Nesserah – Part 4, Slave to Betrayed. [Futa on Futa] [Futa on Female] [Orc] [Big Dick] [Cock Worship] [Blowjob] [Deep Throating] [Face Fucking] [Excessive Cum Eating] [Degradation] [Humiliation]

Sienna’s mouth was wrapped around one of Chief Dorakov’s hefty balls. Each of them were the size of a large apple. She struggled to wrap her lips around them as she suckled on the sweet musky sweat that clang to them. They were smooth and slick from Sienna’s constant ball sucking over the past half an hour. Dorakov’s large green Orc balls churned with fluid, Sienna could feel the virile batter move with in through the touch of her lips and tongue. “Hmmmmwaah.” She moaned slightly as she continued to bury her face in her mistress’ balls.

To Sienna’s left Marinette polished the Orc’s alpha shaft with her lips. Sliding her tongue up and down the considerable fifteen inch length. She smeared it against her face, taking in it’s musk and scent.

The two sluts were kneeling on the cold stone floor before the Orc chieftan’s makeshift throne. Dorakov the futanari Orc sat on the throne, legs spread to allow easy access to her groin. She wore a crop top made of hides and her loin-cloth skirt had been pushed to one side to allow her length to protrude proudly. Her Amazonian frame was no less intimidating and carnal. All Orcs were muscular but she was a tier above, she had the curves of any female Orc, and equal if not more muscle mass then any male Orc, not to mention she was easily a half a foot taller then all the Orcs in her tribe. She filled the chair she sat in with her muscular body. In one hand she held two chain leashes that connected to two golden collars wrapped around Marinette’s and Sienna’s neck. Besides that the two slaves wore nothing but a few ornamental arm bands as well as wrist and ankle cuffs. Marinette’s ginger hair and Sienna’s brunette locks were pulled into identical ponytails that not only got their hair out of the way but made grabbing it easier. The only major distinctions between the two was the slight bump that had been forming in Marinette’s stomach and the metal chastity cage fastened around Sienna’s dick. As Sienna kneeled on the stone floor before Dorakov, nuzzling her face into the Orc’s balls and below her shaft, her cock strained against her cage. Despite Sienna’s better mind knowing it was wrong, her humiliation and submission before this superior specimen excited her, knowing it was wrong made it that much better.

Dorakov slowly wrapped the chain leash in her hand keeping it taut. She ever so slightly pulled upward so that the collars around her slaves gave them a gentle reminder of where they were, who they were, and what their place was.

Dorakov’s throne was at the far end of a large eating hall located inside the ruined keep. Surrounding Dorakov’s throne was a menagerie of trophies taken from fallen foes. Counted among the treasures was Lord Lucas’ old plate armor that hung off a pike. His once rotted head, now skull was secured at the top. Even Sienna’s old longsword was stashed in a pile of weapons. A large rectangular fire pit stretched across the full length of the room, it was flanked by two long wooden tables. Furs and other primal trinkets decorated the interior. It was early evening so there was no cause for heavy activity in the Orc fortress. A half dozen other Orcs populated this hall. A male and female Orc wearing armor and brandishing weapons guarded the large double doors. The other four were in the midst of blowganging a poor Elf boy. Like most Elven males he was short, slender, and sissy-like. His pale body, feminine hips, and flat chest made him a ripe target for Orc domination. His hair was long and raven colored, with blunt bangs. Small pointed ears poked out of the sides of his head. If it wasn’t for his ears and three inch erect penis you probably would have mistaken him for a young human girl. He looked young, between 18 and 20, but for being an Elf he could be any age as they appeared youthful for most of their lives. He wore nothing but a tight metal color connected to chain and a pair of white thigh highs. As he knelt between the four large Orcs he sucked and jerked their foot long cocks. This Elf boy had been a slave before Sienna and Marinette, although they had no idea for how long. He had obviously gotten quite comfortable to his position, feverishly pleasuring the Orc’s cocks with measurable skill. The Elf himself seemed turned on as he sucked down the surrounding fuck sticks. His tiny Elf penis was rock hard dripping a puddle of pre onto the stone floor below. It was so small and pathetic compared the large tools the Orcs swung around.

Sienna didn’t interact with the Elf that much as she rarely was allowed to leave Dorakov’s side, but she was always slightly jealous that the Elf was allowed to get hard. It had been so long since she got hard, weeks. Dorakov had let Sienna out of her cage twice now, once a month. During then Sienna was not even allowed to touch her own member. Instead Dorakov would fuck her in the ass, pounding Sienna’s prostate until both of them came. It was how Dorakov rewarded good behavior. Besides those rare moments Sienna’s own pleasure was all but ignored. She was something to please others.

“Gadoosh!” The double doors opened and a tall male Orc wearing furs entered “Chief Dorakov, the Human delegation has arrived!” he called out.

Dorakov sat up in the throne slightly and gave a gentle sideways tug on the chain which signaled the girls to stop their worship “What?! And what do they want?” Dorakov’s voice bounded through the hall, a mix of surprise and subtle annoyance. With her sudden booming voice the four Orcs getting serviced by the Elf suddenly broke apart. One of them grabbed the chain leash connected to the Elf’s collar and pulled him to the side of the room.

The Orc messenger stepped forward and around the long fire pit “Their leader did not give specifics, only that she wishes to speak… business. Her name is Harper Alberon.”

Sienna during this exchange sat patiently on her hips, waiting for her mistress’ next command. She very rarely paid attention to the conversations Orcs had unless it involved her servicing them or them fucking her. However the mention of that name instantly caught her attention. “Harper Alberon…” She thought to herself “My gods, Queen Harper Alberon? that’s…. that’s one of King Briar’s futanari wives!” Her eyes widened at what that could possibly mean. It was as if the mention of a name from her past had pulled her out of an Orc stupor. For the past three months she had been referred to as things such as “Anal Slut.” “Cage Whore.” “Human Bitch” and a menagerie of other degrading names that it sometimes became hard to remember her actual name, let alone who she was before this. It was only in the rare moments where Sienna and Marinette were alone that they used their real names. However even that began to feel strange.

Dorakov shook her head “Guh!! Bring them in!” she commanded to the messenger.

Sienna’s mind began to race on why Harper was here. She was one of the Kingdom’s most powerful people. Futa wife to King Briar Gegary himself, and said to be his favorite. So why was she here? Leading a delegation to an Orc tribe of all things. Surely the King had other people to do this kind of thing? And why come at all? What if she was here for them? Sienna and Marinette? Perhaps this was some kind of prisoner exchange?

The messenger exited through the door. “Oolag!” Dorakov called out to one of the four Orcs in the hall “Bring another dozen warriors to the hall, I want our guests to feel nice and safe.” she said as a smirk formed on her lips.

The Orc that had been pulling the Elf boy’s leash nodded in agreement before leaving the hall.

As a small bustle of activity sounded through the hall, Dorakov shifted back comfortably in her seat. Meanwhile Sienna glanced at Marinette to see if the same realization had donned on her. Either Marinette was reluctant to show it, didn’t recognize the name, or was too lost in her own submission. Marinette had taken to domination stronger then Sienna did. She was young, barely of age, and her mind was much more susceptible to psychological manipulation then Sienna’s was. To add onto this Marinette was obviously pregnant. A small bump had formed in her lower stomach. It was more then likely from when Marinette’s virginity was taken during their first time with Dorakov. Although Sienna could not know what was going through Marinette’s head, she could imagine she viewed spending the rest of her life here, serving Dorakov and being bred by Orcs.

After a few minutes of Sienna and Marinette patently and quietly sitting on the floor beneath Dorakov, Orc warriors began to file into the room, taking positions around the periphery. Distant rhythmic footsteps and the clunking of armor could be heard from around the corner. Dorakov pulled the leash upward, signaling the girls to continue their worship of her cock. Sienna instantly pushed her face into the crevasse where Dorakov’s balls met with the underside of her shaft, licking and mouthing at the tight penis flesh. Marinette wrapped her lips around Dorakov’s right ball, moaning in delight. Both of them made sure to only use their mouths as they worshipped, keeping on their hands and knees.

The source of the marching and metal clanging revealed its self. A small band of Human knights, all wearing plate armor. There were seven of them in total. Four of them appeared to be male with broad frames, while the other three including the one leading the group was futanari, with their customary armor that accentuated their curves. While all of them wore their helmets, the futanari in front did not. She was a stunning and tall futa, about six foot four. Her skin was a light brownish-red. Long dark wavy hair poured off of her head and onto her armored shoulders. Her face was angular, she had a large straight nose and piercing yellow eyes. Diamond shaped golden earrings dangled off of her ears and an ornate golden choker wrapped securely around her neck. She walked with confidence and a smile into the room, her company right behind her. She stopped fifteen feet in front of Dorakov’s throne, eyeing her down.

One of the male knights walked up beside her. He unfurled a scroll and began to read from it “Queen Harper Alberon, royal consort of King Briar Alberon, duchess of Yolda-”

The man was interrupted by Dorakov “Cut the shit! I know who you are, you’re the king’s futa whore!” she said with a knowing smile. A round of laughter sounded amongst the Orcs in the room “So just tell me, what does HE want.”

Harper stepped forward now only ten feet in front of Dorakov. Sienna and Marinette were still deeply worshipping Dorakov’s package. As the laugher died out the only sound that could be heard was the slurping against the Orc’s spit coated shaft and balls. Dorakov still had a sly smile on her face, she nudged the chain leashes upward, a signal of encouragement and a sign for the girls to worship her cock and balls more fervently. Sienna and Marinette responded, quickening the pace. Although Sienna was physically occupied licking up Dorakov’s shaft, her mind was caught thinking about what was happening in the room. She wished to look but she dare not remove her face from Dorakov’s groin.

Harper placed one hand onto her armored hip, still smiling herself “Chief Dorakov, I cherish you’re ready to hear about your next task?” her voice was refined and regal, but she said it with an ere of content.

Dorakov let out a chuckle “Task? And who do you think you are? Coming here, giving me a task? Do you know who you speak to? You may be used to getting respect in your lands bitch but here you are just some Human male’s slut. Think again when you say ‘task’ because I could certainly give you a few task.” she said eyeing the futa knight down as she slightly tugged on the leashes causing Sienna and Marinette to gasp. Another chorus of chuckles emanated from the dozen and a half Orcs in the chamber.

One of the male knights stepped forward hand on his hilt. A few Orcs instantly brandished their weapons and snarled. Harper put out her arm and stopped her knight from advancing. The knight calmed down and the rest of the Orcs slowly put down their weapons. Harper then turned back to Dorakov “Need I remind you of your relationship with my King?”

A bead of precum oozed out of Dorakov’s piss hole. The stimulation the two sluts were giving Dorakov’s package was beginning to get exhilarating. As the pre ran down the bottom of her shaft Marinette licked up the thick dollop. The two had been at it for almost forty minutes. Dorakov twisted the chains in her right hand and cocked her head sideways at Harper “And what might that be? I recall your King hiring me to take care of his competition because he wasn’t man enough to do it himself. He paid me, and I got to keep all the spoils.” she gave a light smack to Sienna’s rump with her boot.

As Dorakov’s cold boot smacked her naked ass, her caged cocked tightened. She squeezed her thighs together in an involuntary act of submission. She continued to lick up and down the shaft uninterrupted as her balls ached. Despite this she still focused on the words being exchanged “Hired her to take care of his competition? … Got to keep all the spoils?” Sienna contemplated Dorakov’s words “What is mistress implying? Did King Briar hire her to attack Lord Lucas’ camp?”

Harper moved her weight over to her other leg and hip “The city of Pyron and the surrounding lands, including this forest, are now apart of the Kingdom of Gegary. The previous Duke of Pyron may have tolerated your existence here but King Briar thinks differently. You are being allowed occupy this keep with the expressed condition that you continue doing business with the Alberon family.”

Dorakov tugged both of the leashes sideways, angrily pulling the girls off of her cock and throwing the leash handles. The chieftain stood up, full seven and a half feet tall. She walked forward directly at Harper, cock still hard and oozing precum. She didn’t say anything but a silent fury was on her face. Dorakov stopped right in front of Harper, looking down upon her. Her cock twitched in mid hair, almost touching Harper’s breastplate. Dorakov raised her left hand and snapped. Sienna and Marinette knew many signals Dorakov had trained them, the different leash tugs being one of them, a snap on the other hand was a signal to follow. Recovering from their leashes being violently tugged, the two girls got up on all fours and began to crawl to their mistress. Their discarded leashes dragged across the floors showing that Dorakov did not need a leash to command her slaves. Sienna and Marinette crawled to either side of Dorakov and wrapped their hands around each of her thighs. With one quick motion Dorakov grabbed Harper’s chin and pulled her face inches from hers. Again the various knights reached for their weapons, some even unsheathing them slightly before Harper extended a hand behind her, signaling the knights to yield. Dorakov stared into Harper’s yellow eyes “You speak boldly for a male’s whore.” Dorakov’s voice was smooth and intimidating. She squeezed Harper’s chin and cheeks “You’d be better served here, learning your pla-” Dorakov interrupted herself and her expression turned into a scowl.

Harper had pulled a small dagger and pressed it up against Dorakov’s erect shaft “The King does not take kindly to others touching his wives.” Her face was smug and content. The other Orcs in the room watched hesitantly as Dorakov slowly loosed her grip on Harper’s chin until finally retreating her hand “I am not here to threaten you.” Harper said knife still pushed up against Dorakov’s package “I am here to offer your tribe a business deal. Please, let us continue this like civilized folk.” She gave Dorakov a curtsy polite smile.

Dorakov turned and began to laugh as she walked back to her throne. It felt as if everyone let out a collective sigh of relief. She made an idle snap and the two girls followed her back. She slumped back into her throne and stared menacingly back at Harper with a smile “The little futa has balls. So what business do you have to offer?”

Harper secured the dagger back into the obscured sheath she pulled it from “Instead of a lump sum, a generous stipend will be delivered to your tribe every month. You will kill or capture the targets King Briar commands, and you may do with the rest you encounter as you please.” she said idly looking at Marinette and Sienna “Simply put, everyone benefits.”

Dorakov reached down and grabbed the ends of each of the leashes once more. She pulled the chain through one of her hands as she spoke “And what if I decline this offer?”

“You would be a fool to do so. Generous rewards await, as well as your own spoils. Declination would label you as a threat to the Kingdom of Gegary, and the Alberon family would not be able to guarantee your protection.” said Harper.

Dorakov paused for a good ten seconds in quite contimplation and then leaned forward in her throne “So, more gold and more whores. When do we begin?” A sound of applause and cheers rounded through the room from the Orcs. Although most of them more then likely did not fully grasp what had just transpired, the promise of “more whores” seemed to rile them up.

The cheers continued and Harper smiled, this time genuinely. Her eyes wandered to Sienna and Marinette, idly sitting on the floor either side of Dorakov. She locked eyes Sienna, giving her a knowing and intensive stare. Sienna’s face was a mix of confusion and despair. Not only was Harper not here for them, she was part of the reason why Sienna was here in the first place, she was the reason Sienna had become nothing but a slave to a Orc cock. Seeing the proud, tall, armored futa warrior stand in the hall reminded her of who she once was. Then, feelings of malcontent filled her head. The King and his bitch doomed not only her, but all her other fellow wives, Lord Lucas, and not to mention Marinette. Marinette was Sienna’s responsibility and she failed to protect her. King Briar and Harper had ruined that. Rage began to build in her body, her fists clenched against he cold stone ground. She stared back up angrily at Harper who was still locked onto her with a devious smile. Sienna’s concentration was interrupted as her leash was yanked upward, signaling her to service Dorakov. She begrudgingly obeyed, pushed her face back into Dorakov’s musky balls. As she licked and sucked her brooding did not stop, tears began to form in her eyes. So humiliated, so degraded. The despair only worsened as she realized she was alone down there. Her sniffles were deafened by the cheering of the boisterous Orcs and Marinette’s undivided attention was on Dorakov’s shaft.

The cheers mellowed out. The knights seemed uncomfortable but slightly relieved at this outcome. Harper looked back up at Dorakov “You may start now. A group of Elven rangers have made camp inside this forest on the Western banks of the river. The Elves have seemingly forgotten what lands are theirs, remind them. Do what you want with them, but leave some alive to send back to their city.” Harper turned to the knights and motioned for one of the futa to come to her. She held a small wooden box and handed it to Harper. Harper then walked up to Dorakov’s throne and placed it against the floor “Consider this your first payment.” She said as she tilted the box open revealing gold, gems, and other treasure stashed inside.

Still un phased by Sienna and Marinette’s pleasuring, Dorakov bent over and hooked a golden necklace with one finger “This will do, consider the Elf sluts taken care of.”

Harper stepped away “Good. I hope this turns into a long and… fruitful relationship.” she said pleasingly.

Dorakov grasped the necklace “I as well.” Harper then turned and walked back to her knights. Dorakov dropped the necklace back into the box and shouted to the Orcs in the room “Warriors, prepare yourselves, tonight we raid!” Another boisterous serious of cheers and yells sounded through the hall. Harper accompanied by her knights marched out of the room, Orcs jumped into action, grabbing and sharpening weapons. With one boot Dorakov slid the box to the right “Sluts, you have worked hard, time for your meal”

The Orc stood up, her imposing fifteen inch cock still throbbing. The two girls instantly moved to a kneeling position in front of Dorakov’s bitch breaker. Both of them now caressed their hands across Dorakov’s thighs, balls, and shaft. Up and down they massaged the supple flesh. Dorakov yanked the leashes straight upward above both Marinette’s and Sienna’s head, causing their heads to come together. Dorakov spit onto both of their faces “Work.”

“Yes mistress.” the two said in unison, recoiling from the spit but thirsty for what was to come. It had been since yesterday that they last drank. Sienna moved up and hungerly wrapped her lips around Dorakov’s tip, it nearly filled her entire mouth. She sucked a drop of pre cum out of the piss hole and swallowed it deeply, she then began to massage Dorakov’s glands with her mouth and tongue.

Marinette stared greedily up at Sienna and then went in for Dorakov’s balls. For the past forty five minutes the two had been massaging the Orc’s balls, and Marinette could feel they were packed with churning hot cum. “Mmmmrrmm Slurp!” Marinette pulled of the ball and wrapped both her hands around the shaft and began to pump it.

Sienna deepened herself on Dorakov’s pole, pushing it to the front of her throat before pulling off of it. She gasped for air and streams of spittle and pre connected her lips to the tip. Instantly Marinette took her right arm and placed it behind Sienna’s head and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Desperate for the pre Sienna had collected Marinette probed her mouth with her tongue. With her left hand Marinette still jerked Dorakov’s considerable length while the two girls’ lips were locked together. Their tongue’s battled against each other, licking up what they had collected so far.

As their lips departed Dorakov placed a hand on the back of Marinette’s head and led her to her pole. Marinette hungrily stuck the tip in her mouth and began to greedily suck. Sienna in turn wrapped her lips around the side of the shaft and stroked it up and down with her tongue. After several seconds the two of them came up in unison and again went into a deep kiss around Dorakov’s tip. As their tongue’s explored each other’s mouths they also massaged Dorakov’s glands. A sudden surge of pre poured out of the tip and the two girls lapped it up nicely.

Sienna wrapped her lips around the tip once more and pushed it into her throat. She got down about five inches and heard a grunt from Dorakov. She then began rhythmic thrusts with her throat back and fourth, as if she was trying to nurse the cum out of the cock. She cupped the Orc’s sagging balls and massaged them. Marinette placed her head next to Sienna’s, cheek to cheek. With both hands she pumped Dorakov’s cock, jerking it off into Sienna’s throat. Sienna was barely one third of the way down Dorakov’s length when she tried to pull back up. However Dorakov’s hand wrapped around Sienna’s brunette pony tail and prevented her escape.

“You have to do better then that.” Dorakov said in a dismissive patronizing voice. She then began to push Sienna’s throat down her immeasurable girth and length. Sienna could feel the cock push against her throat walls and she began to gag. Spittle erupted from between her lips and the cock as she desperately tried to breath. Dorakov was relentless however and deepthroated Sienna a full ten inches. All Sienna could do was place her hands weakly against the Orc bull’s thighs. Meanwhile Marinette edged Dorakov on by licking at the underside of where her shaft connected to her balls. Dorakov held Sienna there for a long minute, gyrating her throat back and fourth. Finally she released her and Sienna slid her throat back. She reeled back, catching herself with her hand behind herself.

She quickly recovered and positioned herself right below the looming cock. Marinette joined Sienna, cheek to cheek once again. Dorakov grabbed the base of her shaft and began to slap her cock meat against Sienna and Marinette’s lips. The two relished in this degradation and pushed and massaged their own breasts. While both of their faces were smeared in spittle and pre, Sienna’s lower chin had a considerable amount of spit dripping off of it because of the deep throat.

Dorakov began slamming her heavy cock onto Marinette’s face, caking her eyes in a thick layer of spit and pre. Next Dorakov grabbed Marinette’s pony tail and pulled it down so her face looked up. Marinette opened her mouth instinctively and Dorakov spit into it. With sufficient lube Dorakov lifted Marinette by the pony tail slightly and down onto her shaft. Marinette went down more then she had before, instantly sliding the pole into her throat “GACK! GACK! GACK!” The girl’s throat made slurping gagging noises as she deep throated herself. Sienna placed both of her hands on either side of Marinette’s cheeks, guiding her down the length. Her eyes darted from the cock back up to Dorakov’s eyes, staring submissively up at her.

When Marinette eventually started to come back up for air, Sienna placed a hand behind her head and another one to hold open her jaw. She resisted and pushed Marinette deeper, eyes locked with Dorakov’s.

Dorakov sneered “You slut, deepthroating your fellow slave.” Sienna didn’t say a word as she held Marinette in place. A glob of spit impacted against her eyes from above. Sienna continued to jerk off Dorakov’s cock with Marinette’s throat, eventually pushing Marinette to the base of her shaft before quickly pulling her off. She still held the back of Marinette’s head and held her jaw open as she gasped for air. The two of them stared up at Dorakov.

Dorakov roughly grabbed Sienna’s ponytail and turned her head side ways “You bitch, I think I’ll teach you a lesson in deep throating.” Dorakov then pulled Sienna by the pony tail across the stone floor to the throne. She placed Sienna’s head right at the edge of the seat, the Orc cock swinging above her. With her right hand she snapped causing the still gasping Marinette to scramble onto all fours and crawl over. “Ass. Now.” Marinette did as she was told. She knelt behind Dorakov and pulled her muscular ass cheeks apart to reveal Dorakov’s tight asshole. She instantly went to work and buried her face in-between her cheeks, licking intensely at the Orc hole. “Open.” Dorakov commanded to Sienna below her. Sienna obeyed opening her mouth to whatever abuse she was about to receive, the alternative punishment for refusing was undoubtedly much worse. Dorakov pushed her member into Sienna’s mouth, filling it. It did not stop there and she instantly began to slide down her throat. Sienna desperately placed her hands against Dorakov’s inner thights but to no avail. Dorakov slid in six inches and then slid out three, and then pushed in further. She continued this, sliding in, then out. But she always slid more in then she did out. Sienna began to predictably gag against the thick rod being forced into her mouth. Dorakov’s hips bucked and Sienna could hear the subtle grunts she was all too familiar with, she was close.

Sienna answered with her own head bobs, sliding in and out with her throat. Sienna’s caged cock that had remained relatively calm before this was straining against it’s confines. It twitched and pulsated, desperate to get free. A dribble of precum oozed out of the hole Sienna used to pee out of. Dorakov was rutting into Sienna’s mouth and throat, practically trying to breed it. Meanwhile Marinette had slipped a naughty tongue into Dorakov’s ass, with one hand she spread the Orc futa’s cheeks, and with the other one she cupped Dorakov’s balls in anticipation. Dorakov brought her bitch breaker to hilt, forcing her entire shaft down Sienna’s throat. Sienna’s nose was pressed up against the Orc’s pubes. She was forced to take in a deep sniff as she was desperate for air. Dorakov then grabbed Sienna’s head with both of her hands and held it in place. She began quick and short thrusts into Sienna’s throat. Only pulling her cock out two or three inches at a time before ramming it to hilt once more. Sienna could feel herself begin to slowly loose consciousness. However she secretly loved it. The mix of being utterly used, as well as her useless caged cock being neglected made her euphoric. She reached a hand and joined Marinette to cup Dorakov’s balls. She massaged them, feeling the virile cum within, ready for her meal.

Dorakov let out a few more short grunts before thrusting forwards once more. This time she held. Sienna and Marinette could feel the cum filled balls pulse. Then Sienna could feel it in her throat. The entirety of Dorakov’s shaft pulsated and twitched. It expanded in her throat as a river of cum flooded into her throat. She could feel it stream down her esophagus, collecting into her stomach. The thick baby batter clung and dripped down her throat walls. As a healthy load was deposited, Dorakov pulled her long member out of Sienna’s mouth and stood up. A stream of cum still poured out of her shaft onto Sienna’s tits. As this happened Sienna’s small caged cock came, oozing out it’s own cream, much more pathetic in both viscosity and volume when compared to Dorakov’s. Dorakov grabbed a small bowl near her throne and let the last streams of cum pour into it. After getting most of it, Dorakov dropped the bowl on the ground. Instantly Marinette crawled to it on all hands and knees and began to desperately lap up the thick Orc cum. Sienna swallowed down the globs left in her throat. What they had just received should be enough for a day at most, and then they’ll have to do it all over again. Dorakov then took the two leashes and locked them to a metal horseshoe bar connected to the throne. She then grabbed a small rag, cleaned herself off, then threw it at Sienna. It landed on her cum bloated belly. Sienna absent mindedly picked it up and began to wipe herself off as well, then she began to lick the cum off the rag. Marinette crawled up next to her with an empty bowl, Dorakov hadn’t filled it up that much apparently. Sienna ringed the cum cloth into the bowl, letting Marinette get a few more globs.

As Dorakov and the other Orcs left the hall to attack the Elves, Sienna and Marinette were slumped up against the throne. Thick warm cum filled both of their bellies and they were satisfied. They then cuddled together for warmth in the large empty stone hall.

Author’s Note: Wow this one was fun to write! This one is a lot different compared to the rest. There’s some actual plot going on now! It made a lot of call backs to Part 2, Spoils of War. Let me know if you actually like the inclusion of more narrative, or if you just want dirty fucking.
