(f)it to be tied

She had been planning it for a while now. Sasha knew her boyfriend’s birthday was coming up and she knew just how she was going to make it memorable.

Tomorrow was the day and she had everything needed for her plans. She was home alone and had it all laid out on the bed in front of her.

Rope, check. Blindfold, check. Gag, check. Noise canceling headphones, check. Satin sheets, check. Oh man, this was going to blow his mind. She had even made a cute little ‘use me’ sign to put on him for pictures while he was all tied up.

Sasha had shown some adventurousness in the bedroom before, but never taking anything this far. He was going to be so surprised!

She had a couple of hours before she had to do anything. The cable guy was scheduled to stop by and figure out what was wrong with the internet, her roommate’s little brother Steve was coming over to get the beer he had left in the apartment after their last party. Then, this evening, Sasha and  her boyfriend were going to go out for dinner and a movie.

Just thinking about what she was going to do had already turned her on. She ran her fingers over the silk rope and imagined having her boyfriend helpless in front of her. Entirely at her mercy to do whatever she wanted.

She took her time setting it all up just right. She didn’t want to have to fumble around and make the surprise awkward.  Doing some internet research, she was able to get the rope setup so she could just slip his hands and feet into them and tighten them with a quick pull.

She couldn’t wait to see his reaction. But the blindfold, headphones, and gag were new, so she thought she had better make sure they were comfortable. She set the sign on the bedside table and strapped the gag on, it was a bit awkward but she could breathe just fine, and the blindfold was super comfy and effective, she couldn’t see a thing through it! The headphones were the sport kind so they wouldn’t skip off and the noise cancelling, coupled with some white noise made it so she couldn’t hear a thing.

Well this is half the experience, she thought. Might as well test the whole thing out. She slipped out of her PJs that she had been wearing all day.  Taking a moment to push up the blindfold and admire the shape of her body in the mirror, she slid onto the bed, enjoying the feel of the soft sheets on her bare skin. She rolled over and felt the softness of the satin brushing against her nipples and thighs.

Pulling the blindfold back on, still wearing the headphones and gag she felt around for the bottom ropes and easily slid her feet in. Oh, this is perfect, she thought to herself, they are so easy to get on and they are setup so the more you pull on them the tighter they get.

She felt around some more for the ropes his hands would go in. They seem to be the right distance, a bit of a stretch for her, but should be just right for him. He was about 10in taller than her after all. They too are easy to slip into and tighten easily.

The setup was just what Sasha was hoping for. The only thing he would be able to focus on was the sensation of herr touch.  She wiggled around with glee. But, it was about time to start getting ready for the day.

As she began to move to take the rope off, she felt it tighten even more. Not uncomfortable, but restricting her movement. “Muht moh”, she mumble through the gag. She tried again with more force but it only tightened the ropes more.

She tried a few different movements to get loose but nothing helped. Darn that internet research worked too well…. She was officially stuck, helpless. Strapped face down on her bed, not able to see, hear, or say anything!

After lying there for a bit, she was surprised at how comfortable she was. Being held in one position seems like it would make something hurt, but everything is soft and pleasant.
Wondering how long it would be until her boyfriend would come looking for her when she didn’t show up for dinner, she figured it’s going to be at least 3 hours before he finds her like this. Boy will he be surprised, but in a different way than she had intended.

With all the sensory deprivation, she quickly become tired and figured sleeping would be a great way to pass the time. Slowly, she drifted  off to sleep.

When she awoke she could feel only one thing, the finger tips slowly running up her leg, over her butt, up her back, all the way to her neck. She heared a voice but it was just a low hum through the noise cancelling headphones. She called out to say ‘Get me out of this!’ but it came out as mumbles through the gag.

Her boyfriend better enjoy this, she thought to herself, because she is going to kick his butt for not untying her or at least asking her what is going on!

The fingers again, exploring her whole body now, from the soles of her feet to her scalp. Every feeling is amplified because it is all she can feel. When they work their way down to her butt, the anticipation of where they are going next builds. Shivers run up and down with each caress. She can feel her body reacting, heat building in her loins.

Strong, yet soft hands push her legs apart and the fingers are now teasing her pussy. Slowly circling, seemingly in no rush at all. It feels amazing. It is almost like the fingers are electrified and as they move they are shocking her with pleasure.

As they spread her open and begin touching her clit, she can feel her pleasure continue to build. Thinking, there is nothing she can do but enjoy this, she pushes her ass up to give better access and encourage more. She wants more!

This is obviously noticed as she receives a strong spank on the ass. “Ouch!” She tries to yell, but it comes out as more of a moan through the gag. There are two more spanks that follow which she holds back making any noise, trying to not encourage more. This seems really out of the ordinary for her boyfriend, but maybe her helplessness opened a door for him to feel free to do whatever he wanted?

When the fingers start rubbing again, the pleasure is that much more compared to the pain of the spanking. Oh god, maybe she does want to be spanked again now, she thinks. She feels them climb on the bed with her and position themselves between her legs. Then something soft and wet starts touching her. What seems to be a tongue… licking from her clit to her asshole and back. The saliva of it adds to her own juices, making her dripping wet.

Now the fingers join in again, the tongue on her clit, fingers in both her other holes. She tries to hold off, but the feeling is too much and her body convulses in orgasm. Moving the small amount she can, her pelvis collapses back down to the bed, drawing two more strong spanks. She then feels something hard pressed against her pussy and immediately after it slides in, she feels their pelvis press against her ass as they put themselves as deep as possible inside her. Somewhere a vibration starts and is soon held against her clit.

Next, they begin thrusting, in and out, in and out, each thrust in pressing her against the vibration. Suddenly SPANK! And then back to the thrusting. The complete control they have over her only makes the situation feel more enveloping. She pushes her ass up, asking for another spanking. SLAP, she is quickly rewarded. So she does have at least a little control it seems. The trusting and vibration continues, pushing her to orgasm several more times. Finally, with one more spank, and several strong thrusts, they collapse on top of her, their hot breath on the back of her neck. She feels what seems like long hair tickling her face and shoulders,  which is weird since her boyfriend’s hair is pretty short. After a moment, they squeeze her butt and climb off of her.

“Now untie me!” She tries to say but the gag and her drool reduce the request to a mild whimper. Then there was nothing. “Did he leave without untying me?” She wonders. She waits, because that is all she can do. After what seems like hours (it could have been minutes, she couldn’t tell), hands slide back into her thighs and then  are grabbing her ass again. They squeeze and rub, making their way to her pussy and easily slide inside with her wetness from before returning in full force. They pull her slightly up to fondle her breasts this time too. The fingers, soaked from touching her pussy, rubbing her nipples until they are hard and tingling. They then climb on the bed and position themselves between her helplessly spread legs. They begin rubbing a hard cock back and forth over her butt, pressing her ass cheeks together to give more friction.

They then begin teasing her pussy by rubbing their cock from her clit to her ass again and again, almost hesitant to actually go inside. Then, all of a sudden, they lean forward and slide inside. Once inside her, she feels like this cock is much bigger than last time and the thrusting much more enthusiastic. She tries to squeeze them out at first but they are persistent so she gives in and pushes herself open. After a relatively short time, they adjust the speed and begin moving slowly in and out, shivering with each thrust. She can tell they are close to cumming inside of her and the thought that she can do nothing to stop them somehow makes it extremely erotic. She clenches her muscles when she feels them shoot a huge hot load of cum deep inside of her. She can feel them pulsing, emptying their balls into her. The feeling is intoxicating and the pulsing moves through her whole body, quickly turning into an uncontrollable orgasm. As quickly as it started, they pull themselves out and climb off the bed.

Again, she is left wondering what comes next. Alone with herself, unable to hear, see, or speak, she waits, occasionally testing the ropes which give no sign of changing their insistence on keeping her on the bed.

“Oh my god!” She thinks as she feels hands return, this time grabbing and pulling her hair. Forcing her head up she feels hot breath in her face and someone licks her from the corner of her mouth up to the blindfold. They then push her head back down into the pillow and climb on to the bed again. She tries desperately to say something but the exhaustion and the gag make the effort useless. Again she is being used, her ass grabbed like a truck handle and they are already thrusting into her pussy as far as they can push it.  Somehow, this time they don’t feel quite as large but their enthusiasm is remarkable.

They lean down on her shoulders and head, forcing her deeper into the mattress and making her feel even more helpless. When they let up, she feels them pull out, but they are clearly not done yet as they immediately start pressing into her again. When they don’t slide right in, she realizes they are  pushing against her asshole.

She had never let anyone into her ass before but she had looked into it once when a previous boyfriend tried to get her to do it. The key, according to what she read, was to relax yourself and try to open up to prevent any tension in the muscles. Knowing she had no choice in this situation, she decided to try what she had read.

Their initial prodding made little headway on her clenched asshole. It was both slow going and painful. As she relaxed and tried to open up, the situation changed quickly. They were able to slide all the way in, making her feel, absolutely full. Rather than pain, she now felt like they were itching a scratch she had never knew was there. Every time they pressed in, it shot shivers up her spine. She wished they could just push in forever. It did not take long before she came harder than she ever had before, digging her nails into the ropes that held her. Even after she clenched with orgasm, they continued thrusting, making her cum over and over.

Despite the pleasure, she is relieved when they finish, their spasming body pressing down heavily on top of her. At this point she is not sure how much more she can take. Her body is sore from being used and she is exhausted.

She never thought this is how her boyfriend would behave. He was always so kind and gentlemanly. Did her helplessness turn him into some sort of sex monster? Is this how he really was? It was him right? It felt so different each time…. but it had to be him, who else could it be? She laid there wondering when he was going to let her go and how many more times he could possibly fuck her.

Again, it felt like hours that she was left, just laying there. Not knowing what would happen next. Finally, she drifted off to sleep again.

When she awoke this time, she was still alone. But now she felt a little slack in the rope on her right wrist. Instead of pulling, she moved towards the rope. It worked, it loosened the rope just enough that she could slip her hand out! She quickly removed the blindfold and other restraints. Freedom! She stretched her arms and legs, relishing her refound mobility. Working her jaw up and down after taking out the gag, she looked around the room. Her phone was on the bedside table, but it was dead. she plugged it in and turned it on. Sitting down as she waited for it to turn on she winced at the pain in her bottom. Not only was it sore all over but it was still slick and sticky. The pain reminded her if the spankings and she leaned into the soreness, reliving the pleasure.

When her phone turned on she saw it was the next morning. She had been stuck there for almost a full day! She had 2 missed phone calls and a voicemail from a number she didn’t know and 5 text messages. She was going to start by texting her boyfriend and telling him how much trouble he was in for last night. As she pulled him up, she saw 2 of the missed texts were from him:
“hey babe, got caught up in a thing at work, can’t make it tonight, so sorry, I will make it up to you though!”

And then 4 hours later:
” hope you are not mad at me for bailing, I promise it was an emergency. Hope you are having a great night, just wrapping up work now, hopefully I can swing by in the morning?”

Uhhhhh.. what? Now she was confused. What happened to her last night? Checking her other texts, two were from her mom with a recipe for banana bread. The other was from her roommate Ashley saying:
“I forgot my phone charger so I am going to swing back and pick it up, Steve should be by later, he thought maybe around 6, hopefully that doesn’t mess with your dinner plans!”

The voicemail was apparently from the cable guy saying ” I should be able to fix everything from outside, but I might need to adjust a few things inside. Let me know if that is a problem, thanks”

She tries to process this in her mind. What happened last night? And why does she want it to happen again?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/r3w4ma/fit_to_be_tied


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