Excerpt from Addicted: Gender Swap. A new drug is on the streets, not only is it addictive but it changes your gender too!

Jen made up her mind, she was heading to her dealer, Mike, and they were getting high tonight! Jen grabbed her yoga pants and slipped them over her curvy thick thighs and booty. She knew her dealer, Mike, had a crush on her just by the way he looked at her and she might as well take advantage of his attraction to get what she wanted, plus all guys loved yoga pants. Jen kept the little crop top she had on without a bra, the top showed off her full 32D breasts and if Mike was lucky, his place would be cold and he would get a free nipple show. Many people said Jen looked like a more voluptuous version of Jennifer Aniston, so she always thought of herself as the better Jen. With that final thought, Jen headed out of her apartment to walk down the block to her dealer. Jen excitedly walked down the street thinking about all the fun she was going to have tonight with Dan and their new drug, Infinity. Jen’s pussy started to become wet as she thought about Dan bending her over while she was high on Infinity. She imagined it would be like ecstasy, but more intense which just made her pussy heat up with desire. Thankfully she put on some panties under her yoga pants or else her dealer, Mike, would have seen a blossoming wet stain. On second thought, l maybe she shouldn’t wear panties next time, Mike would probably give her a discount.

Jen reached Mike’s house in haste and still wet, Mike lived in a very inconspicuous family home. Jen thought if people only realized that no matter the neighborhood there would always be a drug dealer right around the corner, maybe people would smoke more weed and be less of a “Karen.” Jen did the coded 4 knocks to let Mike know it was her and not some random person. Mike always said people usually will knock two to three times, rarely 4 so he felt like it was an easy change that made him feel a little bit more secure about coming to his door. Jen then heard Mike call through the door, “pizza guy?” Jen chuckled, this was his second code for his security, “pepperoni and cheese, just the way you like it, daddy.” If Jen didn’t say it exactly like that, then Mike wouldn’t open the door. With her perfectly coded effort, Mike opened the door with a big smile on his face, “if it isn’t my favorite customer, Jen, come in, come in!” Jen walked into Mike’s man cave, Mike truly lived the bachelor life. Sports posters framed on the walls, a 70-inch tv was on the living room wall with every gaming system “known to man” attached, a huge wrap-around couch that took up two walls with a small fridge that Jen knew was full of beer. Jen sat down on the cozy couch and looked up to Mike still standing. Mike was a huge man the height of a basketball player and almost as wide, but he was a gentle giant. Mike sat down next to Jen and right on queue, asked if Jen wanted a beer, and as always Jen declined, a girl had to watch her figure. “So Jen, what would you like today? A little X, molly, LSD, or just some simple coke?” Jen smiled, “Mike, why aren’t you offering me the newest and coolest drug? You always hook me up, you know why I’m here, I want that Infinity!” Mike’s demeanor completely changed, his smile faded, he sat up straighter and the jolly fat man frowned for the first time in Jen’s memory. “Jen you do not want that drug, I promise you that drug is evil, you will regret it if you ever take it.” Jen ignored everything Mike just said, “but you do have it right, Mike?” Mike scowled and then sighed, “yes I have it, but I am not giving it out to anyone anymore, I am taking a hit on it, it’s too dangerous, too addictive.” Jen smiled, “Mike, you know me, have I ever been addicted to anything? I plan to take it once and never again just like I have with so many drugs that we have experimented with.” Mike remained frowning, “Jen this one is different, it’s like nothing I have seen before, I literally stopped selling it because of what I saw it was doing to my customers, little good it did, they went to someone else and got it anyway.” Mike looked defeated, “Jen it changes people’s sex completely, I have seen people I have known for decades and they are no longer themselves, men becoming women, women becoming men, I can’t have that happen to you. You are a customer but you are also my friend.” Mike finally smiled, “plus you are one fine piece of ass, I can’t be the reason you lose those beautiful titties.” Jen shook her head, “Mike you don’t have to worry about little ole me.” Grabbing her tits, “I would never deprive you of these, I promise Dan and I will try it once and never again just like we have done with so many other drugs we have tried over the years.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rddw4c/excerpt_from_addicted_gender_swap_a_new_drug_is