Empire Vader – Ch 5 (Vader, Aayla Secura, Twilek, Ahsoka Tano, Togruta, Corruption, Domination, Sith, Creampie, Rough, Hardcore, Breeding, Impregnation, Masturbation)

Previous Chapter – [https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rdke31/empire_vader_ch_4_vader_ahsoka_riyo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rdke31/empire_vader_ch_4_vader_ahsoka_riyo/)

Character Art – [https://imgur.com/a/GGspoMZ](https://imgur.com/a/GGspoMZ)

**Chapter 5 – Ryloth Rumble**

Planet – Ryloth

Vader’s blazing eyes looked out across the field of emptiness around the tannish orange planet. If it felt strange for him coming back to Ryloth after helping to liberate it in the Clone Wars, he made no outward mention of it. The new Emperor and the man bringing the Jedi to their newest age was all calm and determination while Senator Riyo Chuchi watched the intelligence reports on her datapad.

Ahsoka Tano stood off to Vader’s side and slightly behind him. It was not the place she’d stood at for years as his apprentice. It was a strange place for her, but then she was currently distracted as the large Veneator moved forward to get them in range.

Her Master, the Sith Lord Vader, knew precisely the cause of her troubles. Ahsoka’s first show as a commander had been a sortie in the space above Twi’lek homeworld. Here, she’d experienced the first bitter and crushing taste of losing men under her command.

The Sith Lord felt more confident about her abilities now. Even before the end of the Clone Wars, Ahsoka had proven herself capable and at least half as lucky as her Master. He also knew he could trust her. Beyond their re-forged bond, Ashoka now wore a sleek black and silvery ensemble, modeled after Vader’s new uniform. Their complementary uniforms were a simple gesture, but Vader knew the power of symbols. If he wanted to rebuild the galaxy truly, the leadership would lead the way to change. A new look for the Emperor and his closest followers was a simple but essential first step.

“Aayla will not go down easily, “ Ahsoka said as they traveled down to the surface of the planet via gunship.

“She’s already fallen,” Vader replied, firm but with the whispers of rage hiding just beneath. “Aayla just doesn’t know it yet,”

His former apprentice looked at him. He looked like the man who had taught her and looked after her for years during an intergalactic war. More recently, that same Human had taken her as a lover, and strangely enough, or the first time since she left the Jedi Order, something had changed within Ahsoka. She felt whole again, like she was back where she was supposed to be.

The blue-eyed Togruta with orange and white-skinned looked at Anakin, no that wasn’t right. He looked like her old Master, but he was as different. The change was night and day, but she stood by him. Palpatine brought the galaxy low, past the point of breaking perhaps. There were few people Ahsoka knew who had the power and drive even to attempt a course correction, let alone fix a shattered galaxy.

Curious about his confidence towards the Twi’lek Jedi master, Ahsoka looked at Vader through the Force. Peering into his mind had become second hand, but when the young pregnant woman tried this time, she found his guard up. Instead of his thoughts, all she saw inside the former Jedi was a dark storm cloud stopping her from peering into his thoughts. Piercing eyes looked at her, and then he pressed a hand gently on her chin.

“Just trust me, Ahsoka,” Vader said simply to her. The simple touch was enough to make Ahsoka feel like she was lighter than air.

‘He would catch me if I just floated away. Anakin was the only one who cared about me…’

Nearby, Riyo allowed herself a small smile. The blue-skinned and purple-haired woman knew exactly what the Emperor had in mind. As for why he wasn’t informing his former apprentice, she did not know. The pregnant senator didn’t really care. Riyo merely enjoyed that she knew, though she would have preferred not seeing the plan be executed while she and her unborn child were actually anywhere near the planet. Alas… ever the faithful servant of her Emperor and his new Empire, the often-timid woman double-checked that her blaster had a full charge.

The armed ship continued sailing towards its location. Riyo and then Vader received the data from Cham Syndulla. The venerable leader of the Ryloth Resistance had clear goals. An end to the hardships for his people, and all the clonetroopers off his planet once and for all. Aayla Secura however, started becoming a thorn in his side. Riyo entered into an arrangement with the freedom fighter, one that would get the survivor of Order 66 out of the picture. Ryloth would stay in the Empire with a significant share of independence, and Vader would capture one more Jedi Master to join his cause.

“Sir!” Vader’s thoughts were interrupted as the LAAT moved closer towards their destination.

“What it is, Raptor?”

“AA guns are activated. Their scanners must have detected us,”

“Keep going, dip the craft’s nose. I’ll handle the guns!”

“Right away!” The clone pilot said as Vader leaned his body out of the gunship’s bay. With a Force-assisted jump, the man wearing black and gun-steel armor mounted the top of the flying vehicle. Moving forward, he ended up standing on top of the craft, just before the gunner’s seat. Ahsoka got ready for battle, leaving Riyo to strap in. She fervently hoped that the Emperor knew what he was doing.

Heavy turrets mounted on the roof of the structure ahead opened up on the gunship. An impassive expression formed on the Sith Lord’s face as he gripped his saber with both hands. During the next heartbeat, the twin cannons fired. Muscle and flesh flew with the wind of the Force, and Vader’s blade slashed forward, repelling both of the heavy cannon blasts. Inside the dual cockpits, the clone pilot and gunner watched the cannons up ahead get slammed by their own discharges.

“I don’t believe it…” The more inexperienced clone gunner said.

“Hah. You haven’t seen nothing yet, rookie!” Raptor grunted as Vader beat back each barrage. In no time at all, the repelled attacks destroyed the two gun batteries. This allowed Raptor to swing the gunship up and over the roof of the structure. As the repulsorlifts buoyed the grey military craft, the Emperor, Ahsoka, and a group of troopers hopped down. The troopers utlized climbing hooks and cables while the two former Jedi merely dropped down. With their blasters, the clone troopers weakened the roofing, and the two Force wielders easily circle-cut twin entrances into the secret base.

“Senator they’re in,” The clone sergeant reported.

“Good work, sergeant. Appraise me of any change,” Riyo said from the safety of the gunship. Looking over the feed from the sergeant’s helmet, the woman carrying one of Vader’s children hoped that the information from Cham would prove accurate.

The circular cuts of the roof clattered to the ground before the ex-Jedi touched down. As he’d sensed, Vader found himself looking right at their target. Long-legged with perfectly set D-cup breasts, the exotic blue-skinned Jedi was a welcome sight. He didn’t want to spend time hunting her down on her homeworld. Unfortunately, it didn’t appear that she was happy to see him. The same could be said for the dozen or so well-armed fighters inside of the base with her.

Vader held out a gloved hand to the tall athletically built Jedi Master. “Master Aayla Secura. I am here to give you one chance. Come with me to Coruscant and leave Ryloth at once. There is no sense fighting for the Jedi any longer, Aayla…”

“Anakin, don’t do this. You know its not right,” Calm pools of yellow eyes stared at Vader. Ahsoka noticed that all around them, many of the Twi’lek partisans were itching to go for their weapons.

“The only right and wrong in the galaxy are what I chose, Aayla.” The Human growled, thinking over all the injustices he’d experienced in his life. He thought about his mother, the slavers who sold the two of them for credits. More pronounced than many of his memories of loss and anguish, he felt about the untold masses who perished and suffered because of Palpatine’s plots. The only way to save the galaxy now… was a firm, uncompromising hand.

“There must be change. Don’t succumb to the past because it’s all you’ve known…”

Naturally, the Jedi Master wasn’t in the mood to surrender. Saved from a death order by Clone Commander Bly, it was not just her people Aayal needed to help. The dark forces of the galaxy thrived on the pain and suffering of those in bondage. No… there was no way she could serve such a Master.

“The Force spared me before, Anakin. I think it wanted me to vanquish you from this galaxy, once and for all…” Aayla Secura proudly stated before activating the piercing, blue blade of her lightsaber.

The dullness erupted suddenly and savagely as the Twi’lek and Human met in the center, their lightsabers scratching at one another as the two blades locked. Ahsoka Force-shoved two of the nearest partisans into a wall when they raised their blasters to fire on her Master. After that, she spun through the air, avoiding another barrage, and activated her two blades. The green staves of light with their mismatched legs burned to life. Landing in a split-legged crouch, she severed the barrels off several blaster carbines and then fought off a cadre of melee fighters to ensure her Master could handle Aayla.

The former Knight and Jedi Master’s melee was intense. Vader swung his blade in wild, hammering arcs but Aayla countered with swift, evasive dodges and blocks. Both were basically able to keep up with the other since they had each focused heavily on Form V or the lightsaber combat form known as ‘The Way of the Krayt Dragon’. Still, Aayla could feel Vader’s raw power. It was like a terrible heartbeat all on its own. Each time their lightsabers interlocked, she could feel it’s cold, methodical hammering as her opponent tried again and again to overwhelm her.

Knowing that a prolonged fight would be her doom, Aayla tried a bit of deceptiveness she’d learned from her Master, Quinlan Voss. With each new attack, her strong resistance lowered. Bit by bit, strike by strike, she allowed herself to be shifted back, back towards her new avenue of attack. Vader noticed the ploy, but very nearly too late as Aayla swung towards his face with an uppercut. As he blocked and sparks stung at his eyes, the Rutian Twi’lek’s lekku sailed through the air as Aayla bounded onto some cargo containers.

Her feet seemed to hardly touch the ground as she moved from surface to surface with Force-assisted agility. Finally, as Vader swung to disable her approach, the lithe bodied woman flipped end over end and arced her dazzling blue blade out.

Only a blast with the Dark Side stopped Vader from losing his neck. Instead, the final edge of the energy weapon sizzled into his right shoulder, going so deep it seemed like his arm might fall off and he might lose all of the flesh on the limb. Staved off by the attack, Aayla snarled and leaped forward, trying hard to capitalize on the wound. Unfortunately for her, Vader had endured enough.

His left hand rose up, his fingers clenched in an empty grip. Aayla’s body stopped midair with a jerk so sudden and jarring that her fingers lost control of her blade. The blue lightsaber sank bank into the emitter with the blink of an eye. As the silver hilt bounced across the ground of her secret base, Aayla’s throat grew tighter and tighter as she witnessed the full brunt of Vader’s wicked power. It only took a few moments before Vader knocked her unconscious, though to some of her comrades, all they saw was the seemingly lifeless body of their commander.

Vader’s powerful voice cut through their thoughts, stopping any who thought they might take him on in a blaze of glory. “This battle is over. Return to your families, and no harm will come to you. Rise to fight the Empire again, and you will see the extent of my powers…”

The warning got through to them. Under the close watch of the clones and Ahsoka, the rebellious operatives each discarded their weapons and fled from the secret base. Vader collected the fallen Jedi Master in his arms and then joined Ahsoka and the troopers as they left the base to climb back aboard the gunship.


Aayla woke up. The air of the room around her was cool, almost cold. Quickly, she found herself wearing an outfit made mostly of black mesh that showed off much of her deep-blue flesh. The woman grew flustered, having worn such attire briefly once before when she had lost her memories and wound up a thoughtless hostage of her uncle. It wasn’t a pleasant memory.

She became aware of a chain too when Vader yanked on it and pulled her from a plush bed. The man who captured her wore more straightforward black attire now, rather than his armored uniform. The silvery metal grew taunt as the Sith lord pulled the beautiful and half-naked woman towards him. Shrugging out of his robes, she blinked, becoming quickly distracted by Anakin’s great big cock and muscle-bound body.

“You’ve left me no choice, Aayla. Now there is only one path for you,” The former Jedi knight ordered his new slave to suck his cock.

Aayla tried her best not to look at his prodigious manliness. “I- I thought you would be better than this, Anakin…”

Hearing his old name once again scraped at an old wound inside of him. Not willing to give her more time to delay, Vader pulled the chain tightly and then opened her blue lips with the Force. From there, he drove his cock deep into Aayla’s tight confines. Tears streamed down her face as she became accustomed to the harshness of the pressure. The violent and erotic act confused her body while her captor used her little more than a sextoy for his aggression.

“Glrrrrkk…. Slrruuuphkk…. Bllerrrrrkk!” Were the only noises she heard her mouth making. Below her chained neck and flexing breasts, Aayla felt a surprising development. Aayla couldn’t believe it when her fingers brushed her nipples and found that the tiny nubs of flesh barely shielded by the black fishnet pattern covering her up were hard as rocks.

Soon, something new occurred as she languished under Vader’s cruel but nearly limitless power. His cock churned inside of her mouth, aided by a wellspring of drool that she didn’t imagine could possibly come from her. It was almost as if the Force was guiding the woman’s body to better content with the new experiences.

Vader let out a rapturous growl as his first orgasm approached. Breaking in former Jedi was not something he wanted to do, but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t a welcome distraction from affairs of running an Empire. Eventually, his hips started pumping, adding even more motion to the pulling and relaxing of the chain. The perverseness of being a Master now, using his slave for his own pleasure, tickled the Dark Lord of the Sith’s mind until finally, the tip of his cock erupted while his thrusts continued to tap out Aayla’s beleaguered throat.

As the blue-skinned woman felt the Human’s legs shiver, her eyes widened when he didn’t let her pull away. Instead, she felt multiple spurts of something thick and salty, leaking out deep into her strained throat. Her eyes rolled up from the cascade of strange new sensations covering her body. Hard, soft-blue nipples danced through the air as the Twi’lek struggled to take in the Dark Lord’s first load.

Vader’s eyes burned down at the insolent woman. He’d given her the chance to join him, without violence and without such rough treatment, but she had refused. Probing into her mind, Vader got a new idea to help bring his newest thrall firmly under his wing. Naturally, the first step was to make the vaunted Jedi Master swallow each and every drop of his load.

After that, Vader eased the tension on the chain and eventually tugged on the still dazed and humiliated Aayla Secura. He guided her along, using the force to make sure she never rose up from crawling on her hands and knees like the pet she was becoming. Guiding her into a new room, Vader commanded her to sit and then he activated a holo projector in the middle of the room.

Blinking through the dense haze of what she’d just experienced, it took Aayla moment to notice what she was seeing. The sludge of Anakin’s cum still weighed on her mind. The utterly barbaric nature of the action spelled out something to her with the same sharpness of an Anzat’s deadly fangs. The man holding her chain was no longer anything close to Anakin Skywalker.

Feeling her listlessness through the force, Vader yanked on her chain to command her attention. “The galaxy may be at peace, Aayla. But the legacy of the Clone Wars lives on. Even without their droid armies, countless systems have not surrendered,” A simple adjustment to the planets floating through the orbiting image showed yellow links between some of the red-shaded worlds.

“Many of these planes support the slave trade. The foul industry that brings suffering to your planet, and great pain to my life…”

At this time, Ahsoka and Riyo came into the room. They found Vader’s head bowed as his thoughts filled with those of his life under Gardula the Hutt, his cruelest Master. “The Republic and Jedi couldn’t solve these issues. But together, we can…”

Vader looked down at her, cradling her blue cheek in his hand. “Submit to me…”

Still lost in the afterglow of deepthroating the Sith’s large cock, the Rutian Twi’lek found the only thought in her head was to laugh. “M-My lord… Even if I wanted to serve you… this… t-this sort of thing is not me. I only know one path…”

“Really?” Vader said, obviously unbelieving. “Strange that you never wore anything resembling the traditional attire of a Jedi. You were like my apprentice, selfish, believing yourself above the rules that barred us from focusing on the individuality…”

Aayla remembered the simple top and tight pants she’d worn on many occasions. She wiped some of the tears from her cheek while she remained on her knees.

“My path was not without great struggles. The Council… my Master… they… allowed me…”

“But I wonder why you chose to wear them… perhaps you knew something I eventually learned. Order and conformity can destroy the very people they’re meant to protect… Sometimes we must adapt…”

To drive the point forward, Vader changed his attacks, from forcefulness, to seduction. An invisible hand guided by his mind stroked along the twin headtails. Aayla immediately shivered in front of him. As her blue cheeks blushed, her golden eyes dipped down as she moved a hand towards her crotch.

“What are you hiding, noble Jedi?”

“Nothing!” She snapped back.

Vader gave her a small grin. Raising a hand, he lifted up the blue-skinned female and turned her upside down. In the new position, struggle as she might, her strength failed her and she couldn’t cover up her sex.

From his position, he watched as juice from her hungry pussy started leaking down along her the Jedi’s smooth washboard abs. Aayla couldn’t believe what was happening. Changing tactics, she hugged her lovely breasts, at least content to cover up her hard nipples before he discovered them. She didn’t know if it was the inverted position or her still precarious state after Vader had used her as a cumslot… but Aaya’s fingers eventually left the darker shade of blue marking her sensitive points. Guided by gravity and Vader the trickle of her sensual sauce continued sliding down and down till it crested her breasts. She felt the liquid warmth and it only made her sense of wonder grow.

While one of her nipples became glazed over with her juices, Aayla found her breathing becoming nice and shallow while her head swam with confusion and warmth. She vaguely noticed Vader’s cock had grown fully erect again. Focusing on that important detail meant she lost track of the tip of the stream. Hanging in the air with a chain around her neck, Aayla Secura’s lips got treated to the taste of her own arousal. Something sparked and changed within the Twi’lek at that point. The substance was wet, nearly syrupy, and she couldn’t help but want more of it.

Suddenly her body was adjusting and floating again. Her tongue cleaned her lips of the liquid and then Aayla moaned out again when Vader played with the extremely sensitive tips of both of her azure lekku. The extended headtail play had her pussy gushing as Aayla was brought right side up. The man called Vader, her new Master settled down onto a lavish armchair and then tugged on the chain. Dazed and confused with a powerful cloud of lust permeating every thought, the Rutian Twi’lek crawled up to the handsome Human and then clambered up onto his lap. Aayla’s erotic experiences up to this point really only accounted for one kiss with Kit Fisto, though arguably, the two were only sharing air underwater. That is to say, when her wet, glistening blue lips started taking in Vader’s mammoth cock, the pressure and pleasure was unlike anything she’d ever prepared for.

Facing the man who’d unlocked the darker… more base side of her brain, Aayla trembled while he started bouncing his hips and feeding more and more of his peerless cock into her warm, percolating cunny. Everything felt so tight and compact at first, but eventually… through the Force or through her species own inherent nature, Aayla quickly proved adept at using her flexible and lean hips to bounce on top of Vader’s long dick with perfectly adjusted sways and bobs.

Vader watched her body flex and glide against his owns as Aayla’s pussy constricted and waxed along his cock. Drawn in by her indulgent and progressively friskier gasps, he wasn’t surprised at all when Ahsoka and Riyo approached. The woman with skin a little closer to purple than blue came to Vader’s side. She was naked, as was Ahsoka, and the woman with luxurious purple hair and golden facial marks immediately hugged and kissed Vader’s wounded shoulder that had only been fixed up with some bandages. It was part of the reason he was going easy on the Twi’lek, and he enjoyed the caring touch of one of the first women who had pledged their body and soul to his cause.

Aayla barely had enough time to look over Riyo Chuchi’s naked body and see just how far along she was in a pregnancy when she felt a strange shape and warmth rubbing against her back. She found Ahsoka’s orange fingers stroking her breasts and neck while the Togruta kissed her back.

“I’m so glad we found you Aayla…” Aayla obviously still had some misgivings about the path she’d come across, but right now, all she could think about and feel was the great sensations caused by Vader as his cock molded her skin to better fit his great size. When the younger Togruta began playing and teasing her nipples, it was all Aayla could do not to moan out like a bitch in heat while her hips drove her body into a frenzy on the Human’s lap. Finally, a proton torpedo of pure pleasure rocketed out deep within her body.

From there, the dazzling woman’s face contorted into an expression of pure ecstasy as she rode out her first proper orgasm with her lover. Surfing along the powerful surge, her mind was carried away in the flood and she pulled forward from Ahsoka’s gentle care and wrapped her arms fervently around Vader’s body.

“Give me your seed, my Master… please… let me join the others… I-I… I need to feel your warmth again!” The trembling and still cumming Twi’lek cried out while her hips raced and gyrated with her lover’s huge cock still inside of her.

Vader grinned, enjoying just how easy the Jedi Master’s corruption had turned out to be. With two more powerful thrusts, he gave her just what she begged for. After all, it was part of his goal from the beginning. Powerful as women like Aayla and Shaak Ti were, the galaxy needed more than just the final legacy of the Jedi. It needed something new. As he came inside the Twi’lek yet again, she blubbered and drooled out, becoming utterly filled by a load that felt even larger than the creamy deluge he’d delivered into her stomach.

Once she’d been given her second taste of Vader’s potent sperm. The two former Jedi and Senator gently eased her wet and well-satisfied body down to the ground. As she lay there, her pussy clogged full of something she’d never thought would be inside of her, Aayla drifted off, her mind racing with thoughts of more pleasure and new experiences.

Naturally, since they’d had to play second Jizz to Vader’s newest ‘recruit’ both Riyo and Ashoka settled in very quickly on either side of their Emperor’s cock. As they took turns licking and sucking, each began putting forward their case as to who should go next…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/riuvp1/empire_vader_ch_5_vader_aayla_secura_twilek