Life of Johnny Smith – Day 2 – Margo’s right (Slice of Life/Mystery Erotica)

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Day 2 – Margo’s right

Louisville Colorado,

21 october 2013

He called his friend Margo. After some small talk, he finally broached the subject. “Margo, I need your help.”

” What is it?” replied Margo. “I’m kind of busy right now.”

“This won’t take very long,” he assured her. “And it will be worth your while.”

There was silence on the line for several seconds.

“Okay,” she relented. “What did you want to ask me?”

“Well, there are these two women—”

“Wait! Three? You’re not going to try anything stupid, are you?”

“I’ve just met them and they are the most gorgeous girls, I’ve ever seen.”

“Yeah, yeah, okay. So what happened?”

“We ended up in a place where we could drink and dance. We danced together and talked for hours. One thing led to another and pretty soon we were naked.”

“We fucked over the table and it was the best sex in my life”

“So it’s about your agent right?”

“Yeah he doesn’t want me to fool around to keep a good Christian image.” said Johnny.

“Did you say ‘fool around?'”

“Yes!” he exclaimed. “That’s what I meant by that.”

“Jesus Christ, Johnny. This isn’t funny anymore. How many times do you plan on screwing around with these chicks?”

“Forever, I feel like I’m falling in love.”

” You always say that Johnny”

“But this time it’s true. These girls are amazing.”

Margo ‘s smile could be heard over the phone.” Promised?”


She laughed. “You know, I don’t believe you. But whatever works for you. Just remember: no matter what happens, I’ll always support you.”

She chuckled. “Alright gotta hang up, can’t wait to see those girls. By the way, I’m passing through Louisville tomorrow, got a business meeting with some people from the East coast.”

Margo lived in Denver, Colorado. They had known each other since high school and had stayed in touch since then. Margo was a sales representative for a big software company and traveled quite often. She usually spent a few days in Colorado every month or two.

Johnny hung up the phone feeling relieved. Now maybe things wouldn’t turn out so bad after all. Maybe his agent would never hear about it.


The night after, Margo had just arrived in Louisville.

She was a beautiful pale-skinned redhead girl with long hair and green eyes. Her breasts were small but firm, her ass tight and firm. She wore an expensive business suit as she did every day of her life, but this time it was grey instead of black. The color suited her better. She was more of a cheerful type of person than the sad gloomy type.

Once her business meeting was done, she parked her car outside the bar and walked toward it. It was raining hard and cold drops splattered across the sidewalk. The neon sign above the door flickered slightly as lightning flashed behind the clouds. As she approached, the bartender stepped outside and waved her in.

“Hey, You must be Margo. Come join us. Johnny told me about you.”.”

She stepped inside and took a look around. On the first floor, Hannah was standing beside Kat, next to the black leather couch which had been pushed against the wall.

She recognized both girls thanks to what Johnny had told her the night before.

She was glad she’d made it early. This way, she could get to know them a bit more before Johnny got there.

She greeted them warmly and sat down on the couch beside Hannah.

” Hi I’m Margo” she said.

Kat was wearing a pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt. Hannah was wearing another short dress that showed off her curves nicely. Both of them seemed happy to see her. Hannah’s olive skin contrasted with Kat’s pale skin, making their outfits seem strangely complementary.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Hannah said.

Margo blushed and said: “Yeah, Johnny talked a lot about you guys.”

“We’re glad you could make it,” Kat said.

Margo smiled at their enthusiasm..”Of course I would come, Johnny is my best friend.”

“You must be very popular,” Hannah said.

Margo smiled.”Well, he has good taste.”

“And he’s right, you are,” Kat agreed.

They chatted a bit longer, but Margo found it hard to concentrate. Her mind was already swimming with thoughts of Johnny and his two new friends. She kept stealing glances at the two girls. They were sitting close together on the couch. Kat was leaning over and whispering in Hannah’s ear.

“So how did you get involved with Johnny?” Margo asked.

” I think he’s kind of a player,” Kat answered. “He looks like the type to date one girl and fuck every other one he can get his hands on.”

“Really? That sounds like him,” Margo laughed.

“That’s not entirely true,” Hannah added. “He likes to try everything once. I mean, he did try me.”

Margo couldn’t help laughing again.”But you don’t seem upset by that.”

Hannah shrugged.”No, I’m not. I’m glad he was honest with us. We both wanted to see what it would be like to fuck him”

“So do you still want to?” Margo asked.

“Yes. I think we should keep trying. But I have to admit that he’s pretty good.”

“That’s true. You should probably give up on him.”

“Why? He’s great in bed.” said Kat.

“Oh yeah, I guess he is. But he’s also kind of a jerk.” said Margo

“You think?” Hannah asked.

Margo nodded.”Definitely. He doesn’t care about anyone except himself.”

“Yeah, well maybe I’ll change that,” Kat said.

Hannah leaned forward and kissed her. Then she pulled Kat closer and put an arm around her shoulder.

Margo watched the two women kiss. The sight was making her hot. She reached under her skirt and started playing with herself. When she felt her climax approaching, she stood up and excused herself.

On her way out, she noticed Johnny entering the bar through the back door. It took only a second to recognize his face among the crowd. He saw her coming towards him, but turned away immediately. His eyes flicked briefly towards the corner table where the two girls were talking.

Margo stopped at the end of the hallway and waited until he came to join her. Once he drew near, she grabbed his hand and led him into the kitchen.

Once they were alone, Margo spoke softly to him.

“Johnny, look…”

“What now?” he replied impatiently.

“…you shouldn’t treat those girls badly. They deserve better than that.”

He spat on the ground. “I didn’t treat them bad. They wanted to fuck me”

Margo frowned..”It always starts like that with you, then they grow attached”

“Grow attached? What does that even mean?”

She sighed and explained: “Like…They fall for your charm and your personality. And when you break their hearts, they feel betrayed.”

He shouted.”Bullshit! Why would I ever hurt someone who wants to sleep with me?”

She looked at him closely.”Because you’re just using them!”

“Who says so?”

Margo hesitated and looked around.”I say so because I know you too well. You never cared about any of these girls. All you wanted was to use them and throw them aside.”

Johnny put his hand on his chest and looked wounded.”That’s not true, I really want to know them”

“Then prove it to me. Go talk to them again. Treat them nice this time.”

Johnny looked confused as he tried to figure out why she thought he needed to go apologize to Hannah or Kat.”How am I supposed to do that?”

She shrugged.”Just be yourself. Show them some respect. Be sincere. Make sure they understand that you really love them.”

She paused and looked deeply into his eyes.”Make them feel special.. You’re a nice guy, Johnny. Sometimes you act like a dickhead, but deep down you’re a sweetheart.”

Johnny smiled wryly.”Okay, okay. I will.”

Margo smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.”Good. Now go back and apologize to them.”

“Thanks, Margo. I will. So what brings you to town anyway?”

She shook her head.”Business trip. My boss wants me to meet someone from the east coast.”

“Who is it?”

Margo hesitated before answering.”A man named James B. Hansen. Do you remember him?”

Johnny passed his hand through his auburn hair.”Sure. I went to school with him. Nice enough kid. What’s he doing in Louisville?”

.. “Apparently he’s running a company called KMS International. I’m supposed to find out more information about their operations.”

“Do they make a lot of money?” Johnny asked.

She nodded.”Hell yeah, they rake in cash. I heard they even bought themselves a private island somewhere off the coast of Maine or Florida.”

He looked impressed.”Sounds expensive. How much do they pay you?”

Margo smirked. “Enough to live comfortably.”

Johnny shrugged. “Ah Sad, I wish I could be rich like them someday”.

She smiled as she looked at him.”Still think about becoming a billionaire huh?”

Johnny smiled sheepishly.”Of course. Who wouldn’t want to become one of the richest people in the world? Especially if it means getting laid every day with Kat and Hannah.”

Margo smiled as she recalled the conversation they had earlier..”Well, maybe you can get lucky after work today. One of my clients has invited me over to his place for drinks. He needs a guitarist. Would you like to come along?”

“Not now, I’ve gotta talk to Hannah and Kat.”

Johnny smiled at her. “Well, I hope you decide to stay awhile. This place is awesome. I love hanging out here.”

“Me too. Thanks, Johnny. See ya later.”

As soon as Margo left the kitchen, Johnny returned to the bar. He sat next to Kat and and smiled at her.

Kat blushed slightly and stared at the floor.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

She shrugged. “Pretty good. How about yourself?”

“Great. Can I buy you another drink?”

“Yeah, why not?”

He ordered a beer for himself and a glass of wine for her and Hannah. After he paid, he held out his hand to help her stand up. As she did, he looked directly into her eyes.

“You wanna dance?”

Her cheeks reddened. She shook her head no.

“Come on,” he said. “Let’s have fun together.”

Kat hesitated for a moment before taking his hand.

The music was loud, but they managed to move across the room without drawing attention. When they reached the center of the dancefloor, Johnny pulled Kat close to him. His hands moved slowly around her waist while hers roamed freely over his chest and shoulders.

Hannah gleefully watched them dance. Her heart raced as she thought about all the things she’d like to do with both of them. After several minutes of dancing, Johnny and Kat returned to the table where Hannah waited. The two women exchanged glances and giggled.

Johnny looked at the girls, his heart beating faster at the thought of confessing his feelings for them. His face turned red, sweat dripped of his forehead. He cleared his throat and spoke. “I want to talk about something”

Both girls’ faces lit up. They leaned forward eagerly waiting for whatever news he had to share.

Kat passed her hand through her blonde hair nervously. “So what did you wanna tell us”

” I really feel like I’m falling in love with you both. The sex is phenomenal and you’re such great girls. But… well…”

His voice trailed off. Both girls were grinning ear-to-ear.

“But what?” Hannah asked.

Johnny gulped hard.”It’s just that I don’t know what to say. And I’m afraid I’ll screw everything up somehow.”

“Why would you worry about saying the right thing when we already know you care deeply about us?” Kat replied.

Johnny took a deep breath.”Because I’m scared shitless. Because I never felt this way before. It scares me because I don’t want to lose either of you.”

“You won’t lose any of us” said Kat. .

“We were waiting for this moment, Johnny. We should date us three. But promise us something Johnny.” said Kat.


“Promise you’ll always take your clothes off first so we can see those muscles.” said Hannah.

Johnny laughed.”Deal!”

Hannah chuckled. ” I’m joking”

” But to be honest, Johnny. Promise us that you won’t fool around with other girls. That you’ll only ever fuck us.”

“No problem. You guys are my favorite anyway.” Said Johnny, his face reddening.

They laughed again.

“And also, promise that you’ll let us pick our own outfits sometimes,” added Kat.

“Sure, anything else?”

“Just one more thing,” Hannah said.


“Promise that you’ll keep fucking us until we beg you stop.”

Johnny grinned. “Okay, deal.”

They paid the bill and headed outside. As they exited the building, Johnny turned to Kat and offered his arm. She accepted and held it tightly.

He walked with both girls along the sidewalk. A few feet ahead, the streetlights illuminated the area. Johnny glanced over his shoulder and caught Margo watching them from inside the bar. He gave her a wink and a smile. She quickly turned away.

When they arrived at the car, Katie opened the passenger side door and got in followed by Hannah. Johnny followed suit on the driver’s seat.

“So, uhm, where do you want to go?” Asked Johnny.

Hannah leaned forward and whispered into his ear.

“You can drop us off anywhere, but please take us somewhere private.”

Johnny grinned. “Of course.”

After driving around aimlessly for a while, Johnny pulled into an alleyway behind a row of abandoned buildings. The three of them climbed out of the vehicle and stood together under one of the lights.

“Are you ready?” Johnny asked.

Both women nodded.

“Alright then, let’s get started.”

With that, Johnny unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. His chest was bare except for a small tattoo of a heart surrounded by stars.

Kat gasped quietly.

“Oh my god! That looks amazing!” she exclaimed.

“What did you expect?” laughed Johnny. “I don’t look like a normal person, right?”

“No, not at all,” agreed Hannah. “But still, it’s beautiful.”

“Thank you guys. It means a lot to me.”

“We should probably start with introductions,” suggested Hannah.

“Yeah, definitely,” added Kat.

“First things first. Let me see your hands.”

Kat and Hannah raised their arms above their heads. They kept their palms facing each other.

“That’s great. Now turn towards me.”

Once again, they complied.

“Now reach back and touch your breasts.”

Their eyes widened in surprise.

“This isn’t necessary,” protested Hannah.

“Trust me, it will make this easier.” Said Johnny

Johnny gazed upon them and started masturbating. his boner grew hard within seconds.

He was secretly filming them with an hidden camera.

“Wow, you two are gorgeous,” he murmured.

Hannah reached between her legs and touched herself through her jeans. Her hand lingered briefly before sliding further south. When she felt something hard against her palm, she began rubbing it gently.

Kat watched intently. She knew exactly what Hannah was feeling. In fact, she could almost picture the exact same scene playing out in front of her own body.

“Okay, now spread your knees apart.”

Kat obeyed immediately.

“Good girl.”

Hannah moved closer until her face was inches from Kat’s crotch. Slowly, she lowered her head and licked her way across Kat’s pussy lips.

“Oohhh…” moaned Kat softly.

Hannah took care to lick every inch of Kat’s slit. She even stuck her tongue up inside and circled it around Kat’s clit. Then she sucked it lightly.

“Uhm…that feels really nice.”

Hannah giggled. “It’s okay if you’re enjoying it.”

Kat closed her eyes and tried to focus on the sensations coming from her vagina. She couldn’t believe how wet she suddenly became. She also noticed that her nipples were getting harder and stiffer.

Suddenly, Hannah stopped licking and looked up at Kat.

“Your panties are soaked. Do you mind if I remove them?”

Kat shook her head no.

Hannah slowly slid down onto her knees and grabbed the waistband of Kat’s tight black shorts. With gentle pressure, she peeled them downward revealing Kat’s completely shaved mound.

“Wow,” breathed Hannah.

Kat bit her lip nervously.

“Don’t be nervous. You’ll love it.”

Kat nodded.

“Do you have any toys? Maybe some dildos or vibrators?”

Kat blushed slightly.

“Well, maybe later. But right now, I think we need to concentrate on making you feel good.”

Kat smiled. “Okay.”

Hannah pushed Kat’s thighs wider open and positioned herself directly between them.

“Is there anything else you’d like me to do?”

Kat thought for a moment. “Maybe put your fingers inside me?”

“Yes ma’am.”

Hannah slipped two fingers into Kat’s dripping hole. At the same time, she pressed her thumb firmly against Kat’s clitoris. Both girls groaned loudly as pleasure shot through their bodies.

As soon as Hannah withdrew her fingers, she replaced them with another pair. This time, however, instead of going straight inside, she rubbed her fingertips around the outside of Kat’s opening.

The sensation made Kat gasp.

“How does that feel?”


“Would you like more?”


Hannah continued circling her finger around the outer edge of Kat’s vaginal walls. As she did so, she increased the speed and strength of her thrusts.

“Ohhhh yes!! Ohhhhhh Godddd!!” cried Kat.

She threw her head back and arched her spine upward. A few seconds later, she collapsed forward onto the ground. Her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

When she finally regained control over her breathing, she opened her eyes and saw Hannah standing next to her.

“You okay?”

Kat nodded.

“Did you enjoy that?” asked Hannah.

“Very much.”

“Then why don’t you lie back and relax while I finish off our session?”

Kat lay flat on her stomach. The position allowed Hannah access to both sides of her pussy. She began kissing and sucking one side while simultaneously fingering the other. Within minutes, Kat was writhing beneath her.

After several intense orgasms, Hannah climbed atop Kat’s chest and straddled her face.

She collapsed on the floor, just in time to see Johnny cum all over himself. He quickly pulled his cock away from his body and wiped it clean with his shirt sleeve.

“I’m done!” he announced proudly.

He walked over to where Hannah and Kat were lying together.

” Thanks girls, now get in before the police finds us” said Johnny.

They got up and followed him toward the car. Once they were safely inside, Johnny turned to look at Hannah and Kat.

“That was amazing! I’ve never seen anyone come so many times in such quick succession. And you two looked absolutely stunning doing it.”

“Thanks.” replied Hannah shyly.

“So, what happens now?” asked Kat.

Johnny shrugged. “We can go to the bar, but I doubt the bartender will let either of you stay overnight. So unless you want to spend the night here, we should probably call it quits for tonight.”

He added. “Let me bring y’all back home.”


A couple hours later, after dropping Hannah and Kat off at their house, Johnny drove the rest of the way to the bar. He went upstairs to his room. After changing out of his dirty clothes, he sat down at his computer and connected the hidden camera he had used. It contained pictures of them having sex.

Johnny clicked on the first picture. In this particular photo, Hannah had her mouth wrapped tightly around Kat’s swollen nipple. Kat’s hands were resting on top of Hannah’s head. They were locked in place. Their faces showed pure ecstasy.

Next came a close-up of Hannah’s tongue sliding across Kat’s clit.

Another image captured Hannah’s hand cupping Kat’s breast.

Finally, a full frontal view of Kat’s naked breasts and hard nipples.

Johnny gasped when he realized how beautiful these women really were. His dick grew instantly stiffer.

With trembling fingers, he scrolled further down the list until he reached the final photograph.

It was a very intimate shot of Kat’s ass cheeks spread wide apart. Her asshole was clearly visible. Johnny could even make out the outline of her pink anus. On each cheek, a small puckered ring of flesh was protruding outward.

His heart pounded wildly in his chest. For a brief second, he considered whether or not he wanted to delete these files.

For the next hour, Johnny watched videos of the four different scenes. Sometimes he would pause the video and zoom in on some part of the screen. Other times, he would play the entire clip again.

In every case, he couldn’t take his eyes off the images of Hannah and Kat fucking.

By the end of the day, Johnny still hadn’t masturbated. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about those two gorgeous young ladies.

Before going to sleep, he put his camera next to his TV which was mounted above the fireplace.

The following morning, Johnny woke up early. Before heading downstairs, he took a shower. When he finished drying off, he put on fresh boxers and a t-shirt.

On his way to the kitchen, he passed through the living room. At first glance, everything seemed normal. No signs of anything unusual.

But then he noticed something strange.

There was no TV mounted above the fireplace, nor any camera.

Johnny stopped dead in his tracks. He stared at the empty space where the television used to hang.

What happened? Did someone steal my TV? Did someone steal our sextape?

As soon as he thought that, another possibility occurred to him. Maybe some thieves broke into his apartment, and stole the TV and the camera.

Or maybe…

Maybe the burglars didn’t break in.

Instead, maybe they snuck in during the middle of the night.

And if that was true, then there might have been more than one person involved.

Suddenly, Johnny felt like he needed to talk to Hannah and Kat. He rushed outside and dialed their number.

When they answered, Johnny, blurted out: “Hannah, Kat, listen, I need your help. Can you meet me somewhere right now?”

“Sure thing, today we’re off ” replied Hannah. “Where do you want us to go?”

“Meet me at the park near our houses. We’ll figure things out once we’re there.”

Before hanging up, Johnny told them to hurry.

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