In Need of a Christmas Gift? Why Not Some Smut? [Requests Open] [Commissions]

Hey Reader!

It’s me again! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to really post anything. November was a dog of a month, and I wore myself out before it even started. But I’m back again, and I’m opening my commissions box for the month of December!

That’s right! All month, you can send me a request to write a scene of your choosing, providing it follows the following rules:

– You give me a description of the person(s) or character(s) you want in the scene

– You tell me what sort of smut the scene should involve (the only things I will not write for smut are scat, noncon, and dubcon)

– The Person(s) or Character(s) are 18 or older

– IF it is based on a real person, I would prefer you have their expressed consent that I write the piece. Nothing personal, it’s just a little uncomfortable for me to write scenes involving real people if they’re not aware of it. If you have it though, feel free to send whatever pics or reference material you feel would help me get a sense for them.

– For my sanity, the scene can have a maximum of three NAMED characters. I will write large groups of characters all going in on one person, but the people in the crowd will remain unnamed. If you want to go above this limit, you’ll need to shoot me a few dollars on Ko-Fi

I will upload the story requests as I finish them, and will work on them whenever I can.All of them will be somewhere around 2,000 to 3,000 words. If you want to go above that, you’ll need to help support my writing by sending me some money on Ko-Fi.

But if you have a request, please message me directly on Reddit or on Discord at DeliciouslyIndulgent#5615

I look forward to whatever you’ll be sending me, reader!
