold on my balls and a finger on my taint, which I know she could feel engorging held me steady. I would have fallen backwards my thrusts into the air were so strong. There must have been 4 strong spurts into the air onto the floor, until Michelle finished milking the very last drop, and I could finally breathe normally again.

“Oooh, that was fun,” Michelle whispered, “Not quite 5 minutes, but maybe we can do it next time.”I felt slightly embarrassed, naked in a woman’s bathroom, my spent cock still pulsing. While I put my clothes back on, Christine did a half ass job of cleaning up my juice off of the floor. That certainly won’t fool any janitor, I thought. Michelle left first, and gave a knock on the door when it was safe to come out.That was a long time ago, and I kind of miss them now looking back on it. Good thing it wasn’t the last thing we did together…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/rk1p6v/mff_drunken_dare_gone_risky_wild


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