Rose of two Thorn’s: Scott 141-145 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM BDSM Anal Bondage Toys)

“Yes, she called me, and we meet on the sidewalk.” I tell Lane and Chief Nolan the rest of the story. “The service will be Saturday at the Church of the God of Dick, hey a gay man a at dick church. He had been going there for years.” Chief Nolan tells us, and I text Robbie and Brian before I go. “One more thing Scott here are your dress blues, you should honor him and his service.” Lane says he will drop them off for me because I am on the bike. Now its time to get to work and coordinate the rest of the wake for Friday evening.
Thank goodness for Devon and his Marcus because they reserved the club and got food and drink. “Good morning, Miss Grant” she hugs me and says, “I heard about Barry from Jack I am so sorry is there a service.” I tell her about the wake we are having and the service at the church, after this evening I will have more information. The students file in and are quick thank goodness I am starving and in need of lunch. “Marie whats cooking today” I ask as she comes out of the kitchen. I get a great big Marie hug and she tells me “Chicken tacos, Vegetable soup, and our sandwich collection.” I go with the tacos, and she gives me a third one because she likes me. “Devon and Marcus are getting the wake together for Friday at the club.” Marie asks of his body will be there “No he did not want that so it’s just us celebrating his life, after the service he will be taken to San Diego where his family is buried.” We ate and swap Barry stories before I get back to the office.
I have been summoned to Kitty’s club so after work I get freshened up in the staff bathroom then its on the bike to Busty Bay. “Hey pretty boy come on up I am by the bar I’ll be up soon.” I see her bar cart there and pour myself a shot of Clit juice (think white tequila). “Well, someone needs liquor to do me” I grab her hot sexy ass and tell her “No but its been a rough two days but licking you pussy will help me feel better.” I pull up her skirt and push aside her thong, her taste is amazing and really gets me going. She strips and grabs salt, clit juice and a lime “Do a body shot Scott.” I feel like I am back in collage again, but I do that I lick the salt and lime off her stomach. After the foreplay I get my cock licked from tip to balls “God yes kitty you make me rock hard, I hope you are ready I need to pound that butt.” I put her in front of me and chew that ass, then mix it with her creamy pussy juice. She bends over for me, and I slam that ass, pounding her till she came. I was not done yet, so I spank her and say “Ride me you slut” I smack that ass and she bounces on my dick. Then I blow my load in her sexy ass. “We both needed that pretty boy; I know about Barry, and I just heard Louie got busted. I know he was an ass, but he did take a beat down half breed and turn her into something.” I kiss her and hold her against me. “You are a gorgeous woman don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
She thanks me and I ask her “Who took this picture the one of the beach I have been curious for a while.” After she puts her thong back on, she tells me “I did it’s the beach over in San Juan Del Carmen in Belize.” I tell her the photography skills are amazing she tells me thanks for the complements and the fucking. She makes me do a sobriety test before I leave “I am good to go I will get straight home and text you.” I get a hug and some ass grabs before I get going. I barely put the key in the ignition when Lane calls “Yes what can I do for you” he tells me dinner is sandwiches from cock and balls “We need to discuss some things so head home. I ask him how he knows where I am he says, “Look at the traffic cams in the intersection.” I get home and change my clothes before he gets there. I open the door and tell him “I was tempted to flip the camera off but thought about it first.” He laughs and I get tea our for us to drink. “Cheers to Barry he was one hell of a guy” we cheers and eat before he tells me the plan.
“Now that ISB busted Louie he is flipping on people to save his ass. I talked to one of the ISB guys. Looks like our old friend Robb is the brains behind the trafficking operation. Louie provided funds Robb did all the dirty work. Tomorrow afternoon we need to go to Blonde to have a meeting of the police minds. You and Robbie need to keep it professional.” I tell him I love his sexy chin dimple, those blue yes and the man parts. Lane pretends to gag but I tell him. “Yes, we know how to keep it professional.” After he leaves, I get the wake update and walk over to Vivian who happens to be on the porch this nice fall evening. “Hello, I got wake information we have the club room from 6-11pm so plenty of time for celebrations.” She tells me both her and Jack will be there they had known Barry for years and were sorry to hear how he passed. I also tell her about needing to go to Blonde in the afternoon but will check when I get to work in the morning. I say goodnight and get back home. My dick still wants some action, so I get that toy out that Barry got me for a present. It is a soft latex ass, nice and tight with a seven-inch depth. It is a great distraction from thoughts of Kitty and my babe’s sexy ass. When I lay down to sleep, I have Kitty and Robbie three-way sex thoughts, mm I can go for that now to convince the parties involved.


“Thanks for letting us use your theater Robbie” Lane says. Robbie sets up the projection screen and says no problem “Can’t trust anyone since finding out Bud was sabotaging us.” Brian texts and says he is out front “Robbie keys, Brian just pulled up” so he tosses me the keys and I let him and Lt Gordon in. “Hello Lt, nice to see you again” he says the same thing as Brian takes a call. “I was wondering if we could hang out some time, I want to ask you something,” I tell him sure and I am getting some vibes from him. Unloading the jeep, he brushes my hand and blushes so yes, my bi curious radar is on. Been here before back on the force. He sits in the back as we all go over the information we got from Louie.
“This part of Assland is marsh area deep enough for a seaplane to land and with the road here and here plenty of get away also.” Robbie tells us more possible hiding spots when I hear a knock on the door. “Lt please see who is there” he goes to look and tells us “Sir it’s your fiancé Heather” and Brian gets that taken care of. Lane and Robbie talk shop. “Lt when did you want to hang out, I need to go back home I have a wake and funeral for a friend Friday and Saturday.” He tells me sorry for your loss and says next weekend. He whispers to me “I am attracted to you I want to find out if this can go anywhere” I tell him about Robbie and me but “If you are curious, we can see if you like that kind of thing.” I brush his fingers and he brushes mine. This will be fun I have not had a virgin since college.
“Ok I am back so did I miss anything” we update him on the roads and marsh area. After we are all set, I let Robbie and Brian know what time to be there Saturday and yes dress blues if you so desire. I slip my number to Lt. Gordon then Lane and I head back to his truck. Lane gets a call and Robbie pulls me aside. “I hate having to keep it professional want to kiss you so bad.” I tell him it sucks for me also but come to the wake Friday. He tells me he will be on duty but will show up Saturday “Brian and I are flying in so I shall see you then, can you pick us up.” I tell him I will get back to him as Lane whistles, so it is time to go. “Sorry to take you from the lover but we need to get home” I tell him its all good. Once back home we both update Chief Nolan before Lane drops me at home. I make some chicken and rice for dinner and get a text from Lt. Gordon. “Thanks for your number I find myself attracted to you, I have not done this before.” I tell him we can take it slow I do not mind. He questions me about Robbie, but I tell him he and I have an understanding. After getting into bed that night I dream of breaking another man’s virginity, hmm against the good old loveseat.
Friday is no students, but I had files to catch up on, Chief calls and says I can pick up Brian and Robbie just be dressed. After texting them I get back to work so I can finish and get home to change before the wake. Barry left instructions, no body no dress code just remember the good times. I will wear the shear shirt he always liked and my leather pants. I will ride the bike because I gave him a ride one day and he loved it. Now that the files are updated its off to the house. I was getting the lotion on my legs when he texts again. “Hmm interesting question how do you know if you can deep throat.” I text back try something easy such as a hot dog or carrot stick be gentle you do not want to make yourself throw up. All dressed looking good and heading to the other driveway. Vivian wants to ride with me so taking my birth Mom on a bike ride across town will be a trip. I stop the bike and help her on and with the helmet “Glad you wore your hair up you may have helmet hair.” She laughs and asks how to hold on I point to the bars, or she can hang on to me but lean with me when I turn. Jack follows behind and off we go, she loosens her grip after a few minutes and the rest is fine.
The wake was all of us sharing Barry stories I tell everyone about when I wanted him to sign the books and he thought I was coming on to him. I also quote his autobiography “If you are true to yourself others will be true for you.” We all cheers and eat, then dance to his favorite songs. My poor mother cannot hold her liquor so I help Jack get her into the car so she can get home. “Service is at 12 Church of the dick” Jack says he remembered and see you then, also ride safe. Club Marcus and I find a nice dark corner and make each other cum with blow jobs. I pull into the garage, and I am about to change clothes when Robbie texts. He says he and Brian will land at 1030. I tell him I will be there and in the dress blues. He tells me cannot wait to see that. I get another text from Gordon, and I ask him his first name he says its Francis, but I can call him Frank. He tells me he gagged and now he feels bad. I give him a pep talk and get to sleep.
I shave my face after the shower and put the dress blues on minus the jacket and gloves I offered to be a pallbearer. Robbie and Brian land at 1045 and I get the officer thanks for your service talk from the people. I do not feel like explaining myself, so I just say thank you. “A bit late I see” Robbie just laughs and says “Diva hear was running behind” Brian just ha-has. All dressed up people in the slither and its off to the church, I set the map because I have not been there. “Starting you route Scott” my male voice computer says. After parking I get in to see chief and Lane the service will start on time. I help escort people to the seats and then sit next to Robbie. He and I do hold hands for a bit before I speak to end the service. Before Devon sings Barry’s favorite song. “Barry liked to talk a lot, but he always had the best stories and advice. I was new here and he told me to be myself, get out there and meet people. The gay community will accept you, here you are free.” I admitted it was nice to feel free “Thank you Barry you were a father figure to us all rest in peace go find the babe and the cat.” Here is Devon with I will survive. People were looking at each other but Devon sang his heart out.
Club Marcus jumped up and shouted “Let’s dance like Barry” he dose Barry’s arm wave dance. I grab Marie and do the cheek to cheek one. “You assholes are going to make me laugh I am trying to sing.” We all do Barry’s other classic dance moves and people start singing along with Devon. The rest of us pallbearers get Barry in the hearse. Everyone in law enforcement gathers around and we all salute. “Goodbye Barry thank you for the friendship” and I salute too as the bagpipes play. The tears are coming down so Lane hands me a tissue. “I thought you were left-handed “I tell him “Yes been saluting right for years its just easier or did you want to be elbowed” he laughs.
Everyone heads to El serrano who opened on this special Saturday for Barry. Robbie and I get to chat and eat Brian went to sit with Lane. “I liked your speech babe it was great” I tell him yes Barry had great advice, so we cheers to him. Robbie and I sneak off to the back patio for some alone time. I take my man to the restroom back there and get my dick sucked down. I drop his pants and chew his sexy ass, and those balls. My man asks me to kiss him just as I spill my seed into his sexy ass. I suck his cock and he gives my ass a great pounding, I love the feel of my man inside me. “I love you Scott I want to stay here with you though this bathroom is small.” We both laugh and hear Brian holler for him. We come out of the bathroom fully dressed and smoothed out. Brian looks the other way and Robbie goes to say goodbye to people. “Listen squirt I am not interfering, but LT Gordon got written up for using his government phone for activity unbecoming. Here is his new private phone number” as he hands me a slip of paper. I go to apologize, and Brains says its ok now you know. I get them back to the dock and Robbie and I hug, I also hug my brother and thank them for coming. Once home I text Frank and say I am so sorry for him being in trouble, he says he did not know either but now we have this phone number.
I now have DeVon, Club Marcus, Robbie, Frank. Kitty and Kathy along with doing Amanda and that skeevy Dean. I sure am getting around now more than ever I also had Tyler and Benny. Maybe I am finding my sexual power. Speaking of Kathy, she is texting right now so I know what I will be doing for lunch Monday in my office. Yes, my dick gets the action, but my heart still belongs to that blue eyed sexy Blonde Island resident.


“Oh, Kathy deep throat my cock that’s it more” I am having the sexy time lunch hour and about to fuck a hot ass. I chew her ass and she screams into the couch pillow in pleasure of course. Once my dick gets pumping, she starts bucking back against me. “Harder Scott my ass needs it, spank me stud.” One nice double spank later and she had her orgasm my load went right into that ass. “Thank you I was super horny for you Scott” as she kisses me, I take advantage of tits before she gets to her next set of classes. I run down to the vending machines because cafeteria closed at 2 so they can prep dinner. A microwave burrito and a bottle of water, 5 Sextons (that is cheap but annoying).
Once that is done, I have enough time to eat before my last student. As soon as I get to my office its Lane not my last student. “You should register I will be your counselor” he is only slightly amused. “We need more info from Kitty she is not very helpful right now.” I ask him what he needs, and he says, “Meet me at Long Dongs in the back after the student.” My student comes in and I help him with class schedules and send him to Miss Grant for bus pass issues. After saying goodbye to Miss Grant, I get to Long Dong’s and wait for my “date” in the back. I text the babe and he dose not answer. Just as Lane walks in so dose Kitty. “Well look what the detective caught is she feral” she is annoyed I can tell. “Lane, you annoy me, but you promised me food” menus and drinks were ordered. I got the cashew chicken and fried rice. Kitty gets the beef lo Mein and Lane has the Pork dumplings. “Alright food is good let us talk Louie. Kitty and not the jail bird he is, the finance wizard he was.” Kitty discloses a lot of the financing “Remember that night you were watching the bay area and Scott and I were up above. I knew they were going to be there because Louie had me take you there.” I am not happy, and neither is Lane after dinner she asks me to take her home, so I do. “Drop me here at the gate I was only doing what I was told you know.” I tell her Louie is in jail help us get Robb, but she closes the door to the gate. I close my car door and head home; she is still in his grasp but why I do not know.
I spark up and then get a call from my man. “Hey babe you’re alive and not ignoring me” he tells me its hell being on patrol again. “I have the school resource officer detail I hate this shit.” I let him have his rant because I feel his pain, I did that one time too and it sucked. “On to more happy news the newlyweds set a date May 10 on Hump Island.” I tell him how did I not know and then brother dear comes on the line. “I was going to call you later, but your man here beat me to it.” We all have a chat about the wedding the bachelor party. Everyone is getting a room they are going all out. After I finish my joint, I get ready for bed when Frank texts. I sit on my loveseat and read: I was helping your brother and Robbie move some boxes around and Robbie was gushing about you. I cannot get in the way of someone’s relationship that guy loves you. I text back” It is perfectly fine here are some tips if you want to explore that side of yourself. I send him those and he thanks me, I can take Frank off my conquest list. Now to sleep because tomorrow I need to get to jogging and blow jobs with Devon.
“Good morning pretty boy my cock needs some service” I take his dick in my hands and he handles mine. We retreat to the bed and get hot and heavy with our sixty-nine. “Devon suck my meat I need to blow” and after face fucking him, he swallows like a pro. His dick gets down my throat and my part time lover gives me his creamy liquid. “I think we both needed that I like our time together” he kisses me and asks to finger me. I tell him yes and open my legs for him. My orgasm feels so good, I return the favor with him, and I can listen to him cum all day. We eventually get dressed and head out for or run and after we get home, we shower and get more ass play before we both must go. The students are getting in and out quickly today, so I do have time to get to the cafeteria for a real lunch. I pass the lot and see an ambulance pull away; someone needed some EST, I guess. Marie makes me a plate of enchiladas rice and beans and I get a root beer. I tell her all the wedding details and she shows me some Hump Island photos from when she and Gemma went a few years ago.
After work I feel lazy, so I go grab Indian food for my dinner. I watch naked news and the guy is playing an old interview he did with Barry; it is still sad to see him like this. Even though I know that is him I still picture him in that bathroom. Once food is done, I get a Facetime from Mom and Dad they are proud of Brian getting married, and they ask me one hundred questions about Heather. They are searching for flights, but Brian is setting everyone up at the resort so no hotel worries. I said love you and good night, then the door is knocked on. “Well Look what” she shushes me and gets me up against the wall. Her clothes easily come off and I attack the tits. Taking her to the couch I get to eating out that tasty pussy. I know what she wants so I make her cream and orgasm.
She gets on my dick and pumps it hard I smack that ass and tell her “Ride it slut milk my cock” I pick her up and take her to my recliner. She is knees down ass up and I go balls deep. “Is my cream in you ass or down that throat” she tells in her ass. After I spill, I put her on my lap and kiss her, of course more tit play. “You know how to make a chick cream pretty boy, finger my pussy.” I could not resist that; she creams on my fingers and then licks them clean. We get more kisses and playtime then I need to get some sleep. After she is gone my dick is drained and so am I. I dream of Kitty that night though I am watching her dance and tease me. I get on stage with her “Ohh Kitty” I do her in front of Robbie who then enters her pussy. Dam that is so hot I want to see that. Lane wakes me up in the morning with a call “Be ready to go to Assland Friday we have a good tip there will be a drop off, Kitty grew a conscience you must have done her good pretty boy as she calls you.”


Lane and I chat and hoping I do not have many students we can get too Blonde but Thursday night. “Good morning, Miss Grant” she says, “Good morning, dear sign Kathy’s get-well card.” I ask what happened and she tells me how she collapsed, EST came but knew she needed other medical help and took her to the hospital. I sign and check my schedule and no one from Thursday on, so I call Lane from my office. “Good now let’s see how sexy Kitty dose dressing for a family island” I tell him I would like to see that too. I text Kathy and she says I can come see her at her house after work.
Planning a bachelor party is harder than I realized but getting the hang of it. I have someone at the resort who can BBQ, the beer I can order from the liquor store here in town. My nervous brother is going to drive me crazy, but I cannot shoot him. Once the students are done for the day, I tell Miss Grant I will be on Blonde if she needs me and ask “Dose Jack have a large cooler I will need to bring beers to Hump for the bachelor party” she tells me yes and will let me know when to get it. Off to Kathy’s house to see for myself that she is all right.
“Hi, Kathy, was that you in the ambulance the other day” I hug her gently. We get inside and I offer to make her some tea as she tells me where everything is. She tells me “Perfect cup Scott thanks my stomach is still not used to the idea” I tell her “What idea Kathy.” She puts her cup down and says “Well I hear the students say this phrase all the time. I fucked around and I found out, I am pregnant Scott. No, it is not yours or Robbie’s. I know this is my last shot I am thirty-five so it’s now or never.” We hug and I ask who the dad is, and she would rather not say. “I won’t be able to have much fun and I will stay till the end of the year, then I am off to Capri, which is where I am from.” We do share a tender kiss and I gently stroke the tits “I will miss these and that ass, but any baby would be lucky to have those to eat off of.” She gets up to get something she has for me “This is yours maybe you can get another lady to have fun with you” it is the strap-on dildo that she used on me. “I love it Kathy thank you, may I kiss them and grab some ass” she tells me to be gentle, so I do. I leave and pass Barry’s old house the real estate sign is up I hope someone loves that house as much as he did.
As I pull into my garage Kitty calls “Hey pretty boy are you coming Thursday to Blonde” and I tell her yes, I will. I ask her to come over and give me some action. She tells me later tonight so I get my shave on so I can be smooth. Once I make some soup and a turkey sandwich for dinner, my dishes are done. I get comfortable in my shorts and nothing else. Kitty arrives after 9 and I let her in, she drops my shorts. Over near the recliner I sit down, and she puts my dick down that pretty throat. “Suck it Kitty I want to pound your ass I am super horny” she moans and starts rubbing her clit. I pick her up and flip her over so we can be in a sixty-nine. The sweet taste of her makes my blood rush more, so I prime that ass for my cock. She rides me and I lean back to give her more pounding. She is ridding like the pro she is while I finger her and get the cream flowing. “I want to swallow pretty boy give it to me” she jumps down, and my dick is drained into her mouth. She takes my hand, and we are off to the bed, I pull out the toy Kathy gave me “I know what you want pretty boy and yeah let Kitty do a sexy gay boy.” I orgasm so loud people in Gigolo might have heard me. She lays down on my chest and stokes my balls. My hands get some tit play before I go down on that pussy again. We clean the toy up and she gets some pussy play with it. I hug her tight before she must go and she says, “See you Thursday sexy man come see me tomorrow at the club and bring that toy.”
Lane calls at 7 am “Don’t you like to sleep I know I do” he tells me I am a whiner and get dressed. He tells me breakfast at the Pire diner near his houseboat. I am dressed and, on my bike, when I get a call from my babe “He sexy are you going to meet Lane I have information for both of you” I tell him I am on the way. Lane and I get a table in the back so we can Facetime Robbie. “Good morning, Scott good morning, Lane” Robbie is still dam cute, but we keep it professional. He tells us “Coast Guard has been eyeing the planes and they are on the marsh so if we set up the bust here and here” he points to a map. We all decide strategy before Robbie needs to get on duty working the dispatch for the morning “I love Betty but doing this is crap work.” Lane says he feels for him, and we will be in touch. “I hope we can bust his ass” Lane jokes its not nice to talk about Robbie that way. I do laugh at that then we get down to grub because I am starving.
After work I head to Kitty’s club, she wants to have dinner. Once I arrive, I put the toy upstairs and she takes me down to a private dining room. We can order whatever we want she says. I take a lobster tail and-bone steak meal. She has the steak minus the lobster, and we split some good merlot. She tells me “This for finally breaking this case the last of Louie in my life” we cheers to that. The dinner was wonderful, and she goes to the stage I ask her to dance for me. The music she puts on is slow but thumping and her clothes come off. I strip and get a lap dance that makes me rock hard. Once she is done sucking my meat down, I chew her ass. My cock pounds that sexy slut on the stage, while she holds on to the pole. I stand against the pole and bend her over so I can pile drive her. I dump my cum into her ass. We grab our clothes and go up a flight of stairs into a closet then we are in her office. After she plows my ass and I do her pussy with my toy I tell her “Got lots of students tomorrow so got to go remember it’s a family island.” She tells me she knows how to dress for family, but I pinch her ass anyway. My body is worn out, so this man gets to sleep in no time, good god this is nearly over.


“Yes, I know Kitty we can see each other Thursday but yes, we will be busy, talk to you then.” After hanging up I sigh a big sigh of relief my dick needs a night off too. I need to clear camera space because my brother’s bachelor party is coming up and I want pics for memories and to hang over him. I see my man and his cute face from when we built my back deck.

“Ok sexy let us break this deck in Brian went back to base and everyone else is gone. I am going to chew that ass now get it overhear.” Just as I plunged in, I took a picture and since he is my man it’s my ass. With my cock buried in and fucking his brains out.
I plug the camera up to the computer and upload that photo, mm I want him now and I do wish he were here. I went to the other one I love. Him naked on my bed from the old apartment, he was asleep he did not know I took it. I wanted to remember his sexy ass just incase it did not work out. I upload some others from dick peak and great orgy Party at the club.
“Come here hot stuff in those hot pants let me get you hard” I was so drunk, but he let me do what I wanted. Marcus took the pics, and we found a dark corner so I can suck his cock down my throat. I do recall him doing me that night in my slither backseat he is always game for sex, that and his passion is like no one I have ever had. Then on New Years night we were with Lane on his houseboat.
“Oh, lovers we are heading out into the harbor the fireworks start soon. If you want to see then come up, Robbie, Scott. I did manage to yell “Robbie can’t talk right now.” I remember Lane said, “I hate you both and clean up after yourselves.” I said, “Aye Aye captain” and he finished me off just the way he can. I sucked my man down and he face fucked me till he had his O. We did straighten up and get above deck in enough time for fireworks and a cheer to the new year.
Then I came upon Kathy’s baby shower it is the first one I had ever attended. “Kathy congratulations twins will be double the blessing.” She was glowing and looked amazing with her belly and the boobs were still fantastic. I wanted to do her, but she was in a delicate condition. I did sneak away for a quickie with Amanda, and she was willing, ready, and able for some ass fucking and tit play. The sex was great, but I will miss Kathy so one day in the future a trip to Capri is on my agenda.
Now I can clear some space look what I forgot about the trip from River Grove. Brian and I along with Lila and Heather took a weekend and went to meet my sister Yasmin and sister-in-law Nya. Robbie did not want to go but I convinced him to stay on the boat while we all went diving. “You guys have fun I’ll keep watch up here.” I explain that his parents died in a car crash and went off a cliff into the ocean, so he has a fear of diving. We did all bond and have a wonderful time. Robbie caught a huge Marlin, but it was tagged. I took the pic before we threw it back. Impressive pics so I email everyone some copies.
The last of the pictures are from my trip to Hawaii and all those amazing pics from the hotel. The beaches and hiking trails. I got lots of pics of Pearl Harbor and this is a great one of Brian and I. Now that those are uploaded and emailed my camera has more space in it. This was the best gift from my dumb ex so that is why I never gave it up. It is raining like crazy, so I hope it stops by morning because I need gas in the slither and driving through puddles in not fun. If it is raining, we may not make it to Blonde on the ferry either. I turn on my air filter and spark up my joint. I am checking out naked news when they talk about the Coast Guard spotting the planes “The planes have been landing on the outer edges where we can’t always be, these criminals are smart, but we are smarter.” I text my brother that he looks like a dweeb on TV. He texts back the middle finger emoji. I get in bed later and dream of being done by Robbie while Kathy sucks my dick and I eat out Kitty. I sure do have a great sex life in my dreams.
Once I get up in the morning, I see it is not raining, and the streets are mostly dry. After breakfast I jump in the shower and start thinking about my man, his sexy ass needs to be here. I want to plow him and make him yell my name. I go for my dick its hard as stone. I rinse off and still hard he comes in through the door I hear him call my name “I’m in the bathroom but yes get over here” he gets to me and looks at my straight out to hear dick. His look is one I have seen before. The clothes come off quickly and I take him to the bed. My dick is lubed and so is his ass. “Say my name and tell me to fuck you.” He yells “Scott fuck me its why I am here. I need you show me the love babe.” My man gets his ass pounded, spanked, and blown into. My man is a giver too and after getting him up I get bent over my loveseat and he makes me his bitch. We kiss on the loveseat naked and happy. “I had to get to you the need was great, and you always satisfy me babe.” I tell him my dream of him doing me but leave out the other people involved. Once we are dressed again, he needs to get back home and be on duty this afternoon. I kiss my babe, goodbye and tell him I will be on the last ferry tonight. We kiss more then I get going to the gas station. I do offer to tip extra to Greg my favorite pump boy, so I blow him in my slither and get to work.
I did manage to get the last ferry out to Blonde but no autos or motorbike. Jack dropped me off at the ferry and I went out to see my man. After giving King attention we got back to giving each other attention as well. Once we get some sleep, I demand to be the big spoon and pull him close to me. “I love you Robbie and we have hot passionate sex.” He tells me we do and wiggles that sexy ass at me. I pinch it and tell him its all mine, I grab my man ass. He grabs mine and says the same, I love him so much he is the great love of my life.

