“Good morning this is your captain speaking. It is in the low sexty this morning with the high climbing up to eighty one. The perfect temperature for some beach balling.
We’ll make splash down in ten. Stewardesses check in” Captain Smith said as the plane was powering down.

Seeing the devastation that yesterday’s party had done. “Mmm, now I could be so cruel and wake everyone up with a…” I started to pick my way through the body’s.
“Butt today is my time to leave so I need to get…” spotting the butt I was looking for.
Getting into position. Pushing my hair to the left. My hot breath rolling down that hot ass. My kiss glanced off of Nina’s cheek. My tongue had parted her lips. As my breath cast out once more cascaded down. Down her pussy slit, down till it curled around her sensitive clit.
Without saying a word. Our lips where aligned. My tongue felt the wetness of her cunt. My own hand dove down to my pussy! The sudden shock! The urge to moan came quickly. Feeling the moan rise in my throat with the only escape…
My tongue, Nina’s wet cunt, even some motorboating in between her lips! “Damn, I am going to miss this cute cunt” ran through my mind as I stabbed at that pink hole.

“Ooooh.. Ooooh yesss…” this feeling made me shiver. Butt it was not stopping…
Heavy breath, the thought of a dream being so, so.. “Ooo…” Cutting off my orgasmic scream. The loud response to that hot little number that was.. is eating out Mmm…
“Oh Ooh fuckkk Mmm” trickled from my voice not daring to open my eyes for fear of the sun and it’s harmful rays! Butt this, this tongue, that breath that is driving me wild with passion! “I.. I… Ooo yesss” I hissed feeling the tongue lapping at my…
Targeting my, “No, please!” Begging in a shocked state. Trying my damnedest to keep my voice down! Butt, butt Oh my fuckkk!
“Oh Ooh Ooooh yesss OooOoooOoooo” thrusting my body back. My pussy is inflamed with desire! My, my… “Oh shit. Keep.. keep on licking…” The feel, the knowledge that at any second I was going to cream all over, all over?
Gripping the arm of the chair. My eyes squeezing even tighter as my hips bucked! “I.. cuming! Right, right Ooooh fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm!” Finding that the last part of that, the whole moan thing had shattered any silence that I was trying to maintain.
Grating my extremely wet slit over the face that was down there. Scrapping my clit on the.. Ooooh yesss, on the tongue just before it disappeared into Mmmm… “Ooooh fuckkk Mmm OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” Some times I would just like to bitch slap, my eyes searching. Looking for who ever was eating my…

The soft landing. The splash down that happened! Everything was moving so fast! Well everything butt the long wait as the plane taxied it’s way to the thrust port. “Damn, even the planes have sex on their minds” crossing my legs, not letting my missing Nya affect my judgement.

“This is your Pilot Ken Smith and the crew Welcuming you to Silk Stocking on the La Mirada islands, the number one tourist attraction in the world. Cumplete with it’s Pink Sands and orgasmic accommodations. We shall be docking momentarily so feel free to move about the cabin…” Listening to his “Welcum” speech as long as I could. My pussy, my.. cunt is so inflamed that one touch and I will cum down my leg!
Reaching over head seizing my overnight bag and pulling it free. It helps being a surgeon for even a backpack packed with the minimal clothing (and yes my personal vibrator, which has the three point connection. Clit, pussy and anal. I just couldn’t see why Nya was so set on turning me into her little anal whore butt after a week of being ass raped I just could not live without it). Padding my bum, breathing a sigh of relief that I still had my debit card tucked away in my back pocket. “If I need anything…” that sudden stop, that rocking forward, that forward seat that just managed to catch my thinly clothed pussy… Closing my eyes, living in the rush, in the surf, in the salty air that just gave the impression that I was here in Silk Stocking!
Looking down and seeing the wet spot that my cum just made. The shake from the orgasm, from the cool surface that was suctioned to my legs!

“There is a store just off the beaten path, it is right across the gangway luv, you will be able to pick up clothing there” Katherine whispered as she passed squeezing Yasmin on the bum and pussy while she was still in shock.

Gripping Nina’s clit. Not wanting to let go. My suction now controlling the volume of her moans. My tongue lapping at her cunt, her clit! Increasing the pressure every few seconds till Nina was just right!
The lick, that’s right it only took one. My lick, as I drove it so deep into her bum! The vibration, the quiver, the silence that came from Nina’s body! The short pants, the long pause while her body jerked, the sent of fresh cum as it dripped down Nina’s leg. The most important thing was the volume of her cry’s, of her moans! Watching as her arm gripped her own tit, watching as she pulled it, smashed it, pinched it in a feeble attempt to prolong her O! Using my tongue I did just that…


Even as the other girls stirred. I could feel their wet pussy crying out! You could feel this rooms atmosphere changing from the sleepover to the lesbian gang bang from yesterday.
My tongue probed deeper into Nina’s sweet slit. Drinking her juices, sucking for more! Listening to her heart, to her breathing even thou both became still for that split second.

“Fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm, OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” Sounded so soft while still in my head. I must, I must… “Ooh … Mmm ass… Mmm pussy, I cuming right OooohOooohOooohOoooh..” yes I bit the arm of the chair even as my body rebelled! My hips lunged forward while my feet curled up touching my booty. My hands pulled so hard against my tits! Bring fourth one more earth shattering O!

Watching as Nina passed out, as her own juices stopped flowing! Still shivering, jumping at my touch. Catching Brit while on her knees. Pulling her hair back, molesting her tongue as I sucked on it. “Where do you think you’re going” groping her tits. Totally taking her by surprise.. that was until my fingers dipped in to her wetness…

Laying here, watching Nina getting eaten out! Wishing that was me in the chair, wishing my own cum was running down Nya’s face! Wishing even as I knew how wet I was.
Something caught my ear. Looking to my left and seeing Tiff and Becca going at it in a 69, my own heart rate doubled. My breathing became raged, watching as each of them started to cum… “Oh my fuck” I whispered feeling the dampness on my fingers.
Feeling the plow as Nya over took my cunt. Her face already wet from Nina’s cum butt yet feeling the pull of my hair! The lifting of my body. The heat from her breath as it cascaded down my throat. Knowing that my hands, my body was hers to do with as she sees fit.

Stepping out of the Gangway. Tugging at my new jeans as every breeze tickled my cute clit. Watching as others strode around like this was the norm! Feeling my phone buzz as I turn it on. “Oh my” I exclaimed looking at the way my love was dressed.. thou my cunt was getting used to the site of Nya’s cunt being exposed and her chest! Guess it would not do any good to cross my legs. The feeling of a wet pussy, the slickness, the hint of cum hanging in the air. “Damn you Nya, why did you have to look so.. Hello, Mom… Uh, how was your flight? Joe and Joe Jr.” What I was not ready for was the hug.. not from Mom butt from Joe!
Clearly everybody can see the color drain from my face. Ha, white skin, black jeans and no… Yes Joe Jr is looking at me with interest. Grabbing Mom’s arm we march ahead of the boys for a little girl girl talk.

Fingering Brit’s booty, groping her tit. The grope soon turns into a massage, then just like magic her nip is between my fingers, the O is on her breath as I pull away.
Watching her as my fingers impact with her cunt. Seeing the shock, seeing the moans struggling to free themselves from her throat! Dragging my fingers back, pressing them against the floor of her pussy, placing my thumb on her asshole. Watching as all Brit’s inhibitions flew out with the first moan!
Following my fingers down till my hand meet with the floor. Brit’s chest was down, her ass in the air even as my tongue tagged her asshole!

“Yesssssssss finger, finger me to tOoo” closing my eyes. Feeling everything that was going on with my bod. The last breath as it exited my mouth, the sudden jerk as my insides turned to mush with Nya’s hot breath on, on my asshole! With her fingers pumping my slit… “Oh Ooh yesss..” it started. There was nothing I could do to shut this off! “..fuckkk me Ah Ahh..” you can only guess the next part.
My stomach imploded sinking so far back. My pussy while wishing it could squirt drained all over her fingers fueled by nothing else butt her mouth as it eat out my ass! Talk about a good morning call…

Checking over my shoulder to make sure the boys where far enough back. “Mom.. the reason I sent for you, no it was not Scott, it was me” taking a deep breath and preparing for the worst. “Is because I am getting married!” Perhaps I should have controlled my voice a little bit more, hehe.
“I know how the big dude takes to gays in life butt..” letting this sink in for the three count. “..Nya and I are in love. And have been for quite some time so in order to seal the deal we are getting married!” Yes, once again I hang my proverbial head in shame.
“And I wanted you and my extended family hear to be a part of the celebration and the wedding” next comes the purse to the head or what ever she can get her hands on. Ready for the clubbing, ready for the stall in her steps.. not ready for what is cuming next!
The stall in her steps. The open arm hug. The way she is crushing the air from my lungs. The tiers, happy tiers that are falling from both our eyes. The bouncing, jumping still while hugging each other! Wow, this is going smoother then I thought.
“Should I tell the boys?” I asked cause from the way they are watching I can’t tell if their extremely turned on or standing there dumbfound at the excitement.

“I will tell them. And yes, Yasmin, dear we shall be there… at?” Mom had a valid question. One in which I did not provide the answer to until now!


All the images I have seen, the smells that my nose zeroed in on. Everything that was going on in this room… My own breath, watching, studying it. The skip of my muscles, the absence of, of… Pulling on my tits as the anchor of everything I knew was cuming apart with just the swing of a tongue.
“Ahhh fuckkk” echoed from somewhere butt even then my own breath was thready! So ragged, so absence from my bod…
“Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk” shattered my vision as I remain in that same position! In my mind, what I could still comprehend my inner sub was beating down everything around her even.. even… “May Ah.. cum?” As my juices seeped out of my puss.. pu… Cunt!
Oh my gosh, as my entire body turns into a giant ear waiting for the nod, for the yes, for anything! Precious time beat by as my heart was already there! Beating so fast that the rhythm was lost! So fast that, that… “Ohh yesss” which was also the last thing that made any sense to cum out of my mouth. “OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh” then the convulsions started. Pulling my tits so hard as everything hit my body and I, Britney started to blackout!

Paying the cabbies their fees… Just thinking about this new monetary system. Sextons, I just.. Oh my, fanning myself from the hot flash that just gripped my womb. “Sex” seems to be the number one past time of this island. “Ton” seems to signify the amount of…

“Is everything alright Yasmin?” The concerned voice from mom broke into my thoughts. “You just started to sweat and fanning yourself doesn’t seem to help?”

“Yes.. I am fine” thinking how much sex Nya and I are going to have. Feeling the wetness growing between my legs. While I stood there watching this hot cabby unload the last baggage from his cab. Even saying “Ma’am” and tipping his hat before.. before…
The lick, the feeling of Nya’s tongue invading my throbbing cunt. Her hand playing with my butt hole! Doing all this just before I enter the surgery room! During the whole scrub down of every speck of skin that is exposed to the air. Getting me just to that point of cuming then, then just a whisper! A whisper of encouragement, a whisper of lust that would always be in the back of my mind till I could feel her hand again. Till I could feel her body pressed against mine. Till I could feel her tongue lashing out at my deepest darkest desires!
Just the sight of that cabby. With his long hard cock, his nice firm ass! And even from my position a great view of his sack, his testicles, nuts, balls…
Feeling a warm hand on my shoulder. Blinking back the image that had flooded my mind. Looking over my shoulder to see who it was. Looking down to see what I was doing! The instant blush, the instant caught with my fingers in the proverbial cookie jar. There was no denying what was right in front of Mom.. I was playing with myself… Yes, right there in public! With no shame, no consequence only the desire of one woman to be lapping at my pussy!

“You know, dear, Joseph is still asking about your room number. I would be careful of what you say to him” getting that concerned look from my birth mother and still nothing about what I was doing.

Taking on the bride to be was more of a pleasure than a nuisance. Sinking my tongue into her wet cunt, toying with her asshole. Gripping her ass cheeks before slipping off to Nya’s tits!
Each finger had its own task. With her inward gasp. With her stomach sinking in. Her cum leaking from around my cheeks. My final task is the butterfly with fresh batteries.
Watching the lead of Brit as she jerked for the final time. As her final O had gotten the best of her nice ass even as it crashed to the floor.
It was too late for Nya though, with the nipple vibes and the super effective butterfly her hands were engaged with the floor while her mouth was sucking on Brit’s leg.
Yes, seeing as how everybody wants to fuck me, eat me out this was a rare pleasure as tongue turned tricks in Nya’s bum. My tongue flared out as it dragged along her pussy wall. Thrust back in tagging her tailbone, sending her over the edge with the help of a few vibes.
The jerk to the back of Nya’s head as tall tanned beauty pressed their lips together. As I rose wanting to get some of that for myself.

“Mmm, Tamera glad you could make it” I said finally able to move after that incredible attack on my pussy and ass. Even the chair showed signs of it. The arm is clearly stained with drools.
And now, it was my turn to get Nya into the shower, dressed and out that door in… My eyes zeroing in on a clock, four hours! This is going to be a good trick to see her in the bridal gown before she freaks out about missing her plane.


Hearing the water was nothing new butt after a brief head count. Three of us want to investigate. Lucky me, I was in the middle Tamera taking the lead and Brit groping my behind.
One look over her shoulder, I gave Tamera the nod for the breach. We were in! The moanroom, so much like the bathrooms of the rest of the world. Butt this is the room that has seen more skin than the bedroom. We are talking full on nudity and many times a moan, a grunt, hell even a full blown orgasm has happened more in this room over the rest of the rooms combine! Even as we made our way to the back. The shower getting louder and louder. The steam getting thick by the time Tamera actually entered. By this time my own cunt was dripping from all the attention. I think it was a surprise when I spun on Brit. With no where to retreat to, the sudden way it happened. One look down, her hand was petting my puffy pussy. The look on her face. The way I seized her head, pulled it in for a deep throating kiss. The way she tried to run only getting only a few inches back. The cold tile against Brit’s ass. The way she thrust her body back to me. Back against my hot wet bod. Even as I forced her mouth to take my nip. My own O was so close. My hand slid down Brit’s arm. The shutter as her fingers went from petting to finger fucking!
“Ooo Ooo… fu…” was as far as I could go. The cold press of tile on my back, the explosive way my O made its entrance. Hip thrusting out as I pressed three fingers into its maw. The resistance was fatal as my little slit was forced to accept sex fingers… Mine included. It was like having a huge dong shoved in you! My short breaths, coupled with the cold tile. The strong thrust from my hips as my cunt came hard… As my hands seized up locking Brit in place, locking my fingers against my g-spot with Brit still pounded away…

“Mmm..” as Styphan looked over the dress. Tapping his chin, reading his thoughts was not as easy as it seemed.

“Come on Styphan say something” my eyes widened as he took a knee. Feeling the brush of his fingers as he grabbed the opening to what makes this wedding dress a Amera specialty. Hearing the rip of fabric, feeling the air rush to my pussy. Me reaching for something to hold on to!

Grinning like a new mother. Being there for my long lost daughter to have something steady to hold onto. “Yes, these wedding planners do not give (glancing down just to see what he was up to) the proper respect to a woman’s body” staring in shock to see my daughter’s va-jay-jay, just out there for anyone to…
“Oh” once again in shock as he flew over the rip with needles in hand pinning, shaping, adding more fabric until finally he was done.

“Yes! There we go!” I was looking at my grandest work yet. A faint pink lace wedding dress completed with the proper size cut outs… Almost!
“Remove whatever this is” pointing to her, her blouse!

Looking at my mother’s eyes. Taking my arm back. Jerking on my shirt till.. till it came over my head! The feeling of having a cold zipper riding up your back. One that sends chills straight to your.. your… nipples! So much for keeping that quiet. Butt my nipples were standing tall and proud as of that second.
With his soft hands caressing, roaming all over them… “Oh my gosh, how I.. I just wanted to…” looking into my mother’s eyes. That kind soul as she stood there, watching over the dress maker. From the reflection the best in the world! Even with his hands pushing, pulling, manipulating my tits, that right I said it.. at least in my mind.

Kissing Nya’s shoulder, running my hand down her back. Feeling that little bump of an ass as my middle finger now invaded her crack. Groping her small butt firm tit. Pulling on her nipple till my fingers could cum together.
“I see taking a shower without any of us” I breathed in her ear. “Tisk Tisk Nya” as my tongue slowly drug down the outside of her ear.
“I should (my middle finger rimming her asshole) just (sucking on her ear) finger fuck you till you cum” feeling the flaying hands of my back up. Raking over my back, over and over again till grabbing me and my little to no ass (yes, I am head of the heifer group at work). Knowing that whatever assist there where going to have was now between them. Poor Brit going against a pro like Nina, just had to chuckle.

“I, I.. just hAhhd to.. to…” the tremble was more than even I could have expected. The urge to thrust my hips, to plaster my lips to hers in a passionate lustful kiss kept coursing through my body! Arms extended. The unforgiving way the tiles were not allowing me to wrinkle them. To tear into them was driving my breath lower and lower till all I could do is moan. Even before my eye shut, before when my head was down, struggling to keep the moan out, to balance my horniness with my urgent way I needed to get to the airport was.. was…
“Ooo OooOoooOoooo yesss” peeped from my mouth. The growing need to give into Tamera and everything she is doing to me was becuming over whelming!

Regaining my strength, pulling Brit’s head into mine. We lock lips! Even though she was the dominant one I still proved my strength as my tongue won the draw. Over cuming all of her little ways of making sure that she was the dominant one in this finger fucking relationship!
Forcing her down to her knees. Winding my hand in her wet hair. Grabbing ahold of her skull and thrusting her mouth onto my wet cunt.

“Mmm..” as Styphan looked over my dress. Pinching, pulling on not only the dress butt the body that was inside.
“Strip, now” with a click of his fingers he was ready to make his adjustment permanent.

“Could you please” with my back to Mom. Feeling the fabric as it loosened from my skin. Even as the zipper reached the bottom of the top one shift and the wedding dress was on the pedestal and off of my naked body.

“Give me, Ahh three or four hours then it will be ready! No talk have to sow!” With that announcement I turned my back on, no… Now what was her name? “Leave, the spot for this glamour to be worn on the front counter” as I entered the backroom and got started on this wonder garment of pins and fabric!

