Pirates thieves and stowaways part 7

apter 7
A romp and new responsibilities.

The celebration of the victory over the OwlBear lasted into the evening. Rum brandy and goat stew were plentiful as the crew laughed and danced to the tunes played on Tobias’ lute his baritone leading the crew in boisterous song.

“🎶🎵one more over the side me boys. one more over the side.🎶🎵
you’re chained to the mast
so speak up fast
or it’s one more over the side me boys
it’s one more over the side.🎶🎵”

Klair sat on a cannon her shirt still torn open but she at some point chose to remove her chest wrapping and replaced them with a blue purple silk scarf tied in a way to support her breast with an X across her torso. She sat with the horned elven woman and a halfling dressed in only a sky blue vest and brown trousers . They shared a long wooden pipe that plumed pink smoke filled with sparkling starlight. Each Taking turns smoking from it exhaling large clouds of hazy fog and laughing hysterically.

Dunkin climbed the ratlines to the main mast’s lower crows nest. He dangled his feet and watched the crowd. Mr. Thorn stood speaking to a tall dark skinned man with a long rich blue scarf wrapped around his head and shoulders. His large black hat sat cocked on his proud head.
With a huge fluffy black feather pinning the brim up in the front, They stood on the quarter deck watching over the celebrations.
Though Dunkin couldn’t overhear their conversation, they did not seem to be in the same good cheer as the rest of the crew. a look of frustration grew on the dark skinned man’s face As he listened and drank from a silver chalice.

Soon the booze rations were finished for the night, and the pirates settled in to rest for the coming day. Klair started her nights watch spending the first two hours of the night watching over the stern portion of the ship. She held a check list of things she was responsible for looking after. She spent the first half hour vigorously seeing to her duties. However She soon fell to boredom and found herself staring out to sea.

Goosebumps formed on her skin as the cool night wind blew over the deck. She regretted not taking the time to put on her galley-boy jacket before everything happened that morning. It was hard to believe that in one day she went from cross dressing to survive as a galley boy, to a free woman with a place as an equal. She figured frigid nights were a fair price for opportunity.

Her shift ended faster than she expected. a half elf lad with the tip missing from one ear walked up to her. “ hey you’re new right ? I am S’berj.” the boyish half elf popped up the collar of his short wool grey blue jacket to block the wind. “The shift change is up. you can go find a hammock below decks and catch some sleep.” He said shoving his four fingered hands under his faded green sash. Klair was almost sad to end her contemplation but the prospect of sleep was welcoming.

Klair wandered below to find a cozy spot to get some rest. Her options were not very plentiful as most hammocks and bunks were claimed and even the floor between cannons were used as make shift beds by some. She settled on a cubby that was full of spare sail cloth, crawled in and drifted off to sleep.

Dunkin woke early at four bells and began his daily chores. He mopped the floor below decks and stowed hammocks sometimes waking the pirates that clung to their sleep. After that was done he spent the rest of his morning helping the dwarvan cook prepare lunch for the crew.
The stubborn dwarf still managed to ignore Dunkin for the most part save for simple instructions or to set him on a task.
“ bring’ potato. whole barrel “ or
“Go do chop ze onjun”

It sometimes took Dunkin a few times to understand what the dwarf was saying through his thick accent. Which only seemed to make the cook more frustrated. After too many failed attempts he would throw up his hands and mutter to himself in his native tongue.

As Dunkin was heading to the galley stores to fetch either potato’s or pimento he saw the hatch to the forecastle with a opaque fog seeping through. As Dunkin pondered the mysterious hatch a sputter then a loud woosh Followed by a large cloud of smoke plumes through the door.
Toggle soon came stumbling out from the smoke coughing hoarsely. He held a vile of thick silver grey liquid with thick vapor wafting from it. He popped a cork in the vile and tried to brush the smoke stains from his face.
“ I knew I should have used a more pure concentration of distilled cloud vapor. I’ll have to revisit my equations, again.”

The smoke crawled across the ceiling leaking out of the cannon ports and the top hatch. Dunkin chuckled to himself. “ what are you working on?” He asked amused. “ you hold a candle to close to a bowl of gun power?” He asked the soot covered gnome. “ ney I’m working on bottling se great fog to use as a shroud for de Maiden in battle.” The gnome explained. “ unfortunately I don’t have my maths figured correctly as of yet.”
He tossed the vile to Dunkin “ here this one is far to small to shroud de Whole ship but it could obscure a clever youth such as yourself.”

Dunkin looked at the vile in his hands and marveled at its simple mystery. This was the first time he had seen any kind of visible magic. Not counting the church clerics doing there ceremonies in the city square of Bleakwater. Now he held a vile of mystic power in his hand.
“ how does it work?” Dunkin pondered aloud. “ well you smash it my boy.”
The gnome chuckled.

“Cabin boy! Potato’s “ a gruff voice sounded from the galley and Dunkin snapped too and pocketed the vile and hoisted a bag of potatoes on his shoulder and hurried back to the galley.
The cook sat with a grumpy expression and pointed to a knife and cutting board. “ chop.” He grunted and Dunkin sulked his way through his work.

Klair found the morning air cool and refreshing as she made her way to her shift she saw a group of pirates on the main deck were stripping out of there clothes and forming a small line waiting to pour a bucket of sea water over themselves and scrubbing themselves with a shared sponge. The men and women of all races stood inline with their respective bodies on full display.

Klair spotted S’berj among them standing behind the horned elven woman in line.
She found herself admiring their nudity. him with a slender frame his torso muscular and scarred his member appeared similar to human anatomy but was ribbed around the base. Klair blushed as she watched.

The purple skinned elven woman was tall and thin her petite features were
Tattooed with detailed stylized sea beasts and birds. Her pierced nipples had gold rings through them. Her tail swayed as she waited her turn to wash.

Klair felt tempted to join the line but knew she hadn’t the time before her shift. She reported to the quarter deck and relieved the previous helmsman. She took her place holding the wheel in place and awaiting her first orders.

The wind filled the sails and the ship cruised at a good clip. “ twelve degrees larboard ms klair.” Mr thorn ordered and she echoed him and manipulated the helm to the quartermaster’s specifications.
Klair enjoyed watching the lively crew busy at work. She soon let her torn yellow shirt fall around her waste. Her scarf brazier concealing her freckled breast.

Calluses started to form on her hands as she held the ship on corse. She didn’t expect to feel the force of the wind so vigorously. The exhilaration caused blood to corse through her a smile spread across her face. The spray of the sea keeping her skin cool under the hot sun.

Dunkin carried the stew pot onto the main deck and started to serve the crew there midday meal. Each hungry pirate welcomed there portion of stew gratefully and treated Dunkin like an old Friend.
Evan the scowl on fe’ja’s face softened to him. And stray dog even gave him a sly smile. He found a simple pleasure in ingratiating himself with his new crew mates.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rh1671/pirates_thieves_and_stowaways_part_7