Misadventurers in Black Desert: Alena and the Problem of Steel Imps [f4M(Monsters)][fantasy][NC][rape][gang][bd][bst]

*Notes and Disclaimer*

If you’re a pervert and know of the game Black Desert, you may enjoy this. If you don’t know Black Desert, I’ve generalized it somewhat, so you may enjoy it too. Either way, I hope you enjoy it.

Contains: Bondage, NC, Gangbangs/Gangrapes, beast, humiliation

A lot of things aren’t going to be lore accurate. IE There’s no class in BDO called Shieldmaiden, etc. Things were generalized a bit.

Comments welcome

Reference for Alena can be found in other posts

Alena – Powerful Steel Imps…

It had been awhile since Alena stepped foot within the borders of Velia. The city itself could be seen from where the hill she was atop of. The bright lights from the oil and magic lamps that were strewn across the city streets and between the buildings made Velia glow at all hours. Alena was still about a few thousand paces from the city. It had been a long journey, and Alena wasn’t entirely sure if it was worth it.

The contract that had brought Alena back to the shore-side city-state was a contract to rid of the region of an aggressive band of Steel Imps. This particular band of Steel Imps had been growing bolder and bolder in their raids, getting closer and closer to the city gates. What interested Alena was the contract request for a A-class or higher adventurer with an A-class contract kind of payout for what was supposed to be an easy monster. The usual Steel Imps and other surrounding monsters around Velia usually didn’t require A-class adventurers. Velia was famous as the region where most adventurers found their footing at. Simple monsters, simple contracts.

Chief Igor, the de facto governor of Velia, had grown desperate. So he had published a contract that would entice at least a few high-ranking adventurers. Alena was the first of adventurers to answer the call of the contract.

Alena eventually found herself at one of the city inns, Waltzing Horse Inn. There Alena talked to some of the patrons and Inn keeper, to get a feel for the situation.

“Wow, an A Class Shield-maiden! I haven’t seen too many if you around, let alone an A-class.” One of the patrons commented, a low-class Warrior who was looking over Alena’s official Imperial Adventurer License. The license allowed Alena to travel between cities and regions without too much hassle, but it also had various seals that indicated what Class of adventurer she was evaluated to be at.

“Well, there aren’t too many of us around. The Sephia Shieldmaiden school only has a handful of graduates each year.” Alena informed the admirer.

“Well that explains it,” the admirer said, his face still in awe. “Do you mind if I take a look?” the admirer asked, motioning towards the shieldmaidens large Kite shield. Alena smiled.

“Sure, don’t touch it too much though, I just had it polished.” Alena replied with a cheeky smile on her face. The admirer obliged and studied the shield without placing his hands on it.

“Sorry about him,” someone from behind Alena said, it was the innkeeper, an older gentleman. “We don’t usually get too many high-ranking adventurers like yourself coming through here.”

“There usually isn’t really a need.” Alena said

“Usually, no. I take it you’re here for that unusual contract that’s been floating around for the Steel Imps?” the innkeeper asked.

“You surmise correctly,” Alena replied, “would you happen to know anything of it?”

“Can’t say much on the matter. The contract itself is rather new, but the imps have been issue for Velia for some time now.” The Innkeeper said, “I know that a couple of groups of rookies and novices attempted to fulfill the contract.”

“What happened to them?”

“The imps proved a bigger fight for them than they thought. They’re all currently under treatment of the town clerics.” The innkeeper stated with a solemn face.

This is a little more serious than I thought…. Alena thought to herself, But I’m no rookie. So even if these imps are little more aggressive, they still shouldn’t too much of a trouble…

“I see… I guess these imps might prove to be a bigger challenge than I thought.” Alena replied, “That means I should get the best rest I can before tomorrow morning huh?” Alena questioned out loud, giving a smile to the innkeeper.

“I guess so Miss.”

“Then your best room for the night please.” Alena asked. It was Alena’s way of thanking the Innkeeper for giving her as much information as he had.

“Of course Miss,” the Innkeeper said, bowing his head. “Marcus, please show our guest here the way to the Grand Suite.” The innkeeper asked his son who had been lost in studying the intricate designs that covered Alena’s shield.

“Ah, yeah, of course dad.”

Marcus led Alena to the second floor of the Inn, where he opened the door of the ‘Grand Suite’ for her and gave her the keys. The ‘Grand Suite’ was more humble in size and appearance than its name suggested, but Alena didn’t care, she just wanted a room she could meditate and rest before embarking on ridding the town of it’s Imp problem.

The rest of the night was quiet for Alena and went by quickly as she meditated and prepared her equipment for the next day.

“Good morning, Miss, oh…” The Innkeeper greeted Alena as she came downstairs early in the morning. The innkeeper was at a loss for words when he looked up from the counter and saw the shieldmaiden dressed in her Sephia Battle Dress. Despite the name of the dress, it did little to inspire thoughts of battle but was rather distracting to thoughts of battle. The Sephia Shieldmaiden School took pride in the beauty of its members and was not afraid to flaunt it through their uniforms and garbs. Pride that is inherited by its graduates, including Alena.

The inn was mostly empty save for a few passed out patrons from the night before, a staple of money for the inn. But those who were up, were staring in awe at the sight of the beautiful young woman in the inn, like an angel gracing them with their presence. The innkeeper, his son, and the lucky few drunks who were awake to watch Alena leave talked about it the rest of the day.

It did not take Alena long to track the band of Steel Imps that were causing Chief Igor and the residents of Velia so much grief. The imps left an obvious trail behind them between their raids. Alena found them resting in the woods to the east of Velia. The imps didn’t notice the adventurer at first as she observed them. Alena counted 31 imps in total.

They don’t look any different from the usual steel imp… Alena thought to herself, as she attempted to analyze the situation. Perhaps it’s the number of them that’s proving to be a problem for the rookies… Even then, it shouldn’t be a problem for me…

Alena was confident in herself to be able to put an end to the terror these steel imps were causing. Despite that confidence, Alena couldn’t help but feel a small sense of anxiety as she made her way closer to the group of imps, she could feel an intense pressure of evil radiating off from the group of imps.

“Kaaah!” One of the imps cried, having spotted the shieldmaiden approaching them. It was probably the large golden kite shield that gave her away. “Kaaah!” It cried again to alert its companions. The rest of Steel Imps raised their heads and looked towards Alena. The young woman felt a wave of fear wash over her upon seeing 62 bulging eyes stare at her.

Shit! Alena thought to herself. There goes the element of surprise!

“Hyaaah!” the young adventurer girl cried out as she swung her morning star. Magic filled the spiked ball of the morning star as it swung around Alena as she ran towards the Imps.

“Hhraaaaaat!” the most decorated looking of the Steel Imp cried out, the Steel Imp Captain Dro. The Steel Imp Captain then charged her by himself while the other Imps took off running in seemingly all directions. Alena was shocked that this Steel Imp came at her by himself, when steel imps were usually known to attack in groups. This behavior was almost unheard of.

“A foolish endeavor monster!” Alena yelled, launching the ball of the morning star at the Steel Imp.

“Keeeeeee!” Captain Dro cried out as the ball appeared to smash against his chest, letting out an explosion of ice and fog. Alena grinned, expecting a frozen Steel Imp. Her eyes widened in awe as the fog dissipated.

“Impossible…” Alena muttered at the sight of the seemingly unphased Steel Imp. “Shit!” She cursed as the Imp launched a counter attack on her. The Imp had leaped into the air towards her with his crude sword held above his head. Alena raised her shield last minute, feeling most of the power of the strike absorb into the shield.

“Heeeheeehee” the Imp cackled as it bounced it’s blade and itself off from the shield from the attack. Alena didn’t want to admit it, but the attack was more powerful than she thought it was going to be.

This is serious! I need to end this fast! Alena thought to herself as she jumped back to make space between the imp and herself.

In a burst of speed and light that blinded the Imp, Alena dispelled her morning-star and large kite shield, then summoned her enchanted rapier.

“En garde!” Alena shouted as she launched at and through the Steel Imp in blistering speed. She could feel the tip of her rapier connect with Imp, confident she hit him. Not content with her attack, Alena lunged through the Imp in all directions a few more times before being depleted of energy and stamina.

Captain Dro fell to his knees. But much to Alena’s horror, the Steel Imp Captain soon rose to his feet. Alena watched in horror as the wounds on the Steel Imp appeared to be healing, deep cuts and slashes disappearing within seconds.

“T-this doesn’t make sense!” Alena shouted out loud in frustration after her last attack on the steel imp captain barely phased it. Alena didn’t understand what was happening. Last time she had fought the steel imps, she barely broke a sweat in subduing almost an entire company of Steel Imps before leaving. She had left out of boredom mostly.

Now, Alena was barely holding her own against one.

The grey creature known as a steel imp gave Alena a creepy smile and let out a cackle. Alena then realized that the steel imp captain had lured Alena deeper and deeper into the Steel Imp territory during their fight. Alena found herself surrounded on all sides by Steel Imps.

Shit…This is bad… If I don’t figure a way out of here soon, I’m going to be in trouble. Alena thought to herself as she looked around to see if there was a way to escape. It didn’t look good.

The steel imp captain began to speak in its native tongue, alien to Alena, but she knew it wasn’t good for her. The crowd of imps surrounding the beautiful young human woman began to close in on her.

Alena had one more ace up her sleeve. Alena switched weapons again, this time back to her shield and morning star. She waited for the steel imps to get closer as they closed in around her. Once they got close enough, Alena concentrated the remaining mana she had into the morning star as ice magic.

“Haaaaaa-yahh!” Alena shouted as she slammed her mace into the ground beneath her. Out burst tendrils made of ice all around the girl and into the steel imps that were surrounding her.

“Impossible…” Alena muttered to herself in defeat as the fog from the attack dissipated and revealed that the attack only served to piss of the band of Steel Imps.

Alena had no more mana let alone energy or stamina to keep fighting. “Someone…please save me…” She whispered…

“No! G-get off of me! D-don’t touch me!” Alena shouted in disgust and frustration as two of the larger steel imps grabbed her from behind, holding her arms. The two imps effortlessly held the defeated adventurer in place as the imp captain walked up to her. He had an evil smile across his face and a devious glint in his eyes.

“Gleee! Gleee!” The Steel Imp Captain shouted to his compatriots to which they shouted back. The Steel Imp Captain then turned his attention over to the young blonde woman. “You! Mine! You. Suck. Suck. Or Fuck.?” The Imp Captain said and asked in broken common-tongue much to the surprise and disgust of Alena.

T-this can’t be happening! This Imp can’t really be wanting that! With me!?! Alena despaired as she stared at the imp captain in disbelief while struggling in the arms of his two guards.

“Y-you can’t be serious… Let me go and I’ll give you gold, I promise!” Alena said, trying to bargain with the imp captain. The promise of gold did not do anything for the imp captain, for the imp captain was already set on sticking his large rock-hard cock into the delicate looking human female in front of him.

The Steel Imp Captain, Dro, didn’t really understand his attraction or lust to human females, but he believed there wasn’t anything better to him than being able to stuff his cock into one of their three holes. It didn’t matter which one. Their pussy felt amazing and the cries they made while getting fucked were amazing to listen to.

“Grrrrrr…” Dro growled quietly, his patience having grown thin with Alena. His two guards holding the girl understood his look.

“Augh! S-stop! Let go of me!” Alena shouted despite her situation as the two guards dragged her over to a rock slab that served as a small table for the Steel Imps. The rest of the band steel imps that surrounded Alena moved in tandem with Captain Dro and the guards holding the girl, making space for them to move but always crowding around, watching excitedly.

“W-what do you disgusting monsters think you’re doing! S-stop this! Stop this at once!” Alena cried out against the Imps that pinned her bent over against the small rock table, her ass was forced into the air while her head hung off the other side. The imps were not using a lot of energy to hold the defeated adventurer down, each used one hand to hold her down and the other to explore her tight lithe body. Their hands found themselves groping and caressing her tight ass underneath her skimpy dress quite a bit.

T-this can’t be happening! Someone save me please! Alena hoped, but no one was coming and her situation was only going to get worse. Alena was helpless as the two imps holding her down roughly and somewhat primitively tied her hands behind her back and a rope around her neck that was attached to a crude ring staked into the ground on the other side of the table. The rope around her neck was effective at keeping her bent over the slab.

“Nooo! Untie me you freaks!” Alena demanded as she helplessly squirmed in her new binds. The imps just laughed as they enjoyed the show of the rather skimpily clad woman squirm with her ass in the air.

“Ah-ow! S-stop that!” Alena protested as the imps almost instinctively began spanking her ass. “Aiyee-owww!”

“Keeee!! Keee!” One of the Imps shouted with joy at the sight and sound of Alena getting spanked, encouraging his companions to spank her more.

THWACK THWACK THWACK Captain Dro spanked her hard three times before grabbing her tight round ass roughly with his large leathery Imp hands.

“Aiye-oww! Oww! OWW!” Alena cried, “Noo! S-stop! N-no more! No moree! Puh-leeasse!” Alena begged, feeling more and more degraded as she is spanked and as she begs.

Alena has her ass slapped, spanked, groped, and molested for the better half of an hour. Captain Dro allowed the entire band to participate in spanking the defeated adventurer. The Steel Imp Captain ensured that every member of his band punished the poor adventurer. All 31 imps of the band made sure to make poor Alena squeal or yelp. By the time they finished spanking her, Alena was in tatters of her Sephia uniform, tears in her eyes and ass bright red.

Alena was crying and whimpering for the imps to stop and to let her go. Unfortunately for Alena, all 31 imps within this particular band now had rock hard cocks that they felt needed to be satiated.

“P-please… J-just let me go… I promise I won’t ever come back…” Alena attempted to plead with Captain Dro once more, but it fell on deaf ears. The imp’s rough hands were already caressing and groping Alena’s sore ass while it’s thick 9-inch cock rested in the middle in between her ass cheeks.

Gods no… P-please… Someone save me! T-this Imp c-can’t r-rape me! T-this isn’t supposed to happen Alena despaired. Alena tensed up, feeling the imp begin to rub the head of its cock against her pussy through the fabric of her panties.

Despite her despair, her anguish, and humiliation, Alena felt herself get wetter and wetter as the imp continued to rub its monster cock against her pussy. She didn’t understand why. She didn’t want this, she told herself. She rationalized that it was her body preparing itself for the inevitable rape. Alena squealed as her panties are ripped away.

“Ah…” Alena let out a soft moan against her will, though it was appreciated by the Imps. “No…P-please…d-don’t-aahh!” Alena attempted one last plea with the Imp, but Captain Dro ignored her pleas again, his cock slowly pushing inside of the tight human girl, “Ahh! I-it hurts! It’s too big! It’s too big! Oww! OWW!” Alena cried out in pain

“Keekeeekeeeee!” The Imp Captain grunted, pushing his cock further and further into the poor girl who was screaming in pain as his cock stretched her tight little pussy around it as it pushed into her.

“Oh! F-fuck! Nooo! S-stop-Augh-aughhh-aughh-ahhh!” Alena pleaded and grunted as Captain Dro began to pump harder and harder inside of her, railing her hard against the rock slab table. The pain of the Imp’s large cock pumping inside of her slowly turned to pleasure. “Ahh-ahhh-aughh-what-the-No!-ahh-aaamampgrhh!” Alena attempted to lose herself to the pleasure and just mindlessly grunt and moan until the nightmare finished, but that plan was dashed when one of Imp guards grabbed her head and slowly pushed his cock into her mouth. The guard had figured one of the benefits of her head hanging off of the table freely.

“Keekekekekeekeee!” The Imp guard cackled at the feeling and sight of Alena choking on his cock. The guard continued to slowly push his cock down in Alena’s mouth, enjoying how she gagged and choked on his cock.

“Gr-aa-aammgprhh!” Alena moaned around the Imp’s cock in her mouth as Captain Dro continued to thrust harder and harder inside of her pussy. “Graaampgrhhh!” Alena moaned, cumming hard while the Imp’s cock pulsated inside of her tensing pussy. Alena’s eyes widened in horror as she realized the Imp was cumming hard inside of her. She could feel her pussy fill completely with Imp cum.

“You. Now. Slut! Slut! Slut! Slut!” Captain Dro taunted, spanking Alena on the ass once more. The insult despite being barely a sentence burned Alena with humiliation. Alena wanted to refute the claim but she couldn’t as her body and pussy began to burn with arousal.

What Alena did not know at the time was that Steel Imp Cum is a very powerful and potent aphrodisiac to human females.

“Graaa—aa—a-ampgrh!” Alena choked while letting out a moan around the Imp’s cock. She could feel another imp behind her begin to probe and toy with her pussy. First it touched her pussy with its fingers, probing the throbbing pussy with cum seeping out of it. With every second that passed, Alena was getting more and more sensitive because the cum was soaking into her from her cum-filled pussy. So at the slightest touch of her pussy and other sensitive areas on her body, waves of pleasure crashed over Alena.

T-this is bad… I c-can’t concentrate… Need to concentrate… Need to escape…. F-feels too good… Alena tried to keep some semblance of consciousness, not wanting to be totally overwhelmed by the pleasure. But it felt too good, it was only a matter of minutes until she crumbled from the sundering amount of pleasure forced into her.

“Graa-aa-aampgrh!” Alena gagged and choked as her throat and mouth filled with cum. The poor adventurer girl had been so lost in the pleasure she failed to realize that the Imp face-fucking her was about to cum. Likewise, choking on the cum had broken her out of her pleasure trance but it distracted her from realizing that the Imp behind her was about to shove his cock inside of her pussy.

“Aah-bleghh-aagrhh-aaghh-ahhh-ah…” Alena sucked in a gulp of air; the imp having pulled his cock out from her mouth. The girl coughed cum up as she caught her breath for a small moment before another Imp grabbed her head and began rubbing his cock against her soft cheeks. “OOOHH-FUCK!” Alena let out loudly in pleasure, the Imp behind her had just rammed all 11 inches of his cock into her sloppy but tight pussy. The girl crumbled against the rock slab table, her legs had collapsed from the pleasure.

“Aughh-ahh-augh-ah—aghh—ahhhh!” Alena grunted and moaned until the Imp in front of her gets tired of just rubbing his cock against her face and shoves into her wide-open mouth. “Aa-aa-aargmmpgrh!” Alena accepted the monster’s cock with little reluctance only to gag hard on it still.

The two imps inside Alena’s mouth and pussy pump their cocks inside of her to their hearts content. Alena is brought to a state of constant pleasure while barely conscious since she is forced to choke on Imp cock. While these two Imps continued to pump their cocks inside of the lovely helpless adventurer, two of the other Imps got impatient. One of the impatient imps rubbed his cock against her foot, cumming in between her foot and heels. The other impatient imp just stroked his cock close to her face as she’s facefucked by his compatriot, and the two imps cum large loads onto Alena’s pretty face much to her chagrin and disgust.

“Ahh-blegh-no…. Y-you’ll p-pay—ahhh—fuck! Ooooh!” the helpless adventurer girl attempted to curse the imps who were covering her face in their thick disgusting cum, but her train of thought is interrupted by the imp fucking her pussy thrusting deep and hard inside of her.

“Heeeeeeie-yyyattt!” The Imp cried out, almost as if victorious, as it came hard inside of the poor petite adventurer. His cock pulsed and throbbed deep inside of Alena before filling her even more with imp cum.

Alena moaned loudly as another powerful orgasm rips through her. She hated that being filled with this monster’s cum was starting to feel so good. The imp left his cock inside of Alena for a few minutes, letting it twitch inside of her before pulling it out and rubbing it against her ass. He smeared her ass with the mixture of cum and Alena’s own juices that covered his cock.

“Ohh-gaawd……..ahhhhh…aaaahhh…nooooo….” Alena let out soft moans in between gasps for air.

“Ahh…ahhhh….P-please…N-no more…” Alena begged, her thoughts were able to get a little clearer again since she was granted a brief respite after the four imps came inside or on her. Both of Alena’s eyes were closed due to the thick layer of imp cum covering her face. If Alena could die of shame and humiliation, she would have.

The Imps untied the rope around Alena’s neck from the ring in the ground, but left the rope around Alena’s neck as a rope leash.

“Aah-noo! P-please! Argh-agk!” Alena whined as her rope collar is pulled on hard to the point that it chokes her a little. Her leash is pulled until she stands up. Alena could feel cum drip down her face and onto her tits, and cum drip out of her pussy down her thighs and soak into her thigh-highs. The poor adventurer could barely stand, her legs buckled and shook as she was forced to walk towards wherever the sick perverted imps wanted her.

“Augh..ooph-ow!” Alena grunted after tripping on her heels. The steel imp who was pulling her walks back to her to check on her. He did not look happy. Alena felt fear creep over her as she looked up at the unhappy Imp, this angry Imp seemed larger than the others. “Ah..no! D-don’t touch me!” Alena cried out, fear in her voice, as the angry imp easily manhandles her onto her knees, face down, ass up.

No! Not again! Alena thought to herself, believing that the Imp was going to impale her poor little pussy again. However, the angry Imp began probing one of his fat fingers against Alena’s virgin asshole.

“NOO! S-stop! D-don’t touch there! P-p-please! A-anything but that!!!” Alena cried out in a panic. Alena attempted to struggle but only worked to rub against the angry Imp.

“Punish. Whore! Cry! Eeeeeeiiee!” The angry Imp hissed then spit onto Alena’s asshole. Alena braced herself as the Imp’s finger began pushing inside of her tight virgin asshole.

“Ah-oww! T-that h-hurts! S-stop! P-please! Owwwowww!” Alena said and then winced in pain. It was true that it hurt, but Alena was fighting the pleasure the finger inside of her asshole brought. Alena blamed the aphrodisiac. “Aughh-f-fuck!” Alena grunted as the angry imp began to pump his finger inside of her asshole, spitting on it periodically. Occasionally the imp would spank her for good measure, eliciting a sharp yelp from the girl.

“D-damn you! D-d-digusting creature! Aughh-ahh-oww!” Alena cried out in a mixture of anger and deep frustration. She couldn’t believe this was how the day had turned out. This was supposed to be an easy quest.

“Cry!” The Imp demanded and spanked Alena’s ass hard.

“AIYE-OW!” Alena yelped, writhing around as much as the imp would allow her in pain. “Oww…Nooo! Nooo! T-that w-won’t fit! It won’t fit! A-are you s-stupid!?!” Alena started crying out in a panic, having felt the tip of the Imp’s cock press against her asshole.

“Cry!” The Imp demanded again, his large rough hands gripping around petite waist of the writhing shieldmaiden.

“NO! Y-You can’t!” Alena cried out as the angry Imp pushed his thick meaty cock into her virgin asshole. The imp only pushed an inch in. “Aughhhh!” Alena grunted, the imp was methodically slow in pushing his cock inside of her asshole.

The angry imp continued to slowly thrust into asshole until he fit his entire cock inside of her asshole. Despite the pain, Alena still came in the first thrust. She blamed the aphrodisiac cum. The angry imp pumped his cock inside of Alena roughly, milking the whines and screams she made. The other imps who were watching enjoyed the show as well. Two of the imps who had enjoyed the show so much walked up to Alena.

“Beg.” The angry Imp demanded.

“Auughhh—what?-ahhh-oww…” Alena didn’t believe what she had heard. The imp thrusted deep inside of her asshole. He then picked her head up from the ground by her hair, forcing her to face the two imps who had walked up to her.

“Beg!” The angry Imp ordered again, spanking her ass hard.

“Ah-ow! Okay! Okay!” Alena yelped and yielded, “Ahh! P-please! C-can I have y-your c-cum…” Alena said, looking up at the two Imps who were stroking their cocks in front of her.

The imps laughed at the sight of Alena begging for their cum. They didn’t really understand the whole sentence, but they understood from her expression that it humiliated her a lot to say.

“Ah!” Alena squealed as one of the cocks in front of her face began to cum all over her face. It was soon joined by the other cock. “Ah-aughh!” Alena grunted from the angry Imp ramming his cock inside of her asshole harder. Alena grunted, groaned, and moaned as two other imps painted her face in another thick layer of imp cum. Alena had just started to see out of one eye too.

“Hnngh!” The angry imp grunted as it continued to mercilessly pump his large cock inside of the petite girl’s tight asshole. The other imps cheered and jeered in the native tongues. Alena didn’t understand, but the hissing and cackling of the imps let her know all she needed to. Some of the imps began spitting on her, most aiming for her face. Alena found out that day that imp spit was warm and more viscus in nature than human spit.

“Aughh! Ahh! Ahhh! F-fuck!-Aughhh! Augh!” Alena grunted and moaned as she felt the imps cock begin to pulsate inside of her asshole. The imp began to cum hard inside of her, filling her asshole with it’s thick seed. Alena’s body tensed while trembling from the orgasm that came ripping through her from her brutal ass fucking while the imp came inside of her. “Ahh…Ahhh..” She let out a hoarse moan, her mouth and throat dry from her constant moaning and screaming.

The imp left it’s cock deep inside of Alena’s asshole, watching her expression turn to horror and shame as the pleasure in her dissipated. It felt like time had frozen for Alena while she burned with shame and humiliation. The once proud Shieldmaiden was now in tatters of her beautiful Sephia Battle-Dress, tied-up, collared and leashed, face-down, ass up, cum dripping out of her asshole, and pussy, with multiple thick layers of cum covering her crying face.

“N-no more…please…” Alena begged weakly, her body shaking in exhaustion. “Ah-ooh…ow….” Alena whimpered as the angry Imp slowly pulled his cock out of her asshole, it was sore. The cock made an almost plop-like noise when it was fully withdrawn out of her asshole.

The imps that surrounded Alena seemed to make comments to the Angry imp who was standing over the defeated adventurer. Alena didn’t understand what was being said at all, but she did not like the look of the devious smile that creeped over the Angry Imps face that she saw from the corner of her eye. The angry imp stepped over Alena so he stood over her head with his cock in his hand, pointing it towards her head on the ground that was turned to the side.

Alena’s eyes widened in horror as a warm stream of potent Imp piss splashes against her cheek and then quickly shut as it burns her eyes. “Ah! Noo! S-stop! S-stop this!” Alena pleaded. The poor girl was exhausted but still attempted to writhe or squirm away. “Augh! No! Blegh!” Alena whined while an Imp from the crowd grabbed her and roughly pulled her up by her hair so she’s on her knees, looking up as the angry Imp peed on her.

The imps laughed and cackled at the sight of the blonde-haired human girl tied up and, on her knees, getting pissed on. The angry imp cock slapped Alena a few times for good measure he walked away.

“P-p-please… no more…P-please..l-let me go…” Alena whimpered, her head hanging low.

Unfortunately, Alena’s pleas fell on deaf ears though as the imp that had come over earlier to force her to sit-back on her knees was stroking his cock. He was intent on stuffing his cock down this human girl’s pretty little mouth. Alena had lost count on how many imps had cum inside or somewhere on her. This was imp #10.

“Graa-aa-aampgrh!” Alena choked and gagged on the large imp cock down her throat. Alena could barely breathe but was still lost in her shock of pleasure and pain from her hard ass-fucking, she could feel the angry imp’s cum leak out of her throbbing asshole.

Imp #10 made sure that the poor helpless girl was choking. The other imps enjoyed watching poor Alena squirm and writhe for air, gagging helplessly around their brother’s cock. The once proud shieldmaiden had cum leaking from her pussy and asshole, cum covering and dripping down all over her, mostly her face and tits. She was utterly humiliated and defeated.

“Graaa-aaaprgh-aagrh-mmph…” Alena gagged harder, feeling her consciousness slipping. She could hear the imps continue to cackle and laugh as she passed out, choking hard on the cock forced down her throat and from just being utterly exhausted. Before she passed out, Alena could feel and taste her throat and mouth fill with cum.

Imp #10 pulled his cock out from the unconscious girl’s mouth, chuckling at the sight of his cum just pouring out of the poor defeated adventurer’s mouth as she slumped face down. The cum filled and cum covered adventurer laid helplessly on the ground as the 21 other imps jostled around to get their turn for when she would awake…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/r56gms/misadventurers_in_black_desert_alena_and_the

1 comment

  1. Thank You for painting some wonderful images in my mind.

    I’ve never ventured into this Black Desert… but it seems my Shield maidenhead would be at risk. Still nothing ventured nothing gained 😉😊.

    I shall slip silently into the world you’re spinning and perhaps defeat passing imps and goblins… or equally fail and pay the price of failure on my knees or on my back… such is the life of a Shieldmaiden.

    A wonderful read with a lot of texture in the descriptions Thank You.


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