Empire Vader – Ch 2 (Vader, Luminara, Bariss Sith, Corruption, Creampie, Rough, Hardcore, Threesome, Breeding, Master/Pet)

Previous Chapters can be found on my Profile
The corvette was dark with none of its lights on. With a simple press of a button, a single shaft of burning blue light appeared to illuminate the corridor. Dark robes, once the robes of a Jedi, moved under the simple breeze of circulated air that had once kept over a hundred people alive. The number had dropped significantly during recent events.

Darth Vader prowled the corridor of the starship. This hunt brought him back to the galactic struggle that he had just finished up a short time ago.

‘I will not allow this upstart to threaten all the work I have done. All the work that my friends fought and died for…’

The blue glow of his lightsaber illuminated bodies. Many bodies. They were all clone troopers, not the 501st, but still warriors who had been made for a purpose. The poor souls had survived the Clone Wars, only to be butchered like farmers by the Sand People.

‘I will give them vengeance,’

Despite his drive for revenge, he realized that in the months ahead, he would have to decide if the clone troopers would be adequate now that the Clone Wars were over.

‘Focus, use the Force…’ Vader’s dead master’s words echoed in his mind. Obi-Wan may have been dead but his lessons still held value. The matter of dead clones and the surviving clones’ purpose was an issue for another day.

He moved ahead in his dark robes. Now and again, simple lighting coming through a viewport illuminated the black pieces of reinforced armor that he had replaced his armored collar and shoulder pieces with. His pace was slow and methodical and his impressive connection to the Force allowed Vader to sense the various hidden traps that had decimated the clone trooper boarding party.

‘Impressive work,’ Vader thought as he held the remnant of one of the hidden blaster and acid spray contraptions in front of his face. Whoever had designed the device was no novice. The Force told him that they were still on the ship.

‘Once I get to them, their end will be as swift as that of the clones they killed,’

Up ahead, the corridor diverged into three paths. One went forward, while the split would allow him to go left or right. He planned to go forward, even before his senses alerted him to the trap.

Six assailants attacked the Dark Lord of the Sith. Some melted from the shadows with blasters, while others seemingly popped into existence above Vader. They were only six and he was one, but it took him only six seconds to dispatch them. The one who survived the longest died clutching her throat. Her death dragged on after she had hurled a trio of deadly stars at the Sith’s right arm. His artificial hand was spared, but when he saw blood pouring from fresh wounds to his shoulder and bicep, Vader saw red and decided to enjoy the excited noises of the woman’s strangulation.

“Krannus calls….Krrahkkkk!!!” With her neck snapped, her body slumped to the ground. The dark, armored figure moved forward. He had grown tired of delays and sensed that he was close to his target after dispatching with the death cultists.

Wrenching open an armored door; he spotted a familiar face working hard on a data terminal. They were close to the hanger, and he quickly surmised that her plan had been to flee while the cultist slowed the invader down. Too bad for the Mirialan, Vader was not just another clone trooper.

“Skywalker…” Barriss said quickly and softly. She took a step back away from the panel, and then her hand whipped forward and pressed a device on her risk. Two double-barreled laser turrets dropped down, gunning to turn him into atoms in seconds. Vader raised a black-gloved fist and both turrets angled up towards each other, fired and eliminated themselves shortly after they had been revealed. Chips of the broken trap rained down across the space around them as Barriss quickly pulled out two lightsabers.

“I will not forgive you for what you did to my apprentice. But you can still serve”

“You’re a fool. I tried to save the Jedi Order, Skywalker. You have destroyed it!”

“Sometimes, part of a forest must be burned so that the rest can flourish and survive. You have a choice now, Barriss. Kneel before me, or you will know my power,”

“You’re a shell of Anakin Skywalker. I actually know how to wield the power you claim to have. And you will die for your foolishness.”

Barriss flew towards him. The young woman had power certainly. The voraciousness of her attack allowed her to gain a few hits. Of course, none of them stopped Vader completely, and for a while he just toyed with the ex-Jedi.

Soon enough however, he grew bored of the game. With a clenched fist, Vader unleased his true power upon the green-skinned woman. Circuity, armored paneling and the other pieces of the corvette were ripped to pieces and tossed against the woman with complete ease. Battered and bruised and unable to slice through all the debris flying towards her, Barriss knew she had only one chance. A powerful attack, aided by the Dark Side; one that would kill Vader, but in all likely hood end her own life.


Anticipating her brush with the Dark Side, the dark suited and armored figure never had a concern about her attack. With a powerful Force Push and a swipe of his lightsaber, he stopped Barriss dead in her tracks and cut one of her lightsabers to pieces. The other he collected for the moment, an object that would serve his plans for Barriss. Beaten and nearly unconscious, the last thing the Mirialan remembered was Vader calling for something called Purge Troopers, and then she fell unconscious on the ground of her ship.


Barriss woke up in a very comfortable looking room. She wasn’t sure where she was, only that her hands and feet were bound by powerful electro-mechanical locks. Her body was still strained from her battle and no matter how badly she reached out for the Force; her connection couldn’t become strong enough to rip off the manacles. The door opened and was surprised to see her former Master brought in by a man and woman in simple black uniforms. Her master, Luminara Unduli wore a simple prison uniform. Through the Force, and some visible marks on her former teacher’s hands, it seemed that Luminara had not been gently cared for by whoever had captured the two of them.

‘Vader will pay for this!’

Suddenly Vader came in. He wasn’t wearing his armored combat gear any longer. All he wore were simple black robes, with a collar of the same dark leather that he had worn before he became Sith.

Seeing what she felt to be a familiar face, Luminara fell to her knees. “Anakin… please… do not make me go back to the Inquisitors. I will do whatever you wish,”

“He calls himself Vader now…” Barriss almost ended her sentence by saying Master, but she managed to stop herself.

Barriss tries to warn her Master that Vader is the reason they’re locked up, but nothing she says can get through.

Luminara’s eyes lower. “I thought I failed you for the longest time, my apprentice. But it was you who failed me. Now I must walk my own path to survive… Now, my lord. Just tell me what I must do…”
The green-skinned Jedi Master set her blue eyes on the impressive man in front of her.

“The Jedi have Fallen, but a new order can rise to safeguard the galaxy. I will need your help, and yours Barriss,”

Barriss turns away but her Master is already fully committed.

“I will do whatever you ask, Lord Vader…”

Vader was a bit gentle with her. Luminara felt a moment’s terror.

“It is alright. You know me Luminara. I am no Inquisitor,”

“Forgive me… my Master. I am glad you have gotten me away from them. I can sense your thoughts… your intent. If… if you really want me to serve you… then my answer is yes. I am your servant, Master. All I need is your seed…”

Luminara looked down over her body. Barriss could barely bare to watch as her weakened Master stroked her hands along her bare flesh. The former Jedi Apprentice could hardly think to see her Master have sex… let alone end up become pregnant with Vader’s child.

‘How can she do this?’

“We must adapt, my wayward student. As you once thought to help reshape the Order, we must adapt to the new world around us…”

Barriss’ blue eyes lowered, ashamed that she had forgotten about the strong bond that had been forged between them as Master and Apprentice. Close as she was now… it was as if they were both in each other’s minds.

‘Besides, above all else… I know how your body is feeling right now, Barriss…’ The green woman’s cheeks burned brightly. It wasn’t so much what her Master had just communicated to her, it was that Luminara had opened up a mental bridge through the Force so that he too… could hear echoes of their connection. Barriss’ hand clenched tightly, and she did all that she could to make sure Vader’s probing couldn’t underneath desires that were below the surface.

“You… you can do what you want, Luminara. I turned away from the Jedi, and the Order. He will not manipulate me with-” Barriss’ words trailed off as she watched Vader lift Luminara up through the Force and set her gently down on a large bed in the room. Quickly opening up her legs, Vader stroked and played with her dark, glistening green folds for a moment. Barriss’ spine straightened when she heard Luminara moan for that first time. After escaping imprisonment, Barriss had experimented here and there with a few lovers, but she had never heard such a noise from her Master. She felt shame, shame for how far her wise Master had fallen. Anger drew up alongside her first response.

‘This is the Council’s fault. They became blind and… and now he…’

“He is in charge… Remember your lessons Padawan. Everything is connected… The two of us… have been spared for a reason…” Luminara said softly while her moans continued to get hungrier by the second. The former Jedi could feel it, Luminara’s body’s natural urges being awoken after forced dormancy after such a long time. Barriss couldn’t believe her fellow Mirialan’s willingness about the situation. The man rubbing her pussy was…

‘He’s a monster,’ the young woman could feel it in her bones. And yet… even if she escaped this place… where could she go?

While Barriss struggled, Luminara was unprepared to give two thoughts to her former student. The energy rising up from her body was becoming more excited than any thought racing through her brain. As a humble Jedi who had followed the order, Luminara had given up any notion of ever having children. It now appeared, that the Force had other plans. The green beauty had been spared from whatever attack that decimated the Jedi. Instead of becoming one with the Force, here she was, about to become wone with Vader.

The man had blood on his hands, she could plainly sense that, but so did she.

‘The Clone Wars tarnished us all. Perhaps… this is the first step to our redemption…’ thought Luminara. The Jedi of old after all, had saved the Republic countless times. Where they had failed in the Clone Wars, perhaps, their new form starting here would be better, stronger, and more in tune with the Force than ever before…

‘I am here because the Force wills it. I am happy to do play my small role…’

As she was thinking about what that role would be like, Vader finally stopped playing with the petals of her sex and angled his massive spear of white flesh down towards her glistening opening. Luminara’s blue eyes narrowed in on his manhood. She knew basic biology… but this… well this wasn’t covered in the Jedi texts…

Suddenly, as Vader pressed forward, splitting her vaginal lips apart. Nearby, Barriss’ blue eyes couldn’t even blink to top looking as the muscular and attractive looking Human male claimed her former teacher’s pussy with his incredible-looking cock. Inside her clothes, a drop of precum dropped from her pussy and stained her panties.

“By the Force…” The younger Mirialan female said, not realizing she was talking aloud.

Meanwhile, Luminara bit her lip to keep from moaning, but the action quickly proved futile as Vader claimed her virginity with his first thrust, and then started pulling back. Her pussy hungered for his shape, pulling along to try to keep him inside, but his strength was too much for her. Luckily, he immediately speared back inside of her folds, driving much further than before.

Luminara reached out, hoping for the Force to answer her call and assuage her pain. As it greeted her, helping to ease the tension in her pussy while also preparing her body’s biological responses for what was to com, the green-skinned woman realized it had been a long enough time between now and her last Inquisitorial interrogation. Being able to feel the Force, even if was just like a soft finger touching her breath, gave her plenty of courage in what she was doing.

‘There is no way this is wrong… it feels so incredibly good…’

When she was able to stop herself moaning, Luminara hands tightened on the bedsheets being soiled by her womanly sprays of excitement and then looked up at Vader. “Please, my Master. Do not hold anything back… give me a child… let us breed a new Jedi togethruaaahhh!!!

Even as she broke out into a scattering of sensual cries and breathy moans, Vader could sense what she wanted. Slowly pulling back his muscular hips, Vader grabbed the busty woman by her ankles and dragged them up so that her feed became perched next to her ears. Once he got to see how flexible she was, he found out how incredibly tight the new position made Luminara’s slit. Of course, even as her cunt surged and warmed his cock, nothing held Vader’s terrible power back and soon hi s cock was smashing against the tender walls of the Mirialian’s deepest point.

The Sith and Jedi were too busy to really notice Barriss move over to the bed. She looked like a curious student once more, blue eyes eagerly drinking in Luminara’s tits bounce while Vader’s dick plundered every inch of her former master’s emerald and fleshy road. Through their connection, she felt Luminara’s mind flipping and tripping over itself from each new bubble of fiery energy the Sith’s thrusts manifested.

Barriss herself moaned out when Luminara felt comets of pure white-hot energy snapping out from her core all the way to her warm-green fingertips. Luminara’s mind swooned and her tongue fell out. Even when she had used nearly all of her energy healing clone troopers after a particularly devastating battle, nothing even had ever come so close as the explosion of sensations enhanced by the Force as her first proper orgasm did. With just two more surges, she felt her mind go utterly blank.

In those moments of blissful void, all the woman know was a spiritual warmth and totality. Before she even neared the edge o the mountain top, Vader let out a feral growl that barely sounded human. Then, as his cock planted itself to the hilt within Luminara’s green folds, the Sith Lord began blanketing her eager and fertile womb with fiery blasts of his palpable seed. Moving by instinct, and their ability with the Force, the two beings became bound together. Burning in concern, Vader and Luminara willed the man’s semen forward at great speed with sharp direction. At the other end, Luminara’s egg was prepared, eager and healthy, the other half of the intimate and most basic puzzle.

When the two forces met, Luminara’s eyes opened and she found herself looking into the purposeful and strained expression in Vader’s own eyes. At that moment, she could almost imagine it was Anakin Skywalker, pumping her womb full of his seed.

As Luminara’s legs twitched against her shoulders, her reverie was suddenly broken when she heard her former apprentice squawk out in alarm.

“Nowahahh… Me… I’m way stronger than her… It should be me!!!” Barriss screamed out as suddenly as if she had ignited a lightsaber.

Hanging over his latest conquered woman, and a Jedi to boot, Vader didn’t take his eyes from Luminara, but he did let out a small grunt of frustration. ‘It’s time Barriss learns her place,’

Rage at her insolence jerked inside his dark heart. The girl had not changed and was as selfish as she had been when she took the lives of Jedi, Clones and even some innocents when she could have just walked away from the Order.

‘Maybe she will learn responsibility, once she becomes a mother…’ Reaching out with his left hand, he lifted the insolent little bitch up and then used his power to eviscerate every last scrap of her clothing. As she floated near the two, Vader slowly turned her body around and then gently eased Luminara’s legs down so that she could rest. Rising up from the pussy that he had just implanted with his cum, Vader pulled his cock free from Luminara’s sex and turned towards her former student’s slit.

Shoving her down onto the ground, Vader kept a nice firm grip on Barriss’ slightly thinner form as he mounted her like the bitch in heat she had become. “You’re even weaker than I thought. Look how easily you gave in,”

“I don’t care… I don’t care what you say… just fuck me… I will stand by your side in the new galaxy. She can be a brood mare all she wants,” Barriss eyes looked to the side, but with the stranglehold on her body and with invisible fingers rubbing threateningly against her neck, she couldn’t even look at her former Master as Vader mounted her. She felt kind of lucky in that regard. Luminara wouldn’t be able to see the fear in her eyes as she felt the muscular man’s weight on top of her.

“We… we do need to get some things in orrdruaaahh!!!” Barriss screamed out sharply as Vader rammed his entire cock straight into her younger pussy.

‘By the Force. I’ve never taken a cock so big!’

“Vader… it… it’s too big… you can’t be so rough… huaahh… ohhuooh… Oh Starsusaahh!!!” Barriss bellowed like a ship tearing out of lightspeed. Nothing she had ever experienced with her other lovers came close to the powerful feeling utterly dominated by Vader. With every thrust, a new connection formed, one of the weak to the strong. It was surreal, feeling that she could do nothing to stop him, not that she wanted to.

“Yes… give… give me your cock… Make… makauuaahhh!!! Make me your vessel…” Suddenly, as her head continued getting jumbled by Vader’s continuous surges, the young woman being impaled by his exquisite cock noticed her Master moving out in front of her.

“That is now how we talk to our Master, young one,” Barriss tried to say that Vader wasn’t her Master and that she would bend him to her will, but suddenly her former Master stuffed her moaning mouth with the panties that Barriss had been wearing. Almost immediately, her eyes widened and her cheeks burned with the shame of accepting her new role. Her Master had clogged up her mouth with the panties that had become stained while she watched Vader pump Luminara’s womb full to the brim. Now, Vader was clogging up her own pussy from behind with excellent and thunderous strokes that made her mind and body tremble.

‘He’s going to break me… I… must… make him… cum…. No…. NO!… He is trying to make me cum…. He wants to please me… to gift me with his seed… I… there is no way I can fight him… I…. Iuauaah,’

Barriss’ mind boiled over as she was assaulted by the most fearsome explosion of pleasure she had ever experienced before. Never before had it felt like a cock was able to make her feel this way. Already she could sense her pussy reforming to the vastly superior size of the Dark Sider slamming into her young cunt from behind. In that instant of oblivion and broken focus, Barriss knew she had no chance at bending Vader to his will.

Moaning like a whore around the panties that had been stuffed inside of her mouth, Barriss eyes became scrambled and unfocused as her Master watched on. The only effort the former Jedi apprentice had left was used to inch her hips back a bit so that she could feel Vader’s cock bashing on the door to her womb.

‘Breed me… Breed my slutty hole! Please Master….’ Barriss thought through the Force, knowing that she and Vader were so close, her thoughts would be as loud as the lewd slapping of his hips against her tight green butt. Using the vast expanse of his power, Vader grabbed her neck and slapped down on her taut flesh before her entire body arched, locking down as she floated in a post-orgasmic breeze. The only thought that continued registered in the sweaty and sexually drained woman was a single word.

‘Cum… cum… cuuuuhhuummm…’ Eventually, when he felt confident the green bitch had learned her true place in his new empire, Vader unloaded a torrent of cum directly into Barriss’ pussy. The load was so huge if Luminara had been able to see it, the older Mirialan may have mistaken Barriss for already being slightly pregnant.

As Vader finished pouring his second load of the day into his second Force-Sensitive breeding stock, he pulled back, spanked the insolent girl with facial-markings for good measure and then rolled onto his back. Force willing, he knew that the girls would be pregnant with children soon enough. From the two of them, a seed of a new Force-Sensitive warrior group had been planted. When both of the naked Mirialan’s cuddled up to the powerful Human Sith, he allowed himself a dark grin knowing that now with both under his control, there was no way that either Barriss or Luminara would want to stop at just one child…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/qw92ab/empire_vader_ch_2_vader_luminara_bariss_sith