Road Closure [MF]

“I have been sitting in standstill traffic for over 20 min” I text Sir. Impatient, hungry, horny and ready to be home in his arms I’ve watched as they shut down the road for the accident and I’ve had to accept my fate. I’m stuck for who knows how long.

“Well I’ll guess you have to find a way to entertain yourself 😉”

I roll my eyes at his message. “Yea right” I say out loud as I flip through the radio stations, there is nothing but static. This area is awful for signal. The cars around me all have their engines shut off. We’re sitting waiting in the quiet of the evening you can only hear the dull roar of the firetruck in the distance.

“I want you to slide your hand down your pants. Are you wet for me?” I read the message and pause, is he serious. Apparently I take to long to answer because the phone starts to ring.

“Hello?” I say connecting the phone to the radio.

“Are you wet? I know the scrap of fabric I picked out this morning for you to wear is probably soaking at this point. How long have you been scrolling through fet thinking about getting off while you sit in traffic?” Sir says, and immediately I reach to turn down the volume, his voice is booming through the radio and the windows are down.

“Yes Sir” I tell him the through, I’m soaking wet and desperate to be home and be fucked.

“I want you to slide your hand down you pants and fuck your wet pussy with your fingers. Look to the left and right of you, see all of those people in their cars, theire going to get to watch you cum.” Sir tells me. Instinctively I do as I’m told and as I run my fingers under the hem of my pants I make eye contact with the man in the car next to mine, his inquisitive eyes tell me he has heard some or all of Sir’s commands.

I’m so wet and close, reading stories and scrolling for 20 min online had me close before so the moment I find my swollen clit I gasp.

“Mmm, tell me what you’re doing.” Sir says.

“I’m rubbing my clit, thinking about.. ”

“Stop!” He cuts me off loudly. “I can’t hear you, I think we have a bad connection, say it louder Emmy.” My eyes widen and I glance to my left the man I made eye contact with is grinning like a fool.

“I’m waiting” Sir says.

“I’m rubbing my clit” I clear my throat and think to myself ‘Fuck it’. Loudly into the quiet night I say “I’m rubbing my clit, I’m wet, I need to cum like a good girl Sir. Please, may I cum?”

“So quickly? Where is the fun in that, Love? Tell me what you’re thinking about, do you want my cock in your mouth, your pussy, fucking your big soft tits?” He is loud, I imagine others can hear him and know that’s the reason he is practically yelling into the phone.

“Yes, I want you fucking me, using all of my holes Sir. I wish I were there now so you could pound into me like I need, fuck.” The last part slips out as I see stars behind my eyelids. I can’t stand to open my eyes and see how many people have turned to look.

Quickly with expert fingers I get myelf close to cumming. I know it’s only been a few minutes, but I need this now. “Sir, may I cum. Please?” I beg loudly. Gasping for air. “Cum for my baby” He says and I gasp I’m caught off guard by the explosion inside me and I cry out loudly, I hear it echo in the night and then I hear applause from all around me. Just then engines roar to life and the traffic starts moving.

Where they clapping because the road opened or because of me? I wonder, and look over into the car next to me and am met with a huge smile from the man who just watched me make myself cum. “Good Girl.” I hear Sir say as I put the car in drive and push the gas pedal, heading into the night.


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