These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed. Any case, name, event is purely fiction. Butt the search for the truth will continue! With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
This is their case, their story…
Being stripped by a total stranger. Having your security pulled from your arms till the only thing that remained was the temporary rope imprints. Then being kicked out on to some foreign land of lights that burned in my stockings. That panted on my bra and panties.
I wanted to please him, my Hector. Even as I stubbled forward catching myself on a… pole? Even as the lights flashed by with my body starting to spin around. Trying to catch myself as this strange pull wanted me further, wanted me out in front… Catching one more pole! This time my instincts told my to get close to it. To allow my tits to wrap around it. Shaking off the feeling of dizziness while my knees shifted from the locked position to a more relaxed… Feeling this strange pole as it pressed in between my titties. As it temped my cunt with promises of a great O.
Just the feel of steel made me leave. Forever to abolish the thought of having anything butt firm flesh between my legs. This time my destination was clear. Wrapping my leg around the pole. Using one turn around it to propel myself towards the temptation that seemed to call my scantily clad body.
It was almost as if my stilettos where glued to the floor. Even as I fell my reach found one more pole. Found one more that helped me to free my heels. Butt now the fact that I felt that pole. The fact that even though my pussy was on fire from the stares of what ever was beyond those lights. The pole had my back.
Legs spread so wide, still clad in these thin cloth of coverings. My hands started to caress my own body. Going from the bare flesh of my thighs, my pinkies just grazing the tight green stockings that still encapsulated my legs. My thumbs framing my wet cunt as it pulsed from under it’s green covering! The next thing I knew my hands had my tits. Pulling on my bra while stroking my hard nipples. Already framed in the satin green boarders. They just needed my… “Mmmm…” I tugged as one nipple that I had captured in between my teeth. Pulling on the other one with my fingers, with my ring finger and thumb. Feeling the electricity flowing through my body!
It was almost as my eyes had adjusted a I stared so intently at were I felt the strongest pull cuming from. Feeling my bra let go. My hands moving freely over both of my tits. Pinching and pulling as my bra slide down my arms. Tossing the used garment away. Tossing it towards were the strongest pull was where my eyes had never left ever since being pushed out on to the platform of lights. The audience was there I heard them ever since the beginning butt my focus was still attracted to that pull to that person that is sitting right there in the shadows…
Feeling the pole as it grated in between my butt cheeks. Feeling that twinge as my arms now choked the pole. The spin put the steel rod between me and him. Legs back as I licked the pole in a teasing way. Hands playing with my tits as I made my way up. Up till the feel of the steel made me quiver as my breasts surrounded it. Being free from the restraints of the bra my fingers now pulled on the nipples with abandon. Bringing the thoughts of O’s to my lips. The thoughts of a very wet cunt that was aching to be touched!
Slamming my aching pussy against it’s hard surface. Letting my chest fall back as my desperate hands throttled the rod in front of me. Flexing my hips. Dragging my cunt up and down against it’s unforgiving feel until, until… “Ooo Ooooh yesss” flooded my lips!
My eyes they refocused on the pole that had been my lover… That had despite my restraint of panties had my juices all over it! The feel of a steel pole running in between my legs brought naughty thoughts to my head. Naughty thoughts of being gangbanged! Of having two rods that can get me off at the same time!
Feeling the best from the music. Feeling it as it coerced through me from the soft melody to the hard thump of the base. To the hard thump of my clit every time it hit! These panties might be crotchless butt for the wild time I’ve been fantasizing… Hugging the pole, letting my tongue drop to my waist level as I cleaned it’s slick surface. Pointing my booty out towards where the strongest pull was cuming from! My thumbs now hooked the edges. Pulled slowly as the wet panties pealed off my horny bum. Letting them fall to my ankles. Letting them free my cunt as the idea of people watching this, watching me free my slit from the binds of a wet pair of panties turned me on beyond belief. Stepping one foot out of them. Letting the heat from the spotlight bath my body as I know slide down the pole with one foot that stuck out beyond where the light was. For that moment, that brief instance the wild idea of someone else taking those panties from my ankle thrilled me. Got me hard at a the most naughty places.
Pulling my foot back, seeing that he, my Hector had taken the bait. Had gotten me so wet that this steel pole could use my… The pull against my asshole… The tug against my cunt… The cream that flowed all over its slick surface.
The spin of my body around it’s shiny surface. The touch of my tongue. The touch of myself having only my stilettos and stockings left on. The feel of people watching my body as it danced around this steel pole was getting me to the point of one more massive O!
A booty shake started it all. With me still only a cocks thrust from the stage. With that pole standing high above, glistening down as my spit still lingered. Legs spread, the shutter of my cunt. The insatiable need to make myself cum again and again. Rubbing my clit on its shiny surface. Getting that tingle that every woman gets when she finds something that she likes. Left hand extended grabbing that pole as my hips begun to spasm! Moving up and down, grinding my fuck hole into that pole. Letting everything that I had suppressed out! “Oh Ooh fuckkk Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” my hips keeping rhythm as my booty flexes. The thoughts of this being Hector. Of his steel cock that I always lusted after that I… “OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” Feeling my insides shrink away from the pole. Butt now my hands where both down and I… I was fucking, rubbing so hard against that steel rod! “I.. I’m cuMmming” that sounded so out of body butt it was happening so fast, so hard that I…
Breathing hard from the stage floor. My cunt had it’s fill with a fake cock. My tits still heaving as my fingers played with the mess in between my legs.
“Chica wants the person who collected both her bra and panties to cum to the private dance room for a ‘private’ dance” blared over the pa system. As a new tune started. A new song for a new starlet to grace the stage.
Pulling myself up. Wanting to kiss the pa announcer on the lips, both sets. Butt knowing that Hector would be waiting for her just behind this door. Pinching both nipples. Watching them go from partial erect to a mind blowing I need to be in someone’s mouth hard. Touching myself even though I felt the cum running down my leg… “Mmm Mmmm, I do believe I am ready to go” I mumbled to myself with Hector’s cock still dancing in my mind…
The turn of the handle… The sent of fresh perfume that filled the air. Grabbing myself at the last second, fingering my slit. Pulling on my nip, as the door swung in…