Pirates, Thieves and stowaways part 5

( soft core pirate themed erotic fantasy)(TW violent interrogation no sex)

Chapter 5: justices to the Tyrant officers

The pirates gathered the living and corralled them on the main deck the body of an officer who was still twitching lay across a cannon in view. A swarthy man in a teal green headscarf and a reddish brown beard stood off to the right. a scrawny half orc with patchy green and pail pink skin stood to the left. In center was a lady that stood medium tall with purple red curls. From which protruded a pair of knife like pointed ears. Each ornately decorated with fine silver and pearls. Around her waist was draped fine sashes and belts with twin swords sharing a scabbard at her hip.

“ each of m yeu are ‘ere becaue’ of ze decisions of yeur betters. Many out yeu takon away vrom your o’mes. Our fight is agains zhose who o’ppress yeu. We welco’me zhose who wish to join our ra’nks to step forwa’rd now. “ the elf said through a thick accent.
Dunkin stood up and stepped forward. “ I would like to join “ he said calmly. He then recognized the man who stood to the right. Dunkin froze as the man locked eyes with his.

“ why you unlucky little shit. You’re that street rat who made off with the key.”
The bearded man said in almost boyish disbelief.
“ Tobi’as yeu Kno’ zhis man ? “
The elven woman asked.
“ man hardly but yeah we’ve crossed paths before. He’s a sneaky little blighter.”
He’d make a good top man if he’s got the stomach fer et .”

Tobias looked Dunkin over and smiled. “ besides he owes us and maybe he knows where the key is”
Dunkin gulped audibly

A shill scream came up from the hold followed by a onslaught of curses slurs and insults. Soon four pirates carried out a young lady with freckles and auburn hair. Klair was flailing her arms and legs about trying desperately to slip the hold of her criminal escort.

They swiftly placed her among the prisoners and went about there duties. One approached the elvish woman “ found this one hiding out in the treasury. looks like she made a corpse of a navy man. She’s got salt. Might be useful.” He said with a casual bravado.

“Make sure se ca’rgo is approve’d by Monsieur Thorn. I Do not wan’ use’less tings aboard my vessel.”
The pirates rolled his eyes as he went on his way.
Turning there attention to the tasks at hand, the three pirates exchanged knowing looks and nods. Then the man with a reddish beard stepped forward “ all right, I am Tobias Whaler. all ye poor fools who have made up ye minds to go a pirating, step forward And follow me. all ye with moral fiber, stay put and stray dog will sort you out.” Dunkin stepped forward swiftly and stood next to Tobias as though he were already a member of the crew.

Truthfully he had no desire to turn pirate but he felt that any opportunity to get off this damn ship was welcome.
She looked over at klair with her new shirt torn And more then a few navy men and pirates eying the young lass. He locked eyes with her and tried to convey that she should also join the pirates.

Klair hated pirates ever since she was a lass she hated there swaggering, there brutish behavior and general lawlessness.
But the ugly truth was she hated being on a navy ship even more. The look of these pirates frightened her but the look of the elven woman was striking and klair thought, if this woman can make a place among pirates then so could I. She slowly got to her feet and walked towards Dunkin and stood next to him.

As they stood up to join the crew of sea rovers a group of officers with there fine uniforms torn and there bodies beaten and bloody, were led by a handful of pirate to the main mast of the OwlBear. They were bound together around the base. And a older man with a grey beard and one arm stepped Forward to address the hostages.

“ each of ye are officers in a tyrant empire and as such you are guilty of its crimes. Such as aggressive expansion, Forced labor, torturous interrogation and many more.” He nodded to a pirate crewmen and the man pulled out a pistol and shot the closest officer to him. The shot officer slumped over bead in his bounds. The others squirmed and yelled out curses and slurs as there Conrad sat there in a growing pool of blood and brain mater.

“ that man should be counted as lucky. For if you should refuse to divulge the information that we seek. Each of you will face a far worse fate.” The one armed man waved over what looked like a halfling who carried a iron chain with a heavy led ball tethered to one end.
The halfling clasped the chain to the around the neck of a struggling officer.

The halfling stood aside his work complete and two large pirates, one a half orc with patchy skin and thick muscles and the other a northborn with a pail complexion and light blond hair.
The grabbed a hold of the officer’s arms and the halfling removed the ropes tethering him to his comrades. Leaving the rest bound to the mast they drug the chosen officer to the rail and bent him over the side. The ball and chain hanging heavily over the side.

the one armed pirate walked over to the chosen officer and grabbed the mans belt firmly. “ where is the captain and where is the key?”
The officer whimpered incoherently and flailed his legs trying desperately to avoid his surly gruesome fate. “ now lad speak clearly. I be having a hard time understanding ye. Tell me again where is the captain.”

The officer regained his composure in a moment of defiance. “ you might as well throw me over board I’ll not tell you anything.”
The one armed pirate grinned “ that can be arranged.” He hoisted up the mans belt and flipped him over the side into the dark oblivion. The halfling and the two large pirates prepared the next hostage for interrogation. The officer Geared at the pirates “ cruel heartless scum !” One gnashed through gritted teeth.

“ cruelty as a matter of professional credulity lad? I imagine you have more then enough experience with displays of authority. How many man have tasted your cat of nine? How many have you given the order to keelhaul. The cruelty i offer is a kindness to the depravity of naval officers.” The idol pirates started to gather around the mast to watch the proceedings.

“Now you were so kind as to speak up you can tell me what’s the captain is or I send another over the side. My boys will keep tossing me until you talk.”

The two large pirates started to carry the next officer kicking a writhing over to the rail. Tossing the heavy led ball over the side. Jerking the poor man overboard.
“Tick rock mate your running out of friends.” The halfling said with a evil grin As he prepared the next officer for his early demise. All of the officers sat silently and started daggers at the pirates.

The two large men threw the next officer over and he met his doom. Enjoying themselves as they began prepared the next to follow suit.
“ Alright!” The officer spoke. The older buccaneer sat down on a near by barrel.
“Now we are getting somewhere.”
The rest of the hostages flailed and protested but soon fell silent as the found pistol and blade in their faces as they began to protest.

“ the captain took a smaller ship to cliffs crest on business three days ago. I don’t know anything about a key.”

The elder pirate smiled “ start you are for volunteering that bit of information. What be your name lad? “
“ my name is Randal Parkindale first mate of the OwlBear.” The man said in a dignified tone despite his bonds.
“ well I thank ye mr. Randal Uh Parkin…dale was it?” The one armed man asked in earnest. The first mate nodded. “ good Is hate to misremember you. “ he then pulled out a pistol and shot the first mate in the face. He stood up from his barrel and nodded to the crew of pirates awaiting his order. They punched on the hostage officers, shooting and stabbing them each to death.

The one armed man stood broad shouldered and hunched his shaggy grey hair sticking to his sweat soaked face a patch covered a missing eye. He wore a deep green overcoat and spotted a large tricorn hat adorned with a large orange cockril tail feather. His pistol was massive and had a sizable axe head attached to it’s muzzle.

He walked over to the gathering recruits, looking them over he snorted through his nose gruffly “ welcome aboard the noon wraith I am it’s quarter master Augustus Thorn . Step up and sign the codex , join the ranks of the free. then grab a bit of cargo from the approved piles and stow them below deck aboard the wraith. we are setting this tub ablaze so grab anything you don’t want on the bottom of the sea. And step lively.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qx0n4f/pirates_thieves_and_stowaways_part_5