Pirates thieves and stowaways part 6

( some nudity no sex)

Chapter 6
A new home and a host of pirates

Dunkin and klair stood With arms full of cargo the only two among the captive sailors who had no loyalty to the Astroci empire. The recruits headed to the pirate vessel Following the others to the cargo hatch where they lowered their booty into the hold. Dunkin looked around as he waited to stow his share. He noticed that many of his new comrades were of many different backgrounds.

Some halflings used long hooked poles to guide heavy loot into place as it was hoisted up by a team of gruff looking elves and halforcs.
One was a buxom lady halforc who labored without a blouse, her amble chest on full display. One of her two tusks missing, and her body scared from labor and battle.

one elf had pail purple skin, a long prehensile tail and a pair of short horns that resembled those of a young goat. One of which was clasped with a gold ring. She had on a maroon silk shirt that fit loosely and tight fitting trousers. A blue green scarf tied around her waist.

A small gnome with sharp features and lanky limbs stood on a barrel holding a clip board and a quill. his silver tattoos stood in sharp contrast to his drab grey skin , but suited his pastel green hair and goatee.He wore a fine velvet vest and a paisley shirt with his sleeves pushed up around his elbows. His yellow eyes peered through a thick pair of spectacles at the incoming cargo. His hand moving quickly and his quill keeping tally on his parchment.

Dunkin looked around the ship and saw a series of dummies fastened to the rails each made of barrels and scrap timber. they were fixed up to look like armed men’s silhouette if they were obscured by a fog or far away. Some had holes blown in them and sand leaking from there bullet holes. He then realized that the pirates were much fewer in number than he had thought.

After handing the cargo to a pirate who resembled a hare, with soft brown fur covering there body, and long floppy ears that protruded from the top of their rabbit like head. He looked over the new recruits. “ oi if you’n are new. you’n should jabber with toggle there. he’ll assign you’n yer duties.” He gave klair a kind smile. “ welcome aboard mates.” The two looked at each other and Dunkin gave klair a knowing grin and she shot him a scowl. “ I like it here.” He said to her and she rolled her eyes.

Neither of them had seen so many non humans in one place in their lives. Klair was not impressed by her companion’s decision making so far, but had to admit seeing women working along men openly was a welcome surprise.

Klair scanned the crew for someone who fit the name toggle and settled on the gnome with the clipboard. She grabbed Dunkin’s arm and dragged him with her as he admired the horned lady pirate. The laboring woman snarled flashing her sharp teeth at him. Dunkin gulped as he was dragged away.

The busy gnome looked up from his work at the freckled lass and the scruffy looking lad she had in tow. “ ah you must be some of the new recruits. I’ll bet you’re looking for your assignments?” He looked them over and checked his lists. “ you my lass will be on morning shift helmsmen. And first watch.” She smiled at the prospect of being at the helm of this mighty pirate vessel. “And the lad will have
An evening shift as a midshipman, and I’ll give you morning cabin duties.”

Dunkin’s face recoiled at the sound of cabin duties. “ aw man that’s what I did on the owl bear.” He complained “ then you should be well experienced at it.” Toggle said with a sly grin “ welcome aboard.”

Just as they finished receiving there assignments the bosons whistle blew and the crew began to gather in a loose mob on the main deck. The scrawny halforc stood In front of the crew. The one armed man stood to his right and the elven woman with twin swords leaned against the rails.
“ every one quite down. We have some things to discuss. Now lend an ear to our quartermaster mr. thorn.”

The crew stomped and cheered. “Thank ye mates we had more excitement today then we planned and we lost some good hands. Some of you have injuries and are due appropriate stipends. I trust mr. cogsmith will see ye right.” Toggle nodded in agreement. “also we have some new recruits who are each entitled to a half share of our spoils, it takes a lot of guts to join us brigands. Let’s show them a Harty welcome.” The crew cheered and many hands clapped Dunkin on his back.

“ Further more we have some new items to vote about. Item I number one. We have a new lead on retrieving the property what was lost.” He glanced sarcastically at the red bearded bard, and the crew erupted in a roar of laughter. Tobias turned red with embarrassment and glared at Dunkin with a frustrated look in his eyes. Mr. thorn spoke up to settle the crew. “ now we got a heading on getting that key back, cliffs crest is our port of destination. All in favor say aye .”

A concophony Of ayes sounded from the crew. “ alright item two, we have a influx of brandy and rum.” A defining cheer erupted
“our options are do we save it for sale at port? “ a few boos came from scattered crewmen. “Or, we can crack into it tonight and have ourselves an extra ration, or eight.” Stomps and cheers so vigorous they rocked the ship erupted and the vote was completed.

The crew was dismissed and they got to work departing from the disabled OwlBear a small frigate manned by a skeleton crew of sailors who refused to turn pirate. not a living officer among them,They looked like a group of unsupervised children Just beginning to understand how much of a pickle they were in.

After watching the OwlBear fade into the distance for some time Dunkin made his way below decks. He wanted to do what he could to learn the layout of his new home before his first morning of cabin duties. He found the galley and poked his head inside. There was a potbellied balding dwarf with a singed salt and pepper beard. He sat humming a shanty to himself. Dunkin cleared his throat “um ‘ello I’m Dunkin. I’m new, I’m on cabin duties in the morning.” The dwarf continued to peel potatoes and plop them into a cast iron pot. He seamed content in ignoring the new crewmen.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rh138w/pirates_thieves_and_stowaways_part_6