[F] Bred on the Farm pt. 4 [hucow] [F/machine] [non-con]

>You don’t have to read the previous entries to understand this one, but there is a recurring character at the end and the same setting. All characters are 18+.

Mary had nearly completed her inspection of Forrest Nursery and Farms, her clipboard of forms in duplicate neatly marked and signed, when she noticed the crack in the south barn wall. It was intriguing to her; Wade Forrest was known for having an impeccable record of inspections and safety. Although the rancher had seemed exceedingly forthcoming with her, Mary was nothing if not thorough at her job.

Slipping her fingers into the crack between the weathered wood, Mary raised an eyebrow as the wall slid smoothly along to nestle into the barn wall, but what greeted her was even more surprising. It was a cream-coloured room, small and windowless, with no discernible features along the walls, lit by dim lights on the ceiling. On the floor there was a vague outline of two feet, spread slightly wider than shoulder width, facing one of the walls.A scent of lemon cleaner washed over her, and Mary frowned.

*Well, this won’t do. I’ll have to speak with Mr. Forest about hiding things from the health inspector and write up* –

She stepped forward into the room, running her hands along the wall, her tennis shoes squeaking on the smooth surface.

*[Female detected.]*

As Mary whirled around and a calming robotic voice filled the cell, the door slid shut behind her.

*[Smart Automatic Human-Bovine Servicing activated. Please comply with all instructions.]*

*The fuck?*

At the sound of a gentle hiss, Mary glanced upward, only to see a faint mist drift downwards. She swore and held her breath, hands desperately feeling around the sealed door, but she could already taste the chemical substance on her tongue. After another cloud of mist descended, Mary gasped for breath. Within seconds, her vision blurred at the edges, and she stumbled to her knees. Her clipboard rattled against the floor as it slipped from her hands.

*[Clothing detected. Please remove clothing.]*

To her utter horror, Mary found herself moving against her will. It was as if there was a barrier between her brain and her body, and the desperate commands that her mind was screaming didn’t make a difference. Trembling fingers undid the buttons of her blouse, the zipper of her slacks, slid her panties over her hips, and soon her entire outfit was pooled at her feet. Bare and exposed, her pink nipples pebbled in the cool air.

*[Please stand in the designated area.]*

She stepped forward into the outline of the footprints.Between her feet, a narrow panel slid open with a mechanical whirl. Mounted on a curved, metal seat, almost like a bicycle’s, a rubber phallic shape slowly rose to meet the exposed crook between her legs. It was the same colour as the room, a calming cream, with a wide tip and narrower base. Her eyes widened.

And then it began to vibrate deeply, and Mary whimpered as the blunt tip pressed against her clit.Pleasure shuddered through her body, but whatever chemical influence she was under prevented her from wiggling away from the intense sensation. Her head lolled against her neck, and her legs began to shake.

*[Involuntary movement detected. Safety harness deployed. Please raise your arms.]*

There was another mechanical sound, and a panel slid open above her. Wordlessly, she lifted her arms, and leather straps fell over her shoulders and waist. They tightened, and Mary found that she barely needed to use her legs to keep herself upright – which was helpful, considering how her knees were quivering underneath her.

The seat shifted underneath her, and she felt the phallus press between her slick entrance.

*[Mounting commencing.]*

*Oh god. Oh god. It’s going to…*

With confident insistence, still vibrating, it pushed inside of her. The thick shape stretched her as it pressed upward, inch by inch, and Mary’s back arched in protest, yet her arousal eased its path. She gasped for breath, hating the whimper that escaped her throat. Still, it continued. When it was finally fully seated inside of her, as she glanced downward she thought she glimpsed a slight bulge in her stomach, evidence of the violation.

If the drugs in the air made her tipsy before, now Mary felt drunk. If not for the braces holding up her body, she was certain that she might have collapsed. Her thoughts blurred, her mouth agape, as the machine pressed in and out of her.Mary came, hard, stars bursting in front of her eyes. Her legs spasmed tightened against the metal seat, and the device responded with a cheerful beep.

*[Satisfactory servicing achieved.]*

With another noise, another contraption lowered from the ceiling. Even in her addled state, Mary knew what it was. She had inspected multiple devices of the same kind minutes ago, but this one was different, smaller and slimmer in shape, sleeker in design – and she knew immediately why. It was meant for a human, not for a cow.The plastic cups sealed against her small breasts.

*[Milking commencing.]*

Mary gasped, as the suction began, tugging at each of her nipples in an alternating pattern. Her body strained to give what it asked, even though nothing flowed, Mary realized that her hips gyrated against the still-vibrating phallus, eager for more. Even if she had the strength to pull away, she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

Time melted around her, and it could have been an hour or a few minutes when the door slid open.

“Ah, fuck!”

Mary’s head lolled toward the voice, but her vision was unfocused. There was the blurred shape of a man, dressed in flannel and jeans.

“Pa! Health inspector got into the automated milker again,” the young man shouted over his shoulder. He approached with his hands raised, his voice quiet as he spoke to her in a soothing tone.

“Easy there, miss,” he muttered, undoing the straps of the brace and fiddling with a panel of buttons in the wall. Mary gasped as the phallus slipped out of her innards, slick with her arousal, and disappeared back into the floor. The young man caught her by the elbows and brushed a lock of sweaty hair out of her face. “Had a bit of an unexpected adventure, did you?”

Mary collapsed into his strong arms with another pathetic noise.He raised her chin with his finger, and looked into her eyes with a warm smile. “Don’t worry – it’ll only take a few days for the drugs to leave your system. We’ll keep you safe until then.”

Mary whimpered, trying to find words to protest – and then realized perhaps she didn’t want to.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/rf63po/f_bred_on_the_farm_pt_4_hucow_fmachine_noncon


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