Straight guy getting his salad tossed.

So, my next-door neighbor Sammy, he is this 5’6 little skinny
gay guy. Him and I have hit it of from day one as neighbors.  I hit the lotto when it comes to neighbors. He
is a great guy to hang out and have a beer, BBQ, mean pool player, etc etc.
Last but not least is he always has the hottest chicks over. His hag is holly
hell hot. She hits all the buttons for me.
I tried dating her for about a year. Sammy always would tell
me. Don’t do it. I always thought he did that because he had a crush on me.
One night at a party Sammy was throwing. His hag Kim started
really flirting with me. Lots of drinking later and Kim and I are at my house
fucking. I think.
I say that as there has been more than a few times how Kim
would pop off in playful chatting. About how with out a better way of saying
it. Wild in bed, kinky, and will fall in love after one shot. She would talk
about how great she is.
So here I am getting my chance and this is well not good at
all. Don’t get me wrong I’m in something that feel amazing but. Now what?
I’m thinking is she too drunk so I started to stop and her
fingers dig in my ass and she hooks her legs around me. And she ever so softly
tells me she is going to cum. So, I keep going. For the first time all night
her body almost was into what we were doing. She started jerking and a couple
of small whimpers.
Thank God her pussy could not hid what it was feeling as
that was about the only thing that pushed me over the edge. I feel her grip me
and lose it. 
We both pass out and the next day we get our numbers and we
start chatting and next thing you know we are dating.
I thought it would be my dream girl, I was so wrong. She was
sexy as hell, but that was about it. Her real personality was not cute, she
became a little jealous so having other girls around me was a no way and even
some guy friends. And Iso wish the sex got better. It just never did.
I broke up with her and about an hour later, Sammy comes
over with a beer. Heard you broke up with Kim today. I laugh, that was fast.
Only took her 15 minute to call and tell you.
He is like, you lasted a lot longer than I thought. We laugh
I tell him it was all his fault and that he should have told
me how crazy she was.
I did try you would not listen. You were thinking with your
cock and not your brain.
I thought you were trying to keep me to yourself, not save
me from her.
He smiles and tells me. Maybe.
Sammy and I are always betting on something. Like trying to
make something in the trash can from a far, the game on tonight, playing pool,
you know.
I guess I should talk about Sammy a little. Like I said
Sammy is a little guy. Some days he is very alpha in his dressing and other
days he lets his fem side out. Now I have never seen him in a dress but what I
have seen him in are those tight ass volleyball shorts. Those skin tight string
strap tank tops.
One night I had just got out of the shower and getting
dressed for well needed date. I can hear how bad the weather is out side and
was thinking. If I didn’t need to get laid. I would so stay home. Its bad out
Sure, enough just as I put colon on, the phone rings and it
is my date cancelling because of the weather. I was bummed but at the same
time, happy.
Joking to myself, I look at my hand and my computer and say,
looks likes it is just us 3 tonight.
I get a knock on my door and I open it. It is Sammy and he
has a big bottle of Jack and a 30 pack of beer.
I look at him, and the drinks and ask him. Are you trying to
take advantage of me?
He starts laughing and then looks at me. Wait will it work?
We both laugh.
No, I’m buttering you up with beer and Jack so I can use
your shower. Been a long work day and I need one bad. On top of that. My hot
water heater took a shit and a repair can’t be done till Monday.
How can I say no to that? Come on in. We go to the kitchen
and I pure us a shot and he opens a couple of beers for us and we toast to a
shitty night.
I set him up with a towel and the shower. I’m thinking I’m a
little hungry as I make a big plate of nachos and another shot for me.
He comes out ooooh that smells good.
Downing my beer and I’m thinking in my head. My thoughts
exactly. As when he came out, he smelled like coconut lotion and made my mouth
That is when Sammy walked back in the kitchen. Now when
Sammy got there, he was in a baseball hat, tee-shirt with a flannel over it,
jeans and a pair of work boots.
As he walks in my kitchen, I see something so different. He
normally wears his hair all jelled up. Messy or spiked. Right now, it is still
a little wet and laying flat to his head and looks feathered back and behind
his ears. He also has this little robe on. It is light and open in the front.
It is long in the front and short in the back. He has on one of those little
skin tight tank tops, a pair of those cute yoga pants that have see-through
spots where you can see body and skin and some fluffy slippers.
I pure us both another shot and gets us 2 new beers. We are
eating in the kitchen as we drink.
Sammy and I were talking shit about people we dated and
having a good time. We are both feeling it standing there. We have had like 4
or 5 shots and a good 6 plus beers.
We are not hanging out on the couch and I get done with my
beer and I was getting ready to toss it from there into the trash.
I bet you miss he tells me.
Deal I make it you have to go get us the next round. Deal he
tells me.
I make it and he get up and walks in the kitchen. Just as he
turns the corner that is when I realized I was looking at his ass as he walked
there. He comes back with our beers and hands me one and he turns to go back
for our shots. As he walks back my eyes find his ass again and this time, he
sees me looking.
As he comes back with our shots my face is still red from
him seeing me looking at his ass. But let’s be real, his ass looks amazing in
those yoga pants. He has this cute little bubble butt and the pants are not
hiding anything as the dig in his cheeks.
He finishes his beer and he looks at me. If I make it you
have to get the next round. And I tell him if you miss you have to take the
trash out as it is over flowing.
He tosses it and sure enough it hits the shit on top and bounces
out. I laugh and she is protesting what was not fare etc. He gits up pissed lol
and he walks to the kitchen and this time he is so swaying his hips more. He
bends at the hips to pick up his can and looks back at me looking at his ass as
he bends over.
My face turns red again and I look away. He pulls the bag
out of the can and I watch him walk it out.
WTF am I doing?
He comes back and brings us a shot and a beer again. He
picks up the cards on the coffee table. Ok Time to make up for my losses.
I tease him. We better not I don’t want to take your money
Fine it is for clothes then.
I’m not playing strip poker with you.
As he deals out the cards. I pick them up and he asked how
many to you want?
I smile as I have 3 kings in my hand. I’m not taking my
clothes off for you. I will take 2.
He deals me 2 and he tells me I need 4.
I laugh and he asked me. What do you have?
I have 3 kings. He throughs his cards down, damn. He takes
hit slippers off.
Brings us each a shot. And deals again.
I lose and he comes over to me and takes my shoes off me.
I’m not taking my clothes off.
We play again and he loses. He takes his socks off.
He flips me a card and him one. And I laugh. You want this
ass whopping to go fast. Lol
We flip over and I lose and he comes up to me and takes my
socks off and I keep saying I’m not getting naked with you. He pores us a shot.
And you know he just bent over right in front of me. I swear
I liked my lips.
He deals and he loses and stands up and turns around and
slides his robe off and it hits the floor. And my eyes are locked on his ass.
I see his ass poke out a little more and I look up and he
smiles at me.
He tosses 2 cards and we flip and he loses again. Fuck me
At this point I’m thinking what will he take off. I’m not
taking my clothes off.
He looks at me and tells me. Good think I lose then.
I’m thinking the shirt is next. I poor a shot for us and as
I take my shot, he turns his back to me and shoot my shot just as he slides his
pants down and he is bent at the waste and all I see is this smooth ass with a
light blue thong deep between his cheeks. And I damn near spit my shot out.
Next cards, I lose. He comes up to me and pulls my shirt
off. I’m nice and drunk so I just let him.
He now walks to the bathroom as I watch his ass sway around
his thong walking away. He does not even look back as he knows I’m looking. He
goes in and I think to myself. That’s a good idea. I need to pee.
I walk up to the bathroom just as he is walking out. We are
both feeling good and his hands are on my chest as we bump into each other as
he walks out.
I’m standing there just my jeans and boxer briefs. We are
locked eyes and I see him lick his lips. His hands stay on me. And there is
something about this moment. I don’t know what to do but I have to pee bad.
Man, I have to pee and he looks down and walks away. I walk
in and I’m drunk enough to have to seat to pee.
As I pee, I’m thinking did he almost kiss me?
I come out; he deals. I’m not taking my clothes off.
He is like ok if I win, I get to kiss you. I’m like ya right
as if. What he didn’t know is I peeked at my card just before he said that and
I saw I had an ace. I said, tell you what If I when you have to do my dishes.
He is like deal and we shake and we flip the cards and he as
a queen and I have an ace and I start laughing.
He gets up and starts to do the dishes. What I didn’t know
is this was going to be a win win for me. I don’t have to do the dishes and I
get to look at his hot ass in his thong.  
He knows just what he is doing to me now. He sways his ass,
pokes it out, rocks it back and forth etc.
I really don’t know when but at some point, I’m getting hard
looking at him.
He gets finished and walks over to me and hands me a shot
and looks right at my hard on in my pants and smiles.
We shoot our shots and he picks up the card and deals out 5
cards again. He goes. If I win, I get to suck that and points at my hard cock.
At this point I’m thinking fuck it he made me like this.
But at the same time, I’m nervous. So, I tell him. If I win
you have to massage my feet.
He loses and you can see the look of bummed on his face. But
he looks at me. I will not back out of a bet. Go shower so you have clean feet.
I get up and do just that. I’m washing up and think. I
should rub one out before I go back. I’m stroking my cock and I hear him yell.
Hurry up, Or I will pass out. I’m like, fuck ok. I stop and try to think of
anything to help bring me down.
I drop my clothes off in my room and walk out and I’m just
in my basketball shorts. I’m still chubbed up but not full hard. Seeing him
setting on his knees and ass sticking out does not help. I take a seat in front
of him and he starts to massage my feet and he stops and tells me to wait here.
He gets up and watch his ass as he walks away. He comes back
and has his lotion he brought with him. He looks right at my cock and I look
down and I now have a wet spot and you can so see the outline of my head. He
smiles and I just lay my head back and close my eyes and let him do his thing.
Every time I think of him looking at my cock, I get harder.
The way he is massaging my feet and toes is like he is stroking a cock. I keep
thinking how good it would feel if he had my cock in his hand. He sees just what
his strokes do to me and how each time he strokes my toes or foot my cock
twitches. I hear him moan as I do.
Next thing I know. I damn near came. He wraps his lips
around my toe and sucks it like a cock and I moan out and my hips drive up.
He pulls my toe from his mouth and he tells me times up.
I moan out fuck and open my eyes. He deals out 5 cards
again. This time I tell him if I win you have to finish what you started and he
looks right at my cock and smiles. Deal. I was so lost in all of this and how
bad I wanted him to suck my cock that I really didn’t hear his bet or should I
say it didn’t sink in.
We play the game and shit I lose. He has a big smile on his
face. I’m thinking fuck I have never done anything like this. I’m not even sure
he would like if I did it to him.  
I guess the drunkenness and the lose in what was happening
to me. I didn’t hear him right. I tell him. Look I will not back out on a bet
but I’m not sure you will like me eating your ass as I have never done that. Are
you sure you don’t want to just suck my cock?
He smiles oh I want to suck your cock but that was not the
bet. I said if I win, I get to toss your salad. Not you eat me.
I’m like no that is not what you said. And he was like are
you backing out of a bet?
We talk back and forth about it for a good 20 or 30 minutes.
Look man. It is cool. You don’t have too.
No wait, I’m not going to be that guy to back out. Ok fine
but only for like 5 minutes. He tells me. You got 20 minutes on your feet.
Ok only 20 minutes. We shake on it.
He takes me by the hand to my room. He is walking in front
of me and I’m getting hard watching his ass as we walk in. He tells me to strip
down and lay on the bed on my tummy. I do as told, and he gets on the bed with
me. I’m so nervous.  His hand touches my
leg and I just about jump. He tells me to wait here and he goes and gets his
lotion. This time he is rubbing my back and he tells me he will relax me. The
massage is doing its job. I’m relaxing and just enjoying my massage now.
He starts working up my legs and I feel him open my legs
some. He gets to my ass and massages it nice and deep. Then I feel his warm
breath on me. The more he rubs the closer he gets and then I feel it for the
first time. His lips hit my ass. He is softly kissing it. Every now and then he
sucks a little. Then I feel the tip of his tongue touch my ass.
A couple more minutes in and he is pulling my cheeks open
and I’m almost wanting it now. I want to know what it will feel like.
The tip of his tongue hits my little star and I jump. But it
is not enough for his tongue to stop. He keeps going as he is softly licking my
star. Doing light circles around it. His lips drop down more to my taint and he
kisses it and I feel him suck right there. The more his tongue works from my
taint to my star the wetter he makes me.
My body is shivering and I hear myself moaning for more. His
tongue finds my star again and I push back to him. At some point I’m not laying
flat any more. My knees are tucked up and my ass is in the air as I’m rocking
my hips with his tongue. He is making it so wet and sloppy as he tongues my ass
and taint. This time he does not stop and sucks my balls this time. I’m in
aaaawwww. His licks down my shaft too my head and I try to get it in his mouth.
But with him behind me I can’t and his tongue slides back up and finds my star
again. I moan out please don’t stop and the tip of his tongue finds my hole and
I feel him push in a little.  
My body give in to him and begs for more. I feel him driving
his tongue in my ass now and he grips my cock. As he tongue fucks me I’m rocking
and fucking his hand and tongue at the same time. I don’t last long and I start
to cum.
I drop to the bed and pass out.
