Life of Johnny Smith (Slice of Life/Action/Erotica Novel) – Chapter 7

You can read the rest of the story here:

Day 5 Part 2

Deal with Eric Greg

Denver Colorado

23 October 2013

Johnny stood up, facing Eric Greg. He could smell alcohol on his breath. Smelled sickly sweet. Glaring down at the older man. His eyes burning holes into the man’s skull. Holding eye contact defiantly.

Eric seemed taken aback by Johnny’s attitude. Taking a step backwards. As he tried to pull himself together.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Eric surprised to see him.

“I’ve come to ask you to release me from my contract.” Replied Johnny.

“In Bill’s office?” Asked Eric, suspicious.

“Yes.” replied Johnny.

“Why? You don’t trust him anymore do you?” asked Eric looking around nervously.

“No, not really.” admitted Johnny.

“Well, what makes you think I’ll listen to you now?”

“Because I know about everything that goes on behind closed doors.” answered Johnny.

“And what exactly does that mean?” questioned Eric.

“You pay off cops to look the other way while your employees commit serious offenses,” explained Johnny.

” I don’t know what you’re talking about.” replied Eric.

Eric gazed upon the room and found David, Hannah and Kat. Their faces hidden amongst the shadows. His eyes widened slightly when he spotted David standing next to them.

“Don’t lie to me!” exclaimed Johnny angrily. He took out his cellphone showed him the picture of the files. “Otherwise, I’ll release it to the press.”

“Alright! Alright!” yelled Eric raising both hands into the air. “It’s true! But only because I’m desperate. My company is bleeding millions every year due to our lack of success. I can barely afford to keep the lights on. So yes, I bribe people. I try to get great artists to sign for my label. I never meant to hurt people.”

David stood up. “As an attorney, I could send you to jail for that. As well as those responsible for covering it up.”

“But we didn’t cover anything up. We just tried to make something good happen. That’s why I hired Bill. To help us find new talent.”

Hannah got up too. “So you admit to paying off cops to ignore criminal activity happening under their noses. Just so you can continue with your own personal agenda.”

“That’s right. I did it to save myself. If I hadn’t done it, I would have gone bankrupt. Understand me, I’m the victim. Nothing is the same since our top band, Column, has left the label. There hasn’t been any big hits or rising sales. Our latest album failed miserably. Sales were terrible. ”

He gritted his teeth. “No one bought it. Not even the fans. What happened to the hype? Where’s all the buzz? People still talk about how amazing Column used to be. Even though no one remembers them. I want to change things back. Make Christian Rebirth Records relevant once more. Bring back the glory days.”

“How much money did you give them?” Asked David.

“Ten thousand dollars per cop.” confessed Eric.

Everyone gasped. Ten grand wasn’t enough. This guy had given away half a million.

“This isn’t over yet.” said Johnny turning towards the door. “Unless you do what I ask you, this shit will go public.”

“Wait! Wait!” begged Eric frantically. “Please believe me. I’ll stop giving bribes. Let me fix this mess.”

” This isn’t what I want” blurted Johnny.

Eric stammered. “What do you-you want?”

Johnny puffed his chest. ” Renegotiate my contract and fire Bill Pawn. Frame him and his mexican boy–toy, Lupe, for the bribery. And then… I’d like to work with you again.”

“Work together?” inquired Eric.

“Yeah. I need someone to manage me. Someone who knows the music industry inside out. Who understands what needs to be done.”

“Are you saying you want to run Christian Rebirth Records?” asked Eric incredulously.

“Exactly.” confirmed Johnny.

He smirked. “You’ll rebrand to Two Girlfriends Record and officialy declare that you support Polyamory..”

“I love polygamy” laughed Johnny, pointing at Hannah and Kat.

“Oh god…” muttered Eric in horror.

” What did you do to these girls so that they agree to such insanity?” wondered Eric.

Hannah glared at him. “Our relationship is none of your business.”

Kat looked down. “We already discussed it. It was either this or a life of sadness.”

“But why?” questioned Eric.

“Because we love each other very deeply. Because we feel comfortable being open about it. Because we understand that if anyone finds out, they might judge us unfairly. Which means there’s nothing wrong with two women loving the same man.”

“The law disagrees.” pointed out David.

“We’re not married…. yet” said Hannah.

“Or ever” added Kat.

Eric shook his head. “No. You’re crazy. Completely insane.”

“Insanely happy” declared Hannah.

” So are you gonna do it?” blurted Johnny.

“Do what?” asked Eric looking confused.

“Sign me up. Run Christian Rebirth Records. Manage me. Help me bring back the old magic. Do whatever it takes. Or else I tell everyone everything.”

“Everything?” repeated Eric staring at him blankly.

“Yes. Everything. Including the fact that you bribed police officers to look the other way while forced artists to sign for your label. Your reputation is ruined. The label is finished. Unless you start fixing things now.”

Johnny paused to take a breath. “Unless you fire Bill Pawn and frame him for the bribery…Only his name is on the files. ” He grinned wickedly. “And only he gets arrested.”

Eric stared at him uncomprehendingly. “Why do you hate Bill so much?”

“So you don’t know” he replied smugly.

Eric raised an eyebrow. “Don’t know what?”

“Bill blackmailed me into breaking up with my girlfriends.. Otherwise he’d release some incriminating evidence… ”

Eric sighed. ” I gotta know if you want me to be in”

“In?” asked Johnny surprised.

“On board as your manager.” explained Eric.

“Sure. Why not?” shrugged Johnny.

David rolled his eyes. “Seriously?”

” He has a sex tape involving me and my girlfriends” admitted Johnny.

“A sex tape? With whom?” demanded David.

“With me and my girlfriends” replied Johnny.

“Jesus Christ,” exclaimed Eric

He gritted his teeth ” This sextape could ruin Johnny’s image”

“Or make my carreer skyrocket” Johnny said. “As long as we rebrand to a non-Christian label”.

Kat started fidgeting her hair.

Hannah understood what she meant.

Eric grimaced. ” This goes against my values as a Christian”

“Which ones?” asked Johnny.

“Purity” answered Eric.

“Really?” challenged Johnny. “If you really believed that, you wouldn’t let Bill Pawn fuck guys behind your back.”

Eric froze in place. “Wait, Bill’s homosexual?” He muttered. ” It changes everything.”

“Great!” cried Johnny happily. ” We can finally go public with our new direction.”

“Two Girlfriends Records will become a Polyamorous label” stated Hannah.

Eric hid his grimace behind a smile.

What a fucking garbage name he thought

“Polyamory?” echoed David. ” Seriously?”

“Of course” replied Hannah. ” We all love each other. Our relationships are beautiful. There’s no reason why people shouldn’t be able to share their lives without judgement.”

She tapped Johnny on the shoulder “As long as it isn’t on camera.”

Johnny put on a sad face. “So you don’t want?”

“Hell NO” she shouted. ” Our sextape isn’t getting out.”

“Alright.” replied Johnny, dissapointed.

Eric opened the door. ” Come with me, Your contract is in my office”

They exited Bill Pawn’s office. They walked through the building until they reached Eric’s office. When they arrived, the receptionist handed them copies of the contracts.

David looked over it first. He saw clauses outlining certain financial obligations from both parties. A clause which outlined when one party would receive money from another. An exclusivity agreement. A list of personal assets owned by either party. Another clause outlining penalties for breach of contract. And lastly, a page detailing the rights granted to the artist under the terms of the contract.

David skimmed through the pages quickly.

When he got to the end, he stopped reading.

“This says that the label owns all intellectual property created during the term of the contract.”

” There’s no marketing clause saying that you’ll help Johnny rebrand as a non-christian artist or help him make sales outside of Christian circles” added David.

“Johnny and your company needs more than just a new name” explained David. ” You need to agree to fund the transition period. Until he finds a new manager who understands polyamory.”

Eric dropped his pen. ” Fuck that, no way, I’m rebranding to Two Girlfriends Records, this would alienate my core base. What about funding a subsidiary label with the rest of the funds that we have so you can make your music without staining my brand image. I’d appoint a new CEO so I don’t have to dirty my soul doing that type of business.”

David nodded. ” Good idea.”

“It should be named Two Girlfriends Record” said Hannah.

” Yuck” exclaimed Eric.

“Why? Why does it matter what it’s called?” asked Hannah.

“Well…” said David ” For example, a good product deserves a great name. Such as Mercedes Benz.”

“Exactly, we’ll talk about the brand name later. We first need a manager, how long would it take?” said Eric, whose thought repulsated him.

“Months” replied David. ” Maybe years.”

” Years?” repeated Eric. ” Are you serious?”

“Yes” confirmed David. ” Unless you fire Bill Pawn now and start posting a job offer.”

Eric paused before answering. ” Okay. Fine. Let’s say two months. I’ll fire Bill and look for a new CEO for the new label.”

” Two MONTHS?!” exclaimed Kat.

Hannah nodded. ” Yeah. If we’re lucky, maybe less.”

” Great” said David. ” Now give us the original contract so we can fix these problems.”

” Sure thing” replied Eric. ” Here ya go”

The three signed the documents and picked them up.

Then, they left the office.


Once in the parking lot, David waved them goodbye.

” I’m happy that it was settled”.

Johnny commanded him. “Keep this meeting a secret.”

David smiled at him. ” I’m a Lawyer, that’s my job.”

As he walked back to his office on 16th street, Johnny and his girlfriends got in Hannah’s Ford Escape. The girls were quiet but happy as they drove away.

They had found a way to stop their sextape from being released and Bill Pawn was going to go to jail. But there was still much work ahead of them.

After arriving in front of Hannah’s house, they parked themselves inside her garage. She locked the doors and guided them to her yard where they sat down on some chairs around an outdoor table, on which lay wine.

“Let’s celebrate” said Hannah.

Hannah poured everyone glasses of red wine. Then, she passed them around while sitting next to Johnny.

After having drunk a bit of wine, she whispered in his ear. ” You now when you ate Kat’s pussy in the car? I was a bit jealous.”

He whispered back. ” I wonder how yours taste.”

She licked his ear. “Wanna find out?”

“Yeah” replied Johnny.

Hannah took a sip of wine then leaned forward and kissed him deeply. Their tongues intertwined passionately. As they made out, Hannah stood behind him. Her hands grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled it off. His bare chest felt cold against hers. After kissing each other for several minutes, Johnny slowly pushed her pants aside revealing her naked body. He started making out again.

His hand went between her legs. He groped her ass cheeks and squeezed them tightly.

Kat giggled as she watched them kiss. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and revealed her bra underneath.

Soon, Hannah and Johnny separated. Both turned towards Kat and began making out with her too.

While the women were busy frenching, Johnny undid Hannah’s skirt. He slid it down along with her underwear. Her hairy vagina appeared below. It was glistening wet. It gave off a earthy pungeant scent, the scent of lust.

Both men and women fell into a passionate 69 position. Hannah moved onto top and lowered herself onto Johnny’s face. They both moaned loudly as they enjoyed their first time together.

Johnny also put his mouth over Hannah’s clit, slowly caressing the small bud with his tongue, his moist tongue sent shivers through her entire body. She felt every nerve ending in her skin quiver, she felt his warms hands holding her hips tightly while his hard abs pressed against her back. She smelled a scent of musk mixed with sweat and cologne emaneting from him.

” You’re beautiful, Hannah” he whispered into her ear.

She bit his neck, moaning loud.

” Don’t you feel this emotional connection between us” He added.

Her eyes widened. ” Oh, yeah…”

“Nobody made me feel this way before you and Kat” he said before starting to lick her pussy again.

” Nobody” she agreed.

Kat bobbled her head down Johnny’s cock, sucking on it like a straw.

” Keep going” encouraged Hannah.

She could hear their moans getting louder.

Kat continued bobbing her head on his cock, she sucked harder and faster.

Suddenly, Hannah noticed something strange. She looked down. Kat was no longer wearing any clothes. Instead, she was completely naked except for a pair of high heels.

Hannah saw Kat’s bald pussy.

It was glistening wet.

She grunted of pleasure as she saw the moist coming from her. ” So Hot”

” Ah!”

” What?” asked Hannah.

Kat giggled. ” My cunt is dripping wet right now.”

Hannah stroke her clitoris. ” Me too.”

Hannah felt her climax approaching. She wanted to come really bad.

Then Johnny whispered those words in her ear. “Call me Daddy”

“Fuck me Daddy” Hannah said as she came. Her body shook violently and her pussy clenched tight around his tongue.

Kat sucked harder on Johnny’s dick, making him moan. She kept bobbling her head up and down. “aargh” grunted Johnny, the soft touch of her moist tongue on his cockhead drove Johnny Crazy. He felt his balls tighten and his cock twitch.

” C’mon Kat! I’m gonna cum soon” he groaned.

He came into her mouth. She swallowed his seed eagerly.

Before Johnny’s could even soften up, Hannah grabbed his hair and pulled his face up. ” Fuck me, Daddy”

” Okay, okay” said Johnny.

Kat grabbed his cock and guided it to Hannah’s pussy.

“Put it in my ass” Hannah moaned.

Kat obliged.

As she did, Hannah pushed her ass back at him. His thick cock easily fit inside her tight anus.

Hannah moaned. ” Oooh… Ooooh…”

Kat smiled as she watched the two lovers make love. She felt her own pussy twitching. She rubbed her clit and took off her high heel shoes. She then spread her legs and let her fingers slide between her swollen labia.

” Mmmm… Come here” Hannah beckoned.

Kat kneeled beside her. She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue. She licked her friend’s pussy. Hannah cried out loudly.

Kat giggled. ” You taste so good”

” Mmmh… Same for you” said Hannah.

“Uuurh” Johnny grunted as he mounted her like a wild beast. He slammed his cock deep into her ass.

“You’re so tight” he exclaimed.

” Uuuuhhh…”

” God, your ass feels amazing” he groaned.

Hannah moaned. “Talk dirty to me”

” Oh yeah I love to fuck your tight slut ass” Johnny said as he grabbed her hair. Her hair felt like fine strands of silk in his sweaty hands.

Hannah grabbed her soft tender breasts. ” Your big hard cock is so hot”

Johnny yanked her red long hair. ” I wanna fill your ass with cum”

” Uuuuuhhh…”

He began slamming his cock into her ass.

” Uuuuunnnnhhhhhhh!” Hannah screamed.

Her eyes rolled back. Her body shook.

He kissed her neck. “You want me to come in your ass don’t you?”

” Yes!”

” Tell me what you want” he added.

She grabbed the table beneath her.” I want you to come all over my asshole”

” Aaaaah!” he grunted.

” Cum for me baby” Hannah said.

” Uuuuunnnngh…”

” Come on, cum in my ass”

” Y-y-yes!”

Hannah moaned.

Hannah squealed. ” Aaah!”

” Yeees! I feel it! Fill my slut’s ass with cum!”


Hannah’s body convulsed. Her ass tightened around his cock.”

His cock swelled bigger and harder than ever before.


Hannah felt Johnny’s hard throbbing cock pulsate inside her ass, the white creamy cum shooting deep inside her warm bowels and cooling her insides.

So cold, cold like snow falling in my ass. She thought.

After he finished shooting his seed, Hannah fell flat on her back. She lay there panting, the sweet smell of Johnny’s semen filled the air.

Kat looked down at her friend. Her olive skin was drenched with sweat and covered in semen. She had an expression of bliss on her face.

Kat smiled. ” How does that feel?”

” So good” Hannah sighed.

” I bet it does” said Kat.

” What do you mean by ‘I bet it does’?” asked Hannah.

Kat shrugged. ” I dunno, maybe I just know things about you.”

” Like what?”

” Maybe I can tell when someone’s happy or sad.”

” That’s stupid.”

Kat grinned. ” Or maybe I have some kind of special connection with you.”

” What are you talking about?”

” Don’t worry about it” said Kat.

Hannah laughed. ” You’re crazy.”

Kat winked. ” I’ll take that as a compliment.”

” Me too” said Kat.

“You’re both crazy, that shit’s insane.” Said Johnny. He paused for a moment, panting hard, his heart beating like crazy. ” You make me crazy in love” He said.

“Oh you’re so cute” said Kat.

Hannah giggled. ” Yeah, we should keep doing this.”

” Mmhm” agreed Kat.

” Oh god, you two are crazy” said Johnny.

” But it’s fun” said Hannah.

” Totally,” said Kat.

” I guess I’m still getting used to this whole thing” said Johnny.

” It’s weird but nice” said Hannah.

” We should get dressed though, right?” said Kat.

” Yeah” replied Hannah.

They got up from the table. They were both naked. Their clothes lay scattered on the ground.

” Hey, where’s your shirt?” said Kat.

” My shirt? Uh… I think I left it somewhere” said Hannah.

” Well, let’s go find it then” said Kat.

” No way” said Hannah.

” Why not?”

” Because I’m tired, I wanna sleep, I want to cuddle with you guys, I want to play cards, and uh… and because I’m totally horny again, like super horny!”

” Oh yeah, that reminds me, I forgot something” said Kat.

” What?”

” Your present.”

” For me?”

” Yes, for you” said Kat.

Kat whispered something in her ear. Hannah turned bright red.

” … okay” said Hannah.

” Do you remember where you left it?” said Kat.

” Um…”

” Come on, don’t be shy.”

” I left it under the bed.” said Hannah

” Really?”

” Yeah, it was underneath the bed.”

” Alright, I’ll check it out.”

” You will?”

” Of course I will, silly girl” said Kat.

” You better bring it back.”

” I will.”

Kat opened the door to their houses and led them towards Hannah’s room. She peeked inside. ” Wow, somebody sure liked your present.”

” Uh-huh.”

” Who was it?”

” God knows” said Hannah.

” Oh, well I’m going to look anyway.”

” Fine by me” said Hannah.

Kat stepped over the pile of clothes on the floor and peered under the bed. She reached down and found a white piece of cloth. She picked it up.

It was Hannah’s shirt.

” Hahahaha” giggled Kat “It remember me of Highschool when we played hide and seek with clothes”.

” That’s funny” said Hannah.

” You bet it is” said Kat.

Johnny laughed, still panting.”So you hid Hannah’s shirt, huh”

” Yep, that’s what happened.”

” So you knew all along?”

” Well, I figured it out after you told me about how you left your shirt there.”

” Oh, I see.”

” And I thought it would be funny if I took it home and gave it to you as a present.”

” Smart thinking.”

” You know, I have to say, I’m pretty impressed with you” said Johnny.

” Me too” said Hannah.

” Really?”

” Absolutely” said Hannah.

” You’re so cute, Hannah” said Kat.

” I know, right?” said Hannah.

” Well, I guess you deserve it, considering how much work you’ve done.”

” Thanks, Kat” said Hannah.

Kat smiled at Hannah.

She looked down at the shirt in her hand. ” It looks just like your dress, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah” Hannah giggled as she sat down on the bed.

Johnny laid down on the bed and started sleeping next to Hannah.

Hannah leaned over and kissed his cheek. ” Thank you, Daddy.”

” You’re welcome” said Johnny.

” Can I ask you something?”

” Sure.”

” Are you my daddy now?”

” Yes, sweetie, I am.”

” Good” said Hannah.

” I love you, Hannah” said Kat.

” Love you too, Kat” said Hannah.

Johnny looked deep into Hannah’s eyes as he cuddled her. ” I love you both, I’d do anything for you. I don’t know what I’d do if I lose you.”

” So cute, Daddy” said Hannah.

Johnny passed his hand through Hannah’s beautiful red hair “We should go hiking tomorrow, just us 3″ said Johnny.

” Sounds great” replied Hannah.

“Do you like children” Johnny probed.

” Not really, no” said Hannah.

” I find them cute” pouted Kat.

“Why you asking” said Hannah.

“Just a question like that.” said Johnny.

” I see” said Hannah.

” You two are such a good match” said Kat.

” We make a perfect family” said Hannah.

” Perfect, yes” agreed Kat.

” Now sleep, you three” said Kat.

” Sleep tight, everyone” said Hannah.

Hannah closed the door shut behind them.

They slept together in the same bed..

Johnny had difficult to sleep, his mind racing due to Hannah’s words “Not really, no”.

That night, he dreamed of him, Hannah and Kat playing with their beautiful children. They were running around naked and laughing. They were dressed in nothing but a few leaves stuck onto their bodies. The sun was setting and they called him daddy.

And then…

A wolf showed up. He attacked them. He bit and tore and killed them.

” Ah!”

Suddenly, he woke up.

His heart pounded fast. His whole body trembled.

He stared at the ceiling.

Hannah’s words echoed inside his head:

” I don’t really like children, no”

What did she mean by that?

“Gotta sleep” he thought.

He put his head on the pillow and fell asleep again. But his night was filled with nightmares

He dreamt of wolves attacking their house and killing everyone.

He dreamt of Hannah and Kat lying dead on the ground.

He dreamt of himself chasing after them.

” No! Don’t kill them! Please! Stop!”

But there was no one left to save. There was no one left.

It was all gone.

The only thing he could hear was crying. Crying and screaming. Screams of pain. He could feel the wolve’s teeths gnashing at the soft skin of his children’s necks. He could feel their pain deep in his chest, driving himt o despair.

” Mommy! Daddy!”

Their screams pierced his ears.

” Mommmmeeee!”

” Dadddddyyyy!”

Blood dripped from the mouths of his children.


Wolves chased him.

And he ran.

There was no escape.

No way out.




He smelled their terror, the pungeant smell of blood and fear. He smelled the paint-like scent of fresh corpses decomposing emanating from Hannah and Kat’s bodies. Their faces contorted in an expression of terror and fear.

” Why, God?! What have we done wrong?!”

He felt the blood gushing out of his own throat. He tried to get up but his legs wouldn’t move. He couldn’t stop seeing the image of his wives and daughters lying dead on the ground.

He opened his eyes and saw Hannah looking back at him. The sun was shining through the windows and light made her hair glow like fire.

She had tears in her eyes.

“Do you hate me Daddy” She said.

You can read the rest of the story here:
