The bet that went well, right-

I so didn’t see this coming or the fact I liked it.
My buddy Tom and I are always playing jokes on each other.
It is even better when I get his wife to help me play a joke. Anyways, as you
can guess one day in the garage, we were watching some action movie. There was
a foot chase and they were hoping fences.  
I said something about them doing that and my buddy teases
me saying. Like you, can do it. A few beers in and the bet was on.
I ran at it and you guessed it right on my ass. Lol good
So, Tom tells me he will have my lose tomorrow.
The next day he hands me an envelope and I open it and it is
a massage from a gay bathhouse the next town over. I got this as a “one up” as I
got him a massage with an 87-year-old woman that gave him a happy ending.
Tom and I never back down and he knows I won’t. But he tells
me I have to stay the whole massage.
I’m like fuck with that smile, I know Tom I bet he is
setting me up with a massage and I happy ending.
He makes me make the appointment right then so he would
know. I did and it was going to be Friday after work.
So, one I have never had a massage from a guy, let a lone a
guy playing with me. Now I’m far from homophobic, but the thought of a guy
playing with me was doing nothing for me. So, I was walking in not wanting to
be there but going to go through with it. It was a bet.
I get there and check in. The guy behind the counter signed
me in and asked if I had ever been there?
No first time. He smiles and tells me he will give me a tour.
He walks me in all the spots, sauna, spas, showers, locker
rooms, lap pool, rooms to rent, and then the last spot the four massage rooms. Right
before he puts me in room 3. He tells me. You are just beating the rush. It
will be busy after your 2-hour massage.
I look at him. Did you just say 2 hours? He smiles, yes you
get the works. Jason will be in soon to get you started.
In walks this guy and he holds out his hand. Hi, I’m Jason.
I will be working with you today. He pulls out his check board and goes over
the medical stuff, any spots that need extra attention etc.
He then points me to a shower. Over there is your shower for
today. Please feel free to shower and when you are finished just pay on the
table and I will be back shortly.
I was thinking good I don’t have to take my shower out
there. As I needed one before my massage. I just got off work.
I walk over behind a partition and behind it was really
nice. Big ass bath tub, shower with like 6 or 8 heads to hit you all over, and
a small sauna.
I shower and go to lay on the table. That is when I notice
there is no extra sheet or a towel to cover me with.
I almost put my wet towel over me but I don’t. I don’t want
to be wet the whole massage and not like he has not seen a naked man here. I
laugh to myself. The other odd thing is this is the only massage table I have
ever seen that didn’t have a hole for your face. So, I had to lay sideways.
Jason walks in and puts his hands on my shoulder. Would you
like a sheet or a towel over you? I think to myself. Well to late now. So, I
say. That is ok. I’m fine.
He lets his hands run down my body from head to toe then
comes around and up my other side and he is now standing Infront of my face. Would
you prefer my shorts on or off?
I was almost shocked but remembered where I was.
On would be fine.
So, he starts his massage and I can not lie. It is amazing. And
like every amazing massage I’m getting hard. The funny part is I was expecting
him to be letting his hand roam a little more but really not that much. With as
hyper sensitive I am right now. I would know. Shit he has rubbed his cock on me
a few times.   
The more he massaged me the more I kept thinking WTH, way is
he not touching me.  His hand slide
slowly up my leg and I swear with out thinking I know I opened my legs more his
hand slide over my ass and I open my eyes and I so was not expecting what I
Right in front of me is this guy’s cock. He was in linen
shorts and the massage oil is all over them making them full on see through and
this guy is only like 3”or 4” from the table. His cock is on the way to being
hard as it is stiff but now standing yet. As see through as the shorts are. There
is nothing to hide. He has a very small landing strip just above his cock,
everything else shaved.
Then his hand slides over to his cock and he strokes it on
the outside of his shorts. That is when I look up and he is staring at me
looking at his cock. He steps closer and lays his balls and cock on the table
as it points to his left and is twitching now.
He then asked me if I wanted to roll over now. Part of me
yes. But part of me no. I wanted more massage but at the same time.  He will see me hard.
I stop looking at his cock and roll.
I close my eyes as I don’t want to see him looking at me if
he is.
He starts working on my front side. Working from head to
toe. Still not touching me. He brush my cock 2 small times but I really think
it was a slip more than a feel.
He comes to my left side and was rubbing my peck. As he rubs
my hands are to my side and
I feel his balls and cock rubbing down my forearm and ends
up laying his cock and balls in my left hand. I still have my eyes closed but I
do not move my hand from him. I feel him moving 
his balls on my hand and can feel him getting harder as he does.
He then over to the over side and starts rubbing my peck
again. This time he does not waste time and puts his balls in my hand again on
the right.  After some time. It hits me.
I don’t feel his cock anymore. I want to look but I don’t. I slowly move my
thumb to feel around for it. Then I hear him moan as my thumb finds hit hard
Shit he thinks I’m playing with him.
He then picks my arm up and sets on the table with me and he
lays my arm in his lap. I can feel his hard cock rubbing my arm as it lays there
in his lap. He is rock hard now and it is standing straight up. I have not
looked but I can feel it on my arm.
As he rubs my are he is also making sure his cock is rubbing
my arm also.
He gets all the way down my arm and now is massaging my
hands. I can feel his warm breath on my hands as he rubs them. Then I felt my
cock twitch hard. It dawns on me. and he rubs my fingers he is full on stroking
them like it is a cock. And my cock had a mind of its own wanting to be
He stands up and moves to the other side now and works on
that side doing the same thing. Rubbing my arm with both his hands and cock.
But this time he is leaking on my arm.
At this end on this side. He puts a hand on my hip right
next to my cock. And takes a couple of fingers from my right hand and ever so
slowly deep throats them. My hip jerked up and I felt my cock twitch and leak
I open my eyes for the first time on my back and he is hard
as hell now. He may be a little longer than me as the head of his cock is
sticking out the top of his shorts. But super thin. I would say I’m close to 2x
as thick as he is.
He tells me it is bath time and walks me to the bath. After
that massage I so needed help. My body was mush.
He puts me in and drops his shorts and gets in with me. The
tubs are big as your body can not help but relax and fall asleep is a warm bath
like this. So, we wash you and make sure you liven back up naturally. Keeps you
from crashing hard to soon.
As he washes me off of all the oils. This time he has
touched me everywhere. When I felt his fingers brush my little star I jumped.
He was washing my back and still massaging it as he went. He got down to my ass
and slide in behind me. He lifted me up a little and his hand slide under me
and He let his fingers linger a little longer than he should have. But not like
I fight him off.    
He is being very thorough job of getting all the oil off me.
He pulled me tight to him and I felt his hard cock on my back. He pulls up
again lifting me. He slides his hand over my leg and tucks under me. As he is
washing my taint off. As he moves up to my balls. I sink back down and the head
of his cock slide between my legs and is rubbing my taint as he washes my balls
and cock. Lets be real, He is full on stroking me and It feels so good.
He pulls his hand off my cock and I was bummed as I was not
far from cumming. As he stopped I felt my hips still rocking to his stroking.
But now felt the head of his cock rubbing tight to my taint as my hips fucked
This scare me and I stopped and moved away.
He tells me looks like you are all cleaned up. Time for the
sauna. We both get out and we are both rock hard and twitching after that bath.
He takes me in the sauna and puts me in and walks away. I’m a little bummed he
didn’t stay and finish me off. As I have heard a lot of stories of bath house
sauna blow jobs.
And I’m so fucking hard right now. He has been teasing me
this whole time and he knows it.
I had been in there for a few and thought he is not coming
back to finish and I need it. So I wrap my hand around my cock and get about 3
strokes in and I see him coming so I stop. He opens the door and comes in and
he is soft now.
I’m thinking he want and worked it out just like I should
have.  He adds more water to the rocks
and makes more steam. He looks at my hard cock and smiles and tells me he will
be back.  I set there and a few minutes
go by and I say fuck it again.  I again
get 3 or 4 strokes in and he comes back.
I stop and he walks in. He looks at my hard cock and smiles
again. Next step is a cool down shower. It will not be cold just not hot like
He walks me back to the shower and all the heads are on. He
sees me standing there like I’m not sure what to do. He gets in with me and
helps me with all the heads. Then he takes the body wash and started to soap me
up. I just let his hands roam all over me. But God I want his hand on my cock.
As he washes me again.
He stands behind me and is washing my back and ass and legs.
Instead of moving to the front he wraps his arms around me and starts washing
my chest. I feel his cock tuck in behind me. He is soft right now. Well, kind
of chubbing up but not hard at all.
He is washing my chest and tummy off. His hand slides down
more and more and I so want his hand on my cock.
His right hand is running down my right leg a little and
ever so close to my cock. Then he slides it back up and across my chest to the
left side and slide it back down that side trying to go down my left hip and
leg like the right. But his hard slides between my hard cock and body. Stopping
it from going any farther. As he slides his hand back to the right. It makes
his arm rub the length of my cock and I moan.
I stop his hand with mine. As I hold his hand, I feel his
cock getting harder on my ass and it is rubbing between my cheeks.
I can’t stand it. I want him to stroke me again. I take his
hand and wrap it around my cock.
He pulls me tighter to him and his cock tucks in a little
more in my cheeks. As he talks in my ear. Oh, you want me to wash this some
more? Feeling his hand stroke, me so softly. My body shivers and I moan a yes.
As he is slowly stroking me and I’m lost in heaven. It hits
me my hand is around his cock also now. I can feel his percum oozing on the
crack of my ass as I stroke him. I hear him moan oh fuck. He grabs my hand and
pulls it off his cock. He puts my hands up on the wall and he starts to work my
cock like no tomorrow.
I’m a moaning mess I tell him I’m so close. Just as I say
that he slows down and stops. I’m like fuck no don’t stop. I swear my body is
shaking, twitching and jerking as I’m that close. He tells me if you cum right
here you will fall from the massage and how lose you are from the heat etc. Go
lay face down on the table. This is the last step and I promise you will be happy.
I did as told, as I’m dying from being edged so much. I have
never had this happen to me in my life. I’m so going to do what it takes to get
to the end. If he doesn’t make me cum soon. I’m just going to finish myself.
I’m laying face down on the table again now. My eyes are
closed as I’m lost in how bad I need to cum.
He walks up to my left. My body is so sensitive right now
that when his hand touched my back I jumped. And my eyes open. Right in front
of me is his balls laying on the table right in my face like maybe a inch away.
He sees me looking at it and he moves closer and his smooth balls brush my
nose. Here was the crazy part. I didn’t move I just stayed there looking at it.
His hands were not running up and down my back almost like a
tickle. And as he did that. He would rock a little and I felt his shaft rub my
face once.
He then moved to my right. This time as he ran his finger up
my legs. I opened them for him hoping he would slide his hand under me and
stroke me. He cupped my ass and then slide down like he was going to try and
stroke me. So, I lifted up a little hoping he would get the hint.
Just as I did that, he slides his hard cock in my hand. I
turn my head to that side to see what was going on. Here is his hard cock in my
hand And I’m not moving it.
I think to myself fuck it. I need his touch so bad I guess
it is only far I touch him also. So, I grip him and as he is sliding his cock
in and out of my hand as if he is fucking it. I feel him rubbing my balls and
taint again. I want it to be my cock but this is feeling great also.
He is moaning how good it feels in my hand and I’m rocking
with him playing with my balls. I moan and it is a new feeling for me again.
His thumb is rubbing my star as he strokes my balls.
His cock leave my hand and I open my eyes. There it is in
all its glory. Balls hanging, cock sticking straight up, the head all shiny
from the precum all over it. He sees me looking at it and reaches down and
points the head right at my mouth. I don’t move are say anything. He steps
closer and lays it in my face. It feels so hot on me. I close my eyes and I
take this feeling in. I feel his cock slide across my face then the head is on
my lips. I do nothing. Not even open my eyes.
As he rubs my lips with his head, I feel his precum on them
also. Why have I not ran yet. Then I feel it. He slides his hand over my balls
again. Strokes them softly. Then cups my cock under me and then puts pressure just
behind my balls with his thumb. He slides his hand back out rubbing my balls so
The whole time leaving his head on my lips. I feel his thumb
moving up with his hand. Keeping pressure on now my taint. It works its way to
my little star and it starts to slip in me.
My mouth opens right up as I moan out.
The head of his cock slides in and again I don’t move. I feel
his thumb start to move a little. Ever so slowly and softly in and out of me. I
just keep moaning around the head of his cock as My mouth is open.
Just as he pushes his thumb in me deeper. I feel the head of
his cock slide in my mouth more.  I feel
his hand go on the back of my head and hold me as he fingers my ass and started
to rock his hips in my mouth. I still have not wrapped my lips around him yet
but at the same time. I’m not making him stop. 
As the head of his cock slides on my tongue.
Then I felt him do something different with his finger and
fuck me it felt good. I’m moaning like hell now.
He stops his fingering as I hear him moan. I open my eyes
and his head is back mouth open and his cock is almost all the way in my mouth
and my lips are around his now. His hand is not on my head now and I’m sucking
him all on my own.
He pulls his finger out of my ass and a whimper comes out of
my mouth.
I didn’t want him to stop. I was so close again to cumming.
He looked at his cock and my mouth and said finish what you
I really don’t know what got into me. But I took him back in
my mouth and started sucking my first cock.
I could feel him jerking as I sucked him and knew he was
close. He moans out. I’m going to cum. He can see I wanted to help him cum but
at the same time. It was my first and I’m not ready to try a cum shot. He rolls
me on my back.  
He pulls out of my mouth. You don’t have to your first time.
He keeps stroking and shoots his load all over my chest. I can’t lie feeling how
hot it was as it hit me was a turn on.
At the very end I gripped his cock and put it back in my
mouth and stroked one long time and I felt and tasted a small drop on my
He looks down at how hard I still am. He moved to my cock
and stokes it a few times then moves down my balls. He presses his finger back
on my ass as he grips my cock with the other hand. My hips rock up and I feel
his finger also right there. He looks at me and tells me to go on. I know how
much he was making me feel good last time but I’m scared.
I take a deep breath in and I sink down on his finger. He
starts to work my ass and I’m trying to fuck his hand at the same time. But he
does not wrap his hand around it. He just plays with my ass.
He hits the sweet spot and I feel my body jerking with him
fingering me. I’m moaning and it feel like I have no control.
I tell him. I think I’m going to cum. He smiles oh you will
be cumming.
He is really working his finger in me and I’m a moaning
mess.  It feels like the head of my cock
is going to explode. As he works my ass his tongue finds my balls and he start
to lick them.
My hips are jerking all over. He wraps his lips around my
cock. I’m moaning “oh fuck” “oh fuck”. I don’t know how to say anything else.
He deep throats me a few times and that is it. I start to
cum like never before. I can feel him hitting something in me and the head of
my cock in his nice warm mouth. I see him swallow but still some slides out of
his mouth as I finish.
My cock was so limp so fast. I was like did you kill it. He
laughed. Licked my balls and soft cock one more time and left the room.
I look up at the clock and it is 9:30. An hour and a half
longer that is should have been.
There is a part of me before that was saying I will hate
this. But here I am making a 2nd appointment.
