How my Well Endowed Friend Myron exposed my two female roommates as size queens. (True Story/Real)

So this is another story that involves my friend Myron who has a very massive penis (Almost 10 inches and thick). My experiences with being around him has exposed a lot of females in my social circles in College of being size Queens or just appreciating well endowed men.

Anyways my friend Myron used to come over to my student flat often. I lived in a student dorms at the time and it had multiple people. I had multiple flatmates and he was friends with most of the people there. Two of my roommates were these two attractive girls Layla and Amber. And through rumors in the student dorms pretty much everyone in my flat knew of Myron’s endowment.

Amber was dating a roommate of mine Nick. Both were good looking people however both were also socially awkward and had serious bouts of depression. Nick wasn’t very sexually skilled but he did have an above average penis size (above 7 inches). Amber, however was very sexually experienced, and slept with 25 guys. In fact the night they first hooked up before they officially dated, she gave him chlamydia.

Anyways, every now and then she would talk about some of the men she dated whenever Nick was not around in the dorm. She would talk about size and she mentioned she once slept with a man who was 9 inches and it was very uncomfortable. I couldn’t tell if she trying to lie and downplay that experience because Nick was not that big and she did not want me to tell him about it because I was primarily his friend and closer to him so I just ignored it.

Months later their relationship is taking a massive strain because of Nick’s depression and we once all headed to the club to party as a group with all our roommates. Nick didn’t feel like dancing much and stayed on the sides. Meanwhile Amber was drunk and met this tall 6ft4 Muscular man on the dance floor and exchanged numbers while they drunk. Nick knew of this and their relationship became seriously strained to he point where the last few days of college they did not talk at all because of drama between them. Months later and Myron found out from Amber that she cheated on Nick with hat black man she met in the club. It was a disappointment for her because apparently the man was below average and she was expecting him to be packing down there due to stereotypes. She basically implied she was hoping his dick would be like Myron’s. I found this interesting considering what she stated before about penis sizes that big. I guess now that she wasn’t with Nick anymore she no longer had to downplay her preference for penis size anymore.

As for Layla she was in a two year relationship with a guy. She apparently cheated on him with someone else and he dumped her. The night she got dumped she came back to the dorms and cried her heart out. It seemed apparent she was looking for someone in the dorms to have rebound sex with. Everyone in the dorms I was in was either in a relationship or interested in someone else including myself and Nick who was with Amber at the time…..except for Myron who was single and too awkward to find anyone for himself and horny as hell because of it and I believe she took the hint. During midnight she was seen with Myron heading back to his place.

The next morning she told everyone she sucked him off but was too scared to do anything other than that as she never slept with a guy that big before. She told Myron not to talk about it with everyone else in the flat. But as a few days went by she dropped the act and revealed that she in fact did have sex with him but it was terrible, short and acted disgusted everytime that subject was brought up.

However privately Myron would tell me an opposite story. That they did have sex. Not once, but twice and that she enjoyed the feeling he was giving her while having sex. The only bad part was that it never lasted long as Myron did not have much sexual experience, because as I said in my previous story that Myron is someone who isn’t the best looking person, he is very awkward, skinny, and does not dress well. And therefore he doesn’t get a lot of sex to practice with to begin with. Despite all this. There was a point where whenever Layla and Myron met she looked at him with this certain significance that she didn’t before. A romantic or mutual significance. And after we moved out Myron would tell me she occasionally would text him now and then. I found it odd considering the taste in men she dated before were all taller, better looking, better in shape and more charismatic while all my friend Myron had over them was that he was the biggest she ever slept with. And interesting that she said she hated the sex but in reality didn’t. I believe she said this because there were a lot of men living in my dorms including myself who she would flirt with from time to time. And if word got out that she enjoyed Myron’s dick as much as he described, than that would remove a lot of the male attention she gets from the guys in the dorms I was living with.

So yeah that is how they got exposed or revealed to be size Queens or favored bigger than they led on. That’s the last of the stories I have on this topic. What did you think of it?
