Darkness in the North Chapter 1 [FM] [Fantasy]

A Roleplay between u/D_Vargas and Myself. Enjoy ;)

-Chapter 1-

The last settlement before the end of the world. Or so they like to say. Frosthjal sits on the northern edge of the explored lands across Timvaret. Past it is untamed woods and the domain of ice and cold. All who attempted to map the area had met with unfortunate ends. And now, darkness was brewing. Farther still past the good hunting lands stands the tallest mountain in the world: Mount Keleuka, elvish for Frozen Death. For the past few months, dark, evil storm clouds roiled around its summit, casting their demonic shadow. Someone had to journey up there and put an end to it.

Dressed only in the grey habit of her order, with her impressive chest bared for all to see, Sister Elizabeth trudges through the snow blanketing the road northwards. She had traveled for many weeks to get this far, and long ago her horse had fallen lame. It tore her up inside, but she had to do what needed to be done. Now she was on foot, making the arduous journey alone.

But she isn’t helpless.

Faith burns in her heart and keeps her spirit alive and shutting out the cold. Nothing could diminish her sense of duty, least of all a bit of snow.

Near sundown, Elizabeth arrives at Frosthjal. Finding the closest inn, she orders a room and a hot meal from the bar, looking for respite from her long journey. However, as so often happened when the fabled priestess of Lust arrived in a new town, no one could take their eyes off her, least of all the lustful eyes of pent up workers.

“Hey little miss, if ya needs a room, I got a nice warm bed for ya,” a brutish man grins, making no attempts to hide he was staring at her exposed chest.

In normal circumstances, she took pride in showing off her goddess’s gifts, but today, she was in no mood to deal with imbeciles. “I’m sorry dear lads, I can make it on my own, thank you very much.” She remained sitting, unwilling to pay any mind to the ruffians.

“I’m sorry, whore, that wasn’t a request. You’re coming with us, whether you want to or not!” The brute sneers.

“Oi trollface!” A voice sounds from the tables. “She’s waiting for me.” A robed man stands from the corner of the dining room, making his way to the dispute.

As he approaches the troubled priestess, he says “I thought there were still some remnants of chivalry up here in the north.”

The young man confronts the towering brute, revealing a pair of 12 inch daggers from beneath his robes hanging off his belt. “Let’s not make a mess, keep in mind we are in the presence of a lady here.”

The troll faced man grimaces, spitting on the floor in front of Elizabeth’s saviour. “What’s it to ya? You looking to fuck ‘er instead? Is that what you call chiv’rous?”

“See? That’s all you can think of!” The man responds with a little chuckle. “That’s why you can’t get laid!”

Turning back towards Elizabeth, “This isn’t really the best place for our meeting, it’s best if we go.” Pulling in close, he whispers, “Don’t worry, I know of a place you can stay the night.”

Elizabeth nods warmly. “Aw, my dear I was wondering when you’d show. I was beginning to worry I had the wrong place. Shall we?”

The priestess takes up the young man’s arm. Her touch is warm and comforting, and she smells of lavender.

“Ey you little shite, the fuck you think you’re going?” the brute growls, brandishing a wicked looking knife.

With a quick flourish, the hand holding the knife fell to the ground with a clean cut, and Elizabeth’s saviour quickly sheaths his own weapon.

“Man I told you it would get messy,” The younger man says, tossing a bar towel at the brute. “You better press on that before it gets bad. Now piss off!”

“Aghh!! Y-you whoreson, my boys’ll cut you good!” the troll faced man barks, letting the towel fall to the ground. The two cronies that once had his back now just stood warily by, apprehensive at the thought of fighting a man who could take hands so cleanly.

“You really don’t want to end like him, now do ya’?” he says, pointing towards the two henchmen. “Just let us leave in peace and I’ll let you treat your little boss. That wound looks nasty!” Covering the priestess with a free arm, he guides them out the door.

A string of swears and curses follows the priestess and her saviour from the bleeding ruffian.

“So, my chivalrous knight, where is it you plan to take me?” Elizabeth inquires. “Or was this in fact a ploy simply to sleep with me?” The priestess grips the young man’s arm tighter. “That would be an awful shame. After that display back there, I am rather put off the idea.”

“I don’t know or care about you lady,” the man replies, darting through the streets towards the outskirts of town with Elizabeth in tow. “All I know is that this isn’t a place for southerners like you, and even less looking like that,” gesturing to her lack of modesty.

“Oh yes, cutting a man’s hand off just screams ‘I don’t care,'” Elizabeth chuckles. “Though I guess my sisterhood doesn’t make many trips up here regardless. You might mistake me for some woman of the night. Not that my attire would help.” The priestess smiles. “My dear, what is your name? Rarely do I get saved by a humanitarian without at least a little chit chat. It is something I adore.”

“Really don’t want to get involved with you lady.” Pointing towards a forest near the outskirts of town, “I have a little spot where you can stay the night there. Tomorrow morning, you go back to whatever sisterhood sent you.”

“Were it that I could, young man. Unfortunately, duty calls this far north.” She gestures towards Mount Keleuka. “Someone needs to do something about that before its corruption spreads.” Her comforting smile drops, and she says in a near whisper: “not many left who can.”

“And you’re supposed to stop it? What would you have done if I wasn’t there, huh? Your duty would have gotten you raped, enslaved and probably killed.” The pair reach the edge of the forest. It’s dark out, but the man knows the terrain and guides his new companion without issue.

“Of course. How could you know? The tales of my deeds must not have reached this far.” Elizabeth stops mid stride. “I am Sister Elizabeth, high priestess to the Goddess Lust herself.”

Swirls of purple and pink light course around them, her eyes blazing a hot pink. Within her vicinity, the world becomes ten degrees warmer and the aches and pains Gale felt from a hard day’s labor vanishing. Flowers spring up at her feet, and Elizabeth speaks with the authority of ten thousand kings and queens. “Wherever I go, my goddess follows. Those ruffians posed little threat. I was never in any harm, just a minor inconvenience.”

The magic fades, her eyes returning to normal. Once more the cold reasserts itself, and the fatigue settles back in its familiar saddle. “Worry not for me, my dear. Worry for all those who could not stop the dark from coming.”

“So you would make them feel all warm and fuzzy, eh? Anyway it doesn’t really matter, the creatures near mount Keleuka are stronger than you could ever imagine. Even I don’t like roaming those parts.”

They arrive at a small clearing with a makeshift tent and the remains of a small bonfire in the middle, a few animal hides and supply bags scattered about.

Elizabeth takes a seat on one of the animal hides, warming herself by the fire. “I can do more than just make them feel warm and fuzzy, though that can be a start.” She stretches, her arms reaching high above her head. It’s a pose more for flaunting than function. Pulling out a wineskin, she passes it to the young man. “Here, this will ease the aches and pains of the day. By the way, I never caught your name.”

He takes it from her. “The name’s Gale, just Gale.”

“What is this?” he asks, taking a sniff of the skin’s contents. “Smells sweet.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not poisoned. Very nice to meet you Gale. Tell me, what is it that you do out here? Are you a hunter? Perhaps a wilderness guide?”

Gale takes a drink, doubt clearly displayed on his face. A sweet creamy liquid meets his lips and instantly and permanently flushes his aches away. Whatever it was, it had worked as she said.

“That’s good,” passing the wineskin back. “Just surviving, like most of the people here. Sell what I hunt to make a living.”

“A respectable living as any,” Elizabeth says. She takes a swig from the wineskin in solidarity.

She lets a moment pass, taking in her surroundings: the wind through dead branches, the biting chill, the omnipresent dread just to the north. “Gale, how long have you lived here? It seems like such a fascinating place to be.”

“Most of my life,” he says, stoking the fire. “I was taken here as a kid, sold as a slave. Got lucky and managed to escape I guess.”

Gale pauses. “That was my first kill, worthless scum. I did it just to survive really”

She nods respectfully, letting his words ruminate. “My parents sold me off when I was young. To the monastery I now call my family. Perhaps it wasn’t as horrible as what happened to you, but… I can sympathize.”

The moment marinates, the small campfire crackling between them. “It must have been scary, not having anyone to rely on but yourself.” She reaches for Gale’s hand gingerly.

“That’s just how life is here. You get used to it.” He lets the priestess take his hand.

At her touch, warmth floods into Gale’s body.

Elizabeth smiles, a gesture of pain and understanding, but also motherly comfort. “Dear it’s okay, you don’t need to put on a brave face for me. The world can be cruel, but that doesn’t have to be all.” She brings his hand to her chest, cradling it gently in her bosom. Her skin is warm and soft, and she looks upon him with affection. “It’s okay.”

“What are you doing?” Gale says firmly, though he doesn’t pull away.

“Simply love for my fellow human being. I know that’s in short supply up here, so it may be strange.” With a kiss on the back of his hand, she relinquishes the limb. The warmth fades slowly but steadily leaving only a faint reminder where her lips pressed against his skin. “You don’t have to go at this alone. I can help. Plus, if you’re willing, I would appreciate the help in dealing with the darkness falling over the land.”

“I really don’t know why would anyone in their right mind go up there.” Gale rubs where she kissed his hand. “And don’t think you can convince me with your little magic tricks.”

“Perhaps I’m not sane. Though I don’t know how anyone in their right mind could let the darkness take over. This world needs heroes, someone to stand against the dark. Someone like me and… like you?” She gestures towards the young man, an innocent pleading in her eye.

He presses against his temples. “Ok look, fine. Let’s make a deal.” Opening his eyes, he looks at this strange half naked woman. In an exasperated tone, he says, “I’ll get you as far as I can, then you’ll see for yourself how dumb what you’re asking me to do is.”

A sigh escapes his lips. “We’ll go for a bit, you’ll get scared, and end up heading back south. Or worse, winding up dead.”

“It’s a promise then.” The priestess proffers a hand to seal the deal. “But I am a woman of strong will and constitution.”

Levity in the face of certain death lights her face as she smiles. “I look forward to proving you wrong.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/r98fal/darkness_in_the_north_chapter_1_fm_fantasy


  1. Love it! Just started watching ‘The Wheel of Time’ and I can’t help but get similar vibes from this :) Looking forward to part 2!

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