The Matriarchy- Part 1

The sticky hair wax feels cool around my fingers, yet the subtle masculine smell has always brought a smile to my face. Even though this is now becoming routine for me, the familiarity of getting ready is calming. I dip my finger into the wax, then pull it out, then dip it back it, then pull it back out. Constantly I roll my fingers around in it and let it get all in-between my nails, as I dip my fingers in and out of the hair wax, penetrating it with force. I do this a few more times and as I do so with my other hand I brush my crotch slightly, hardening my dick underneath my dress pants. I look up at my own reflection in the mirror and connect the wax with my smooth hair. I enjoy the feeling of the wax synergistically combining with the fine texture of my hair, it makes me happy. As I slick my hair back, my minds eye begins to wonder as I start to remanence about the past.

The year is 2189. Reflecting back to humanity around two-hundred years ago I doubt anyone could have predicted this outcome. For the lack of a better word, things got “weird”, like really weird. No there aren’t any aliens, and artificial intelligence didn’t become all Terminator (it was a classic movie they made back in the 20th century, you should go watch it sometime). Nevertheless still weird, but it seems like most people now are ok with it being this way. Society seems to be functioning more in productivity, equally, and harmonious with nature. So how did this happen you may ask, how were we once facing the possibility of nuclear winter to now being at peace? Well, the answer is really quite simple we got rid of men.
Ok, hold on I know what you’re thinking, not all men, I mean I’m here. We needed a way to keep the population growing so out of twenty billion people currently inhabiting the earth, zero point one percent of them are men, I’ll make it easy for you that’s one-hundred-thousand men left. Hey, I know what you’re thinking, how horrible. Well surprisingly it all went pretty well, the women are happy, which is good because they are the ones in charge and I’m actually very happy too with how things turned out.
I know you must have a lot of questions, well let’s work through them together. The short answer is men became obsolete, but here is the long answer. It started in the 1960s with the world-famous feminist movement, then moment by moment things began to change. Divorce laws were very subtle, more women began getting degrees, while men dropped out to play video games or watch pornography. Then came the great automation wave. Men did a lot of professions like driving trucks, working in factories, managed finance, harvesting farms, and slowly one by one those professions were given to machines. They were faster and more proficient, then flesh and blood. To solidify the traditional feminine roles health care and education became more so in the hands of women. Women were the teachers, women were the doctors, women were even the sex workers. Men were being excluded out of those professions, women were the teachers and they made excuses like men weren’t caring enough to be nurses, or men are too perverted to become teachers, after the #MeToo movement in 2006 things got really ugly, the list goes on. After man invented artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence began reinventing itself. We asked AI to find solutions to cure global hunger, war, famine, and climate, it identified the root causes of all those travesties were humans, but more specifically men…
There were debates about this topic, debates that lasted decades about what to do. That’s when birth control got its scientific revolution. Maybe it wasn’t the men, maybe it was the power, as they say, absolute power, absolutely corrupts, but then why do women hardly ever harm their own children intentionally? In the year 2080 humanity was at a crossroads, we knew what the solution was, yet we didn’t know what to do about it. Finally, we asked the AI. What came next to some was a miracle, but to others, it was a complete and utter travesty. Humanity decided collectively that in order to control testosterone, we have to control the amount of testosterone being produced. It came on a nation-by-nation voluntary basis, but as the results developed, it became clear what the answer was. Women everywhere used state-of-the-art technology to abort male embryos after the first week of conception. Then if the embryos were set to develop female gentiles they would keep and raise the female children.
World wide the power had shifted. Women’s lack of testosterone, but high estrogen meant they were less power-driven, less egotistical, and much more diplomatic. Slowly, but surely wars stopped, famines resided as a more equal distribution of wealth slowly tricked down, and the global power imbalance became much more fair. So now how am I here, you may ask, how is a man still existing?
Well of course every revolution has small relicts of the past, how was the human population supposed to carry forward without men. Men create sperm, and sperm being the second half of the equation carries the other 23 chromosomes. Well, the women, they keep me locked up, so I don’t fuck things up through my testosteronal tendencies like starting wars, or hording resources, but they do spoil me quite nicely. I have my own mansion, with a gym, a swimming pool, a video game arcade, even a sex dungeon with a stripper pole. Even though I’m always being watched through the camera lens around the house, they watch over me and care for me. It was common sense that to keep men happy you give them food and you give them sex. The human race must continue to live through food and through sex, so it’s a win-win situation. The women create life, and I get to eat and have sex. The women have taught me to cook for myself, but once a week they bring me their left over food and let me eat like a king in his palace. Since women normally have a slower metabolism, there are often some nice left overs. With all the sex and food I have, I never want to really all that much, I stay pretty happy and sedated that’s for sure.

So what’s the catch you might ask? The women simply want me to look after my hygiene and stay healthy. They force me to shave daily, get a hair cut monthly, run and lift weights every day. They have me study to stay educated, and they train me in what they need me to do, which is pleasuring them. If I start gaining weight or I don’t shower daily I get disciplined, but as long as I stay fit and active they’re happy with me. Plus the bonus of having a six-pack at thirty years old isn’t a bad trade-off at all either. Now you must be thinking, that if the women are so busy running the world, then do they take care of themselves? Well, the only reference point I have is the older pornography that they let me watch in my free time, but it seems like it. Surprisingly women weren’t dressing up for men all that often, so much as they were dressing up for themselves, and competing again each other. As well with the DNA recombinant technology that came out back in the late 2060s people were being designed to be naturally healthier. Genetic disorders were eliminated, autoimmune disorders reduced, blood cholesterol levels were altered, and humans were just born to be healthier overall. Those humans carried their genes down generations, until about now. The women are naturally beautiful and look after themselves. I have noticed some variations though… Some women keep their leg or armpit hair, some shave, some women wear makeup, some go all natural. Some have styles that are always new to me. They come in, present themselves to me, then we usually make passionate love throughout the mansion. I cater to their desires like I was trained to do. Then I do this a few times a day, with a few different women to keep the population progressing. Most of the time I never see the women again, sometimes I do, it depends. There are a lot of factors out of my control, I think that they might talk about things when I’m not around. I was raised by women and to this day I have never seen another man, except for in movies or pornography, I think they keep us apart for fear of what we might do to each other.
It’s almost time for dinner, my six pm appointment should be arriving anytime now. She requested that I wear a tuxedo and that we have a steak dinner, so here I am finishing up my bow tie. I never usually know who the ladies are until they ring the door bell. I thought it was odd how the women forbade me from watching pornography today, they usually let me do what I like to do.
Ding Dong, the bell echoes. I adjust my cuffs, look at myself one more time in the mirror, and strut downstairs to answer it. I swing open the door and my eyes widen in amazement. I can already feel my pants get tighter…
