Taken by the Biker Gang

Just wanted to share a naughty little scene from *Taken by the Biker Gang.*

I wanted to hit something almost as much as I wanted to cry. Operation: Get Jack Interested Again was a complete bust.
I locked myself in the bathroom and looked at myself in disgust. I spent three fucking hours and over two hundred dollars on this look. My hair cascaded down my back in golden waves and my skin had been exfoliated and moisturized until it was as soft as the crimson, satin nightgown I had splurged on. I even did my makeup with Jack in mind, painting my lips in a sexy pout and highlighting my eyes. Not that he gives a shit.
Jack knocked on the door. “Lyla, baby, come on. I’m just not in the mood. Can you please cry elsewhere? I’ve got to pee.”
I scowled. “Use the gas station down the street, Jack. Leave me in peace.”
“Are you really throwing a tantrum over this? I thought you were an adult.”
Are you really calling me immature when I’m the only one who pays the bills in this shithole even though we said we would split it fifty-fifty? Go to hell.
Jack knocked on the door louder this time. “Come on, Ly. Open up. I really have to go to the bathroom.”
“Sorry. I’m just not in the mood.” Score one for Lyla. At least I hadn’t become too much of a doormat. Even if I was in a relationship with a man no longer interested in me.
I heard Jack walking away, probably to run to the gas station before he embarrassed himself almost as much as he embarrassed me.
Once he was gone, I let myself cry. How did I get myself into such a terrible place? I was in college. I was supposed to be partying it up and yet I was living with a boyfriend who wasn’t interested in me. I was in a crappy apartment that I could barely afford, and working myself to the bone to pay the bills and build up my resume. I was only nineteen and already wishing for retirement.
Someone knocking on the door interrupted my pity party. I grimaced. Jack had probably forgotten his keys, the idiot. I wiped my eyes and checked myself in the mirror. Thank god for waterproof makeup. At least there wasn’t a chance the neighbors would see me looking like a KISS wannabe. I just looked like an upscale hooker.
I walked out to the door to let Jack in. Part of me wanted to just leave him out there for the night– okay, a big part of me– but I couldn’t find it in me to be that mean. Besides, he would be pounding on the door all night and my neighbors would complain to the landlord.
When I opened the door, Jack wasn’t on the other side. A man who was as sexy as sin grinned at me from the other side. He was at least five inches taller than me and very well built. Above his white t-shirt, he had bronzed skin and dark brown eyes that showed amusement as much as menace. A jagged scar snaked from his temple all the way down his jawline, making him look terrifying. His dark black hair fell a little past his ears, brushing against the collar of his black leather jacket.
“I didn’t know Jackie had a girlfriend,” he said, pushing past me. The man looked me over, approval shining in his eyes as he sat down on the worn couch, locking his fingers behind his head. “How did he get a sexy little thing like you?”
Heat pooled between my legs. Was I so desperate that all it took was a compliment to turn me on? And from a stranger, no less. One who looked like he could kill me and not think twice about it.
I didn’t even know he didn’t come alone until two men walked up behind me. One wrapped his arm around my waist and examined my tearstained face. “He’s not going to have her for long, not if he makes her cry while she looks this hot. Isn’t that right, babe?” He squeezed my ass gently. I yelped and backed away from him, more because I was turned on by them than I was frightened. What’s wrong with me?
“Hey, don’t scare her,” the last man said. “She’s not the one who owes us thirty grand.” He smiled at me, also appreciating the view. He didn’t scare me as much as the other two. He looked around my age and was a little smaller than his buddies. His face was open and friendly.
Thirty grand? Finally I willed myself to speak and say something sensible. “Who are you?”
“We’re friends of Jackie’s,” the first man said. I turned to face him, sure he was the leader.
“What do you mean he owes you thirty grand?”
“Your boyfriend is really bad at blackjack. He lost thirty grand to the house. We’re the house.”
“Yeah,” the second man said. “He’s been a real pain in the ass for us lately. Honestly, I think we should settle the debt for something else. Or someone else.” His gaze dropped to my breasts and he grinned. I felt so turned on my legs felt like jelly.
“Jason,” the leader said. “Be polite. We’re guests in her home, remember?” He smiled at me, but it wasn’t a friendly smile. It made my stomach churn with nerves and a shiver of lust run down my back. But I didn’t want to run from them. I wanted to get fucked by them.
Okay, Lyla, get a grip. You are not controlled by your hormones. Who was I kidding? I was completely controlled by my hormones. It had been months since the last time Jack and I had sex, and even more months since the last time I orgasmed. I was wound up tight and I really needed release.
Jason seemed to notice this. “She wants us just as much as we want her, don’t you? Jackie sure hasn’t been satisfying you.” He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and I melted into him. “I think the polite thing to do would be to relieve all of this pressure she’s feeling right now. What do you think, babe?” He kissed the side of my neck. I moaned, unable to think, let alone respond with words.
The leader looked at the two us, his arousal growing more apparent. “Bring her to me,” he commanded.
Jason pushed me towards the leader. I lost my balance and fell onto his lap. The man smiled and positioned me so I was sitting on his lap with my back against his chest. He tilted my face up to examine it. I blushed, knowing the lust was plain on my face. “You really do want it, don’t you, sweetheart?”
Finally some words were able to form. “I-I can’t.” Damn it! A sexy man is interested in giving me exactly what I want and I’m turning him down? It was better when I couldn’t talk. “I’m with Jack.”
“Break up with the loser,” the leader said. “Then you won’t be with him.” He laid a hand on my bare thigh and squeezed the inside of it. I gasped and squirmed, which only made his erection more noticeable. The bulge in his jeans pressed against the center of my ass as if begging for release. Feeling it only made me wetter. I wanted this man so much.
“I’m Liam,” the man whispered in my ear. “In case you were wondering.” His lips latched onto my neck, biting and suckling it gently. I moaned. Thoughts tripped and tumbled over each other before they could form in my mind.
Liam’s hand shoved my skirt up all the way, exposing my bare, shaved pussy to Jason and the third man. They grinned when they saw it. “She’s already prepared,” Jason said as he looked at my hairless folds. “We don’t even have to do any work to make her decent.”
Liam opened up my folds with his fingers, completely exposing me to his friends. I whimpered but didn’t stop him. It felt so good. I didn’t want them to stop. I’d break up with Jack. I hadn’t been happy in that relationship for a long time anyway. “You’re fucking soaked,” Liam growled at me. “Your body is practically begging to be taken.” He slipped one finger into my tight pussy and my muscles clenched around it. “What do you think, sweetheart? Do you want to be my fuck slave? I’d take very good care of you. Better than Jackie ever could.”
“Yes.” The word was out of my mouth before I could think better of it. I felt Liam smile triumphantly into my neck. He removed his finger and I whimpered from the loss of it. He put his hands on the insides of my thighs and held me open with an iron grip.
“Tony,” Liam called, “Will you do the honors?” His tone was mocking, as if asking was merely a formality.
The younger man grinned and his eyes darkened. “It’d be my pleasure.”
“That’s bullshit!” Jason said. “I outrank him.”
“Don’t question me,” Liam growled. “If you want a turn, you’ll shut the fuck up.”
I was secretly relieved that Tony was going to do… whatever it was he was going to do to me first. All three men turned me on, but Jason terrified me. I felt safer with Tony.
The younger man knelt between my legs and pressed his tongue against my pussy. I cried out as heat spread through my entire body. I tangled my fingers in Tony’s hair to hold him in place while he licked my clit. Tony groaned softly and I felt his hot breath warm me up, inside and outside. His mouth moved lower and I felt his tongue go inside me. I squirmed, trying to bring him further into me. Liam ground against my bottom and his grip on my thighs tightened. God, he gets turned on by one of his men eating me out.
The pressure was building up inside me and I came all over Tony’s face.

If you’re interested, the whole story is [available here.](https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/720868)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rbchxm/taken_by_the_biker_gang