Free Use Resort – Chapter 4

I woke up to the sunlight drifting into the room and the sound of the shower running. “Good morning my love,” I said, standing at the toilet peeing.

“Good morning to you. I’m about done in here, do you want to come in or should I turn the water off?”

“Leave it running,” I said. I showered quickly then put on swim trunks. Leslie put on her one piece swimsuit with a coverup over it. We walked out the door in time to make it to the restaurant to meet Juan and Meg as they walked up.

“Good morning, did you two sleep well,” Jaun asked.

“Yes, I don’t think I moved all night,” Leslie said.

“I don’t think she did either. How about you guys?” I asked as Leslie told the hostess we needed a table for four.

“After some amazing sex, yes,” Meg said.

We followed the hostess to our table.

“No wristband this morning?” Leslie asked Meg after we were seated.

“Not yet, I don’t like to have my meals interrupted. Some women, well men too, will put it on as soon as they get here and never take it off until after they leave. I can’t do that. Sometimes I need a break and eating is definitely one of those times.”

The waitress arrived to take our drink orders and let us know we could help ourselves to the buffet. On my way back from the buffet I noticed a man under a table eating a lady’s pussy. I stopped to watch for a second. As he licked her she ate her breakfast as though nothing was going on under the table. I noticed she wasn’t wearing a wristband. I continued to my seat and glanced back over to see him crawling out from under it then walked away.

“So what do you guys have planned for the day?” Meg asked.

“I think we’re going to relax on the beach first. Then maybe move to the pool after lunch. Such a hard life,” she said, laughing, then added, “What about you?”

“I’m getting a message at 2:30 today, other than that nothing planned. Pool. Beach. Sex. More sex. Really that is the point in coming to this place. Don’t get me wrong the food is good and the beach is wonderful but neither compare to the sex that is available. Something about having your way with a person in public and them not being able to tell me no is such a turn on. I’m getting wet just thinking about doing it. I wish one of you were wearing a bracelet,” Meg said, wiggling her ass in the chair.

“Your horrible Meg,” Leslie said with a giggle.

“You and me before I leave. That’s my goal.”

Leslie screamed and jumped in her chair as Meg winked at me.

“What is wrong with you?” I asked.

“Meg rubbed her toe against my coochie. It startled me.”

We finished breakfast, parting ways with Meg and Jaun, they made other plans. Leslie took hold of my hand as we walked the stone pathway leading to the beach. Now that it was later we began to see more people and more of them were walking around without clothes.
“Can you believe Meg, saying she wanted to get with me before they left?”

“It doesn’t surprise me. You’re hot,” I said.

She stepped in front me quickly then kissed me, her tongue searching for mine as she parted her lips. My hands gilded down her body until they reached her ass. I took both cheeks in my hands, squeezing them as I pulled her hard against me. I could feel myself swelling inside my swim trunks. Leslie pushed back against me.

“Not yet naughty boy,” she said, wagging her finger at me then letting out a yelp as she backed into a man that tried to squeeze by her. Leslie quickly stepped forward, “I’m so sorry.”

He was sporting a raging boner, sticking out in front of him, “My pleasure. Bracelet?”

Leslie shook her head holding out her wrists for him to see.

“What a shame. We could’ve had fun together,” he said as he continued past us.

We walked a few steps, Leslie looked behind us before speaking, “Oh my gosh baby. His dick went right between my legs. I felt it against my pussy.”

“Oh really? Were you wishing you wore the wristband when he asked?” I asked. We stepped down onto the sand.

“Stop it. No. I only want you baby,” she said.

We found an empty cabana and spread our towels out on the lounge chairs. Leslie took off her coverup. I sat down watching her as she applied suntan lotion then looked around the beach. There were a little more than a couple of dozen couples on the beach now. Some wore swimsuits but most didn’t. Leslie was the most conservatively dressed woman on the beach in her one piece. She laid down then pulled out her book to read.

I watched from behind my dark sunglasses as naked or nearly naked woman walked past. Some alone but most with a man. A few of the men walked by with the cocks erect, bouncing up and down as they strolled by reminding me of an orchestra’s conductor’s wand waving in the air. Most were semi-hard, their dicks swinging back and forth like a pendulum on a grandfather clock. A few looked like they were barely old enough to be here with the other end of the spectrum covered by several couples that looked like someone’s grandparents. One particular older lady walked by with an amazing body, there was a doctor somewhere that made enough off her to pay off his student loans.
“What is that he has on his cock?” I asked in a low voice as a man strolled our direction without clothes.
Leslie lowered her book, looking up at the man. It looked like a small plastic sock with a hole in the end of it. The pink plastic was less than two inches in length and encased his cock completely. As he neared I could make out a small padlock at the top of it next to his stomach.

“I don’t know. I’ll ask.”

Before I could stop her Leslie called to the man and motioned him over. I rubbed my forehead with my hand embarrassed.

“What’s that on your dick?” She asked when the man stopped between out chairs.

“It’s a cock cage. My wife likes me to wear it,” he said looking down at my wife then over to me.

“What’s it do?” Leslie asked, sitting up to get a closer look.

“Keeps me from getting hard and playing with my dick. Or have sex too. You can touch it if you want.”

Leslie looked at me, “Go ahead. I’m not worried about him fucking you.”

“Hush,” she said, then looked back to the man’s dick locked up. “You sure?”

“Yeah,” he said, taking a step closer to her. I noticed he wore a rainbow bracelet, when he turned slightly facing Leslie I could see there was a plug in his ass.

Leslie took the small plastic piece between her thumb and forefinger. She lifted it up then moved it from side to side. “Oh I see now. Yeah, you can’t take this off without removing that lock can you?”

“Right. My wife holds the key to it,” he said as Leslie turned loose of him, letting the little caged dick drop back down.

“Thanks for letting us look at it.”

“You’re welcome. Would either of you like me to do anything for you?”

“Like what?” Leslie asked naively. I covered my eyes and shook my head.

“Anything really. I could lick your pussy for you or if you want to watch I could suck his cock or he could fuck my ass if you would like to see that. Whatever you want.”

“Oh, no, we’re fine. Thank you very much though,” she said, her face turning red.

“You sure. I eat ass too,” he said, turning to look at me.

I shook my head, giving him a thumbs up trying not to laugh.

“Okay. You guys enjoy your day,” he said, moving away.

“You too. I’m sure you’ll come across someone that will let you do those things for them any minute,” Leslie said.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I asked after he walked off.”

“I thought he meant get us a drink or something. I didn’t know he was willing to lick your ass. I think that was the most awkward conversation I’ve ever had,” she said, her face still pink from the encounter.

“You should have experienced it from my point of view. I thought I was going to burst out laughing when I saw the look on your face. It was priceless,” I said as she picked her book back up to read again.

I sat there another hour watching couples and singles walking by. I compared tits from one lady to another, ladies asses, men’s asses to ladies asses. I marveled at all the different sizes of dicks, some so small they were almost innies, and others porn star big but most were closer to my above average. Watching porn at home I’d only seen the giant dicks they use to make girls scream. It made me feel more confident about my cock after seeing so many that were the same size or smaller.

“I’m bored,” I said. There was only so much I could take of watching naked people walking by. What I really wanted to do was take Leslie back up to the room and nail her. Better yet right here in front of people watching.

“I’m getting to a good part in my book. Go find something to do. You don’t need to sit here babysitting me,” she said, turning a page in her book.

“You sure?” I asked, swinging my legs off the lounge and wiggling my toes in the sand.

Leslie looked at her phone, “It’s almost 12:30. Meet me back at the room at 2:00 then we’ll go do something together.”

“Okay,” I said. I decided to explore the island. I knew it wasn’t very big after seeing it from the boat yesterday but it was big enough to lose yourself in for a couple of hours.

I picked up a couple of bottles of water then headed down the beach thinking, At worst I’ll walk in a big circle ending up where I started.
After 20 minutes of walking I was no longer able to see the cabanas where I left Leslie and the beach ended with the shoreline turning into jagged rocks. An unmarked trail to my right led into the interior of the island.

I brushed a palm leaf aside as I stepped from the sand into the jungle. The trail was not much more than a thin path, less than that in some spots. Once it seemed to end completely until I was able to spot it again ten feet away.

I was thinking of turning back as I heard voices and movement ahead of me. I stopped, looking around as I listened to see where it was coming from. To my left, maybe a hundred yards off, I could see movement. They would be crossing in front if they continued the same direction.
I moved forward a few more steps until I could clearly see a pathway crossing in front of mine. I looked back the direction they came from, able to see them more clearly. There were two large black men leading a group of four females and two males with another behind the group. The odd part was the six in the middle, they were chained together. Each wore a steel collar with a chain going from their front and back.

“The blonde one with big tits will bring a lot of money,” the leading man said with his mates agreeing.
“What will we do with the man with the tiny dick? No one will buy him.” Another said, making his friends laugh.

Holy shit. No wonder it’s so cheap to stay here. They are selling guests into sex trade. They are human trafficking, I thought. I watched as they passed by a few feet away with me squatting low to keep from being seen. Oh wow. That is a small dick.
I watched until they were almost out of sight then followed behind on the trail. I wanted to make sure I could tell the authorities where they were taken when I got back to the resort. Hopefully there isn’t another dock on this side of the island and they are moving them in a few minutes.
It wasn’t long and I started hearing the waves crashing against the shore again. As a covered pavilion came into sight I could see they were taking their captures into it. I moved off the trail again, ducking into jungle growth to move closer. I took my time edging as close as possible.

By the time I got to a good spot two of the girls were unchained from the group. One bent over with her arms and head locked in a stockade. Her feet spread apart with cuffs around her ankles that were fastened to rings. The rings were attached to the concrete floor. She was completely helpless.

The second one was bound to a padded table with her legs spread wide. They unchained the other two women, leading one to a large wooden X and attaching her arms and legs to it. The fourth lady was bent over a padded sawhorse, her ankles and wrists were bound to rings attached to the floor.
I noticed she was wearing a black wristband. I looked at the other three women bound, they were wearing black bands too. So were the men.

The two men were next, one was bound to another sawhorse and the last one was put in the remaining stockade. After all the captives were locked in place the men undressed.

“Which you want first?” One of them asked the leader.

“I want the tiny dick one. I want his wife to watch him suck my cock,” he said moving to the man bent over the sawhorse.

“No, don’t. We can pay you. We have a lot of money,” said the lady bound to the X.

He walked over to the man grabbing a handful of his hair, lifting his head up he bent down to look in his eyes. “No teeth. If I feel any teeth I’ll fuck your ass instead of your mouth. Understand?”

“Please don’t. She’s right. We can pay.”

I couldn’t take any more. I crawled away slowly. When I was far enough away I jumped to my feet, pushed my way through the limbs and leaves to the path they came down. As soon as I was on the path I ran as fast as I could for the main building. I needed to tell someone what was happening so it could be stopped.
I burst open the doors of the lobby, running across the floor to the main desk.

“Can I help you sir?”

“I saw. Out there. I saw,” I tried to catch my breath. What if everyone is in on it?

“What did you see?”

I shook my head, backing away from the desk. “Nothing.”

There must be someone I can tell, I thought walking out of the lobby heading to the pool. Juan and Meg were sitting at the swim up bar. I jumped into the pool feeling the cool water against my body as I made my way to them.

“You’re not going to believe what I saw.”

Both of them turned their heads looking at me. “Oh, hey. Have a seat. Where have you been?”

“I was out in the jungle going for a walk. I think they,” I paused looking around to make sure none of the staff were near then lowered my voice and leaned in closer to them. “I think they are doing human trafficking here. I saw them walk a group of people to the other side of the island then tie them all down to different things. I-“

Juan started laughing followed by Meg.


“That’s the BDSM excursion. It’s pretty hot. We did it last year.” Meg said while laughing.

“You thought it was real?”

I nodded my head and they laughed even harder.

“It looked pretty real to me,” I said, a little mad.

They’re laughter was dying down. “It’s role play, it’s supposed to be realistic. That’s part of the fun.”

I thought about it for a minute, “Fuck.”

“What?” Juan asked.

“That’s hot. I would’ve stayed to watch it if I’d known that. I need a beer.” I waved my hand, getting the attention of the bartender.

“Yes sir?” He said after walking over.

“Bud Light, please.” I noticed Meg was wearing a rainbow ban on her wrists. I’d like to see Leslie make Meg eat her pussy.

Juan was wearing a gray one around his wrist, I assumed it was blue. Or maybe tell them both to lick her pussy at the same time.

“What are you so deep in thought about?” Meg asked after my beer arrived.


“Nothing? You sure were staring at Juan’s bracelet hard. Trying to remember which color means what. Blue is opposite sex. But I could have him put on the green or rainbow one for you if you like.” She said with a wink.

“Oh no. It wasn’t anything like that,” I looked around then decided to continue. “I was thinking it might be fun to watch you two eating Leslie’s pussy at the same time.” I could feel my face turning red as I said it.

“That sounds great. By the way, where is she?”

“She was reading on the beach. I’m supposed to meet her at 2:00 in the room.”

“You better get going. It is almost 2:30 now. I’m about to leave for my message.”

“What are you going to do Juan?” I asked.

“Probably walk around to see if I can find anyone that wants to take advantage of my wrist band,” he said, holding it up in the air.

The three of us stood from our submerged bar stools, making our way to the steps. “You should take Juan back to your room so the two of you can use him. I’ve been told he sucks dick as good as me if not better.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “I would need to talk to Leslie about that first.”

“You do that and let me know. I’ll be hanging out here by the pool. For a little while,” Juan said.

They walked the steps ahead of me as we ascended from the water. I could see Meg’s tanned round ass bounce in her thong bikini bottoms. Juan wore a tight fitting swimsuit that was clinging to his ass. If it were a couple of shades lighter I got the feeling it would’ve been transparent.
They kissed as they parted then he turned to me. “I’ll be sitting over there,” he said, pointing to a group of chairs.

I ran up to the room eager to tell Leslie what transpired. I noticed the door wasn’t completely closed, shoved it open to the sight of my wife on the bed, her legs spread wide with her vibe on her clit and her dildo buried deep between her legs. She quickly grabbed the covers, trying to pull them over her as she rolled to the side without thinking. I don’t think she ever saw who entered the room before she rolled off the bed landing with a thud on the floor.

“Are you okay babe?” I asked, running to the bed leaving the door wide open.

“Fuck. That hurt. Yeah I’m fine,” she said, laughing at herself.

I offered my hand to help her up, watching her nude body as she stood. “Something get you worked up?”

“I guess you could say it did. After you left a lady came over dragging a much younger guy with her. Both of them naked. She looked at me then laid down on the chair you were sitting on. Then she told the guy to to fuck her while I watched. I never realized how hot it could be to watch people fucking a few inches from me.”

“Did you know you didn’t shut the door all the way?”

“Yeah. I thought it would be exciting for someone to catch me jilling. I left it like that and was imagining someone coming by and peeking. Watching me getting myself off. I guess it was more fantasy than it was reality, when you opened the door it scared the shit out of me.” She picked up the vibrator and dildo from the floor as she talked.

“I ran into Meg and Juan. Meg was going to her message and kept mentioning that I should let Juan suck my cock while he was waiting for her. I would’ve never guessed he was bi.”

“It would be hot to watch,” Leslie said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

“What? Since when have you been into that sort of thing?” I asked, stunned at her remark but oddly my cock grew hard with her revolation.

“As long as I can remember. I think it’s the taboo part of it that turns me on so much. It’s really no different than you wanting to watch a female eat my pussy.” Her hand absently went between her legs.

“I would like to see that. You would really want to see that, him sucking my cock?” I watched her hand moving between her legs, knowing it turned her in without needing an answer.

She nodded her head, “I’ll make you a deal. You let me watch him sucking you and I’ll let you watch Meg lick me.”

“Okay,” I said after giving it some consideration.

She flipped back onto the bed and spread her legs, inserting the dildo back into her pussy. “Get undressed. No wait. Go look out in the hallway. See if anyone is out there.”

I walked to the door and cracked it open enough to look both directions. “It’s empty.”

“Good. Hold the door open for me.” She pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy as she watched me open the door. The way she was laying on the bed her spread legs were facing the open door. She squeezed one of her big tits then pinched a nipple between her fingers.

“Fuck that’s hot. Imagining someone walking by seeing me like this. Stopping to watch me.” She let out a moan and laid her head back.

It didn’t take long for her fantasy to become reality. I heard something behind me and looked to see a man watching her. I froze for a second, wondering what I should do then went with it. I put my finger to my lips, signaling him to be silent. He nodded his head then went back to watching her.

“What would you do if someone walked by right now?” My dick was throbbing in my pants as I let the stranger watch my wife

“Oh fuck baby. I wouldn’t stop. I’d let them watch me fuck myself,” she said, moving her hand from her tit down to her clit. She rubbed it feverishly.

“I don’t want you to cum yet baby. If your close, slow down.” I said, I turned to look at her voyeur. He’d lowered his swimsuit enough to pull his cock out. His hand slid up and down as he watched Leslie.

“Please baby don’t do this. I’m so close right now. Don’t make hold it,” she begged.

“Only for a minute or so. It’s so sexy watching you fuck youself. I want to watch a little longer,” I started rubbing my cock under my swimsuit.

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Please baby. Please,” she whimpered, lifting her head to look at me.

I saw her eyes go wide as the vision of the man jacking off behind me came into sight. That was all it took for her. She rammed the plastic cock deep inside her pussy then let out a toe curling scream. I heard him grunt behind me and knew Leslie was watching him cum as her orgasm gripped her body, making her tense every muscle. Her legs started shaking as she turned loose of the dildo. It slowly slid out from between her swollen lips.


1 comment

  1. Awesome at the other chapters before. You should consider publishing this as a book once you got more chapters together.

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