How I found out most of my female classmates in college love Big Dicks. (True Story/Real/Nonfiction)

So basically there were about 12 girls in my year and this is about how I came to know most of them prefer bigger or implied it. I’m basically going to elaborate on each with a short story of a few sentences or a paragraph for each. The names have been changed for obvious purposes. And yes. These stories are real. Nothing about them are false except the names of the people in them.

Some of these I found out cause they told me. Others through sex toys, gossip or overhearing or through my classmate friend Myron who had an extremely large penis (Almost 10 inches).

1&2 So first off we have Michelle and Tyra. The first two. I used to have multiple group assignments with them in my group. Whenever things got boring between them there was always a chance they would start talking about sex. Both of them had a giant sex toy Dildo. And they would talk about using them whenever they were bored or horny. The toy was a thick 10 inches and Tyra mentioned at times her BF would get angry at her whenever she used it partly because she wasn’t able to fully feel her BF whenever she used it.

I had a classmate named Myron who was also friends with Michelle. He was a close classmate of mine. He was black and had a massive dick about near 10 inches and thick. It was ironic because he was very small stature of being 5’7 and extremely skinny and he did not have loads of confidence as well. There was one time when she knew about my friend’s dick and brought her friend with her all so they could see Myron’s package at his place. They even took turns grinding on him while he was seated as well. It was shocking because she was in a relationship at the time and they were friends for over a year at that time. Nothing else happened because she was in a relationship and they were friends but it was odd seeing her show so much sexual interest in my friend the way she did.

3rd Was Nicola. In the first year of college she was in a long term relationship with a guy but broke things off in the 2nd year. That is when she started sleeping with loads of guys. One of the guys she slept with was a year above ours in the same course. Let’s call him Drake. And the next day during a group project she was talking about Drake’s schlonge with Tyra about how “his dick was so big” in a very lustful way. She would sleep with multiple guys since then but he was a constant regular. She also slept with one of my classmates John who had partially below average penis. I just found it interesting how she never slept with John again but kept sleeping with Drake over and over. Almost as if she enjoyed his package so much more. I heard rumors that she even used Omegle a lot and last time I checked that is a site where strangers meet each other through webcam across the Internet, where men like to show off their penis’s at the women they meet there.

4th was Rhia. She also slept with many dudes and was in an open relationship. One time she was talking to Tyra and Michelle and the topic of sex came to discussion. As usual Tyra and Michelle mentioned their fav Dildo they like to keep using and Rhia shockingly expressed she was planning on getting one. Which was shocking to me because she has a very small body, she was barely 5ft.

5th then was Adriana. She had a stuck up attitude and rude with everyone. Especially the guys. She always looked down on my friend Myron because he was shorter than her and he nowhere near as good looking as her or as confident. However once rumors started to spread of my friend packing down there, we ran into her once at the local bar near our college. She was drunk and kept staring down Myron’s pants and groped him and walked away. Which was very awkward considering we were in public.

6th one was my classmate friend Zoe who slepped with more than 3 dozen guys. She was dating a guy I and my class knew. Whenever we were around her when she was dating him she was occasionally speak about him and always made an effort to make clear that he was BIG and that she loved having sex with him. After they broke up she would text my friend Myron multiple times for small talk but he wasn’t interested. Guess she was looking for someone as big as her ex because she could have dm’d anyone.

7th Ronda. She once said she wanted to sleep with this guy because he had “Big Dick Energy”.

8th Lyra. She was dating this guy who apparently who was below average downstairs. He cheated on her and she cheated back with this friend of mine who was above average. She told him he was the best sex she ever had.

9th Ashley. She was dating this guy who was big and enjoyed sex with him.

Ok I’m done. The other 3 girls in my class I did not know well enough to get an idea of where their preferences were. But I just found all this interesting because all this basically confirmed to me eventually that size does matter to a lot of women if not at least most. Out of all my female classmates. Almost all of them shown interest or preference for something bigger. It’s pretty much sealed the deal for me that size is a bonus for most women when it comes to a man’s package.

I’ve also got another story with two female flatmates regarding this matter as well which involves my friend Myron. Let me know what you think about all this? Hot? Interesting? Insightful?

Also let me know if any of you have some similar experiences to mine.
