The Organization Chapter 4 (mf)

Chapter 4

Morning was started by the sweet siren call of the bloody alarm clock. It was one of those old 1950’s ones that you could just slap to turn off. I saw it at a novelty shop and what can I say, it warmed my heart’s cockles. I put on the standard uniform of jeans and a band t-shirt after tending to the necessities. The kitchen smelled like freshly smoked cigarettes and coffee. I snagged a thermos and rummaged around to see if any food had been bought this week. Nothing fresh but there were plenty of half eaten restaurant containers which I decided not to touch.

I heard the soft scratch of a lighter and turned to find my mom standing behind me and lighting up a cigarette. A loose bathrobe was tied around her and she had her hair up in a towel turban. She pulled out a chair and crossed her legs, exposing them out from under her bathrobes. Gotta give it to her, she still had quite the pair. She was probably around 20 pounds overweight which mostly seemed packed on her ass and around her waist. Her breasts were a little saggy but there was a decent weight to them. Despite the ever deepening lines, her face was still pretty and her eyes promised a certain intelligence behind them. I liked to think she looked like Winona Ryder.

“Hey baby, you think you could stop by the grocery on the way home? I want you to pick up a few things.” She said as she scribbled on a piece of paper. I knew what would be written already.

“Sure Ma, want me to get stuff for cooking this week.”

“No, I think I’ll eat out.” Then with a flash of a smile “When I’m not being eaten out”

“Gross, Ma” though a laugh escaped me at her ribald humor. Like I said, not the most responsible, but at least we had laughs.

“I’ll be a bit late tonight, you need anything immediately? Otherwise, they’ll likely be here in the morning.

“No, it’ll be ok, might be up late.” She tamped out her cigarette in one of the hundred ashtrays around and stood up. Her robe was a little more open then and I got more than an eyeful. She of course saw me and laughed a bit before walking over to me. Gave me hug and kissed me on the cheek catching the corner of my mouth. “Have a good day baby”

I snagged her list and gave it a quick glance. Jesus, no wonder she doesn’t want to pick it up herself. This reads like a fucking start to erotica. 1. Beer, 2. Gin, 3. Carton of cigs x2, 4. Lube, 5. Hemorrhoid cream, 6. Ignore #5, gotcha.

“HA HA Mom” I yelled as I made my way out.

Heading out the drive I wondered if it was time to put the doors back on. I also noticed Allie and her mom talking across the street in their driveway. I could see from her they were arguing and mom was sporting a black eye the size of Donald’s fist. I pulled out and pulled up to them as her mom yelled something about walking.

“Hey ladies, I hate to interrupt you, but Allie, you want to ride with me this morning?”

“Young lady, Don’t…” But Allie had already hopped in and said “Drive please”

I could see the tears running down her face as she clutched her skirt and purposefully stared out the window.

“There’s napkins in the glove box. We can talk about it or just ride.” She pulled out a couple of napkins and dried her face. I pulled up the stop sign before the main road and she placed a hand on my thigh, taking a deep breath. Then she practically flung her arms around my neck, kissed me on the lips, then again on the cheek.

“Thanks for stopping, you didn’t have to. Let’s just listen to music and I don’t want to talk about it.”

She’d always had a penchant for country music and I flipped Spotify to play a few old sad songs while we rode. Every now and then I’d look over at her. Allie was around 5’7”, her skin was pale though it had the last vestiges of a summer tan. She was little lanky and long limbed though her chest had come into itself in recent years. Honestly, she had fantastic breasts. If I had to guess, I’d say solid double D’s that rode high on her chest over her toned stomach. Her ass was small but tight and bouncy over legs that seemed to go on for days. Her face was pretty, she had high cheekbones under dark soulful eyes. There were perpetual bags under her eyes and her once frequent smile had turned into a tighter pursing of the lips more often but when she did smile, it was like night turned to day and she could light up a room. But that might just be first love talking.

We pulled into the school parking lot. She had long since dried her eyes and recomposed herself. “Thanks Niko”. She threw her arms around me and kissed me once on the cheek then followed up on the mouth. It had been two years since she had last kissed me and I felt my heart skip a beat. She looked me in the eyes, smiled one of those smiles, and then hopped off to class. I was a little stunned and sat there for a second before realizing she must have been laughing at my stunned expression. Fucking A, damn that girl.

First period was Mr. Kopecek’s class. He was a buttoned up teacher of some eastern European extraction. He had worked for some sort of computer company, made a load of money and decided teaching high school calculus was more his style, the crazy bastard. He was probably around 50 or 55, and was a good teacher that cared about his students. His youngest daughter was our year as well though we didn’t have the same classes.

The Squeel sisters shared this class with me as well though I rarely sat with them. Today though, I picked a seat behind them. Ashley immediately turned around with a Cheshire cast smile, “So Niko, what did you think of that test yesterday? I think I must have heard Cheryl masturbate 5 times after we got home yesterday.” Cheryl immediately turned the most ridiculous shade of red and smacked her with a folder as Monica and I laughed.

I responded, “Yeah, that was fucking weird. Not Cheryl masturbating, well maybe Cheryl masturbating, but also that test. Why could they possibly want us to answer those things?”

“Shut up guys.” Cheryl finally eked out. “So I thought it was hot. Maybe it’s just a survey to figure out what people like these days. I hear the porn industry is very well funded.”

The room had filled up a little and the warning bell rang. Mr. Kopecek walked in and gave the traditional yell of “5 minutes” before slumping into his seat.

The four of us were practically in tears over Cheryl’s comment. “What’s so funny dudes?” Joe and his girlfriend Jenny took two of the last seats. Joe was a big guy. Nearly 6’5” and probably 270 lbs. He was well muscled guy who had transferred in last year when his parents moved them from California. He had dark hair and light eyes. Every sports coach had tried to recruit him but all he really wanted was to take weekend trips to go surf. Jenny was also quite tall. She was the captain of the volleyball squad. 6’2” with long blond hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She wore thigh high leather boots with heels that brought her up to Joe’s height. She was quite striking and most of the guys were pretty intimidated by this woman who looked like she could model for Nordic Warrior’s Weekly.

“Not much, just a really weird situation with our service hours’ orientation”

Jenny’s eyes lit up “Oooh, my girl Mary, from the cheer squad mentioned something was weird. Did you have to answer a bunch of sex stuff?”

“Yeah, like we said, it was weird. Though they made sure we were all over 18 which I guess they probably had to.”

John piped in, “Yeah, Mary was all worked up about it. Maybe the school’s getting paid for it.” With that, the period bell went off and Mr. Kopecek started his lesson.

The rest of the morning passed uneventfully. I met up with Jackson, Camille, and Colleen for lunch and we mostly ignored talking about the questionnaire instead having an inane conversation about the most recent Marvel Movie. At the end of lunch we split up and started towards our respective classes. Camille and I were headed in the same direction.

As we walked together, Camille had a suspicious look on her face. “So Nikoooo, what do you think of Colleen?”

The question surprised me a little but Camille had always been interested in my business, and she was welcome. She had become a group mom despite her diminutive size. “What do you mean, she seems cool, I’ve enjoyed hanging out with her I guess though she keeps beating me in Smash. “

“No, stupid” She laughed punching me in the elbow. “Like, do you like her? Think she’s hot? Want her to smoke more than just your bong, smash you in a whole new way?” She asked while wiggling her eyebrows ridiculously.

“I felt blood rush to my cheeks as my brain tried to catch up to this news, “Well, I mean she’s… uh, she’s pretty sexy. And she’s pretty cool.” Luckily Camille saved me from my own stuttering.

“Cool, I’ll tell her you think she’s sexy and cool. Maybe she’ll ask you to the Sadie Hawkins dance next weekend.” She smiled, evaluating my stunned silence. “Ok, see you later you silver tongued bastard” she said laughing and turning into her classroom while I stood there a little stunned. It felt like a scene out of a bad CW show.

Fuck, this is awesome. Colleen might like me. And fuck she’s cool. And Camille is on my side. Not that there was a reason she wouldn’t be, we’d all been friends for years and Colleen was newer to the group. I went to history class with a big grin which lasted through to the end of the period.

My last class of the day was English with Mrs. Moore, a class I always looked forward to. I’ll be honest, she was a M. I. L. F., Milf. Curves in all the right places, she had thick but proportional thighs that were emphasized by the pencil skirts she wore. She had an ass to die for and a flat stomach. Her bust was impressive and she had a tendency to cross her arms underneath and push them up towards her chin. She stood with good posture with her slim shoulders pulled back and her head proudly set above. When she wore short sleeves we could see the great muscle tone in her arms. Usually, she would wear bright red lipstick which stood out against her paper white skin. She had bright blue eyes that lit up with a mischievous light when she would smile at you. Her bright red hair, likely dyed considering her age, cascaded down her back with a slight curl.

The rumor was that there was some sort of scandal at her previous school and she was asked to resign but of course there was no evidence of that. I’ll be honest, she wasn’t the best teacher and we would all probably fail the AP exam but she had my undivided attention every class. Unfortunately, her classroom was on the other side of our campus from Ms. Willow and it was always a bit of a scramble to get there. I was late more often than not but she was pretty understanding. I rushed in the door just after the bell and gasped out “Sorry, Ms. Moore”

“It’s alright sweetie, just stay a few minutes after class and we’ll consider it forgiven.”

“Lucky” hissed out John who sat behind me in this class. I chuckled and then the class started.

“We’ll be discussing the playwright Euripides and his play The Bacchae as well as his attempt to capture the carnal spirit of the bacchanalia….” Yup, this is a great class.


After class everyone else trickled out and Mrs. Moore indicated I should wait for a second and she’d be right back. A few minutes later she came back in and seemed to have a new smile on her face.

“I hear you were selected for Doc Hogan’s program. I’m very excited for you.” She told me in a somewhat sultry voice. “I’ll also be participating and hopefully we’ll be partnered up at some point.” She had approached my desk and leaned over towards me. I gulped and did my best to maintain eye contact as her impressive breasts were nearly fully exposed to me. “Do you think you would like that?”

Blood and decision-making powers had already been rerouted towards my hardening penis. My eyes flicked down and back to her face where she had put on a most fetching smile. “Yes, ma’am” I said and smiled back however much more nervously.

Her hand cupped my chin and I swear she looked into my soul. “Good boy.” Fuck, I nearly melted at that as my rock-hard dick tried to batter down my zipper. “Now get along before you’re late to your meeting. She turned and walked towards the door. She must be swaying her hips on purpose, bodies don’t do that. My eyes were glued to her shapely ass as I absentmindedly gathered my things. I started standing up and tried to stealthily readjust and make it out the door. She had turned around as was smiling though it slipped a little as she must have noticed my obvious bulge. She stopped me as I was passing and placed her hand on the left side of my chest where my heart was beating a mile a minute. What the fuck is going on? She stood up onto her toes and breathily whispered into my ear. “Sweet Niko, I do hope you consider me for your partner in there” then gently pushed me forward out of the room.

I don’t think I’d ever been this confused and aroused at the same time before. I snuck to the bathroom and washed my face while my erection subsided. My walk to 309 was a bit slower than usual though I had plenty of time. I walked in just before Dr. Hogan and took a seat next to Colleen, offering her a smile.

The good doctor pulled out a stack of papers and said, “If I read off your name then I want you all together outside the room and you’ll be sent to Coach Radford to service assignments.” After reading, about half the room emptied out. He followed them out and we heard, “from now on you’ll report to the coach until you finish out your service agreements, any other issues can be taken to Dean. Otherwise, I don’t want to see you again.” He turned around and shut the door on them as they started off.

There were 19 of us left in the room. John and Alex were accompanied by Mary, the cheerleader who had told Joe and Jenny about the test. She was blond and pretty, essentially take your stereotypical cheerleader from a 90’s movie and you could slot her right in. The Sisters Squeel, Jackson, Colleen, Camille and I were across the room. Allie was just behind us as well. Katie Peters and one of the Hispanic guys were accompanied by Maria Olvera and the short curvy girl from yesterday. The redheaded girl that had acted a little affronted was also there along with three girls I didn’t know.

“Good, now that we’re all here and we’ve gotten rid of the unsuitable candidates, it’s time to let you all know about the real nature of this project. First thing first, I’m going to pass out a nondisclosure agreement which is enforceable by law. We’re well connected in town. The mayor, police chief, and school administration have signed off and are willing to enforce any breach of the agreement. Of course, you are also welcome to withdraw at any point granted that you will still be bound by the nondisclosure agreement. If you withdraw you’ll finish out your hours with Coach Radford.”

Well this sounded suspicious, none of us wanted to spend time with coach Radford. She was our field hockey coach and maintained the weight training facility. She was also a randy old goat and every guy in sports had probably been felt up a few times. It wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t so persistent but No harm no foul I guess, or at least until someone sues. We all signed at least to hear about the project.

Dr. Hogan gave a satisfied grunt as all the agreements were returned, signed and dated. “Great, well we can’t tell you the end goals of the study though I assure you we all want the best for our subjects. We intend no harm though there might be some minor psychological anguish. You all were chosen for a few reasons. The first is that you need something. It might be money, social validation, or connections. This project will introduce you to many rich, powerful, and influential people who can help make your life and prospects better. The second is that you demonstrated a certain sexual openness in your survey yesterday. You also demonstrated restraint which we find desirable too. Lastly, you are all physically attractive. Unfortunately, we need certain factors to set up optimal conditions and we could not compromise this point.”

“Sir, what is it you’ll have us doing?” One of the girls asked

“Well whatever we need you to. The school is short on money, you’ll be compensated too for accomplishments, and we think everyone will benefit.” He said smiling with a look that reminded me of a used car salesman.

“Are you asking us to prostitute ourselves out to old men?” The redheaded girl asked angrily standing up. Fuck it sure sounds like they are. Murmurs started around the room.

“No!” He started and raised his hands until we all quieted. “You will be asked to fulfill the needs of these clients. It may be all sorts of tasks. You will never be forced and you can withdraw at any time.” Seeing our suspicion, “You will also be able to choose a mentor to discuss things with at any time. Most of these prospective mentors are people you will be familiar with including teachers and some local members of the community. I would suggest speaking with your mentors before deciding.”

Almost everyone seemed at least interested at this point. Though three of the girls that had been sitting together stood up and left to go subject themselves to actual community service. Dr. Hogan harrumphed and blew some air out his nose before continuing. “After winnowing the group down yesterday we contacted the people on your lists and they have all agreed to be your mentors as needed. There are five names on each list. You may eliminate one, then the others may be assigned in one of four roles. The first is your coordinator. They’ll take care of your schedule and discuss what you feel comfortable signing up for. They’ll be our primary point of contact. The second is your partner. Sometimes you’ll need a partner for some tasks. Most of the time two coordinators will pair two of you but sometimes you’ll need someone a little more experienced. They’ll be the first choice but sometimes another of your mentors will be assigned if needed. Third, you’ll have your instructor in case you need to learn a skill before going to an assignment. They’ll be generally assigned for that. Finally, your fourth mentor will act as comforter. If you need to talk about something or just need to let emotion out, they’ll be your best bet. You can swap out a mentor every other month in case you all don’t get along.”

“I’ll call you up here for the mentor lists and you’ll head to the classroom written at the top.” One by one we took our packets and I saw that mine sent me to Mrs. Moore’s room. That must be what she meant. She wants to be my partner member. I walked out and saw Allie standing and waiting. “Hey there” I said and stopped seeing the anxiety written across her face.

“Hey Niko, what do you think?”

“Allie, I really don’t know. It sounds interesting and it probably beats scraping gum. But it sounds weird.”

“I really need money, I can’t keep working 35 hour weeks and do school. I’m going crazy. But I don’t want to be a whore. I just want to be with someone nice and be easy. Don’t you?”

“I know love.” I said, calling her by my pet name for her. Simple but she always liked it and she squeezed a little harder as her breathing calmed. “Listen, they said we can always back out. It can’t hurt to hear them out.” She squeezed back and I continued, “Just stay true to you and we’ll find a way, I promise.”

“Ok. I’m going to do it” she said as she wiped her face against my shirt.

“Thanks Allie.” She let out a half sob half laugh and wave before turning to walk off the opposite direction I was heading. Well, pitter patter, might as well take a look at my list while I walk. I opened the packet and saw five pieces of paper that looked like resumes and my mouth practically dropped open. Mrs. Moore, Mr. Kopecek, Ms. Willow, Dr. Hogan, and Nurse Boltz were the five possible mentors. I was so deep in thought at that point that I was in front of Mrs. Moore’s door before I knew it and entered.

My three teachers were seated in a loose semicircle and Mr. Kopacek gestured towards a fourth chair, saying Dr. Hogan and Nurse Boltz would be along in a second. Mrs. Moore pulled out the chair and pulled me into it, saying, “Relax honey, just listen and then decide.”

A minute later, Dr. Hogan and Nurse Boltz entered and joined us.
