Becoming the Concubine part 03

After eating, Hanae felt the familiar sensations of needing to attend to her bodily functions. She tugged gently on the cuff, got Jonathon’s attention, and using sign language, indicated her need.

Jonathon helped her to her feet, took her out behind his tents. He led behind a row of bushes, and she saw the latrine, basically, a hole dug in the ground. He pointed to that and led Hanae over. He turned his back to allow her a modicum of privacy, standing on the other side of the bushes. With the cords still keeping their cuffs attached, she would not be escaping that way.

He handed her a package of something she had never seen before. It was small squares of paper, soft, and she realized that this was to be used for cleaning afterward. This was a revelation, before, she had always used whatever was handy, usually leaves or grass, to wipe herself after. The white men had some very interesting things with them.

She took the familiar position, and let out soft sounds of relief as she voided her bladder and bowels. The paper was much softer than grass and leaves, and they were discarded down into the pit.

Hanae quickly came around the side of the bushes to stand next to Jonathon. He looked at her and said, “Feel better?” until he remembered she couldn’t speak the language. She may not have known what he was saying, but she caught the temperament of the words and nodded.

He led her back inside, she saw the cage but steeled herself. The remembered talk of allowing her out of the cage if she accepted her place and behaved herself stayed firmly in her mind, she actually walked ahead of him, stepping in, and being docile as he removed the cuff, and closed the door.

Hanae lay down, with all that had happened today, she was tired, and when she closed her eyes, she was asleep in a minute, wrung out by all that had occurred to her.

Jonathon watched her sleep a few moments, then crept quietly outside. He stood, surveying the land, and reflecting on all that had happened.


It had been a hectic time in the royal court, the King was desperate to produce a male heir, but his age and his lack of sexual prowess were not getting the Queen pregnant. The King sent for Jonathon, his closest personal advisor, and told him point-blank that he wanted him to have sexual relations with the Queen, get her pregnant, and hopefully, he would get that make that male heir. The King would be out on a “scouting trip” that would be the cover story for a 3-day absence, and Jonathon would have sex with her as many times as possible. So long as he made no personal claims as to the child they might produce, he was given the go-ahead.

Jonathon was nervous, being tasked with such a responsibility, but when he entered the Queen’s private bedroom, he saw the welcoming smile, she was wearing only a simple bodice, stiffened with whalebone. There was a rigid element, called a busk, also made of whalebone at the center front of the garment, to keep the bodice straight and upright. The bodice was laced in the back, this was a garment he had never seen before, at that time, it was a garment reserved for the aristocracy.

She beckoned him closer, and softly said, “Jonathon, please unlace me, so you can see all of me.”

“Yes, your majesty.”

“No royal titles in the room, my real name is Anne. please use my real name.”

Yes, Anne, I will.”

Being able to call her majesty by her real name was a heady experience, and when the bodice was unlaced, she slipped it off and turned to face him. Jonathon started, she was like a fine work of art. She had been a Norwegian princess, and like the King, Jonathon was awed by her beauty. The classical light blonde hair and deep blue eyes, a finely shaped Nordic face, a bosomy pleasing fullness, and wide, childbearing hips, a shaped tuft of light blonde hair covering her womanly entrance, she was obviously a perfect wife for breeding, and he would be the one to plant that seed.

Anne lay back, and Jonathon hastily stripped, his manhood was more than ready. He enjoyed the look in her eyes as she saw his staff, and when he placed it against her and started to enter, she arched her hips up to meet his penetration, and he kept going, hearing a loud purr in his ears as he surged fully.

“Mmmmm, so mice to feel the hard eager thrust, I have missed that so much. Give me a child, you sweet man.”

Jonathon was too excited to make it last, in less than two minutes, he was shaking and shuddering, his staff erupted, spraying rich ribbons of seed into Anne’s cunt, giving her as much as he could produce.

The Queen was very lusty, she had been denied a healthy outlet for sex, and here was the answer to her needs, for the next three days. He was amazed when Anne quickly went down on his staff, his very first time of oral sex, his gasp sounded as he was treated to a very talented mouth, licking and sucking, bringing him back up to a hard and ready state.

She took to her hands and knees, the pink folds visible to him, and purred, “Do it again, we must keep going, neither of us knows when the seed will be planted.”

Jonathon was happy to do so, and this time, his cock needing to recharge, he savored the ride, his pole plunging to the very depths, the hot wetness of her womanhood clasped at his surging cock. Anne slipped two fingers down, stroking at the hard nub of flesh that had risen up to her fingers. It was always so stimulating, she had stroked that hard button many times to give herself release.

Jonathon was plowing her, he heard her make loud groans and cries, and she felt the vibrations through her cunt as she hit her female release. That powered him along, and she got another release as he stiffened up, growled, and fired another rich load into Queen Anne’s womanhood.

He was amazed, female release was so unexpected, he had bedded many ladies, and only 1 or 2 had reached that release. Here was a lady who had reached that point twice!


When the three days were up, Jonathon was drained. Queen Anne had been insatiable, and he had taken his pleasure, and hers, over and over. She had taught him all about her special spot, the hard nub of flesh that would rise when hood covering it was stimulated, and had taught him how to perform oral sex on her.

The tastes and textures of her womanly folds were nothing short of amazing, and with her hands to guide his head, he licked and laved at the special spot, bringing the Queen to a noisy, gushing release. That of course would drive him back up to his full 9 inches, and he would plunge into her welcoming cunt, riding her shapely body as she writhed beneath him, her cries and moans of pleasure filling the room as she would enjoy release many times as he exploded more of his potent seed into her.


Two months later, it was confirmed that the three days Jonathon had spent with her had yielded results, the Queen was pregnant. The royal court was riven with tension, and the time passed, and the Queen’s belly swelled with the growing life force. Right on schedule, a baby boy was born, he was a strong and healthy baby, and the King had his royal heir.

Jonathon had received a sizable payment and was given complete control of the King’s army, there was a mission to be embarked upon. The spices of the Orient and the jade figures that had been discovered were highly sought after treasures, and the King was determined to stake his claim to the land and its treasures. He had read the accounts of the Italian explorer Marco Polo, and the lure of such riches made him eager to get in on the riches.

Just before they left, Jonathon was instructed to keep the army in check. They had sworn allegiance to him as the King’s sole representative, and the King did not want excessive bloodshed. He wanted the local populations to be placated. Fight only when necessary against military resistance, and no rampaging, looting, or destroying of captured territory. Trade or barter for what the King desired, he gave him a knowing look and added that if the men wanted to take sexual liberties with the comely maidens, that was fine with him.

The accounts from Marco Polo, that the women of the Orient were very exotic looking, no doubt the army would want to get in on it, and Jonathon was to keep it in control, as best as possible.

He was able to do so. Armed resistance was sporadic, he granted several men the liberty at each stopping point, and they went and relieved their sexual tensions on the alluring looking women. Jonathon, as the leader, had not partaken, needing to keep control.

Where they were now was the farthest reaches, a huge ocean stretched away to the East. With them having reached the limit of Eastward expansion, Jonathan had finally been able to take his pleasures, and with that alluring Oriental he had taken yesterday, and this even more exotic beauty who called herself Hanae, this was a good place to base his encampment.

He looked forward as the sun started to descend, of taking the exotic Hanae again. The craftsmen who had come with the army had constructed a bed, and he would take her in more comfort.



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