A Surprise Encounter with Sisters [MFF]

The summer after I graduated college, I spent a month backpacking in the Sierras. It was a retreat from the civilized world, as well as an attempt to decide where I wanted to go with my life, rudderless so far save for my love of the windswept wilderness. The many hours I spent plodding over stony crests and dusty troughs were the perfect therapy, my feet winding through the bleak landscape as my mind wandered yet farther.

Near the end of my trek, I made camp in a wide valley, a plateau between two peaks, verdant given the elevation, scattered patches of pine trees dotting the landscape. Some clumped together into a thicket traced the shoulder of a stream, running down from the foot of one of the peaks, an underground reservoir bursting forth and pooling into a placid lake. At night wind rushed through the saddle-shaped pass, funneled down by the unshakable steadiness of the bordering mountains, skating across the surface of the nearby water leaving ripples behind that slowly stretched and lapped at the brink of the land. I pitched my tent right next to the lake, enjoying an evening spent staring misty eyed into the dying tongues of a campfire, its reflection stretched along the mirror of the water, shimmering in a way that made it seem endless miles high.

My dreams while hiking had been exceptionally horny. Something about the distance and the isolation, awakening in me an ancient sensation, fooling my subconscious into believing I was on the hunt. What reason was there to journey so far abroad, on foot no less, in unknown terrain, save for the promise of the kill? My walking stick: surely a spear, whetted for the heart of a mammoth long extinct, to slay and butcher. Soon I must return to a band of fellow nomads to share my kill and reap its rewards beyond just the glory and sustenance: the promise of mates.

I dreamt of many women. Girls I had dated and those I had never met. Girls I hadn’t seen in years. Even my sister once, waking up half expecting her to be curled up in the sleeping bag with me. That was when I knew it was getting bad. I had gotten in touch with my more tribal ancestors, yet I hadn’t expected to commune with the first of my kind. Even in the refreshing gray of the early morning, the sun not quite breaking the horizon, when I felt most alive and alert, I still couldn’t quite shake the disappointment out of my head that she hadn’t been there.

A splash caught my attention, sent from somewhere across the water. It was still too dark to see the far side easily, though the opposite end of the valley was only a few hundred meters away. To my eyes it was a taupe blur of earth, stone and pine needles. I waited for a moment, holding my breath. It had been faint, as if a large rock had been dropped in the water in the middle of the lake.

At last, I heard a second splash, though this one much quieter, followed by another. The sound repeated, settling into a steady rhythm of moving water. Squinting, I could see a dark mass in the water, floating across it towards my end of the lake. It was a swimmer.

Realizing it would take some time for the visitor to arrive, I dug some of the coals out from where I had banked them the night before, tossing a bundle of tinder on to restart the fire. It was positively frigid. Once the fire was strong enough to begin to warm the area, I perched myself on a nearby rock, flat and low, a natural chair, stretching out my legs and watching the mysterious swimmer. The sudden bite of a gust of wind caused me to shiver, shaking in the jacket I had thrown on when stepping out of my tent. The hair on my legs, exposed save for my boxers, stood on end.

My mild annoyance at having my self-imposed isolation disturbed was quickly shattered when the swimmer finally made landfall. It was a woman, perhaps my own age, blonde hair plastered to her neck and back, thin frame heaving as she trudged up the shore, entirely naked. I was unsure whether to avert my gaze or call out and make my presence known immediately, not wanting to appear like the pervert I secretly was. I just stared.

Finally, once she had regained her breath and took a look around, she noticed my campsite, glancing around it and then towards the fire and at last myself, our eyes locking. Her’s were ice blue, peering carefully into me, cautious though not unfriendly. They seemed unsurprised and even more shockingly unashamed, as if this was exactly where she intended to find herself and was simply assessing the situation before making the next step.

“Good morning,” I blurted out, at last, raising a hand. “Do you need something to wear?”

She didn’t answer at first, wrapping her arms around her stomach as she shuffled towards the fire. I got a good look at her.

Perfectly tanned, clearly familiar with not wearing clothing outdoors, with large breasts whose nipples stood erect in the frigid cold. She spun slowly in front of the flames, as if she were a rotisserie chicken, intending to heat every inch of her as quickly as possible.

She had an athletic build, with a firm though not unkind face. There was a regal air about her, as if she were a direct descendent of Joan of Arc, a wild aura paired with an almost inhuman determination and focus. It was mildly intimidating, though equally attractive. She was a natural leader, intimately knowledgeable about the spirits of her followers, and I felt as if each glance toward me peeled another layer from my soul, searching deeper and deeper for some answer to a question that she hadn’t even needed to ask.

I was mesmerized, wondering for a moment if this wasn’t some mermaid princess, stepping ashore for the first time. I couldn’t help but follow her firm ass with my eyes, wishing she would stop so I could watch the shadows from the fire dance across it uninterrupted. Not even Plato would leave such a cave.

“Do you have a blanket I could borrow?” She asked at last, proving she at least spoke English, smiling weakly. It seemed unnatural for her to make such a face, to put on the puppy dog eyes. I needed no such encouragement, jumping up and striding over to my backpack as if commanded to do so, digging around in it until I found what I needed.

“Here,” I offered, once I had returned, holding out a hoodie. “Blankets are too bulky to pack in, so this is the best I’ve got.”

She seemed appreciative regardless, slipping it on. It was definitely too large, though fortunately not too long, leaving her perfect ass still exposed. I silently thanked myself for bringing such a fortuitous clothing item.

“Usually I swim back,” she continued, resuming her slow spin, hands now clasped together in the hoodies front pocket. “But I wasn’t expecting someone to be here and figured I would investigate.”

“Apologies for interrupting your routine,” I responded. “And for catching you… like this.”

She laughed, a soft patter of warm tones that brought a smile to my own face.

“I come up here to be this way. I don’t mind who sees. Anyone that makes it this far has earned it, don’t you think?”

I felt awkward nodding my approval, as if I were agreeing that I was entitled to see her naked. Though quickly she was ass side towards the fire again, continuing her revolutions, and all thoughts had left my brain. The primal piece of my psyche was back, urging me to pursue, to conquer.

“Would you like to walk back with me to my camp?” She asked. “It’s just the other side of the lake here, about a mile the long way.”

“I would be delighted,” I answered. “I need to get in my own exercise for the day.”

We learned bits and pieces about one another as we made the short journey. She was named Amelia, a year younger than me, taking an extended break from her own studies to explore the wilderness, on a path in life similar to my own. She had been up in the mountains all summer, leaving only to pick up more supplies and download e-books, her primary form of entertainment. It was the only time she wore clothes. She enjoyed the freedom, the peace and quiet. She felt alone and surrounded by the world all at once. We walked mostly in silence, enjoying the quiet sounds of the mountaintop waking up.

The first clue I had that not everything was as it seemed was the size of her tent, larger than even my own. It could easily fit two, perhaps even three people.

“Carmen, did you forget to start the fire up again?”

A muffled murmur escaped from inside the tent in response, a girl’s voice, heavy with the grog of sleep. Amelia marched up to the tent, unzipping it unceremoniously and taking hold of the foot of a sleeping bag, dragged whom I assumed was Carmen out, still cocooned within.

“You lazy, no good excuse for a little sister,” Carmen chided, though lightly, enjoying bullying the smaller girl.

“I wasn’t aware I was excused,” Carmen answered, now fully awake and defiant, poking her head out of the bag. “You’re the one who wants it going so early, Ame, so-.”

She paused upon noticing me, allowing the bag to fall down past her shoulders to her waist, exposing the most beautiful pair of breasts I had ever seen, smaller than her sisters though larger for her more diminutive frame. Her green eyes stared up at me, suspicious, though like her sister she made no effort to hide her nakedness.


“Hello,” I answered back.

There was an awkward pause.

“Come grab a seat,” Ame called out, patting a log that lay at the foot of the fire pit. It was split in half and sanded down into a flat board, save for some knots here and there, perfect for bare asses.

I strolled over, coming to rest right where she had patted, attempting not to ogle as she removed the hoodie I had lent her. The sky had turned blood red as the sun was cresting the horizon. It was beginning to warm.

Ame went about making the fire as her sister, begrudgingly, emerged from her sleeping bag, stretching, touching her toes, pulling her mess of blonde hair back into a ponytail. She strode down towards the edge of the water, dipping her toes briefly in the cool water, scooping some into her hands and dashing it across her face. Clearly her morning routine did not involve a half mile swim.

It was easy to tell they were sisters, though their demeanors were far from identical. Carmen carried a similar royal attitude to her older sister, though not in the same self-confident manner. She was the one to be doted on, the object of court attention, the next in line to be worshipped after only God.

Her icy eyes, the color of green sea glass, pierced and prodded, as accusatory as they were enticing. A master of intrigue and interrogation. She seemed accustomed to a train of hanger-ons, shaping the world around her to whatever she deemed fit and was perpetually annoyed at having to do anything herself.

Finally, with the fire now reignited, roaring merrily as it beat back what little of the morning chill remained, Carmen rejoined the camp. She wandered around for a minute still, and I couldn’t help but follow her with my eyes. She seemed to know I was watching, but didn’t mind, enjoying ignoring me longer. I was old news to her.

Having bored herself inspecting the area, she ambled over to me, pausing for a moment before turning and landing with a plop right in my lap, digging her ass into my thighs as she nestled in, wrapping one arm around my neck.

“Excuse me,” I blabbered, half shocked and half aroused by the goddess who had invaded my personal space.

“What’s the problem?” She asked, leaning back so we could see eye to eye, only a few inches apart, shining emeralds quizzical, as if this were normal. “Did Ame not tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

I glanced over at Amelia, who had settled in next to me on the makeshift bench.

“She always does this,” Carmen pouted. “And I’m the one that ends up having to do all the work.”

“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it,” Ame responded, reaching over to rest a hand on my thigh, fingers sliding loosely along it up to my boxers, and then ever so slightly under.

“What’s going on?” I asked. I could feel my cock beginning to grow, pressing against the ass of the girl in my lap despite my confusion.

“Just relax,” Ame cooed, fingers still sliding softly along my skin, tracing long arcs and slow swirls. “We’re all alone up here. No one will see.”

Carmen slipped out from my lap, carefully falling to the ground in front of me, exposing the cock that was now pressing against my boxer shorts, begging to be taken out. She planted a kiss on it, allowing a sigh to escape her lips as she did so.

“What do you say?” Ame whispered in my ear, fingers creeping up to rest on the outline of my cock, lazily stroking it through the fabric.

All I could muster was a nod. That was all they needed.

Ame tugged the elastic around my waist, pulling the shorts down, exposing the member entirely. She grasped it firmly, pointing it towards her sister.

“Does my slut of a sister deserve this?” She asked, a hint of harshness in her tone.

I was thrown off by the change, unsure what was happening. The younger girl nodded, eyes wide, staring at the cock hungrily. Moments ago she had seemed aloof, almost cold. Yet now…

Carmen pressed her lips to the head of the penis, closing her eyes as she did so, allowing the tip to ever so slightly break her lips. I shuddered from the sensation, waves of pleasure washing though my stomach. I had to resist the urge to grab a handful of her hair and press her further down on it, my animalistic urges left boiling just below the surface.

Fortunately, Ame had no such reservations, grasping Carmen by the ponytail and pushing her down until my cock was fully engorged in her mouth and throat, holding the younger girl there. I could see Carmen’s eyes watering at the sudden intrusion, the warmth of her tongue flexing against my shaft, feeling out the foreign object. But she did as she was commanded, remaining knelt before me, lips tightly wrapped.

“That’s so fucking hot,” Amelia moaned, stroking Carmen’s cheek with her free hand. “You like being used as a cocksleave?”

Carmen could only nod, and even then just barely.

“Now I want to watch you suck it,” Ame ordered, releasing Carmen at last. “Nice and slow.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/qvugej/a_surprise_encounter_with_sisters_mff


  1. My new-found worshipper complied, pulling away for a gasp of air before starting her new assignment.

    I had never felt such ecstasy, watching the beautiful face press itself against my cock, planting kisses along its length. She took it in her hand, stroking softly, building more and more steam with each thrust. Then it was back in her mouth, and it was as if her whole body were part of the act, gyrating closer and closer, pressing herself into me.

    I reached out to grasp her hair, wrapping soft strands of it around my fingers, matching the rhythm she had already established. She looked up at me, locking eyes. They were as piercing as ever, though masking a vague anger, as if she were dissatisfied with me, or perhaps with her sister. I was surprised, though it seemed to have no impact on her actions. Through my haze of arousal I attempted to make sense of it.

    We continued staring at one another as she bobbed up and down obediently, my breath quickening. No, I realized. She didn’t hate us. She hated herself for enjoying this so much.

    I closed my eyes in ecstasy, close to the edge. But, just as I was about to reach climax, Carmen paused, slowly sliding the cock out of her mouth, letting it rest against her nose and lips, her eyes closed.

    I felt warm skin on my side, and I turned to see Amelia face to face with me, biting her lip, having slid closer, removing the few remaining inches between us. Her hands were occupied, one between her legs, and the other grasping a breast, tugging at it as she pleasured herself. I leaned in for a kiss.

    “Not yet,” she breathed. “Oh fuck, I’m so hot. I want to watch you fuck.” Now looking down at her sister. “Carmen, I’m so close. Get up here. Ah, damn.”

    She did seem close, hand moving in quick circles on her pussy, her side hot with lust, sliding against my own.

    Carmen stood and crawled on top of me, wrapping her legs around my waist. She was face to face with me, and I saw the desire in her eyes as well, eyelids fluttering half-shut as I slid inside of her, joining us together.

    We rocked back and forth as one, resuming to the pace she had set when I had been in her mouth. She was breathing heavily, bouncing on my lap, breasts heaving against my chest, a lithe creature consumed by this act, arms flung around my neck as if we were familiar lovers. I felt her beginning to tighten as we continued further, my head now on her shoulder, embracing her small body in a bear hug.

    “Oh Ame…” she cried. “I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum for you. Do you want to watch your sister?”

    “Mhm,” Amelia murmured, now practically in my ear. “Do it for me. Cum for me.”

    I pulled my head back just far enough to see them both, foreheads pressed together and eyes closed, lips inches apart. They were bound to one another, both reaching the peak of their excitement simultaneously, determined to do so together.

    It was too much for me to handle, thrusting one final time, taking hold of Carmen’s hips and holding her in place, filling her with my cum. Her thighs pressed against my sides, arching her back, a long, drawn out half-scream half-sigh announcing her own arrival, too overcome by wave after wave of emotion to do anything except sit impaled on my cock. I glanced once again at the two faces, pressed even closer together now, noses side to side, open mouths exhaling in unison.

    Amelia’s hand had stopped, and her blonde eyebrows were scrunched together. She made no sound, but it was clear she too was in the throws of an orgasm.

    We sat like that for several minutes, collectively catching our breath, listening to the calming crackles of the campfire. It was a wonderful morning.

    At last, Carmen slid off of me, freeing my drenched cock, though to my surprise she did not pull fully away, instead turning sideways to remain in my lap, burying her face in my neck. She planted a kiss and nuzzled me appreciatively, far more affectionate than I had expected from the girl who had seemed so pompous earlier. I wrapped an arm around her waist, supporting her.

    “A good way to start the day,” Amelia murmured, stroking the back of my head.

    “Definitely,” Carmen agreed, voice muffled.

    I said nothing, my silence answer enough.

    It was a long while before anyone said anything else, no one wanting to ruin what remained of the sunrise. Finally, Amelia shattered the moment, standing and reaching her arms to the sky in a grand stretch, as if to grasp the sun itself and pull it down.

    “Who wants breakfast?

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